Virtual money economy reform is simple if you pretend you have no economy now you collapsed the whole thing and you are building a new one that will pay you out for any losses in five minutes.  This is if you have trouble conceptualizing this one with the old one we have now in mind.

This is a section asked for actually by people it is for the treatment of the Virtue Money Economic reform concept presented by author and the videos for this are on Blue Matrix Energetics Playlist YouTube with some mention of it in the books I wrote on Amazon.


Virtue  Money Economy  (VME) will not work if you limit the money on the card deposit too much, we  predict  people will then move to other countries where it's more rich of a program for surplus economy for citizens. Learn to manage your money, keep working in dream cash flow environment, hire enthusiastic people pay well and it will boom everywhere economic success. This is for real politicians to form the reform plan not dogging. When and who will vote it in globally as necessary b for it to work we'll see.

Yes VME economic reform is my community circle in my HNS in BME focus correct. Of course I care about Golden Humanity Centers but this would bring even more money to make them realized. We have a website for Golden Humanity Centers already.  

TO HAVE SOVEREIGN PLANET TRULY Some understanding of yourselves as more than what traditional education gave you is necessary. This will shock you elderly are not totally sovereign because your cells are in bondage to aging deterioration, so for example they use authority of modern medicine etc more than acute and yearly care. Leave them to it next lifetime they may learn more than what they were giving in traditional education.  This is why it is wise with new information given to continue to update traditional education for the earth sovereignty to be assured. This will result in longer lifespan cessation of aging  for the majority of the population or not physically challenged in some way mentally challenged as it has occurred on other planets in the milky way. That is why the information has been presented by me for my work to help that as part of the offerings of what was voted as beneficial for man kind enjoy the work thank you. By the way middle age people were able to halt aging who study my work thank you for your participation even a middle age people were able to halt aging who study my work thank you for your participation. The older ones, just do your best to enjoy the rest of your life and you will learn more in school when you are a child in your next incarnation, that will help you to prevent what's occurred in this lifetime, those in good health as those on other planets did in our galaxy. This information was in our ancient history that we are bringing back modernized with far more in Blue Matrix Energetic energy science. Not World Tour new age but new science theory. Yes most on new age aged ours did not in interfered with to do so.

Someone asked what about older government people? People sometimes tend to elect older leaders sometimes because they think they have tons of experience, maturity, authority,  all they can really do is their absolute best still work from some inspiration and we thank you very much for your service. If older government also studied mind opening consciousness prior, they can do quite well with new concepts.  They like the new sciences info coming out from us they said if it saves money in the future. They said old administration people don't trade on us.

Ideally that clean sovereign mind, combined with virtue money economic reform, if they need it for surplus economy,  would you give the earth nearly complete sovereignty in the future. 

Yes my predictions are happening that there is deficit everywhere no matter what governments do so I think when we hit a pinnacle of despair about it they might seriously look at voting virtue money economy or something like it in globally. It would relieve it overnight we'd be in surplus economy.

If people complain jewelry can buy the poor food wear it all and remind them to vote virtue money economy.

To inspire conservation offer one year of set money on the card, say 2 million a year not working 2 working unlimited entrepreneur,  up it for first 2 if conservation is practiced no hoarding no serious pollution or dumping, the penalty for unlimited for one year may be decided for serious waste problems to limited with submitted budget for the year decided by penalized and govt. For example. Hardship if under estimated can be adjusted in the year. Goal may be unlimited cards for all if society participated respectfully with penalties on date and pollution possible to stop unlimited for one year. Our example.

It is quite funny because you might have people going to court over over shopping buying out of whole store you know supply and demand instead of stealing so it's got a different set of  challenges but every economy has them.

Penalty example, party bought too many houses wanted to rent them out against limit laws, people wanted to buy in the area not rent from him. Party's card confiscated, party asked for year budget submitted. Party receives card back.  If party deposits over budget without submitting the request for adjustment notification goes off govt contacts him makes the adjustment back down or processes needed amount. If party does not adjust deposit within certain time period, system notifies govt agency on line.  Party has to sell surplus homes may keep the money like a refund to self.

Laws needed changing where applicable conservation laws and monopoly not anything, market supply and demand hardship of regular goods and services updated, anti pollution laws improved where necessary.

Virtue Money electronic world highway created instead of banking system, paper money obsolete.  It is possible author shopped one year with no paper money used. Differing exchange rates possible. Banks used for processing financial services, payroll, govt needs etc. Laws need changing to change banking to one highway.  If there are any losses to any organization laid off in virtue money, like a permanent debit card, even to banks credit card companies share holders  they felt generate deposits for this. Salaries continue, banks deposit pay roll to one highway account number accessible world wide.

Possible to outlaw deficit owing any money to anyone past chosen time period, a short one. Lending money not available for this reason.  No loans, apply for hardship on limited or penalty cards to government agency for such created not at select banks but any accessible at all banks public staff included in them,  if they situate them there. Or in other regulatory office governing virtue money or whatever name the money has in the future. Surplus is legal.

Insurance companies may not be needed or as much can pay themselves out or stay.  People can reassign their careers this way or entrepreneurial ship for obsolete goods and services with no financial threat.

