THE STAR as its packs of goodies coming as turns through hyperspace to make man from cosmic observer to their now as illustrated in the ancient tablet. Right hand man we have that saying today still, here it is itself, as the cosmic observer very powerful.  It is handing him from the place of the nebula eye in the sky what came out of the stars that blew the binary and comet stuff chips with grid pattern on them in icy very radioactive state with the program of life and technologies we build even today from this information program in our DNA and atomic mass all around us that is the observers right hand man here mentioned. The entity has his right arm to himself for this reason at right angle here. It is a very powerful visual for any human to conquer fear and be in his power. The other is he entity carrying a pail with the cuneiform language falling into it from the cosmos to earth he paints reality with. This is all in humanity's zip files  the author calls them, in the higher brain centers, curled up un mapped in their larger brains as they are running around in their little suits pretending they don't believe any of it to their own demise at worst, at best beginning the study of it and having profound awakening to this lost history and science information retrieved by this author's work. Uranium from the creation program mined, also spins off smaller balls of plutonium seen here. Those were used in the atomic bombs they created. 
The beings cut out back indicates he's enmeshed with this quantum reality to unanchor the program for us created by the cosmic observer's stars contents and life created the planets with us on it, the human must become higher vibration him his double helix to break free from a set and to venture out and explore the cosmos or we may be drawn to Mars over and over as was the program on earth for several decades now for example what the collective held as the field of how it wielded the radiant quantum field, In order to bend  out of it to recharge our superstrings we have in BME the Starspin  that climbs up the ladder of frequency in the double helix to lift us off to disappearing and reappearing in life not NDE the whole biology many students have done. This author Marilyn Starlight may be the first scholar to look at and publish on the topic of the radiation from the stars and the red giants that explode with the icy chips of grid pattern and comets, perhaps binary stars also if close enough to a planet, interacting with planets and how the quantum field is held together in magnetism, electromagnetism, and in a higher vibration broken to reform life such as new species arriving and any changes on the planet itself and its life from by such engagement  and our own stars solar storms. 

Uranium and its by product plutonium afford war this tablet indicates is at hand and also possible chaos from cosmic changes may be contributing here as the eye is hanging in the sky usually indicating a red giant blast somewhere and a nebula forming after with great discharge of solar contents. At the time of the writing we were hurled with red giant core stuff all over the Earth surface as our own big ones were at cycle end blowing in the Milky Way with close proximity a few to Earth. 

One piece of information of shocking value is accidents occurring to people who were hostile to the star symbol of creator meaning in cuneiform or who tried to turn it to do unethical deeds, they all had accidents fell or hit a car or other reported  are the statistics consistently. The  eight pointed star is the highest symbol of he builders of civilizations meaning creator. Early Mesopotamian and Ancient Egyptian life them had writing on the walls all around them literally where in each moment all you had to do was look around you to be in truth only. No liars, only the meaning of some of the technologies was are you lower consciousness to see a fight depicted to see it as this for now only or are you trained to know it as opposing forces of polarity in science depicted? This is still prevalent today even worse with no writing on the walls to rapes and sadomasochisms and wars now and children affected. That is what the little suit running around in ignorance is vulnerable to uneducated in their own history and science. Such groups have battled this author to fail, to have no money, no home, to go away, to die even, to flourish with thousands of women and children affected adversely in the last ten years especially by their horrible conduct in the financial world and home life as if they are demi gods of understanding nothing but the inversion of this work as a way of life to get money with subliminal messaging using violent innuendo or sexuality. A messenger came, the Atlantic puffin and many more from nature showing the cosmic problem we face in our local galaxy so the pressing urgency of understanding itself better the observer and what this all is which was not answered in the pop culture The Matrix films correctly either, mas mere entertainment, what will help alleviate the problems for humanity to go forward was largely missing available now as the information of the century here in this work most agree who read it. 

For those in extreme negative wanting to destroy  the world to see it go to burn, when the star our sun runs out perhaps w ema remind them they ae after all able to superimpose their observer on another star that is alive thriving that the cosmos remains nonetheless of their bad moods for that is the power of the observer superimposition to another point and perspective whole reality and why if we build it we can leave this place if we are in danger and find another planet a new star because of our ability to do this to have new observation. Even while here the Pleiades is a teaching from long ag if were ever in trouble with our own star its right there to observe in our mechanism for continuing our lives.  Hollywood had appeared stuck there needing to change superimposition to leave old themes repeated that show no way out of the future if we have cataclysmic demise.  In 2024 they were examining the author's film TV projects for acquisitions and production which could change that perception and observation to new ground written in her films and likely to inspire other writers once the film would be released for more powerful evolution in that towns film industry.  

Much Later Tara the female buddha adornment with the Mesopotamian baobab and ship connectors earlier in the book writings we found evidence of their space ship building also. Kwan Yin and Tara have the same face in art work possibly a reincarnation or different name for her. That life I sat in a large room on a pink embroidered lotus mediation cushion.   held meditation class for other woman in the room which had a large window rounded I faced. Men would come on horse back with mail and some guards about security. Tara was meditating in the garden, we'd focus upon her reflection in a small pool. if she wore a flower it was as above so below he beginning to remember the flower in the earth deep underneath for building she's got plug ins decorating her again here and spoked wheels. Many life times they hid the ship aera she would work as in he garden. This life I had an apartment with a solarium I hung butterfly art here and grew plants and sat these books were written at this time about space ship building through the ages.  Was like lady of Elche again.

The eight pointed star wheel she wears and after all the teachings of Buddhism were to face something coming in the future.  She holds the same lotus in cuneiform language and has the star wheel beneath it is in fact symbols of Inanna from Mesopotamia again. An andromedan said there was a group of outlandish women from China during this time or perhaps a  little earlier  who were in their 80's had no menopause who wanted to stay youthful  they bathed in flower petals for 9 hours and asked he inner essence to made them renewed without age forever at an earlier time while still menstruating. These women achieved their focus and never aged again had our faces like what this author has seen in herself and students and had no menopause..

Reincarnation does this to us. I pained a piece this life myself as a woman glowing sitting in foliage with plug like flowers blooming around her looking in a pool with a red reflection as well so its mother ship again to build in times of red stars.

Soulmates they were Tara and Male first Buddha who was Dmuzi and Horus by symbolism he wore some statues had his face from Mesopotamia you'll see below as dragonish above himself. They taught to be wealthy then to renounce wealth to get greater enlightenment if it stops your progress. The final ascetic test in some sects was orange robes hair shaved as if the stars would take you out your possessions singe your hair! Or were o to build anti gravity and fly out largely lost in religions today as we found earlier in the books some had attempted in Buddhism coming full circle in the lesson of riches also now in new program like the red stars afford .How far would each student of Buddhism get that is the question still today for those following the religion. 

The dragon holds a round object that glows in his claw that is left over from space craft engineering days as Dmuzi was ferocious as getting the ship off the ground and being the action of the power surge in the ship also to lift off very tall people several tons of weight to go anti gravity in most dragons with that design.  

This is an excellent video on an ancient cave discovery.  There is an Asian goddess in one part sitting on a lotus and holds bamboo I'm not sure if it is her or another. People know me for focusing on bamboo two hours it grew several inches. This cave is more space craft building signs or technologies that went inside one.

This is called a stargate representation for space craft hyperspace science correctly not a new age Zodiac for what's your sign humans erred later with it. Has the symbols of different actions in space craft engineering is why.

This is a series of hidden encoded info about Dmuzi and Inanna's ship building regarding the thrust of the ship to lift off. Owls ae her symbol here the bird flies this is early of what became Horus headress of him reincarnated as Horus and Hathor was Inanna as we know. The expiration of breath during it is like one of Dmuzis hairs curling that represented the creation coming down to build. So the mother ship Inanna's and Dmuzis is being created here.   

The horn of plenty was this building space craft and a play on words imagery where even if you show the thrust imagery its not invertible if you are not a dullard. This is beginning of the falcon with sun emblem that was later adapted in ancient Egypt. One skirt has flowers the uranium atom symbol and the other checker board as is found in freemasonry non govt adopted by them later and the author Marilyn Starlight's teachings of blue and gold checker board continues the stairway to heaven on earth with the seven levels of science chart from hertz to gamma the ships glow up and us with it riders trained. Uranium is growing below them the tree with flowers and the ship is represented above energy waves coming off it.  The flower used was the baobab tree flower it has five petals sometimes is the king of trees tallest on the planet representing uranium atom of the gods or observers divine in royal families building the technologies in tablets.

A note it is highly dangerous to be a scholar of this work without proper study of it because those who seek to cheat through engineering rots others DNA is temporary their non meiotic of adepts or ill matched meiotic with stolen brain mass it all rots rotting us with true developed gifts is a crime really don't fly with them or do business with such. I have saved a life of a child and sometimes a mom not obese, too large for me, hanging on to my light replaced with proper stem and their hair they gave back the light that is not what these corrupt people do.  They will kill themselves trying to fly ships that do this throw off others DNA and if youre built from it you wont fly right. The work is there fore provided to read study even to the Starspin was given to raise energy in the cells so there is no excuse to assault scholars.

This is later in Ancient Egypt space ships built shown. Skull floating on left is ether represented by deceased a riddle about the space craft and adepts who got here alive where dead float in ether with training with souped up DNA their own effort not another's stolen through DNA wars I abhor its lasting borrowed rots.

This is another ship flying built with fish swimming around it as representation of ether of anti gravity like fish experience in water and stars appearing in the soup what is it the inside of the stars program that creates life  the sentient planets and technology source.

Here the  stargate for ship building technology is seen under the ship above the ziggurat. What Akhenaten appeared to leave traditional Egypt to find  and built one as well, if the symbolism was lost to him in his local time.  The power of the ancients was due to huge size also in Akhenaten's time he was smaller now still taller than us. We have have moved the ship squeezing space with the mind forming this gate also he may have wanted.

This is the squid man image there's lots that someone tired to hide huge artifacts blew my brain to do it well see if I get them back I'll post them. This is the star coming down with its stuff from the red blow like a starfish it emulates a first neuron that comes from the platform it carries inside and hits primordial soup down here in the ocean. All these art forms are this squid man. Later the light bulb technology emulated this in Hathor Dendera temple you may see this. He came down through opposing forces of red star activity. In  had very scary versions of this story from fear of not knowing when we know we have more powerful Hollywood also dozens of movies were made of this creature that were horror!  Our own observers beginnings! Yikes. 

Space craft above ziggurat. Bird symbol of Horus repeated in Mayan art.

Space ship people carrying container for the uranium tied into fuel cell that is who they depicted it far right to put into the container ahs elements of Mesopotamian cuneiform into early Egypt. Has cuneiform building anti gravity technology up close. The cells built are shown it has measure of the uranium described the cells and spokes going in represented far left bottom. They are not unlike the packets of radiation that keep the star going from within.

Sculpture found of woman with hair flowing forward like squid man. Hmmm some Squigley type email receipts were found with my book sales that the money went to another ditto all down protected surfing. 

SQUID MAN AGAIN starfish also above his head resemble the primordial soup being rom the cosmos coming to land the giant neuron man in some art forms we see here from another group.


Another tablet discovered. Looks like what Akhenaten wanted to know the mana from the gods coming from the star the inside of the red giants treasure that is holding the pattern for creation. If you recall his art form had him beneath such a star with ankhs handed to him from a little hand.  

Another squid man discovery.
THE SOURCE OF THE SQUID MAN IN HIS FINAL GLORY HE HAS HAIR US THE OBSERVER. Whoever did the art in whatever time period here it is also another observer who remembers where he came from so it is very profound work. In ancient Greece this squid creature was also painted. 



All of these nearly are in the middle of nowhere or against the mountains it is where they humans built space craft hidden from the rest of mankind. They show areas of space craft building likely where they wee erected in empty lands where they had space lab and in the mountains. 

This is Mesopotamian art form that shows the aera and space ship building configuration that Nazis took later in Germany during the time just before  WWII. It is not a German official symbol its from first civilization earth .Its his own seed walking planted on earth the tree that grew the seedlings sprouting on his toes through the building of civilization and ships in all directions in slower spin of geometries of quantum physics brought down to hertz form is what it means.. Male entity here. Flower is uranium atom made from the stars to man represented. It is the 'gardener' of the garden walking the flourishing Mesopotamian culture and sciences in building of early civilization by advanced people humanity. 

