This is newly discovered April 2024 in old Pompei ruins many new art pieces I am posting the most significant ones here to my work in the books the rest you may find on line. What these show is they had ship building in that time still anti gravity fighting a volcano eruption in the end that took lives. 

Briefly this is indicative of wine grapes and fruit symbols of the vineyards to protect from radiation and the fruit as uranium harvested used since Mesopotamia in all eras of our secret technologies as is in my books this info will be added later to a follow up book on the work with any new information presented like such as archaeological discoveries and progress made.                                            

The cakes symbolizing uranium fuel cell cakes.

This is the anti gravity as the first level after the anti atom phase light after death lifts the person off earth so the ship is going up in the alchemy and early quantum mechanics teachings. It is on top of the wheel gear symbol of space craft.  This is how they encoded info for other snot to find to not build from the art to hide it for those taught it only who could decipher the language and images correctly. Why to this day there were debates about this not correctly understood missing the technology described totally with the same symbols since fist civilization all through history that is how we know. The item to solve is why the butterfly is there, its the space craft built to fly from the technology of the story of the floating or anti gravity ghost. 


Here the tree of knowledge of space ship building the faces going around indifferent states of dark matter to light to acceleration deceleration in flight. Fruit symbolizing uranium fuel cell effect on ship and rider with humor and also ageing to be changed the head they called it, here depicted around the border of the art piece. In Antony's time they used cows heads also used for changing fuel cells on occasion human also in other parts of ancient history in artifacts. 

The cancer symbol around the ancient zodiak was for this clamp they had that looked like a crab to claw out the fuel cell to change it. All the animals were not astrology signs that is dogma created later they meant different functions of space craft engineering encoded. Eg. scorpion was engine injector effect, antelope launch sequence to kick start the space craft, the male cow bull the space ship and so forth, the other animals in my books. Fuel cell head some times were female cows heads shown some times humans. The faces are reminiscent of the masks of the theater later and perhaps it is interesting I bring this type of work for film and TV my writing for it.

This is also  Mesopotamian tablet containing all the way to Pompei the analogy of ether as water where fish swim anti gravity so above we have space craft that floats up  with the ether around it in anti gravity waves of energy wired like the squid or octopus with electrical function in side the cabin.  It has the spear the octopus means its armed with defenses the ships control.

Represents the container of the ship building with uranium flower atom accomplished as the mother ship showing the couple family that rides it. Similar to Hathor depiction of this in symbols in my books. 

 Electrical current is proven here with snakes below the wiring above. Photo courtesy of alamy however  public domain is 1951 and before for free use.

The statues left behind.

These ships the cows are shown with lions that mean uranium used for land defense.

This is very prominent as space craft shown actually above with battle ensuing around the temple it can also mean men in battle opposing forces to negative energy going up anti gravity with a little fight to shed mass at first.

What survived the burning of Alexandria library with space craft and other technologies drafts and diagrams with copious notes, was this information above, that is described here as same over a Mayan ruin artifact.


Precursor to medusa scary stuff dogma, this meant wired the ships electrically and electricity around town.  Women quickly began to lose some status as the church took over some of this symbolism  therefore called a female space craft technology builder a woman evil medusa.  

Close up of fruit of electrical wiring picture.

Means strong force the power of the stars technology building.

Means mother ship mother lying at the belly of the cow rides it usually  in symbolism  the spacecraft mother ship of family.

Shows lighting temple to wire electricity. Eating the fruit the uranium was used to wire electricity also and the fruit of the electricity was the pedestal lights powered by uranium encoded.

Little child  died in volcano ash likely, no identity named.  

Regarding the BBC information on Helen of Troy in the same art series, that was about the Trojan war my memory told me this: I was happy in the garden studying flowers and that the boys took me for an adventure. Here is the confirmation of this I found later whether they really pained her in that era or later about this.  This is from a different art series.

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