It is  becoming proven that what do we need  printed money for anymore?  An antiquated cash register if people go for a year without using a single paper dollar and everything is now electronically deposited and you can use your debit card everywhere and it's far safer so this might be another reason why this type of economic reform would be timely. Proof of money is assigned account amount deposited approved by your local government yearly outside of salaries for self generated deposits laws. 

To be poor will be illegal if they vote it so for example mentally challenged people will be given help to have their allotted amounts.

Gifts you can do email encrypted gift amounts from account provided with features. Shopping  is unlimited eg cars etc. No car or house payments necessary, add big ticket items to request for upping self generated deposit apply instead of for mortgage with specifics. This would help reduce crime for the lower income that became wealthy bracket non entrepreneur. 

The goal maybe to give all unlimited cards within a 3-5 year period Giving society of chance to prove it's self responsible with the money and willing to work whenever possible in someway contributing to the economy if they are healthy and able bodied to have no market shortage of goods and services.

There's no negative balance permitted no overdraft in such accounts or the system may generate an application or increase on your behalf of more money that government has to authorize to avoid deficit. However the government may lay penalties or charges if you are irresponsible financially and send send you to mandatory financial counseling as a deterrent to do this. 

What simple people were just continued to shop buy the groceries things for the homes pay the rent or maintain home they have and just live in normal life because that's all they know you would be surprised not everybody wants to be some sort of a problem having too much money. It is enough for them to peace of mind that they  never have to worry about it again need no loans don't have to worry that their pensions are too low, they have none, another law change it's all gone so they're happy just to have the money.

Coins I predictive will be this a memorabilia item of hard money that will be worth more than it is now I predict if it's not pushed on public. In fact the released limited amount each year not over producing any it will hold its value better. They will join tangible hard goods investment items. Financial investments were you don't really see anything but a figure in your account where there is a term deposit will be obsolete likely only hard goods will remain eventually I predict. Therefore there's no more money tied up investing in money.  Money has no interest is only for spending to deter people from hanging on to it in the account accruing mass Money has no interest is only for spending to deter people from hanging on to it in the account accruing massive amount of it and then claiming they don't have enough for the goods and services. If you vote this Higher quality goods and services will into Higher quality goods and services will skyrocket  because you have much more money to pay for such manufacture. Trading you can have if you want or you can buy your companies back  and have hundred percent control. If you have them it's an opportunity to do a much better business mentorship program for people who wants to become entrepreneurs otherwise there's not much benefit if everyone's have rich already to buying your stocks. There might find clients changed to students graduating from college to learn about business hands on so the program might change completely by companies  if you want to help youth and college people be successful in the world as a possibility only. 

Money count will self you would electronically,  no more need for manual counting of cash. 

What is people overspend? Well due to conservation that will be  Necessary for them not to be hoarders they'll just sell it second hand you will still be able to buy things.   Auction houses and other sellers will do very well.  Because everyone is wealthy it won't matter if it be values or go to bed you'll still sell it full price because of slight market pressure for demand and supply.  If it split up now it's running communism illegally in westernized nations the extraterrestrials commented. It says you get so much money and then we have to go to the seller of used. Or you get so much money we have to go back to the new manufacturer.     So is if a VIP need something and they giggle and sell 200 of them to other people new and used and we still don't have it that's the scam as well. It interferes with our own shopping or funding donations Where we lecture or not are charity cheating so then no 1 can bring us a computer right that's what's been happening.     The system that's running is built on lies a lot of them. Tell us a tries to put you in the shelter thinking it's like policing of your activity if you tell they don't say prison they say shelter so it's very suspicious.  There's not much wireless or access to be able to do your work in the shelter so they can control your behavior somewhat or put you in a library where they were pumping the government with coin sales and stocks prices kept high Using some of my business people I need from my movies that's how it ran before when I was in shelters bribing the world tour ship did this.  

How could anti gravity spaceships be purchased by the public in the future, is it possible at all?  Well the government licenses it all you have to go to them they can decide if they want to rent laboratory space or anything or just basic licensing and inspect a facility that you have to build to specifications.  They could even build them and sell a few if they wanted to have some government revenue or simply stock their public services that may use them. With the virtue money voted in all of that is possible.


Regarding virtue money economic reform what can you do while you're waiting for other countries to join seriously contemplating the change over globally with you? You can have the infrastructure planned, laws changing in progress and all of the tool standing by and wait for others to join the economic change with you simultaneously one day globally. If you do this simultaneously you avoid any hardships from delays anywhere on the planet when regular money is no longer passed. So in one country it could be 9:00 AM where it's implemented in another one 4 AM and it all goes ahead at that same hour.

Exchange rate may be variable from country to country for this reason the quality of goods and services offered should be reflected in the exchange rate. That's prevents people from buying everybody else's goods and manufacturing cheap quality that people are not going to want if they're wealthy. That's quality of production and manufacturing goes up so their exchange rate will  go up may prevent problems.

In BC If you look at the firearms club for registered firearm uses there's courses for children as youngest 12 and up. I think we get the picture that they sere  worried about accidental shootings if a child grabs a gun to defend itself or does not know how it works and it's in the house for protection self defense and learns it is no toy.  I would say that if the government looks at this incidence of increasing violence affecting children it's a good incentive to vote virtue money economic reform because we've seen and escalation in violence on this planet and half of it has to do with the financial world upheaval that would be gone overnight.