Another one with similar meaning. This is what I remember it was a brilliant design for a steering column for the space craft one way the handles would rotate the ship left or right  the other way was up or down. This monstrous being then wearing the foot pattern was waring it for what direction it would be turned the ship as a metaphor even walking being it to build it correctly. Mazes are this shape also some to find ways in and out we use as metaphor for turn sin the brain of the mind forming. you see you meet a dead end in a maze it may be frustrating, then the being floats above it and gets out of the area in a space ship building it. Now the maze shape is the steering column he has risen above it in the space craft using it! The floor garden of uranium is powering the ship worn on the bottom of the being the feet to envision it to build it for we built with spatial rotations.


 Another one smaller now likely late Egypt and pre Viking era. An astronaut maybe crashed.

Interesting architecture with Mesopotamian flower sign indicating space ship and other technology use of uranium.  Leaves indicate tree of mind inside teachings technologies on star strong force and uranium flower use.  

Discovery of more space ship building ancient bases.

More ancient Egyptian find photos. Possibly visiting Germans to a site. Pharaoh holding a container is technology filled with uranium power.

The wings on the pharaoh bust are space ship building symbols at a space ship hidden center. They built space craft away from town usually for uranium handling and safety and secrecy like military security in ancient times. Usually hidden in a low mountain or dense bush in the rocks with crevices to build the labs.

Plutonium repository is here for their ship building..

Another odd saucer ship building hangar found here that may be plutonium burial site inclusive.. 

European contraption on this commander. 

Officers with another discovery of electrical wiring indicated here for space ships also looked like squid many arms for different components.

Interesting diagram from early days shows jewel giving off energy usually uranium and a curves crack star on it this is how adnromedan ships look leaving and area a crooked crack in the sky forms.

A find by an officer crashed space ship.

An interesting find in Norway looks like  art form of space ship and rider. interpretation of the scarab beetle of ancient Egypt that means space ship, inspiration looks like as it.

Face similar to Lady of Elche who as likely taller also like these beings sarcophagus in the photo taller than man today. Unnamed sarcophagus.

Early new centuries  anti gravity experiments looks like, rough shod design ships looks like iron, not best for building seeps uranium into itself and goes brittle an andromedan shared. don't build them our food containers old ones ae from it spews this filmy dark grease at times, inside the cabin, I hate them he said. 

Hidden mountain range for ship building. Aerated container interesting on side of entrances.

This is interesting it looks lie inspired by Horus teen initiation to move energy purposefully the snake is below the phallus in a child statue or teen with Mesopotamian wing style, Dmuzi was Horus reincarnated so this was passed down to combine the eras a times in art form and actually proves the reincarnation lineage is true read correctly using both eras in same statue.  Also later adopted in bible drawings as evil devil when space ship technology was put as evil negative devils work information not of the church after crusades took space craft building down to build churches. The sex act in hidden space ship depiction with humor was thrust of the engine making the ship lift off and possibly form crusades religion imposition then saying sex was vile or evil and sin unless for child bearing in some religions only, never to remember to build anti gravity ships, the devils work, they made from Horus puberty initiation statue later who was a great ship builder with Hathor then the devil to fear to be good not to do it!   Why the author Marilyn Starlight took the angels back into science as symbol of DNA in hyperspace and prowess to build technologies using high vibration designs. 

This is rare not many of these shown, has Jesus in a space ship with the ark of covenant behind him indicating container built with uranium for flight.  The ark is always guarded by artistic angels on the gold containers. It guards uninitiated human from it as safe for the angels the masters adept trained in the science of hyperspace and the DNA  to work with the metal to grove technology from it. Angels are humans who know how to ride hyperspace in life not dead, dead are cherubim who will reincarnate. In Mesopotamia and Egypt the gods awake wore same wings for same meaning alive not dead. 12 disciples ae below of very secret activity of ministering leader of new thought, who presented a showy presence in the sky the ancient space craft building back then. Once crops were soiled and crucifixion ensued the monstrance symbolized glowing not in glory of technological building but on the cross suffering for the penalty as the red circle with cross and crusade stopping of technologies replaced this scene through the ages.  That is why where most religions presented information differently than science same symbols both used, it because a confusion of ideologies who's right in their religion about reality?  German Hermetic texts have this information in illustrations you must decode to get that follows however the original blue print for symbolism from Mesopotamia into ancient Egypt so we may decipher it. For more information see the book What Humanity Never Knew; We Were Born With Spaceships Part III has this information. Clues fading table with cows heads unconsumed, and silver pitchers of liquefying like substance to refine to bring back for fuel; by product that grimes if you fly using it for the plutonium replicates in little beads off of uranium that has to be changed or you may grime your crops uranium does not do trees flourish around it nonetheless very healthy no radiation harming.   Cherubim some deceased reincarnating in same story. This is one of the pivotal historical points that took a man who was a trained builder like others through history some religion covered, some they skipped, (not the best sources it missed completely explaining the science of the quantum physics they used and string theory beginnings before our current scientists and this author's contribution published were even there) and took down the meaning of the entity to glowing high into X- Ray to death and partial ascension out of the body, big golden light and gamma may have been seen, separating from that then put in cave may have tired to glow the entire biology and was too weak from no food, heat stroke possibly and water deprivation and died. 

Andromedans said, "it is true metabolism is faster after full body ascension of any kind in life, not death human or andromedan and after there days of no food fuel we need for that reason, also we crash hungry, tired and need rest and refuel like humans but less often if working in skies. On Earth the author who also ascended in life, not death was over engaged by public in ignorant areas of religious education mainly or some new age, given too much access to her who caused depletion of light and had to eat more frequently not to crash than us but also needed fuel so he man called Jesus perished horribly from starvation and depletion of his fluids, burning in he thot sun, bodily weight hardly anything coming off the cross to cave embalming barely shrine he glowed once over it blessing the life any way despite the punitive ending of it and left ." I thanked them for their commentary on the story. I also noted the Shroud of Turin has a very slender, long face that may have caused some debate in modern times if it was the shroud of Jesus or not, it was as him, you can see the weight loss there. I recognize the face of someone in leader ship to day I'm friendly with however, each man has his own story, and I merely present the facts about the history told correctly finally back then missing from our traditional Christian bibles in any scientific understanding about the building of anti gravity needed to explain it correctly and to see what happened and why. For example if you understand plutonium is a by product of uranium what the heads mean in the diagrams of the hermetic mysticism the Germans have. Plutonium is pretty , silver grows off the uranium has a radiation means energy, it is tempting to use but sheds radioactive greasy waste that grime the environment is a lesson many have learned about it with catastrophic results many have perhaps desiring to be conservation not to waste the stuff its an exception to the rule it needs to be buried and put away then the second teaching where is the alchemy of gold? Is revealed as it grows in the ground around buried uranium as was mentioned before..  

  In awe of floating space ship built early last century. Europe. 

Ah the Russians released information of UFO anti gravity space ships here painted on cave walls possibly where they were starting to make preparations to build ships or already building not sure they may have said.  Has beast with squid that's wired craft.

Some alterative technology hidden in the bush being developed here it appears, but likely uranium deployment,  if kept in towers that went down to grown level or loaded up from mine to store in make shift ship and possibly lower shelves has vents for air circulation not to build up entropy causing effect gas or residue when not in use. a pit in front of it looks like a mine for it in early days.

Officers with from vacuum energy waves with squid again coming down technology from early quantum field model of the all that is observer to us down here realized if they build the technologies from it.



This is reminiscent of this race's influence a bit. These armored creatures look like earlier robotic technology.

Here a very rare photo of an actual light switch in early times a pharaoh built.  In previous earlier writings in the book series we covered the light technology we had since very early in civilization. This looks early dynasties not far from Mesopotamian times, now in the open mouth ceremony  of the living pharaohs they place an ankh in the mouth of the pharaoh to consume seemingly nothing it is ether however. The secret is that in a higher vibration itis feeding the biology glowed up a vibratory supply of energy that is not food. We eat coming back down and use the food for nourishment still without essive weight loss of any kind. If in space however we can recharge off higher vibration if we had to to live even manifest water. Now the NASA technology I sent in a letter long ago for water cloud production was two fronts hot and cold  colliding. When you do a Starspin you self hydrate because you are cold energy rising hitting warm on the way back down finishing it, rematerializing for example in the same physics as the cloud maker but biological condition. You can also replay nourishment if you had nothing ran out of food and had to do it, and live say on a space ship. 

Odd space suits appearing on these beings unnamed unless marking plutonium burial work.

More modern fish as ether Stargate possibly unnamed.

This is a deity who is building the plug ins for switches and other components inside the spce ships. The tree being the idea of this technology function now. Some small fuel cells he hands on metal ropes, that powers things in the space ship like a tree of energy wiring.

This is the serpent meaning in technology wiring the red star atop the head. Below is a space ship has flown symbol and two feathers on the red star so it is ship wiring here in a container. The snakes tails are tied up on the invention.

Here a sound and an action like a mouse crawling in is indicated by baboon and mice on the sides of the  pedestal lamp of turning it on, light scuttling up like it has mice in it and they turn it on joke, with the little hands of the ankh technology realized having tied it all together the beings show a pedestal like step and them an empty dish on top with the activity of the technology featured as the story above.  Surge of voltage as if to the underworld the entity is emerging from holding up the light shining from within the pedestal lamp layers. 

This proves we were awake in ancient Egypt to knowing our cosmic origins for the book of life ended in this tribute to a deceased person with a huge eye above the little figure that means book ended that came from the all that is. 

First nations holding a feather this is what it means to build these the chief feathers. Here a model small one is presented.  

This has the chief here of space craft building with headress. 

This is early Indian from India art on moving up in vibration to the heaven on earth ether in hyperspace not sexual climb. Ladders and music is in the piece for divine instrument rising. 

These are alchemy diagrams about the ether usually in technologies tube with liquid is analogy for ether anti gravity effect.

This looks like a decorative flower pot or something but based on something larger they were building obviously.

Lady of Elche Bust.  Spaceship wiring duty since the time of Inanna, then Hathor etc to here same observer in reincarnation wearing same occupation symbols. 

Restoration with detail.

In the support of the work it is this way, each group from their continents may study the work and give up things that are contributory to poor health in their habits, care for the biology the mind and study the work to learn the skills that will help them to go forward better who are ready for the challenge to take it to live it. For those who do not want to, the working groups are not your saviorship, use the resources you have to support your lives and let them build a better future for themselves and if they are executives or govern ship for more without demand for saviorship.   

This is a tablet that is an invitation to come to train wiring pedestal lights this Ptah taught after Hathor taught the light bulb technology in her temple.  The ancient Egyptian language is symbolic of  representation of symbols.  The left of the top page begins the story the vaginal opening means born to bring forth born is the light  you have to get over lewd dogma on old ships to get the meaning right not to wield religious persecution of information judging hat occurs at times from old religions. So this is born of light of the star energy flowing as meaning from the immortal cosmic handle (their quantum physics source the cosmos and how the galaxy came to me they applied to technology) tied together to completion this technological information.  Proof the tablets are not religion they were technological training center information ours. Human. So here is a little flight indicted by small bird meaning errand or to do done with a tie and feather and reed or tree branch which means flight tying it together from branching out the light technology sometimes used for space craft also some times wired though the city included in the technology information given. Book ends symbol of sitting human is ether of dead and spoon measure is of uranium like in mesopotamia but we have book ends symbol instead of dead man hovering in the progression of the language of our first civilization then for flight it shows the feather which can indica with the little bird small flight ignition to burn the pedestal not big space craft flight it is however used for also the technology to wire the ship. Hyperspace turns with the amounts of flower sin Mesopotamian language and other symbols ae a lite different here with different birds representing power of flight the largest the hawk is the spaceship with the solar disk in the middle!  The Pharos technology, this is not same translation old history has necessarily it is from the author's memory of the language from reincarnation, which is scientifically explained in the books written by her, Marilyn Starlight that even science can now understand it and how it occurs where it is in the brain its archives caried from brain to brain incarnation to incarnation from the beginning of our existence.  More on this in the whole book series. So this tablet tells of taking a trip others to learn this technology, at the temple, a scribe writing it down. A foot is a trip represented or travel. An arm is right handman to the human is the cosmic delivery of the chips from red stars program that runs creation and has technology information from such  and the stars where it comes from, if you look at first picture in this section at the top. So its high consciousness humor my right hand man is the comic observer I come from all the way to here. I'm enlightened, I know and build it, is saying from that pedestal light of the community going on symbol as well as actually learning to wire them with Ptah and Hathor is also symbolic with he owl representing the space craft turning its head 360 degrees still used from Mesopotamia in he language.  That is why most tablets of all kinds till today you can decode from the maser blue print language of Mesopotamia.    