How do we know it will get passed? Get it passed this way next elections elect young keep doing it that read the work, ask them do you like virtue money economy? During elections if you hit the trail, make it clear as voters what you're looking for. Young ones go vote this time don't sit home, write the candidates if you like virtue money economy you're on you have my vote. That is how you get it in. Don't be lazy and elect old ones because they look experienced like you have been about half of the time other older ones do this. Their brains are wired older system from ageing. Virtue money economy is discussed in my books on this site and in videos on Marilyn you tube channel. Send them a link then meet them where they are touring for their campaign, smile ask if they like VM concept to get your vote that's all you do. Don't sit lazily pulling they don't know what you're doing they don't want another regime leave it to each other them to other politicians, some pulled each other for it and my work up. It has to be voted globally they owe you because they voted deficit producing credit cards not working and loans economy. This is surplus deficit illegal.


I found it is time to stop comparing US and Canada, who's  better, who's worse, who's money's better, who's worse, because in the end it's a deficit forming economy that is a failure that there's pockets, loopholes happening, all kinds of stuff to get deficit down and it is near impossible, so it's a failed economic model and that's why we have virtue money economy that we propose they are looking at, it's better to spend time on than these debates and animosities.


The cuneiform star is shining down from you virtue money economy builders building it. Long ago each land of the first civilization had star without point coins in different regions of the world. Ultimate wealthy builder that can do anything. Maybe such coins would be good fortune for the focus. People could have one in the pocket and remember virtue money  economy's coming down from the stars power within from the divine observer. It's time we run money  they sell themselves because people may want this particular coin to remind them to remember virtue mine is coming down daily. No busy lineups ever again.

 Modern star in society we may not need to writing on the walls like the pharaohs did we could just have that cuneiform star what if you had a medical lab that had a section of it that had all the higher consciousness and new therapies and material and you had on it modern version of the starving a jet card to open it do you understand then how the grid works for the earth new architecture with goodies like golden humanity driven  it is like that for example how the symbol is used.

 Cuneiform star is in Golden City means mind of higher caliber coming at you. Others may use it to mark important info of a higher order or some presentation also with an 8 pointed star of their own design. Ours is logo gold spinning animation moving down dots on royal blue or no background or static for example, our Golden City key can move on dots in any direction. The cuneiform star can also be like a seal on high tech buildings, museums, science centers presentations, all over in their own style from other builders, we welcome it. It would go well one day with virtue money because of surplus funding for it.  It is like what we had, writing on the walls in ancient times to stay super conscious because there's info of importance behind it, however we have modernized the observer support we had prior to simpler, clean design of the cuneiform star meaning super conscious builders and usually his or her stuff follows.

Mentally and life skills challenged with Virtue Money Economy may have government as trustee of their money this way, providing simple life skills help and  financial management where they likely may will live similarly to before. but with  more money for trips and excursions. They may for example sign up for a life skills club to help them and outings travel companies may form for them they join and pay for all of this government people in expanding ended outreach social services may help them arrange they may pay for it be provided by virtue monthly unlimited government program money. It would enrich their lives.

Society in general with virtue money spur plus economy will have a trustee in case of crime like relationship with government where they can suspend the privilege where there is excess monopoly, hoarding, waste, illegal pollution or other reasons  and reinstate it when penalties are paid and or jail time is served. Probation may include suspension of business activity etc. with a budget given by govt instead of unlimited to pill time is served as an example policy. All of this are examples of what they may build in each country sovereign from other one with the virtue money economic reform available. I would even give them a bill at the end of a stay in corrections where their cards are taken away for this reason if they're not able to self correct with that amount of money and resources available they should have to pay for it if somebody has to do it for them.

Q Where did the the generation X. get lost as your customers many of them, stuck on misappropriated customer lists by other companies leading them astray lost somewhere?

A On What the Andromeda told me that was very brilliant on  on their aging code that I wrote about in soul observance roves roving their parents for authority for the heart to slow and the aging to set in that wanted to be rich they did not learn how to get rid of. I looked for this answer a long time before this kicked in about this group who took my events however who did not do this,  and learned from me early on.  What I noticed is none of them we're money driven, not a single one and the ETs said, "they're not highly successful yet as monetary riches, they don't really seem that concerned with it" and I looked and I said, 'yeah I wonder when they're going to do it?' Now I realize what they were doing they were looking at something more important to develop themselves prior and became quite successful later.  They did not take on the ageing code of their parents who had that desire to be rich.

Q And the next generations?

A Well is there parents got Well is there parents got wealthy then they want to know what else is there because Well is there parents got wealthy then they want to know what else is there because even heritage it they don't need to go after it's so hard and they will want to know likely this kind of information that I write. They also get frustrated if they find other people not me lost.

Q What can leaders do to get virtue money economy voted in world wide?

A They can create something as a pitch called the charge back card which basically gives something as a pitch that gives a back surplus instead of deficit it's a credit card joke. So you're selling something that gives surplus where what was approved in the 40s was accruing instant deficit so you just correct one small item in the economy called the deficit charge it card to now surplus charge back as a metaphor for how it works. It's that simple and before you know it you sell all the features that come with it including the whole economy where you're in surplus all the time if you can build a model around that you will be able to sell it to any country.  I will leave you with that leaders of the world.