Queen Hatepshut was one of mine was like Vegas her necropolis, styled with long windows like future high rises would become. She had luxury fine silks, wine making, gems tones, gold space craft building, pedestals lights, and amazing  costumes sewn all I remember so far I'll get back to this. Temple of inner light sanctum was part of it reincarnation was like the costumes the inner light sanctum of observer same was there.  

Horus was there showing history of then together in another time representing teachings there in the future also if he was incarnated with her, she had the greatest honor and made into a sphinx which means graduating from all the temple training through the areas and burial of plutonium with gold mines riches she and her husband, 

Tuthmose II, who was Horus reincarnated with Hathor, you can tell by temple wall presence of them revealing reincarnation lineage, ran usually marked by this symbol also.  Hatepshut was known for new architecture with more modern pillars,  that appeared in Rome later. 

They had a daughter Neferure with a little baby she had that was illustrated in a great monument to he pouring down of the language of the gods not unlike the Mesopotamian pail tablet of solid in the language of building of civilizations depicted here in this incredible art piece. It is interesting that Tuthmose III has same photos as II and is unlikely his consort was his daughter and all these others they were monogamous mostly, it is more likely they enjoyed a very long life into the 18th dynasty.   

The history is screwed up as Atepshut with a new first part of the name still married to same looking pharaoh who is purportedly Tuthmose III?? Aha sure. I don't think so, historian error is my take on it, the children were likely to same parents after Neferure also similar face goddess in 11th Dynasty, perhaps now a later reincarnation.  The other children were fought over by those on earth wondering if they were them. Stella of Simun looks like a familiar person again in later history the child sitting. Maybe look them up you'll see some II and III again likely the same person with mistaken parent in it as II a mess. Fighting has to stop or my liver was in my neck. Simon says is also not needed here:)  In three more dynasties the Egyptian Kingdom as gone after the burning of Alexandria Library and the story of Rome Greece and Pompey took center stage and new lands growing without the writings of the walls and hidden alchemy texts remaining with freemasonry, and religions reigning all over the lands to teach about God. Science split off from this, some philosophy and new age remaining took pieces of the sovereignty of the spirit stance, without completed information needed to do this with any meaningful success the author presents here.  One thing the tomb  Neferure with little daughter they crashed likely in a ship accident frozen in a block of ice like uranium fuel cells are freezing energy so something may have gone wrong. End of the lines of the stella says circle with cross, that is landing ship stops. Even walking slow affixed to the ground.  Prior owl and other birds depict space ship flight then energy, energy, energy in container, same as Mesopotamian containers with energy waves measured by a spoon going in building them, means space ship built, not much flight and stop. Neferure no longer living as this entity has a very colorful tomb with deep blue sky and stars and a buzzard with red stones gripped a failed ship symbol scavenges low on fuel or other problem. 

Here is the beings who died in the ether as anti gravity first level depicted perhaps from his own death prior remembering what it means for the space ship building taking the fish up to the ether in life not death of a floating space craft coming up from trees from ideas in the brain placed by the observer.

Curving space time creating some chaos with higher vibration, everyone's getting smaller going through the stargate forming as this deity is holding a superstring as metaphor tying curving the tie to create new reality.  This occurs with space ship flight technology illustrated what happens to them in flight and leaving the landing platform.

This is Dmuzi with the lion which is uranium power of the king for defense in use of the technology for space ships. Fish swimming up stream is knowing as above so below in the floating water fish represent the ship as anti gravity of the hawk he's holding, From Mesopotamian era first civilization again.  The palm tree bark symbolizing the uranium below growing metaphored as fish scales .

Back to Mesopotamian Era the space craft building story continues, however, here a deity is holding a uranium fuel cell in an early ancient Egyptian tablet.

And the gear for when there is understanding of uranium inside the stars, its program effect on the DNA and land the red star contents, and the beings crafting fuel cell technology for anti gravity space ships in the first civilization to today we have this interest, that is never reinvent the wheel taking place with he first one below being built for a ship. Simple people saw this as a cart and cow or horse who did not realize this meant space craft in ancient times. The moon is the stop command included in the space craft engineering here depicted.

Plutonium wide eyed horn headed being with the same reality makin its limb joints meaning ahhhhh! Once you change the fuel cells its time to bury plutonium from the gear wheel its uranium by product to bury  Eyes in shock wide and melting putz faces is who you know it is plutonium. Once hinges and joints are made of it its a tick tock time bomb to go boom around any heat and melts your flesh from radiation! Moon headress says stop all done no flight turned off unsafe.

 Lift off of the bird bird flying shows it does produce this left too long without a change from radiation action of the fuel cell in goin hyperspace container getting unstable known in civilization one read the writing on the wall buddy!. 

The uranium atom flower from Mesopotamian times, later replaced by the solar disk in Ancient Egypt was the first wing emblem to be used in space craft engineering.  Uranium grows curly into flower crystalline form and is seen as cells held in the hands of the deities picked from the metaphorical tree. Trees were the source of many illustrations most often in those times.  Now the secret of the star in the container is this how would you pick up uranium and handle it without  the same labs we have today?  Though we had some projection gloves and face masks etc ideal when we worked fast and went to  a space time you'd walk in see no one there and things moving around as if by themselves nothing, burning anyone if you worked over a few hours say. So they did both slow with gloves and disappearing once autonomic took over by rote activity they had learned and we experienced builders.

This is a tricky piece to decode.  The flower is gone from the wings uranium symbol now at the bottom, it knows not having a fuel cell four times it appers, If its dirty going plutonium emission it can surge the vehicle in the sky to white light shocking the rider to stop and change it. The riders eyes ae wide in shock as the cow costumes being the space craft in distress to change the cell. Usually they do this before this happens examining it for grayish film forming anywhere around or on it. Lower energy makes for uneven torque and it can oddly squish the rider like the man in the middle.  The wide eyes ae the flower descending to be come its house as atomic bomb blown so its beginnings and plutonium phase all of it blew Mesopotamia during a big war this tablet depicts a blown ship and riders. It is the ship men with tails they're being this family the our of time fuel cell needy plutonium rich danger point.

Here the source of the uranium is shown from the stars going red to the planet created to the fuel cell mined and made into the space ship gear that will take the ship out to fly and to also stop and hover. Here the ship again is showing plutonium forming, stopped the moon is there and a little war rocket you can build from it is about it.

Here the wheel is shown emitting the strong force of the stars in its cool spin technology. Moon is shown as mechanism to step down on he power of the ship its the off button for it to float. It also shows the plutonium coming off the uranium for stop needed on the ships to land to change the cell,  the hand floating is severed as giving it a hand not to sever, change the cells.

Here is proof of changing heads art form using not cows heads here some times used but human, same meaning. On a boat of a deceased cow joke the cow headed person meaning space ship, the small floating ghost hands it a fuel cell as afterthought, its head missing indicating this a usually.  Then on Earth,  beside this vessel is a person with screws in the neck indicating where to adjoin the fuel cells on a ship, (also face beginning to form in anti gravity flying is indicating transparent hyperspace of anti matter for anti gravity shedding of atomic mass), being it to remember so the cow next to it has a new head next to the stick creature meaning tis flying with it affixed inside the gear.  
Here the science is shown of having access to the quantum physics of the cosmic handle the galaxy positioned in the vacuum of space spinning with many stars like fuel for planets to spin with and be nourished by, the large quantum mechanics model for the space craft we once built from our technologies.  The Atlantic puffin if you look at its eyes it is red with grey stuff in the corners like plutonium forming, that is nature's brilliant joke about, here's a star above me somewhere going out, a fuel cell, either referring to La Superba, a red giant in 2023-24 that went late phases, above the north pole and widening holes of our local star were observed as well, big coronal holes over the north of our Earth seen also. Energy flowing into the container is shown above and the fish swimming signifying anti gravity and the moon stop and hover command. The triangles are in momentum containment as in the wheel spinning what it does, sometimes shown filled with uranium in ancient Egyptian cones. The nails sideways are in small motion like mechanism action built vertical are holding in place the energy of that in a design nailed to the little container really ships hull that is on energy wave function below it to lift off, we were over 100 feet tall so the ship needed a spin launcher. On right the snake is the current flowing now as the space ship is active flying. Now the diagrams helped me to decode the language immensely for the strikes in short form in cuneiform tell the same stories without the pictures. It took me several years to decode cuneiform something I took upon myself as a challenge to understand just how advanced we were in the first civilization.  This was during chaotic times of over engagement of me so is a miracle this work got done at all and I could not find a single person who read the language for this information it remailed a mystery or some other interpretations very few. The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin was he most helpful of the story of the family that included they had anti gravity ships and what was happening very close to some of the tablet information. What he missed was written of in my books however, Inanna's descent into the underworld explained and other things I may have disagreed with in the text.  We agree on space ship engineering, a city built, war later and having left Nibiru to come to Earth. Zecharia did not describe the seven technologies they had or how they worked.

A deity here has the cow by the head and the lion ferocious the language says nailing momentum accomplished  for repeated like to the power of  flight that indicates fuel cells manufactured harnessing the aggression and power of the lion is the uranium. Also meant defense of the land with it in space craft. He has the lasso loop staff to harness this from the mineral as technology. This man is possibly same as later Jesus and Crusades person reincarnating thee times for three wars, who built fuel cells in civilization one and later had accidents with the power with plutonium grime then later banned building by others with religious crusades of all things! If he is around today he is so busted to relax and know he was born with space ships as well, genetically endowed to build correctly.

This tablet indicates a new ship is born of uranium power of he technology  after the fuel cells are created. So we succeeded in first civilization the idea is not to stop good authorized space craft building ever again, for our power to go off planet in any emergency lies here. 

Here there is a fuel cell stack likely Gilgamesh's proficiency carving them, and the A bomb for ships defense and installing them this looks like a record of born from a new idea for more powerful ships possibly as these bulls ae nearly antelopes in antigravity kicking up their heels with the fuel cells stacked on their tails may indicate bombs launcher which also used plutonium recycled for it.

Here we have a fuel cell change tablet quite literally the head needs changing the fish is swimming down its anti gravity to be changed.  The deity is standing on a rabbit meaning he knows continuously running motor to keep it going change cell, not much different from modern battery bunny humor.

This is the boar of warring shooting the lion down now slow as a boar from too much plutonium action.

Then we see the smaller calf meaning renewed ship, armadillo for the hull description above it, new life cycle of the space craft. And a sheep above it to follow the instructions to take a rod screw from the back of his knap sack and place a fuel cell on it and place it in the rotor wheel.

Any time in history this symbolism used our ancient language and pictures are relevant for example this is a later piece showing the mother ship with lots of fuel cells and her dress shows the cows lined up.

This is early likely Mesopotamian mother ship is dry the container where the womb is as neck is old also and plutonium coming off the hair it is needing the fuel cell change as breasts are small now indicated to feed was to climb on the ship. On the bottom the spinning star fuel cell is gone used up. The goddess represented mother ship for family to use as well as the cow and horse and chariot for war ships. Here ship has a tail large of beast of burden.

Here is born great aggression of a space craft what is it for? it is very big uranium activity on this beast born as you see vagina slits indicating  birth of a new technology mother ship built. Note the slugs climbing up the walls indicating a strike somewhere of some kind slowing down an observer hugely to slug pace also in ancient Egypt this symbol meant in slow space time. 

Here is revealed Gilgamesh's ship creatin dropping the A bomb in tile upper left for a fierce war craft in strong uranium force seen by the 8 pointed star technology built by the divine observer able to glow to wield the metal with little protection in those days they glowed up to work with it which to this da happens to those who use MRI a lot they disappear from photos. the horse with the lion is often depicting war ships as the cow carries the family and goods usually finery.

Here we see the archer shooting the lion that is creating a   spoke d fuel cell for the horse and rider indicated by the Star of Inanna  on the wheel of the cart of space craft engineering. In the tree grove this is now being built war ships one seen flying above represented this way with wings and rider in the ether anti gravity showing what the cart and horse means. Horse ran over the lion its spent perhaps a bomb released.

This one shows the meaning of the boats as slower hyperspace sailing away to the nether world or all around us in hyperspace realm the writings are of building in life not work in light so much, they did more in life than in death state and had more developed mid brain  and cerebellums were huge of those beings andromedans mentioned also.  Here we have the deity with moon off symbol and putting down curled uranium creation giving it back to another building holding and being the fuel cell in action. The joke is if he gives a little inspiration from the after life its the stop button for he's handing over the flying ship mechanism building to the entity across from him, it appears. 

Discovery of uranium how it makes the observer easily anti gravity is depicted here the star with the deity inside it above the uranium pit below it with it mined mined. The entities on the right and left are holding to the power of symbol means working the superstring seen twisted as infinity to build technologies in this case occurs based on strong force everything floating like the lotus flowers in the scene also built in layers gloating upon the water, wings in birds, fuel cell prongs are represented this way also stacking power. Two lions are lying by the uranium used symbolically for its ferocity also.

This is a funny depiction  as if everything is floaty from this uranium, strings ae behind the containers to be filled with it symbolizing ships hull and light wiring, nail lotus strikes below crossing showing anti gravity containment reminiscent of the first game of hangman which meant ether of the dead joke for anti gravity. If we see what our own games mean really we see the world around us differently and what knowledge and skills we were genetically endowed with , why these books are important to read.  Torque mechanism and stop are behind the floating entity on the right with the master builder in angel wings of hyperspace DNA and technology true meaning not religion in life not death is evident also. Below is multiplication of kick start containment  for ship lift of mechanism launcher.  The rams like shoving it filth force off the earth as it spins the ship and a kick start up if you remember to toss astrology aside created ad a diversion from what the zodiac like wheels of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were for anti gravity ship building technology symbols hence little lion siting beneath the angel and two other animals..

This is the uranium fuel cell prong technology and being it it is also inclusive in some tiles of a fuel cell as a knee or joint in biology it means superimposition of spin and movement of man in ship around that heals the break as metaphor meaning you won't break riding it tis hyperspace endowed DNA you have.  To the power of is beginning here also shown. 

Here we have nailed the launcher step and  nailed anti gravity, nailed spinning, all into a plane floating in a container that runs to the power of on left this means those attained fuel cell prongs also above the cow or bull, the ship the deity is riding the bull with large eye lens is there and energy is flowing to it to eat the mouth. Riding the wave of energy on the right is an odd creature shown legs of lion lifted kick started is the uranium lifted by the technology of the deity running to the power of with fuel cell rods powering it, a bushel. That is what a whole bushel is, rods and cells on them for a space craft gear or wheel. Bushels appear in different writings through the ages on the technology of high vibration metal strong force hidden thusly. Their metaphorical harvest was the building of the mother ship and technologies and they'd bring plentitude of finery from the main shopping centers in Mesopotamia and alter Cairo on Ancient Egypt. 

The cosmonauts symbolism is swimming like the fish in the water meaning anti gravity in ether now. Some tablets show the fish by the tree and the men wearing a fish costume over the head dressed up as it for what? Anti gravity cosmonaut. 

This is an important tablet for the reason it shows the progression of uranium power to that of plutonium and the moon to stop to change the fuel cell. The space ship is held by the deity's hand who may be Gilgamesh, on the left of him.  The lion is getting old he's standing on wing flopped old feline look.

This tablet has the mermen of renown the myths origin of mermaids and mermen, as the sea floating deities with fish tails indicating ether experienced anti gravity cosmonauts with helmets on that built and flew space ships as above so below is the meaning about the fish in the sea as anti gravity metaphor.

This is a good sex joke on space craft building that hides science of the spectrum of vibrations of matter. Two men  are nude totally next to Inanna, Dmuzi her husband and him on the other side.  There is tension here alluded to the current of electricity usually represented by water of under the armpit undercurrents. So its pouring from their armpits into the container. All this energy of wanting to both do her intimately and pretend they're not interested in it at all, and hook into the ether box in the extreme negative of death to add to the joke. She's getting two streams into her container from this engagement to see this now the science is explained here thusly negative the thruster of the ship goes into in chilly sub zero degrees for a big ride in the sky.  The string curved or flower there floating is being worked on.  Her dress is on for the climb of the levels of hyperspace for the science of the quantum mechanics of  energy vibrations representation why she's dressed.  In fact it may be her in 'ether box'  representation as mother ship floating into first negative space off the ground after its thrust off maybe so heavy it needed two men to the power of like to thrust the thing off earth finally as they were very tall beings the threesome connotation of Dmuzi playing both.

Now this information is all I could find that would corroborate the story of the Mars base in Mesopotamia where some of the race that attacked us, built atomic bombs to test off earth also, most was fired and destroyed any monuments during the conflict.  It was very hot on the surface, so we worked underground and if you know how to dig in moisture moist soil. the hydrogen produces oxygen to work in if its low on the planet to boost it, even a water well will produce more oxygen. So here from NASA phots is a very good close up of a pyramid. Also other photos show steps abandoned alone,  Similar structures to ancient times we used.

There are several crevice photos between rocks that are large enough to enter undergrounds and this one resembles a door way. Memory of Inanna fired in her ship over Mars crashing was written of earlier in the Book series What Humanity Never Knew she crawled out of the burning ship and entered such a crevice or door to an underground cave burned and dying with burned lungs also died there underground on Mars from the warring faction that attacked her and her people in the first civilization city that was destroyed largely with only a few tablets remaining in history of the story of it some decoded here. It is possible the mars face stairs and also what look like lion sphynxes broken too far away to confirm in shots  or mangled by fire on them may have been the uranium symbols there building during Atomic testing presence at such bases. We all used the same symbols for uranium and building world wide through history.  Other than those pictures very little remains of  more than my account other scholars also that said Mars was used some who by the early people of first civilizations. Click on photo for more cave openings found there.

This entity has a stamp of himself beside the tablet to mark things with this ability to be the builder from the quantum creation   now he has a nail down then another which is on a side ways one now sideways nails mean to strike them you have to float sideways to be it! Now you are above the creation looking down on it coming down forming it  so then the deity walks and the creation is born the horse his legs becoming the strikes of flower nails coming alive and the horse he is box ether like floating yet solid he is powered by the bushel he is possible to turn off and on so he is cosmonaut and rider with off on buttons and flue cells torquing indicated by this the horse trotting or exited or moving is ship in motion in force of torque usually it means.  Cuneiform is all spatial rotations as language of hyperspace use of the quantum reality our DNA knows to take us to matching frequencies we need build in wholeness this way advanced civilizations that is who the first one did it remembering we were the gods the great eye the observer incarnate with his very first language you get back all your power as creator learning it for this reason tread lightly with cuneiform create the best of the best for to invert it to destruction causes accidents people have told us 100 percent of the time for it is the language of love of the creator into us becoming it to support life exalted with the best of the best using our inner science that comes with the DNA and brain when we are born with space ships in this way that we will understand if we are ever are blessed with the opportunity to rider one  even to buy one if its time to meander elsewhere and our star is ticking may be possible you will never fear what you understand and feel at home in the cosmos once more itis our land our turf the whole of universes us awakening golden humanity when we do and are so realized in this life or a well planned reincarnation to find the parents who will teach you this form having studied it and of course schools may have it also some or all well see how far it goes to transform old information systems that need updating.

Here we have very rare proof of reincarnation lineage in this tablet for the initiation teaching of Horus as a young teen boy learning about space ship technology and what the mind knows higher than base puberty drives try to take to another place which is correct for biological development for procreation of course but where that ahs to be superseded to see the secret language of building and moving the observer though higher frequencies. The face above Horus is Dmuzi from the last life time. He knows the scarabs in right hand from his after life as proof it is ether that floats like the space ship hull. Electrical current wiring the snakes in the left hand  and a dangling lion wiring uranium it means, and antelope in other hand kick starts from the ship launcher also space craft to the sky. into the ether of negative space anti gravity action, in ancient Egypt the crocodile was added he is standing on them as ferocious anti gravity floating in the water beast running on uranium secret meaning for ship also, anti gravity the cranky crocodile.   In order to overcome woman or men in some tablets cranky at the men they wore these costumes for space craft building to say were managing the mind to better activity than fighting creatively applying the energy of force out of marriage wrecking to technology wielding so they had early mind management as awakened people to avoid warring especially in some dynasties of Egypt following the Mesopotamian atomic war.

Another showing a face repeated in history of Horus and his reincarnations. Here with the all seeing eye of Horus indicated on the left and a cow building the ship and a lion again with uranium power, on crocks he's standing.

Here there is the star of Inanna and the fish below it, so as above so below ether and water, stronger anti gravity creation, meaning stronger force which has the eye on the ship, the lens technology, a duck in the injector like action to the ship power is reflection on the water of the duck like technology, to the ship to be as the above to the below that a laser is used to see itself anywhere the being using it can project intent through it powered by uranium born of the creation anew. 

This is a very good tile of Dmuzi in his glory of space craft completion he's seen here inside it and standing on a cow as having attained this as space craft engineering.  He is wearing it as garment which means he may fold space time in it as well. The flower is around the hatch of the strong uranium atom. The stamen bunches he holds are symbolic of men means male interior wiring components done, his own. 

Stonehenge and other places where people have erected blocks of stone some crossing over the tops and more recently mysterious metal monoliths in the deserts is likely for the reason of the white freezing chips inside the hot stars that when meteorites bring any of this radiation to earth may cause the doll effect of compulsion to build this that a cuneiform depicts as a strike another strike and a nail going across for momentum building and form.   

The height of these people was up to 100 feet tall here some rare photos of skeletons found this artist highlighted, however the era was fraught with atomic war and decay in Mesopotamia which  would have occurred from radiation to the skeletons unless hidden underground why they are rare to find.  The history of earth is inaccurate as dates I and other scholars have surmised for they did a linear treatment of the time line from the beginning of civilization to today. the only problem with this is if you have a small rodent who lives for 3 years because of its size chances ae humans also much taller lived longer so the dates may not be accurate for this reason and our race much older than previously known.  So a 100 foot tall Dmuzi, would have lived to say 1000 years  then with atomic war we were smaller shrinking from the radiation the genes to Dynasty One major dynasty of Hathor, Anubis in the same life with Hathor recorded to have been in dynasty one Maat, Thehuti, Horus, Ptah, Bastet and others. $0- 60  feet tall they all appeared. All statues of them and others in major metropolitan areas of ancient Egypt during this metropolis the height of the Old Kingdom and the teachings were carried forward to the Newest Kingdoms thousand years later re religion and just before that Alexandria burning a few thousand years earlier.  After this peaceful time of two dynasties in the third was another atomic war I remember Djoser waged I  remember Merythniet in the forest killed also in that time by daggers though not bomb yet.  After this we also were of lower stature again 30 to 40 feet. This continued with 4 more atomic wars which shrank the race to 25 15, 12,  10 then 7 and  feet today finally. This is why it may be wise to vote nukes as bombs off the planet as it is also seen lower heights and birth weights in areas of years of testing atomic bombs, not to mention solar storm activity and temperature inversion that may occur more powerfully in lobal warming and ice storms appearing to cool conditions oddly at times snow!  Seen ins one area where military nuclear testing took place making it a good idea to vote it as part of Kyoto accord or like it  for global warming proactive measures no nukes to save our environment for war weapons some governments are looking at for real also.     

On warring if you look at how the people chose in fee will heir own lands to copy after the original mating of those in black and white circles Africa and Mesopotamia which is said to be old Saudi lands, where today you have white blue eyed blonds and dark eyed olive black haired together, creating Asians with white Norwegian style Asian like eye fold Hathor had a blue eyed being on her statue of her. Those went their separate ways eventually to Africa growing and look at the continental maps its all there  Europe first all white no more pairing with the blacks for dexterity in were making with dark eyes having that ability they were now smaller would do it themselves with haute couture jewelry houses today some fighting was still have over this and money for black charities and ethnics hmm old war like when we split similitude may understand the psychology of war to stop it all over solve this place like I said en North America later. .Jewels and the gets the fashion houses rivaling African jewels and fabrics all the rage prior.  We need surplus economy not bashing rich blacks or whites over charity needs of either also.  Puts down our progress. So rushing to emigrate back to were we left long abo is interesting in emigration tendencies wanting back what they left not warring the land to convert it to back home that becomes terrorism, We need to respect each nation went on its own with tis genetic pool to develop their own culture art expression to the hilt and trade it to be rich with other races who like exotic shopping especially where there's emigration except some new kids go western they don't want it. Fashion does this borrows from global style making their exports happen also. The genetics made an expression unique they ae proud of that is not racist its their own expression travelers of any race may buy it..Our world is this way counties they went to races who also created Hispanic or Latin south America that came after Egypt Mesopotamian and Asia ci influence with both types of eyes in south  America also large lids and fold. Filipino is Hispanic and Asian some with large eyelids also some slanted eyes  with fold  to even the formation of the races they had all their own countries form leaving areas growing bigger in populations it made sense. It is very interesting all this world diversity came from white and black marriages with mattings in repetitive patterns of either type with different eye skin and hair appearing liking it creating more of them. That is why racism is ridiculous. simply recognize some wanted to go refine their DNA and skills did and travelled on holidays to different countries sick of themselves also slightly as no others there like others. We all do it travel to experience exotic lands. Australia is a representation of white gene wanting to spread out and preserve itself in another continent colonized from UK.  