If you have trouble with this dump earth and go to another planet, A brand new one all right you've touch down with enough technology to build a basic big city everyone has a virtue money card loaded with $10,000,000.  Whatever is built you begin to spend and buy from one another which works because you're paying one another. You keep going in spending if you run out of money you load your card again The only difference is you're like a walking bank you load it from yourself.  There's no agency to loan you money to pay for anything you need from a government fund nothing you pay for everything but as the government builds on the planet there are services and there's no agency to loan you money to pay for anything but as tbe government builds on the planet there are services and things that you can pay for and eventually maybe a land tax or something if you build it on a new planet and then take it back to earth you see the things you need to change implemented. You will see such a bureaucracy to get rid of around finances it's probably a reason for half of the health problems on this planet having to deal with it. The government is guardian over the money where it gives you the card almost like a bond that's unlimited that you keep spending and it has it's own as well and spends the same way. So if you don't go for on earth but they went for it on this new planet and they want comeback and implemented on earth that's where we're at to get rid of any deficit with it change the laws and bring it on. In fact if you look back at earth who would be left living here paying their credit card bill?  Everybody's probably moved to the new planet so maybe it's not such a bad idea to implemented on this one.

Someone asked me once, why does it seem government is on their offensive it has all of it's repertoire in order to fend of any attackers or demands and complaints and more of the same and that will not end until virtue money economy or something like it is voted worldwide and people are financially sovereign. Governments will have unlimited money as well in a surplus economy, it will bring peace I believe between government and it's voting public.  It will end any dark hidden wars between the two, believe me and it is much overdue as far as many people are concerned. 

What do we do with causes during virtue money even now? 

Medical causes like to address. I believe that there is corruption in some if not all of the foundations for different diseases, case in point is  cancer society, we still have chemotherapy 40 years later, where's all the money gone? There's really no innovation. Millions of dollars donated to it, that is a waste of money, I would shut it down.  Government I wrote them this , it would be wise to look at every single health cause organization for how the money is spent what research has been done and what progress has been made if anything in the last 20 to 50 years. If they shut down the organizations and have done nothing and go back to the hospitals and special research centers and fund them directly we're all the action is taking place the actual patience maybe we would have better progress because there's new people they're not the same ones waiting for there pigeons and old organizations collecting the same dollar from you it is a waste of money I urged the public do not donate to any of them the hospital foundations are much better, And by the way the ones dressed up sort of starlit we are not publicly traded have made no trading money either and therefore we didn't really owe charity money to have them on ships like that, we have Golden Humanity Centers, so I would like all of the bells and whistles taken off them please it's what I asked the brethren. When virtue money economy becomes a reality one day, the money will not be wasted either if you look after these things when you have a deficit economy all over the planet.  Those disease foundations need the sick to keep getting those donations and the hospitals have limited beds, they want you well and out of there, they are far safer therefore to give to.   Can we replace this with the Golden Humanity Center funding? Someone asked, you know they still need money the foundations for the hospitals for the research for the diseases however you could always put in a mini sub center of Golden Humanity, one pedestal with the book streaming in 3Dif they so choose for the people to look at, including things like curative pages that are in there as well to read the new science theory we use for andromedans for well being and BME. For detail see Golden Humanity website linked to from Blue Matrix Enterprises Google Vancouver. Supplies you need navy blue or black curtain,  a pedestal and a holographic corporate projection unit that they sell on Amazon for anywhere.  Any of my four books maybe streamed after you typed them in, ad any photos you want go use from them, photos you can use according to the laws for scholarly purposes we have photos before 1951 historical, and royalty free and mine I gave permission for and present the presentation of it in your own style for your center for a very little money. Yes you can  put them near your chapels or any area suitable. Not that Not that much at for Cole and the art streaming .  For kids Le Petit Soleil teaching and the art streaming 3D, holographic art they would love it.

Pedestal design example like ancient Egypt or modern.


Yeah the ET's are censoring this and I will not work with AYU  and his people hiding looking at designs with they could build to get little jobs cause they're tearing my brain by buy buddy

If North America does not call a meeting about it first, do not wait, call one, other countries on this topic is author's advice.

Andromedans need like an embassy on this planet that works with government for their people when they ware awake and understand them and their technology I remarked, they said they have that with other planets .If you do a virtue money.

Where is the money from? Virtue money economy is money run by government with earths people generating it both do.  And spend paying each other for everything in surplus economy that should have been done when computing was invented. it is your inner money tree born in new laws and no inters t is made on money or money products there are no loans do not pull on it to be done pleases its immature every body already likes this it get rid of trillions in deficits an d governments are rich  overnight any businesses that don't make it pay themselves out and  owners can begin new ventures immediately make it legal you have it globally only way it works . Society is self managed not a burden financially as poor sick or  old pays for all it services and expenses this way overnight if you do  it  has no flaws found yet its global only or does not work  .You cant get around it if you look at what is built you put it away and say I have only virtue money  to spend globally how does the economy do? What do banks do what do we do what does society do and see it .What laws need changing and banks are there as part of money highway online not as the generators of it carrying it they process transactions and can provide deluxe services such as credit cards do now. yes travel perks etc etc insurances money is from salary and virtue money self generate deposits anyone can do instead of pensions social services loans you name it the trade off like a government given money authorized bond status for 'generic money' with no limit ideally or set limits if you're freaked about about it you  use but cannot have dept it can be made illegal to carry dept or deficit yes permission to use money generating from a bond state  unlimited given for personal and business use without monopolization as govt  body emulating so it is limited for personal or business use only. The card is the permission tool given you use for your deposits and salary runs on the same highway. That needs new laws. That is how you get rid of any deficit or new social costs even in times of disease or cataclysmic floods etc look into it guys if you have not what the laws would look like for it is interesting topic I'm sure for those who take it seriously  to eradicate global debt once and for all and you can eradicate cash if you  want  to have what most of use electronic money or keep cash but is more difficult has flaws. Maybe a bond that  shows amounts may be issued if requested  for a given period of monetary management .It is for spending yes and is not centrally controlled only rules of it are  its owned by humanity there is the money tree finally each person has with rules of agreement by its local government of  its generation and use. So you'd have a tree and something symbolizing a bond agreement with government that is self replenishing by each observer under the law of it like true everlasting wealth promise given from government to its people. I think the romans wanted this but had no computers. They had symbolism beginning like it that never went anywhere they wanted to get rid of taxation some ow but could not find a way to do it. Instead of bums you have money bags even in the poorer communities now normal like others.