Inanna is here identified as knowing how to load the uranium into the container in the left hand she has the fuel cell  prongs on her back and the uranium on the leash the lion under control.  Above is the solar symbol of strong force with energy waves coming off it. Someone said to me the brethren do you realize who you were? These tablets don't have many people in them. I said yes, we built civilization where there was none before.  That is a fact and I remember because I wrote NASA and others shared the technology again this time line the gear for the space ship I had built with the others prior, in civilization one. Not only that had I done but I wrote how it is possible to build ships, to have planning around this. what kind, when and how to scout and where for another planet and then planning for the planet itself I wrote also in an unconventional place that millions will see in the near future.  How did I now how to do this if I had not done such before with the others? It is improved this life time the information. We did relocate to here from Nibiru that may be one of the huge planets out past our solar system sitting now. My soul mate I built with and others in the tablets.  No one else decoded this cuneiform the same way to put Mesopotamian writings and ancient Egypt not as religions misreported or cults but science centers for building of technologies. Maybe it is good fortune then to know me if civilization was not there prior to this instead of some battling me or threatening which had occurred maybe that is bad fortune they created. In fact, what a stupid thing to do. We were brilliant friendly people and still are today and a few more showed up in ancient Egypt to keep alive the work with writing on the walls all around us that went with Alexandria and caused a split of science philosophy religion and new age today beliefs that have segregated people and is the challenge in building the future unless everyone remembers their place they chose for going forward or in the net life maybe. How does a sick or ageing person running a program to take light out of the cells breaking down his biological home build? It is difficult, so we have to understand the dynamics of the whole population. We have new information to improve health  and life non aged this time line for the future they did not have much of before, so the society will change in the next few generations as they must to face the future with more power afforded them over their own double helix. We did not teach worship nor have religion we had science and taught building. Nothing to worship in us is obvious we simply know things that are useful to mankind. We did get split up into religion also in reincarnation and today I have this to day don't bother go to science now and you can decode our old religions for what was preserved what was missing after Alexandria was destroyed the great library with all our technologies and records of way of life. In my writings and film tv projects this is also bringing some of this information back where it was previously lost and divided even freemasonry kept some of it it in secret society of theirs that some religions condemned as heresy in some circles and hid the negative dark angel of anti matter as evil spirit connotation the darkness to avoid as we mentioned previously in the books. How stupid to split ourselves up like this that is why I smashed it this life time and represented it all as science to end the segregation Inanna reincarnated, the author at the time of this writing, Marilyn Starlight.

The ankh is an interesting symbol it was used by those pharaohs who had tied it all together understanding program from the stars even the style drastic changes from the Mesopotamian time to ancient Egypt are evidence of it, same people reincarnated.  In addition there is evidence Earth is an amazing butterfly of a planet of metamorphosis in that dinosaurs living in dry climate desert like conditions were roaming here when a few stars died around it injecting it likely with white chips and comet information look how the radiation bombardment made it flourish with less heat from stars now gone to create a new lush paradise! This ankh has a common set of symbols used the lotus flower at the bottom of renewed life planting a stake in cuneiform into the new or renewed ground, then three red stars above with breaking stars down to cosmic handles for the scarab of the ether of the metaphoric dead to wield anti gravity that the whole program that comes from the stars that can renew a planet is at the disposal of the pharaoh typing it all together with superstrings in the meaning intended as well creation. The ankh before the cosmic handle was the all inclusive lesson of the quantum mechanics in the sky so review this now you'll understand the lesson in he sky for the courageous not the cowering hiding from them.
.Time lapse of 7 days of our local sun. Shows how it blasts its sun spots. Usually healed them after.  Now in first civilization Mesopotamia language of the flowers, there are strikes hat build in the tablets. Flowers form in the solar blasts also big ones if you look at the base. So what is it building with the blasts as flowers?  Interesting it is like negative of first level hyperspace we learned in our quantum mechanics in the sky before that we remembered awake in Mesopotamia to build anti gravity. So we have dark holes forming the star negating its surface a bit. What is it doing on the move where is that scanner inner very bright one going? What is it doing?  Good study.  Follow it there at the level of the star to earth affected in the study we suggest. If it is unanchoring itself rom itself like when a binary star occurs and black smoke comes out that proves the language and tablet diagrams we science of space ship engineering in Mesopotamia all through ancient Egypt and beyond. So to review the writings about this symbol, a basic ankh is taking a tie from the corner of a tablet a rope piece that is the exercise completed, tied together as experience now and many of these ties tied is completing all the lessons mostly in technology building in ancient times, (why it is a science symbol) they are now all tied together to form this symbol the ankh. Cosmic handle is what this becomes then known as, the ankh which is really not an object, it is the builder represented in symbol empty in the loop like behind your eyes, it is seemingly empty yet you see and fire ideas as creator in your life, but they may be like rabbits out of a hat if it ever drops in your lap for real some very advanced masters know how to do. 

You are the creator in our own life then these people use little from others except for their projects the have corporations who build their vision and ae every powerful for advanced civilizations  and a work in progress of those studying advanced work on Earth. No one is above you when you are awake as creating over you our life. Snake headress different ones pharaohs wore meant the snake has risen to full realization up the spine and the brain having fired it all, having tied it together.  That is why when we build space craft one day and if we have to leave this planet for  second home ever that is what is the society travelling as the mind the cosmic handle where the do not perish the whole universe is the home understood as the large mechanics made manifest as understanding of the builder in the man as that ankh he can go anywhere the books I wrote you are the key to this if you take the challenge in this or the next life to become it. some will take health and wealth tips from it only that's fine, others will accomplish this to build in their own lives better that simple and a reality to fly out of here to construct it, it means that also because understand what they are building are not afraid o f the technology good speed my beloved humanity to whatever you choose from this information that is of benefit to you myth is what I brought you back from m ascension in life these teachings.  PS itis not scary just study, it will happen all this if you stick to it and you practice say the BME Starspin and other tools from BME that is how I made it easier providing those.  - Marilyn Starlight 

As an aside, in Egypt today the predominant religions are 90 percent Sunni Muslim, who use the moon and five pointed star and 10 percent Christian, who use the cross. No groups from old religion use the ankh, or eight pointed  star those remained a mystery of their previous sciences burned this record was in Alexandria library, has to be brought back by the codex of soul information archive memory like I did after my ascension in life and its easy this way after arduous work to open those little zip files in my cerebellum I did that machinery or ships cannot read it ears the brain the don't only the previous life can be read by ET equipment or what is recorded the entities opened and read and archived in this life which is also in the cerebellum and other areas mapped and our intellectual and genetic property protected b laws  So the since symbols brought back are not religion replayed they re in their proper understanding for the theories work if you decoded correctly or it is bunk again this how you know.    Now for religions, the five pointed star is simple, man coming down to be man from 'god' to sit in the temple, the moon is power off, a ship he is  sitting still to learn, this is simple not advanced, so the test for religions and for say the simple cross symbol in science, for volume and measure of space time, is what is in the containment? Does it provoke wars and bickering over what should be science about these symbols they use how are they furthering society? Look at this to fund them if you like governments. Their own lessons of separation and sovereign identity in religion wielding the symbols of early science there without degrees on it also if you do so you better know what you are doing don't tell early medicine , it is our matter of the spirit not yours.  taking science symbols where science has nothing to offer in understanding of the observer defined in wielding higher vibration through its DNA expand in science. It is stuck in church and all science had was the power of prayer.  Fund them who use this information if you like in sciences. The have it given back b this author who did the theories and corrected history. If you ae from religion question what it is doing for you with its teachings to evolve to be a greater human because that is what the symbols the use mean if you understand them basic s of science the don't mention old religions tis mystery like or the priests to claim they know and they do not know in most cases.

In our times we are in very very auspicious times for the origins of the builders programs these tablets came from in modern times our stars of the milky way largest stars were going red giant with its building secrets coming out creating things such as this species anomaly the Atlantic Puffin and many more some hidden in the rainforests.  It is the flower under such a star blossoming on the Earth to have a supernatural beak endowment it appears to catch many fish as if he's a symbol of a grand fisherman looking for such builders who know supernatural phenom on in their DNA and hyperspace maneuvers these birds may have in fishing a common creature created so miraculously to witness this. Never fer educate yourselves all will be well in your future if you turn on like the Atlantic puffin was turned on in the brain to all given to you for these times and to the trash toss out lesser fare of failures. Watch Wild Island episode one, this has the drama of the Atlantic puffin's new souped up beak and fish catching prowess and someone moving in to steal from him, that is a hilarious yet poignant story about this struggle in nature that appears to mimic the human condition sometimes occurring on our planet; corporate theft.   

What does all this mean for the future?  If the local star our sun  is ageing with solar storms are accelerating in strength and presence, and some formations on the solar surface appear to causes storms, perhaps even volcanoes and more earth changes closer together, this may be to make it uncomfortable to stay on the planet to discover a new one for a new home. That is a time table then to study and to mine uranium and build space ships federally eventually when people understand this is possibly what is occurring.    To chase us of before it blows killing everyone is making us more uncomfortable gradually, to leave alive if possible. We are in chaotic times of agreement and disagreement with this statement, at the time of this writing, making things more stressful for those who see away to save humanity in the future, and we say please look at the data, this information more closely as part of global warming and your programs to deal with it.  Public needs to read this information also not to be afraid causing balling all over the place on solutions unnecessary, some scared with their head in the sand. What is good is most in govern ship are not trying to cover up that itis happening not to scare the public.  How are they not to be scared with things happening like Betelgeuse going off whit lighting a third of the planet with strong X -Rays?  At least there is educational information on red stars lots by space agencies, this work and any other to educate them out of fear, humanity.

When people understand what is happening and what goodies are in it also in addition to destruction that help build a way out of such an ageing solar system they get exited and are no longer ineffectual. If you notice, some countries ae building ultra modern with this increase in solar activity as a drive to build yes civilization it imparts on the observer and DNA some happened to pick up trends I write about some their own it is the stars program going red giant not only ours ageing that may have cause this surge in modernism also it is important not to forget the anti gravity component to take our best designs to a new planet later to move what is refined here as the plans for there.  In the teleplay Luna I called it planet Radiance for  all who went had to train in both the observer and hyperspace activation on our DNA and community cosmonaut to carpool in both fast ships if we run out of large slow for mostly engineers sciences and families with children slower star ships we would need.  If we succeed with a good production company acquiring the teleplay, by the time you read this book if later, then you will have seen the made real on the sci fi show possibilities written by this author of those planning stages, awakening of the population with important information given, building anti gravity space ships, and slowly moving to other planet while Earth is still here, may look like in season four of this very important TV show written by this author.  In the show Luna, that is what happens, it is accelerating Earth changes occurring over the future years leading to the public training for flight and buying a  ticket to the new planet on the starship. Here is a link that shows the spine its golden filaments everyone ahs and why it is part of the phenomenon of golden humanity's abilities carrying the DNA to higher frequencies.

On ETs saving us? Not going to happen, their space ships are designed for a different height weight and color DNA andromedans, greys are their clones for meiotic stem mostly and small tasks their ships are suitable for their work only cannot transport food it irradiates too much with the ship construct not meant for long flights, they use still. In andromedan 50,000 people left early, a lot of them died when their star hit their planet unorganized to move anywhere at that time or were older, could not fly out. We did this before from a larger planet to Earth over a few hundred years it appears so we saved more people though some died on the very large planet Nibiru that may be sitting with other large planets, now out of our solar system's orbit around Earth totally. If it is found, some photos may be taken if anything remains of our old life there. Andromedans flew over some and said, "there is one that looks crushed by something with remnants of buildings possibly on the surface remaining that may be like what the author is saying." If we did it before you may like the planning in Luna season four it is a brilliant TV series for both leaders to see industry leaders and the public, all four seasons and likely will go into syndication for many years into the future after initial release and sale on DVD.  

It may be not what is expected with our local star that drives us out of this solar system itself blowing yet, it has time,  it could go on and on with food affected, produce wilting or scorched,  later fish in the water also if it declines, that begins the shortages of food where prices sky rocket and people fight over something to eat. So the star may still be shining, but with more severe conditions from solar storms going berserk. In the need you may see food as riches like never before if it costs a fortune to eat then no mater how much poverty reduction people worked on this is where you need a balance to also fund technologies for the survival of human kind .  This is where surplus economy I wrote about, would be the only solution during the later stages of Earth changes on this planet to afford to eat and any additional supplies we would need to stay safe, and we'd likely have shortages.  Home gardens would be a thing of common existence in the solarium rooms, now popular again I predict and under drapes on bad days under artificial lights growing our food to stay vitamin rich. I already noticed produce lettuce at 6 dollars a head then on sale three for 4 dollars normal prices again. Strawberries washed out, odd looking, very expensive then some fruits normal from oddities in the solar radiation pattern. So perhaps the star does not look like its going anywhere to some for a long time but this stuff is happening, so we have to be pro active.  Safety time zone to build or underground it goes with risks to water supply occurs. We still have it is the key consideration on time line for this to occur anti gravity space craft engineering.

On nuclear power missile tests, the Earth is awake also as mother nature manifesting all over it can't you tell? Or is it dead already we want to say some times. All tests should be stopped as the earth does not like being shot at, it gives little flowers trees is gentle  generally, even volcanoes produce rich soil and new life after. Plate problems can occur and other uneven growth of uranium or anything disturbing the cycle of the planetary inner balance. In Inanna's time we tested them on Mars, a dead planet.  

What the governments do in this time line is not necessarily huge I told them small steps are excellent for both acceptance and learning about the technologies for now even the basic preliminary work such as torque and load cool spin gear uranium chart for that wheel to work correctly for any size and hyperspace designation anti gravity space craft. It means orienting space engineers and nuclear physicists with the technology and to measure the energy out put of uranium fuel cells and the powered wheels in different sizes of both for energy out put and torque power.  You cannot build anything without this so its a small stem that is a hugely important piece of information. Each successive government if they do a little more this will all get done including better launchers without very expensive rocket fuel that is a fire hazard frustrating the space programs some. It is possible to have a wheel lurcher for deployment built in that is shed in space when approaching very hot stars, for example for photos or video and energy power wheels for electricity on Earth as well that is cool spin or whatever else they may build. 

We say as masters adept you did this so well the master adept would reply to the other I'm humbled by your words thank you see. no ego you can't talk about it. If it is written of how does she do something ? Read not pull. Angel of Starlight chapter on it it has this only flaw I found in some of yours.

This is a rare bust showing real face of Akhenaten who was not my son was another you may recognize who had a son tut also reincarnated one in Hollywood one in government past. I was Tyie as mentioned in the books earlier his mom, a black incarnation.

Another angle of the king. What the three wore, his mother Tyie Nefertiti and him was the tie on he forehead of liquid gold. Some question was here why did hey resurrect the Mesopotamian pyramid leaving heir traditional area Cairo?  Did they bury plutonium yes hey did the area has no major grime hey had small area in Mesopotamia for it underground like a single big room no as elaborate as he sphynx. However he regalia humor and Apis bulls style burial was not there yet. Cuneiform was he lure of the early era and to know the firs civilization history. In he ablets Utu is seen chasing midgets that may have appeared from both from very rare alcoholism as mentioned and atomic bombs. It is symbolized in he elongated face artifacts Akhenaten's children as much smaller than him so some conflict may have ensued in the environment before or after when they left the main area where they came from in Egypt that may have affected he birth weight of the kids. Family was murdered also. Plutonium radiation exposure can shrink birth weight and height of the human race. Aeras of explosions extensive testing may have smaller people here we mentioned. the family was mysteriously murdered left in unmarked graves.  

Now to see what was recreated in our local time line underground that was so boring to me having done this already  I will skip to Marie Antoinette a past life of mine also. From this outfit I remember occasionally riding a horse to he post office to send a letter. This life was rich with parties we had  a very good time and some illicit publications made by her and giggling fiends who visited with Louis underground circulating with fake names were challenging church values about propriety circulating in those times. The parties like the masked ones that were turning odd in movies were what we had also in the for friends where there were wild parties of great fun and idyllic poetry written of love affairs, innocent of violence or profanity of dignity to the persons about whom it was, was risqué and no religious conduct abiding by.   If they find them  they will have had fake names with drawings or art of such party time and writings. that we giggled how people finding them who upheld propriety were shocked and discombobulated by the writings. That is all it was not sick intrigue of murders that were running in my time today in private places where he passions had turned to violence under underground investigations that had held up m work for several years. Thus he masked parties with intrigue depicted in modern times or gossiped about had been taken and emulated for true debauch and crime. It is why I added this information on the life of this queen to set straight the information. Was not orgies was couples at he parties borrowing a bedroom, lovemaking all over the place, then  music and sitting dining on appetizers  drinking wine and writing poetry about it  or other writings ha we published under fake names and circulated to rival the church information on marriage and sexuality. There were pamphlets of debauchery about her published circulating underground also that we battled with horrible bad publicity and nude drawings of us in that time as tabloids. We promoted truth beauty with artistry in our home was not roman favors for a go at he wife owed to her family after an orgy.  The author a the time of this writing ahs no such partners either. Louis reincarnated as Napoleon same face again to take power really it was about not being beheaded for having a good time in the face of a never ending group needing poverty reduction with some luxuries permitted without insult napoleon was known for that old topic that likely will not end without surpluses economy voted in at some point to end warring over he economy. In this life time the author was put through this put in poverty her money stolen to be made to agree with the misfits battling govern ship and rich business  It did not, work I agree a balance of power is necessary or you have no goods or govern ship that is worth anything to compete with other countries for business and respectable personation and agreed only that end to violence is important and education to elevate standing in life during that imposed exile from money I had suffered through crime getting me for a while. I was not their causes they needed a wake up call. Some through defamation had lied to portray me as debauchery again and crimes that as a quiet scholar I wrote  and did my work only nor participating in many festivities of any kind during a very busy period of work so he information going around was ludicrous. Some had threatened my life announcing they had come around me to kill me and others stated hey were voting this work down where they had no vote.  I could not believe the antiquity of such groups of people  who behind closed doors had suggested fornication or bribes for relocation to a new apartment would be appropriate against our laws.  This video is quite good on her.

In ancient history there were groups who were putting down  the original Mesopotamian meaning or giving partial meaning with religion forming lurking  that have created the scary version of all this that was alter called heresy by religion even original tablets for this reason. This is from early Greeks having clearly Inanna here with hyperspace of the ether one face turned a dead person then another lookin the other way the moon of stop button worn eyes closed. Afraid of the image holding knives usually they tied the string this cuts. A small container and a round fuel cell is held. and a tree branch on fire now of crusade against all this held and creepy energy with snakes curled sanding on the loop to stitch it and one lions docile simple not done yet for the twine was cut not woven and the serpents threaten the docile lions not to build not to war back against the crusades  no ship to fight back go to religion is what happened in Greece where they had orthodox Christianity later and a man who caried a menorah of creation of 7 days by candle light, same face as the crusader, two religions had brewed there. 

Then the ancients he builders depicted as snakes later impaled on one side not same as nail the reality with lotus flower strikes of hyperspace. These began to then degrade the symbols of correct representation mostly freemasonry did not use either  That was also provided by those hidden in groups sabotaging the work inverting its meaning causing the religious fear and confusion world wide about them till scholars pulled them out and wrote them in a standard history without addressing this topic at a ay countering official religions saying it was a form of alternate religion pre religion in eh temples when in fact it was science and this did not create acceptance in old religions for the history either.  

Here this one looks preserved by Romans in some secret space craft building area pre Christian the baby is in the middle wondering about the ice cream cone usually this was uranium in ancient Egypt tablets There is a mask like mirror Hathor used at his feet to build or not to build in the future anti gravity now portrayed as snakes good or evil? Was forming here. This appeared shortly after Alexandria was burned down and treks to Pompei and Rome were made where they stashed some of it .

The odd Alien like ships console and masks are there fore resembling some Romanian artifacts remain a slightly creepy looking mystery. This was the crusader leader building hiding some the rest fear it it is evil vile repent in church! Extra terrestrials said the had atomic war some during crusades that was leprosy in the bibles I surmised. Radiation burns flesh eating like disease with infection that made it appear as another illness that they spread around was a contagious disease that was the infection of the burned victim really they needed anti biotics for .So the fear of future building was wielding the technology secretly for war life time after life time. Then salvation the church, nothing exploding if you sat in it learning about the chosen people warred for to sit in it privileged chosen by god with some phenomenon shown in the sky that was attributed to god not technology wielded cleverly by the leader of the templar knights usually later. Today the author is putting this back to sciences for anti gravity technology never to be feared again as agent of war against a nation to go to church where it is lost to science for hundreds of years if not thousands diminishing gradually. 

These are likely what instilled in humans that ETs created all this on earth when in fact it is ours from different groups of humans though andromedans said these look like then a little as face features he large slanted up eyes and narrower jaw however not our artifacts they said. Photos courtesy of Pinterest.

This is another angle of the same area with the artifacts in same style.

Some answers for these they are also plutonium storage areas likely as there is a as mask quality to these uniform suited men.

.Here another one which is tell tale if any hikers find this to stay out of it not to explore and where the culture of using sculls and cross bones may have originated from for poisons of all kinds, plutonium burial.

A circle and cross if you go inside it you would see what? A section and another section right? A circle represents spin so its spinning reflection of itself as not going anywhere. Mirror is reflection of here mirror atoms and neurons ae involved in manifestation of hertzian vibration seen on earth and experienced authors addition to theory about mirror matter and neurology.  Author Marilyn Aryana Starlight identified our higher subatomic state anchors into anti atom state and has a mirror layer between the two. That is presenting us here solid now another mirror matter special effect us in hertzian with fluid vibrations in other levels also worked by the incarnate observer flux to anti atom visible light UV and other firings to gamma working this divine instrument of biological structure. in cuneiform when you see the right angle stacked symbol it is may times buildings built cities as meaning it is really mirroring each other again how  we  record our lives also and that is in past lives how if you go to anti matter state go into yourself into the dark you will pull an image emerging out from mirror button like to open the zip file like past life sequence or picture for this reason. the container is filled with our past lives also he cerebellum for example with tinier neurons stacked with information sub atomically like in our first language also applies to how the brain works as I mentioned prior. This is follow up information to Anel of Starlight's information about reincarnation and past lives in the brain where they are located.  Temporal lobes and amygdala with hypokalemic a tiny recording area of higher vibrations in faster pace time use of the  brain usually more awake moments is intrinsic to  the biological soul recorder in the brain. that affects slower brain and heart lung area as I'm being this or that while anchored in heart beat and breath to the biological space time however 'Ill tell you his in higher vibration with heart above hertz not audible i record same it all there and why andromedans hearts are not audible in higher vibration up stopping either but they're alive so this human fear of not hearing hert beat is slow to learn out of hertz guys in higher vibe you cant hear it and were not dying turning blue we are golden humanity glowing then coming back to less bright with audible heart. So if your relatives  on a ship one da above your house you would listen for them to materialize and hear their heart beat if you could put it on a speaker say to yourself then the out of higher hyperspace and solid now beating . They were not dead don't be scared humanity your biggest obstacle I've ever seen in my life fear over this..You know I said it before that big vibration that does that to their relatives to take them in the ship up take sou out of your life to die usually why youre scared get over it please or you wont fly anywhere this life time on anti gravity. People usually cry at this point in realization. 