Work may change other than management basic staff may get longer time off say a month unpaid and or job share to keep participation going to have services and goods flowing. if people don't wont to work full time as clerks etc lower end jobs they may stick around if you offer more part time.  Career people will likely still work if they like their jobs and entrepreneurs still work their businesses a would  corporations now be to produce better quality with more $$$ making the work much more rewarding for shoppers and consumers.  Do not assume people would not work if you  make their simple jobs more flexible they know we need lower staff non career oriented for delivery of services and goods.

VM economic reform or something like it built from these ideas is flexible and can be designed by each countries government any way they want with or without taxation for example, as long as the money exchange is global in how it works. 

What about hacking? Now most do internet banking, new verification methods are there now with phone text to answer or they don't let you in or email you can add. If everyone is wealthy who would steal?  Less than now.

Find ways our global economy is putting itself into a demise as this example, you have to remember and review there are impoverished people to have a charity. You cannot have charity without those low income and needy forming the structure of it will not be necessary with virtue money economic reform.    What other ways do we define our economic features as reviewing a dead end for a financial costs in what programs?

What we predicted is happening because of COVID19 and other catastrophes costing governments money, inflation rising interest rates predicted to go up, now this November 17, 2021 Amazon reported in UK it may stop taking Visa that usually means there's been trouble.   Usually in deficit forming economic products there are problems that come with it.  So as the economy continues to slide all over the world towards higher prices and costs that usually accompany it the frenzy for stocks has resulted in more stocks released all around and companies forming publicly owned.  This we predicted would happen causing pressured on governments to consider economic reform banning deficit all together and debt. Perhaps virtue money economy can provide some answers and be a valuable model of economic reform to build in the near future.  It may be sooner than the next generation if this continues the trend for deficit and rising prices.

You can do this focus over coffee if you like in the mornings, close you're eyes say to yourself silently,  "I'm the money tree I have all the money I want," and see a money tree growing lots of hundred or more value bills falling around you and and growing more out of the tree like a 3 D holograph generated from your brain not played by ships you do it then we're not doll land.  Andromedans said if you let ships do too much you die more easily from accidents and to tell you this. Do your own focus its better so other ship stay away from our BME readers please if your people disagree thanks if you disagree. I have been in very serious battle over me my kid's,  student's, customers, reader's sovereignty and am exhausted and was also hurting so please be kind do not grab me so I can live and heal and we can prevail with sovereign and practice of BME and new science theory added to it.

Ease of payment is a key Virtue Money economic reform item you can go to see a home buy it with your card at the sellers home with or without your realtor with your contract and your virtue card number the seller can input into the computer highway where the money exists right there. No wire transfer needed.  So for all purchases anywhere the bank happens to honor still if you are there for a financial transaction for your business. Any losses any companies have they pay themselves out with virtue dollars even banks and have a new role processing transactions and providing deluxe financial virtue card services we mentioned if they like more fun than collecting debt they also work on surplus. 

A virtue money card may look like this. the whole thing is covered with a holograph wafer  in gold shine with the words like this or similar, 'virtue money card funding golden humanity in fine print or a secondary holograph apparition has those words.'  Means whether your slow old and grey and reincarnate to be it or young with all possibilities every one understands it is for super conscious earth to be funded with virtuous money. In our language wanting a heart made of gold is like that you re sovereign and rich to build your life and in general society with others goods and services and government services.   

This is an image painted in alchemy symbol circles and some royal houses also still have water fountain images like this in art work I modernised it it is Alchemist's Energy Harness in meaning as the sun shines and below is the water fountain representing the ether and weightless state of higher hyperspace levels is what it means. Now to understand why virtue money is late humans it is this:  The conifer grows from the water earth and sun it then knows the infinite program of creation it comes from, the tree knows it!!  How?  It is replicating pine cones like the palm tree used in Mesopotamia replicated pineapples.  Now if the tree is showing you this growing it and you humans created money where is the logic in teh current economy?? If we are abundant like the tree we'd have it by now virtue money.

Virtue money economy gives back the power over money and how it is used to government to issue a yearly bond agreement you own in trust to you as virtue money card holder to self generate a specified extra deposit in addition to your salary. Other organization no longer control money over government or the public, they do government with you and ensure corruption is not happening to the financial world and have surplus for running government also self generated not loaned from banks. 

Now there is huge ego around money in some as to how much they have, what it means is it is irrelevant about how much they have everyone should have what they need to do whatever they dem is right for their lives within laws  so we admire those who have  created fine homes and have some gifts or abilities not just money which to me is totally irrelevant if the mind into developed and they're not bullies in violence as rich over others who are more gifted than they are.  

As we are finding in stocks and going public mayhem, goods and services there's not  enough money to shop with because of stock buy up there's a money shortage. So the fear of not enough goods and services with virtue money economy running is unfounded and it is happening in our current one looking for cheaper goods for the average shopper. Virtue money economy would have brought quality back up with lots of money freed up to buy it with as making money off money is not part of the program it is for spending only. It is self generated an d every person can do it like stocks are self generated but you don't have to sell it to get money it is money, you keep it to spend. Stocks are virtually created by each company they create them.  A little of the mind is already in the economy, what if each one of you had it generated money and spent it instead of how the economy works now world wide?  Surplus it spells. You are not a company, you are sovereign entity who generates not stocks to sell you generate virtue dollars that you put into your  account in addition to your pay. That is the power you would have to spend. right now only stocks and bonds people and money printers can do it legally. One day if they change the laws, we may have a surplus economy with high quality goods not looking for cheap products because moneys making money off money or stocks causing you to need cheap goods if a lot of your cash is held up in there. You can tell by what is for sale in the market place what is the financial situation as flow of money. Law changes and a global vote would have it in.  People have to own money collectively, or no economic model works without deficit so far.

If you are putting the economy in the hands of the public trading encouraging them to buy stocks together yet never sell together, that's interesting acrobatics in finances that one, virtue money reform makes more sense there no built in chaos like there is is in stocks. Where you need predictions software brokers advice galore to mange in it. So then you have to manage how much money do I have left to shop?  How much can I give  donation to a cause? If any left. With virtue money you have supply of unlimited cost goods everybody wants for this reason, that every body has tons of money to spend, not tied up in any savings lock in and there s ample supply every one can afford to manufacture top of the line and has lots of money left where's the chaos?? Far less. Causes are gone, there's plenty of money self generated for everything if you have too much it sits till you need to spend.  It is enjoyable to work with unlimited money very few have so we'd still have goods and services. I get bored after a holiday for a month with no work, so do many others just spending and shopping and TV or reading.  People like creating on the job their days most of them to participate in the economy. Any losses during change over to new economy are paid out to self.  No glitches if laws are changed right now you have virtual stocks going public all over already get it?  Public taking over money a bit more with stocks sellers buying and selling with losses still experienced.  Virtue money has none.  It is cash you run each person with laws about it by governments who let you and enjoy a surplus economy guys.  We encouraged governments to study this model example of economic reform possible who are unafraid to change the economy with laws needed brought in to do it away from deficit machine and losses to civilians.  It may bring the global stability we need and bring more equality to people than we have now and more dignity.

What if people don't work?  Each year the local federal governments with local smaller province or state and city can analyse the economy, if there is any goods shortage or services they can cap the virtue dollar deposit for the following year and allow more deposit to those who do not sit around and work participating. So if you entrepreneur or work for a company you get more money to work with than those who choose not to work any more except for retired folk who would have a big deposit they earned as their instead of pension pay, self generated for the years of service. We run money together with government at the help regulation it and big headaches of huge bills for society off they can innovate build the best services ever. When you get sick of the current model globally maybe give this a whirl. No one looses, any losses are paid out in self generated virtue dollars that top up your income from work or replace it if you are retired or disabled and not working or other category.

How did I come up with this example model of economic reform concept possible? The basic pine tree that grows and creates little replicant pine cones does this, so no money tree exists unless you yourselves generate money all people somehow.   The tree shows program in our earth where everything self replicates for abundance trees with fruit etc. from the star shining on the earth and the water and even inner high vibe metals carry the pattern of life replicated from strong force.  So you are a strong force upon the land equipped with gamma brain wave pattern that can hyperspace to fast healing and more when you self generate money one day if its done.  So you have earned to do this knowing such may be decided one day.  We will then trade in the piggy bank with less spending happening for the money tree.
Governments would have 75 percent less stress and owes it to themselves to vote something like this in globally one day. 

What happens if it changes over and you have stocks?  You can do several things depending what the stocks companies do. You can sell them back for virtue money now, you can keep them if they keep trading, but stocks go up and down there's losses and gains so virtue money does not have that. Companies can trade or buy back their stocks and go off it. There is no crime with virtue money if you have losses in your business from switching over you pay yourself out from self generated. 

We need virtue money economy like reform for this reason; then countries won't fight over who has lack of money to build things they need that creates instability. 

All the info here and in Luna teleplay is basic ideas from author only, any government work is theirs to disclose if and when it is voted in a new economic reform.