Laying with still heart is not it tis NDE or death. you cannot travel on ships this a you must be alert and alive you're conscious as he relative in not audible heart on the space ship they are lucid and remember everything, unlike NDE mapping it when you her them on say like a speaker above our home and the appear in the house that is worm hole flight those who cannot get on say a starship are trained to fly and would survive likely accidents on a slower starship also if any occur ever and they spontaneously heal eventually They work the mirror world like I believe the Matrix movies tired to tap into, what they put into the container like the cube with and measure in space time creation in math, creation in the quantum field. We have archives  What was in the way in he matrix movie was the reality of not fully understanding the observer and plugging into all these programs of other people to entertain themselves in a bleak world of dead star to live whtever life was left or they would have flown to of there using their living biological matrix he observer uses to craft higher dimensional technologies and civilizations they had religion on the tales of Zion and did not build they build the artificial matrix so tis a very poignant movie series for what to possibly avoid doing for real to ourselves. They scared he hell out of me as looking at possible realities and I did this work to help prevent such that is how they inspired me. Remember for good brain health our own memories are the mirror of self reflecting correctly only, no others to over emulate, as those with mental illness sometimes exhibit multiped personality disorder for example.

In remembering a past life, you will see this if you sit look at a photo or something you may have found of yourself in another life time for example and you'll withdraw into our negative space as you peer at it till gamma firing begins that extracts the information tugs the negative space to the mirror to loosen the little like zip file that opens for a flash as a photo or short stream of info or rarely in deep trance where you lie down and are in reverie of the life time like a dream and awaken remembering, quickly writing it down to map it in the cerebral cortex the hypothalamic cortex will have it also. So mirror atoms and neurons are our friend down here and one day in the cosmic space when we fly space craft more lessons await in the big mechanics in the universe. Heavy stuff this is for golden humanity my writing so you may edit out what youre not ready for or one day become it in this life to you next in reincarnation  and know you know what it is scientifically in this theory some have put to the test already and done it. also read past lives from the information I have given and some scanned them and are working in the golden city hidden world of participants that will put out astounding information in he future years in sciences and all professions who participate. I predict well perfect this planet solving it and have a second one even more brilliant in the future. The tests ae this are you willing to get rid of what stand in the way of it or do you cling to security blanket of what you think you need that balls it out of the world yours? Decisions are at hand then. 

This is a gorgeous picture of the Mesoamerican artifacts and has the dragon like Dmuzi from first civilization face on the bottom appearing again. caried though the ages which meant space craft building. I recognize this one like I was here for some reason.

Here are more from that culture which are very incredible. Underground to the laboratory likely .

This is a modern looking cosmonaut from  two thousand years ago.

Symbols of the language of these people carrying on the flower and more.

This from Africa maybe a plutonium burial area as the figure on the left is in distress with a taken apart man below him the skull to the right has hollowed eyes person looks deceased.. 

This structure has plutonium burial behind it warning of danger under ground it reads of gold now psychically at the time of the photo..

This may be another of the same for plutonium burial from ship building both as there were no power plants at this time,  So the stargates were enter to work when you arrive these are you may not pass danger in fabulous artwork in the thousand of year old tradition of clean eco system. This is why governments were friendly with such like the freemasons we suspect, if any built anything and adopted the tradition of clean earth. 

And this one also is good..   It has the stop symbol as well on it like permanent flight down.

These have been mined likely by their governments in fact the plutonium turns to gold left alone in the bins and if missing are for this reason taken as gold out of them, the builders were paid for space ship building by the cosmic observer as mother nature recycling like a true alchemist.  So the idea of 'god' is rich not poverty struggle in its most natural state o he cosmic phenomenal observer we are all recording as when awake to know all of this information once again. Surplus economy would suit us well, goes with ur DNA and planetary inheritance.  So in the sphinx the gold was in the stone sarcophagi.  Where it comes up in the earth naturally it veins and turns to gold mines.

This appears to be a very rare early space craft hull  that was found in the earth being excavated here.

Here this appear s a very early discover of andromedan triangular craft by humans it is not  our construct. Andrmedans said this was an older space craft from around 1929 that had floating particles of the anti gravity causing metal uraninite that later the spread more evenly though the diamond sheets  that are black diamond that has it in it  finer particulate more evenly spread.  The diamond sheets ae embedded in the hull frames today. They have electrostatic discharge bumpers like the round ships that look like teapots that accompany these on occasion and can ride inside the triangular ships made of bronze hull titanium inside.  There is a white light indicating its presence that travels along he ships edges and its lens is on the bottom like surface that twirls with the ships momentum.

This is the same ship type flying and glowing up to worm hole going into higher bandwidth light here now above a stone pyramid.  Diamond sheets with uranium speckles one ET said this appears like. This magnificent engineering is now hyperspace 4 here  X- Ray gamma is after it glows for a bit hot pink and folds space time disappearing to appear in a designated position elsewhere. In order for a human to do this like the andromedan ascended masters in life still do today, the human would need to ride though hertz to negative black space then visible light UV Blue skipped to X Ray and Gamma ball state in the author's words,  "like in my ascension I went into gamma ball state that then the riders are also inside this glowing diamond structure.  I proved it is possible for mankind to ascend in life like andromedans to fly this most advanced space craft training from real adeptness with a simple tool the BME stars spin process and we have other BME quantum mind tech  tools to train.  I formulated this process for training to end illness ageing in most who do it from young to middle age is most realistic and to enable a human to fly on a hyperspace capable anti gravity space craft like other ET races who are ascended in life a part of their population do.  Others in slower inter stellar space craft that can take a family not ascended by some ability they have to handle early hyperspace two negative anti gravity state to another location.  In our organization you will not do this through engineering off me or other adepts that kicks the rider off ships uneven DNA not authentic you must train our own biology so the DNA is strengthened in holding more light of various levels through the BME star spin. 

Taking light from another is robbing Peter to pay Paul cliché does not produce the student who can do this to be a future cosmonaut in case of any emergency where training is provided to go to another location should our star produce conditions when it is unsafe to continue here on you local planet. If  you say you need another's DNA you are saying you are a lesser race than those who don't do it, and use their own, those who are human using their own we no do not harm who did this attainment. nor to worship them simply leave them be and learn we do not want violent fanatics doing weird things to those who are attained told to by an satanism running around from another andromedans did anticipate in to groups who wee more interested in money and power to get things from their ships than study hey played on religious fears to confuse them. Unfortunately some took light from others too much jeopardizing those who are training in BME and to be golden humanity who can ride the fast ships one day also they may build in case we run out of slower starships families will possibly go on recommended by the author with many governments agreeing this will come to pass one day in a future generation  likely should the star continue to demise. ours. Mars as a coordinate to move to is offered usually by those bothered to much for things from themselves and ships as the area is cooking more strongly than earth at this time and uninhabitable people should realize and map through the entire brain he engineering freaks do this bother everyone for things as they are lazy as observed by the author many times came more about money than any self development. . Some who ae obese elderly or ill and will not make  trip in any craft for health reasons  there fore we have warned not to down others irresponsibly in our society in training  for you will not have a place to reincarnate if you do this and jeopardize the future. the humanity written for it is no loner a child and must deal with what is possible what is possible in another life time and not sabotage others efforts building the future for humanity to proliferate and survive in any conditions facing the challenge to deal with it. It is not only old and obese its also slender greedy do not help end the rest of the human race demanding genetic non meiotic or meiotic mixed with non meiotic DNA, that does not last that is black market DNA not authorized meiotic stem and cranial hair therapy by most ET's.

Pressure in space is on the heart and you must lift to at least anti gravity hyperspace 2 negative space that begins anti gravity effect that in pressure in space vacuum the space craft will fly in the heart of the rider is lightened going up in vibrational frequency.  The sound of the beat is harder to hear and is gone in high hyperspace for how do you take a heat beat in a gamma ball state of a human?  You don't it is curled up and pure mind of the observe is law over the biology in various hyperspace states where by old religious and and some regular community exposed to adepts were observed to be scared of this condemning them as deceased not knowing what they were were told no you have not the training to understand for you know NDE only go off such or you may cause harm if you grab  them and say zombie!  This occurred ad nauseum in different communities who protested with humor zombie videos having been engaged oddly by the ignorant. Were is the entity's heart in UV blue going to gold state X ray if you cant hear it and grab it entangles shreds and has to be fixed while the other is killing such an entity in ignorance condemning them and this occurred to adepts and ships had to heal them!  We suggested regular community in some narcissism not heart monitor others not know what the hell they were judging. After observing tis for 15 years the author decided it is important info to put in the book update to help end ignorance about this topic. Especially when she found out ETs were trying to heal people some times in hyperspace where their hearts could no be heard and others judged them as dead causing ruptures in already hurt persons disastrous! And they still have to pay those people their work money they did not die.

On the playing of Satan, there is there is some evidence it has been goin on for a while with the Marquis De Sade art piece with a triangle hanging in the sky, above debauchery including violence of killing lovers, an andromedan space ship symbol so the lesson is no ET's are going to save us they are here to put challenges before us to be greater men and women to resist temptation of the stupid to rise above it, to be greater people. They said to me, you can speak feely about anything you observe likely for the reason also of having played it.  Marquis de Sade era was unfortunately hit with a murderer running rotted roses we would call it today or chivalry, killing not to give any more to his suitors, we have seen in our times also with murder sprees in several areas this desire nearly to train lovers sexually to want to die or to beg for death in the horror of abuse of the mind if they came around to bother the lover for more.  It is antiquated mind  that has no place in modern society and never did, perhaps we may not highlight such any longer in completion of more advanced information which is what has occurred also in instances. 

On Akhenaten's time they had the black gene so if they recreated the first civilization pyramid leaving Egypt was possibly to say, the gene was there since beginning let's run it that way as mulato race kingdom and the violence that came was slaughtering that gene that was not there yet. They were all murdered out of it is why. 

An update to missing life times of Inanna's procession of reincarnations this one was found also. queen Faileuba.  A year ago the author had sketched the face of this woman to knowing yet or remembering fully who she was.  

Did you imagine what dishes from us as our former giant tall selves would have been like? Here a very rare find. An ancient bowl.

Another rare find here another bowl.

Israel an area of controversy religious war raging there for decades the thing is its also science that moved there from Mesopotamian first civilization and other areas of the world. 
This  artifact has both cuneiform and the Egyptian ankh combined showing the thread of continuity in history of information so they came from both kingdoms the people of Israel ahs the ancient Egyptian solar disk ankh of having tied it all together to create in the container the other symbols a space ship in the time of the artifact creation it says here.

With thanks to The Jerusalem Post September 6 2024 this photo was presented of the Mesopotamian style coin that was used to depict the ancient deities who were the builders of civilizations in first civilization also. This also has container symbols on it for anti gravity work of their early science before religion divided the information with philosophy and science was left missing a lot of it added back to science now. 

In ancient Egypt the container then was shown also  as continuity of Mesopotamian teaching fuel cell he holds and its contained action of lifting the space ship.

In the cuneiform language from the human who is gridded by the inner earth and star grids of diamond like nitrogen argon and anything else inner solid radiation information chips, its ay seem mundane but we build structures like buildings and cities with many rooms to walk through like the beginning of dimensions to move to then we have momentum and increase in the symbols of momentum to radiation and we get to build anti gravity space ships to go back 'home' to the stars where we came from to examine all this that is the grand design we inherited since the first civilization that has been mostly classified projects and attempted projects as military activity or classification that one day because of the ageing of our star maybe more wide spread inclusion of people who learn about this to inherit the true creation model that the early leaders built for their families. They need community to transport for jobs is why or we have no society. They need for this healthy viable families or they may have a tendency to say nothing will be built for you well burn it inevitable to my surprise most wee open to building to include community over the next decades. Cosmonaut training  may in fact become real in the future and this information for this reason if it occurs may be invaluable to you who read it in the books.

Here we have an idea of love and romance amongst high level people in this tablet for a noble man is wooing a noble woman his queen who may not know something he knows from his training see the bowl he hands her is missing like cut outs an element he wears on his headress of attainment. So it means dine on me I have to the left of him the cosmic handle and have tied it all together for shopping. There's a little bird and goose shown  for riches of gold picked up at Cairo usually for short hauls over the earth with stops by something that floats like the ether of small triangular tombs the analogy of ship anti gravity was the riddle about death the ship floats in same hyperspace as ghosts!.  Ties were put together about this owned he stitched his anhk of immortality or the life is extended if you understand what death is as science and may avert it in the future. That is then buzzard symbols all the way to the cosmic eye that saw it all of a dead star and so he wants to take his queen shopping in his new simple space ship he built for it quite the dinner. Likely she has not flown yet on it though is learning also holds the ankh.


This tablet is excellent for looking for to the power of  and square root math in hyperspace dimensions power manifesting described here as our early technology used this in the language. I remember about Inanna walking around with long meaningful looks which when you're over 100 feet tall and rumble the earth talking you would only impart vital information so these tablets re the language of our building how tings worked and other facts in the earlier books explained that is why its all over the tablets science science what we we doing with it. If the flowers have eight petals then in a star you may have square root of 64 then that points to its mathematical geometry origin. It is ironic that in Greece where they lost the language to darkness of mythology inverting some of it, the pi ration was invented by Syracuse and this has bearing on the circle with PI R squared measurement of it. As we progress with building however there is an increase in energy that is like the power of in mathematics.   If we look at nuclear physics math this is more applicable however we don't burn uranium for the fuel so the equations are then not completely the same. We also have the math of the solar star NASA has on its pages of mathematics for that is the secret of the cosmic handle large physics in the skies that is mirrored on Earth with the lotus blooming from the water coming from the rays of the star feeding it light and radiation  to grow. The sun red giants and the core of the galaxy are the power sources emulated in the physics of the Mesopotamian civilization all the way through ancient Egypt that is described in the tablets, basically nuclear strong force contained where spin is in the language of cuneiform our first language. I the author had written space agency suggestions  to   create a chart of torque of the load of each fuel cell spun on a gear for the space craft torque to be identified which will produce new equations needed for this science update in nuclear physics.   

In order to move humanity out of bumpkin land in this science of anti gravity at the time of the writing of this book, and happening, it is necessary to realize that when old religion and philosophy took matters of the spirit and lofty mind and separated it away from science, we built nothing of the kind any loner the same way as it was not really our business any longer according to who was holding the symbolism unrealized and discussed in the other two disciplines.   Therefore with a examination of history all the way from the beginning to to day this author did, the return of the missing information that occurred at the point of Alexandria library burning and religion with philosophy forming to science finally moves the time line forward of astounding building we had prior for thousands of years now updated completely that will herald a very exciting time of innovation  humanity will see. 

There is culture left over from something we were nicknamed Rumble, loud motor bikes car engines that get us going. So if we were known as the big gods that rumbled this is where it's left over from. The cinema piece mentioned before Rumble Fish by Frances Ford Coppola that back then if you translated it to our earlier civilization, meant space craft built by the rumble people, humans. Spacecraft in cuneiform tablets as the math and science of it looks like a fish. Its hue launcher it sat on looks like a hovering plane then has a step on it to push it off, so it wields hyperspace causing torque. We did not burn fuel so the physics is clean of this its cool spin that can fly in the vacuum of space without burning up from fire one of the most dangerous elements to space ships is fires in space they can explode and burn from such. Therefore our current use of uranium burring it for fuel cannot be applied to anti gravity space ships built that will go to outer space and anti gravity machines built over earth burning uranium are for over earth only like the Sky Hotel. So that is why nuclear physics at the time of this writing was at this early stage of familiarizing itself with cool spin technology theory from our own history proven it flew described in these tablets however they had to be decoded correctly or you would say it number counts or religious symbolism or some other gibberish  explanation usually  incorrect.

 I have seen numeric counts in cuneiform but they may mean uranium fuel cell load or for technology counts to use so it is not a Mayan calendar situation, which is why I cleaned all this information out of new age and religion and put it back into science. It is my discovery and theory simply reading the information we had understood correctly. Other science theory presented by me about our biology and DNA and the observer working it in higher dimensions is also non new age inclusive and mine. I simply explained what my ascension in life allowed my biology to do that we need to know how only for biological immortality and hyperspace ship flight. To varying degrees those who do the BME Starspin designed to train the observer ideally athletic types who do this practice or at least  active, not sedentary with physical more resilience are able to take the DNA for a ride through the dimensions.  

If you take a single cuneiform flower it is sitting in water with 360 degree awareness as it grows remember, Inanna chose the owl symbol for this for space ship technology 360 degree capability. That is the first symbol al that energy and activity in the one flower that is a mirror of the rays shining on the earth that grew it. When we add flower strikes like nails of the creator us on Earth now the Gods, it is like square root of energy you have to use. So with earlier simple building programs running we had formations like Stonehenge that shows basic structure and roof concept that went around into a circle like the ether represented by the water around a lotus flower this now came to pass.  Now wee finding single silver desert monoliths that likley represent the whole thing in one. Finally advanced cities and buildings from the inner solar and earth grid that is frozen carbon and nitrogen and other elements argon etc. that make a square pattern I call the inner chips that become exposed from red giants that may spray them all over planets when they blow causing more intense anomalies of reprogramming like genetic changes in wild life and spontaneous building occurring of a monument or cities redone. So it is  metaphor but how do you build with two three four flowers the triangle etc to the power of?  Well when you do something for the first time it takes loner then when you do it all the time it is faster  so in short form cuneiform you have the flower stalk down then one across it, you ae changing direction picking up momentum floating faster the brain is working faster to accommodate the observations and why in rote work in high enthusiasm people disappear and reappear. They return glowing and as if in a day dream coming off it.  So the ancient builders some of humanity were knew how to   rotate in the mind spatial dimensions turn grids build at high speed. So the first containers were homes and buildings then with more nails in them of the floral variety and the triangle forming with nails is increase of frequency that causes things to float or to be illuminated, such as lighting a city. The current travels like the sea creatures through the ether in a device seen as light a quantum physics technology manifestation also or in say in luminous ocean creatures they glow. So on this tablet you will see a repeat of flower nails driven into each other for like square rot effect and the triangle energy in momentum then the waves that is showing energy result and squares with wood frame line and slots for container to contain the energy harassed it means. this culminates in the fish symbol which has a triangle hinge like on the face then containment  as its body that is like the eye that swivels the lens and its hull run on uranium with the energy waves entrapped causing anti gravity and momentum. Anti gravity is strong force mineral using technology that is why there's a succession of floral strikes like nails for power of to increase and the star is the energy of the strong force spin harnessed by the human or man god realized super a natural observer building it.  For those in science this is an excellent tablet to practice decoding after you read this author's other books What Humanity Never Knew : We Were Born with Space Ships reference book series. 

If you follow the rows of symbols in spatial rotations in the mind by your observer that will go slightly remote do do this,  it helps to decode the information. Highlights of the meaning of this tablet revealed in the author's decoding are the following: The fish eye is revealed as top of pyramid eye like sections in the fish symbol areas used later as origin. In  row second up from bottom on the left of your orientation fourth in. hyperspace momentum builds nails upon nails of the flower in slight spin in ether then forming momentum of in on the move idea that steps down to this, nails floating sideways, then a strike to the side to anchor it to ones moving down stepping down that is the formation of the lowering of the space craft command and even landing. These exercises help you map floating bilocation like work in life as the pure observer relaxed becoming the strikes of the language read, then mapped not NDE, to remember all of it in life with no break in consciousness to be more awake. In row is from the left side facing the tablet three from bottom you have the star and triangular container. That means in motion space ship with strong force fuel uranium in flight.  Cuneiform then is never intellectualizing ideas, it is being the act of building and telling the story of it in these tablets as experiences all written down the gods had as phenomenal observers awake so in using the cuneiform star of strong force the human has to be supernatural to work with the technology to fire in gamma the understanding of what it is going to do in the container he may have disappeared even glowed as gamma ball during building and then able to ride it later if it also folds space time without freaking understanding it fully because you cannot intellectualize strong force technologies if you have not ridden the light in DNA to higher states you are building to become. There fore the presence of the star in the language marks the god the phenomenal observer already active or it would not have created such an astounding language of science in our very first civilization. 

How are we today? Mostly safety seeking to ponder first ty a little next till we have some assurances of success and really in early education that child is endowed with supernatural capable DNA if it is there we will be less conservative evolve and build faster and greater that is necessary to solve our problems in the future of ageing star. The language today is not of autonomic doing following the result in hyperspace up and down the double helix any longer nearly as such as our earlier pectoral languages today we map all this all with more proficient descriptions for those areas of the brain cerebral cortex. So the Mesopotamian people mapped that in gamma bursts during the actions of the building into the larger but much slower brain as well however writings and pictures were to stay awake to have the faster understanding reading it this way as opposed to the author must put you the reader there through a map in the slower brain how we ae accustomed to learning today in school any education really to go to the faster processing eras for the theory on this to be accepted to be practiced. Most find they have to go out of the biology as floating in a trance on the symbols to get the demonopolized meaning correctly then the begin to become the language of our first creation that fires in faster brain areas than this youre reading! so it is still valid to day and not the boring past it is the secret key made known of our strength in our observer to wield the DNA through any frequency described and to build this way also technologies and civilizations!  Can we accomplish what we may have back then? Yes simply move off slower brain areas and do the work given in higher consciousness that becomes Golden City the author calls it. People who have worked with advancing Blue Matrix Energetics have done this.  A lot of X- Ray firing produces golden humanity, those with a golden or silver gold aura around the biology those are ideas high firing or prowess in a profession al spot or other a occupation where the biology is following higher consciousness activity or athletic prowess. If you close your eyes and turn a plate of fruit in your center of the brain you will be in the correct place to work with cuneiform this uses the cerebellum and the thalamic cortex and amygdala and hypothalamus is quiet.  If you move out of it and go to your motor cortex move roughly your arms around a little not smooth like a dancer. You will be shocked back into slow brain of 'I need to feel safe here.'  The faster areas do this, "shove it I am  super human!" If you become a professional athlete as if saying to the slower brain areas not on your life am I this slow to dullard and feats of wonder these people perform and so do those of golden humanity who have higher level jobs, work, society who also work a lot in the faster areas of their brains for loner periods where the during this period may not realize they do not age or get sick easily to add to the information on ageing and cessation of it to Angel of Starlight  curative text and Bonus chapter on this.  Our hearts become healthier also working this way because we are no longer in linear heart beat, there are pauses or slowing to very low rate without NDE or inaudible for seconds to a higher vibration then back to 'normal' so this isa  different type of work out for the autonomic that is not like sports but stamina and flexibility of the neurology to carry the cells to higher frequencies is practiced  and is our very own work.   The reason a person would palpitate from a very high adept masters brain is because the master is very accustomed to working in elevated consciousness and frequency with no damage to the biology inf act tis telomeres grow stronger and brighter from such effort so it is from practice. Those who stole the authors DNA of this nature palpitated, NDE'd using it then were put back in it was lowered in them some how taking most out and it rotted out of them in a week I had to be regrown what a waste!  Do the work yourself its forever in your archive to do. 

Children who grew up with BME are morphing in and out of solid form a lot parents have reported and others and have hidden from danger turning invisible behind a parked car not wanting to be seen. Also illness is way down in them they hardly ever get ill. New ones born have the ability in toddler hood and will learn why when their parents teach them from the material and some is being included in  participatory schools those will provide statistics for effects to slow or cease ageing on young people possibly if left alone by intervening sources unwanted long enough to get good results for statistics of experiencers of the work.

A follow up on light bulb power proven to be wired with uranium is here.  This means the eye of he great phenomenal observer of the builder is upon a container and energy that goes into several the current of the serpent technology of electrical charge is in the lightbulb and you have a simple lamp built by the mother of the kingdom  or for her (in this case by her likely Hathor's)  indicated by female slit on right.. 

This is a pedestal lamp with layers of illumination built first by Ptah.  The stich hooks are indicating the flower below the lamp meaning uranium is powering it.

Here the pharaohs tie the flower stalk forming the technology the flower is used in it to power it uranium the scene looks transparent as the energy in higher vibration... 

Here is deceased star like energy burning out with the scarab plutonium chaining  a head indicated under the left figure the scarab under right waiting for the winged scarab was symbol of commander who changed the fuel cells and flew correctly without danger.

Snake repository for plutonium ancient Egypt hidden land. Likely somewhere away from sphinx used for it with Anubis wearing the mask of the dog that collects the dead. Both serving as security and plutonium burial in the dead bulls sarcophagus till it turned to gold and was sent up the trolleys to Giza pyramids for transport to kingdoms who shared it in the area. You will see when the earth is solved this much we will succeed in building anti gravity and may likely pass to another planet 2 for our people some day in the future. What is not solved and understood tethers people to the place where it must be understood first usually Same motivation is not there to do any of it till it is solved. humanity has its key to the future who study and understand to accept it is possible and builders also in sciences, congratulations.



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