What is the silver lining of stock market crashes bad ones?  It is in favor of virtue money like economic reform where the public runs its own money better with government regulation like now but better. On that any losses are paid out to yourselves off your surplus card not credit. In fact if the stock markets were ever to severely be crippled, they would have to vote this I predict.  What will be in shortage will be hard investment goods you can put your money into to sit and sell later in demand, art, antiques, rare jewels luxury anything auctions get and private dealers and owners. Some stocks companies said Id love to buy my stocks back or pay myself out and keep going with this I would not go under at all are new surplus economic reform. There need be no war about it financial, no enemies. Everyone pays themselves back losses on day one of new reform if they vote it in and do it, their version. And luxury goods will be bought to keep not to sell off necessarily as everyone is rich on it. But they will hold the value and be highly are sellable due to shortage from one thing, not everyone is an artist or new originals of tomorrow's antiques, very fine furniture as art form, maker or jeweler.     I told artists don't sell your originals cheap, if you're good get prints they'll go up later. Art world is not run right if you don't do this and sell originals cheaply. They will be rich also in the future artists for supply and demand of affordable art on economic reform only some on likely having a second job and marketing better the art for now they produce. The world will have more elegant homes and quality goods on reform if the do it and top of the lien government services and buildings will be affordable not trillions of dept in failed economy dying from deficit built in.

How much control does your government have over the financial world and protecting you from fraud?  Less daily.  When banks now sell money that is a stock that is way higher than normal exchange rate it is going out of control of government more each day and so with  stocks and other investment items making money off money.  That is what has happened with people led around the market place by a few non government people really who have growing deficit. So that did not solve it for them like some would like you to believe. So virtue money economy is the answer no more up the ass  nearly till you are dying of aids in deficit for our economy of corruption of control  balling hell and death threats escalating crime over this control by  some that has come with it without denying it. NO MORE CAN YOU MAKE MONEY OFF MONEY TO BE THE ELITE CONTROLLING THIS everyone is given a card and can generate money without further loans or services paid by governments you pay for everything and you have it to spend not to sit to make money off itself holding up economic flow of goods and services with companies failing dying out  change th laws governments get a little control back to make the rules how it runs and end the crime. VME can do this for you such reform.  They would work you give them more self generation if they work more if they have their own business.  If these old dinos won't do  it the younger politicians will they'll have to from the crime and deficit mess the dinos taking it up the annie leave them behind. Meet world wide, vote it in any time guys if you're up for the challenge to create surplus economy and enact it as law making deficit illegal and money off money illegal as corruption of allowing a few run finance for the words bend over. They are balling and control freaks over power put them out of their misery with a vme card to pay themselves off losses and end the balling frothing at the mouth drooling frenzy once and for all they are rotting society. Even stocks companies can buy themselves out with a  card no losses and banks also. If you lose 15 billion in stocks you deposit that amount self generated into your account no one loses. 

You have system that counts the money all the self generated salaries etc for you. There's no printed money but you can print a bond with govt permission that is not traded.

Also look ho complex our economy is no with regards to finances and for governments to tack all the loans and spending and their expenditures it would cut it by two thirds that is how simple it would be to run a VME so the laws changed would free up thousands  of hours of labor and paper work makes no sense not to change it for ease of running society finances.

Exchange rate?  If you have good sand services comparable to most countries you would have the same or nearly same exchange and can produce in same country industry finally affording it. if it is lower then you can print a a bond take it across the border if you move to a new country and cash it in exchanging it at local currency or  a combo for example if you have USA  bucks and another currency. If not immediately one day it  will be the same world wide depending on how the votes go and what each country chooses for itself as its VME dollar.  You can even hide VME and keep the CA dollar UA buck Euro and turn it into VME running. People would simply see no more investments and loans or taxation pensions all gone, just spending and huge surplus self generated.

What would government do with less headache of beurocracy around finances?  Build they'd build with  business and be the free masonry again the USA talks  about or in general master builders of great civilizations together  and its infrastructure and with unlimited money to do it .

With increasing conflict over business soft world wide in some instances a sovereign citizen program may be adopted by government study of VME contemplation and planning how the correct economy disallows sovereign citizen why it does not work that VME will to present to others is possible. 

What does the Russia Ukrain war mean?  If you know your politics it can be leverage to vote VME reform in because there if there is lack of money for a storekeeper in Russia who does not order enough food and it is cleaned out and other problems, the VME like model could eradicate war and shortages leading to savings eradicating deficit for foreign aid.  Is the current economic model even legal if you buy stocks and your money is tied up, you order less stock for your food it is war time and the shelves are bare bought out because people may be stocking up?   This can be leveraged closing out the old failing economic model riddled with deficit problems and wars about lack of some thing mostly. 

Someone said, "you are wageing war on the old system in ideaological battle."  I said, nine out of ten agree with it, when it is explaiend v giving information and those run the systems that need to be changed," so it is right there, maybe no war at that point, but mutual ageement to change.   

VME economic reform gives government more money control but in an interesting way not as communism  or even socialism but capitalism free enterprise at its optimum function of build, innovate and sell the best providing very good economic output potential and itself functioning to be an astounding builder with unlimited money.

What do you want to see gone with VME that is now clogging the business world from funds to go forward in some cases with projects?   Came up for me. I would say. companies who own not much but other companies through investments who you may be held up by directly or indirectly as a business person unless you invest with them.  If they do mutual funds and stocks investments for themselves it is limited it keep stock prices down if they over sell mutual funds every body knows this, another clog in the wheel.  Here the situation comes dangerously close to money making money off itself sitting as 'investment' and you have to spend less have less liquid assets to shop.  You can't buy the hotel yet you're stuck, no matter how good your business plan is. This si the enemy of VME nearly illegal anything tht runs deficit or holds up money so you cant spend and why entrepreneurs and governments have unlimited VME cards if they build it right.  We were waiting to sell films and it was like molasses with the expansion of stocks companies because of the way the economy is run right now, that in our opinion is so pathetic it is tits up as a model and needs reform.   The more open the slower it is any business for people selling anything major they shove you out of the way and say move it I have to trade! I'm broke, sorry I just traded, is another one. How is that commerce moving forward?? It's tits up we need economic reform so we can spend more and innovate faster.  If a company is waiting for sales returns and it also has money in stocks held up, you have a small window to sell to them, it is very unfriendly that way. Stupidest economy I've ever seen try, VME it moves anything immediately and you stay rich, no losses usually unless you create a pathetic product no one wants that costs a fortune to produce.  This economy is a product of an unawakened society  so if you read my books it loves to smooth over like they dont exist ruffling it's whole body and to get your key, you'll understand why its outta here  by new government that is awake if they study my work also and are doing it, the reform, and we move fincialy huge mountains daily like it is nothing, like gods, not plebeians saying, "I just can't do it." 

When the language includes plug this or that to sell, it's in the toilet needing reform for we are not an aged plebian on auto like an apliance as our demise, there is a way out I wrote the new science of our observer in my books, get them for an earth awake, not plugging itself into oblivion. They said, "wow you get the support, you're like both with that joke!"  

If you wonder what the average VME citizen would look like, dressed in jeans or highest quality casual stuff, with their card it in the pocket, with a nice apartment or home, with frugal shopping for needs, they'd eat at good restaurants and likely have spruced up cars and vacations. We have learned conservation is why and have had wars over money, so the generation that gets it will be conservative with a mind for good quality and be willing to work a little to participate in flow of goods and services.  You have to be careful not to be afraid of it leaders and executives thinking everyone want to be visionary, they don't most want good shopping, to stay educated, healthy and to have good holidays, not be your clout.  Job diversity with interesting positions in companies who supply the best of goods or services will make jobs more attractive than now. Not everyone wants to run a  company some are happy with a lower position job then executive or management to merely contribute and go home. So will government and enterpreneurs have more fun building the best without money being a consideration with no deficit and thee fore less illness will hit the public elated to go to work with interesting employment or companies to run and good vacations later to enjoy and shopping. The education will lead to better jobs also so they'll seek it out again more, the goal of a lot of it and to advance as people. Disabled people who work a little now can still do it and even train to fill in for new positions that are a day or two a week or a few a month like floating staff if they get bored sitting at home and have the skills but could not handle full time and barely steady part time from mental stress or  their condition.   

The way money is counted is electronic to the penny and like bonds on a card you have no interest either way no loans. Paper money gone is how it works.

This is scary but what is happening is we have these renegades running around that trade and think this is neat to stay home not to work and have money from stocks.  So when they said VME would not work, to much money in the economy circulating who said it first? Stocks analysts.  This will not to happen with VME because we are not hanging up money till it matures in any accounts to shop, you shop all the time and spend for anything you need at high quality.

With VME you have incentive to run high quality business, charge any price you want for the merchandise, that is fair for the workmanship people can then afford to pay and nothing is stuck in any kind of investment account preventing it ever again. In fact it gets rid of crime associated with stocks over abundance and shopping lack as everything is bound up in traded stock allotment time with wild spikes of shopping happening that makes it hard to pay for space every month and carry merchandise if everyone's maturing. So if the ETs had this program running again you on too much of anything then you have to go spend that is taking its toll on the biology of young to old young to old ridiculous control of our financial world don't you guys think this is insane???  if you surf a product over sold you see fat and old people advertised around it. We would like our biology back not communist divvy in the market place and stocks that have none as it is free enterprise inverted as you going down the drain if your community without stocks to take our time costing us money they tell you while they reap profits from you buying them up lying to you that has to go that group effort. They do cap stocks but they make more money than regular retailers those who run it amuck for no traded businesses.

If you look at the opulence of the Kremlin and even the Ukraine government building which is not embarrassing, this is an example about wealth and charity how it plays through the planet.  What this does is try to make people feel bad the builders who feature their opulence all over the planet that they have in their government buildings then accused of not caring for their people enough.  There will ever be enough money to do this to anyone to satisfaction  of masses, that is the reason the economy needs reform to surplus like VME offers if the leaders look at it. It caters to the opulence style of government expression as its buildings and the market place has money to keep it going to the public also in various degrees. Then no builders need to fee guilty and are not peddling cheap currency made products replacing higher quality their own countries could make with the new economic model, no relying on stocks to save the day, we have a balanced business world once more. There is no more poverty anywhere with surplus economy models like VME. No hidden critics dancing on their heads. Builders are others in the community also, usually visionary people who attract wealth earlier or later in life, but at some point have it.

It is a ludicrous situation if governments inherit all these clues of freemasonry buildings and do not function as the original societies that did, but even those were missing VME, we have computers now to help with this, that is why I strongly advised leaders in business and government to read my books and and community also. These books have the map to decode their own artifacts and what to do, anything in freemasonry texts also and we gave VME an example of what surplus economy runs like if they like, to build it. do not even think of running for office if you have into read these books, is how important the information is truly all agreed 100 percent, once they've read them was reported back to us.

Predictions of mine about higher inflation coming with deficits climbing health care  have come true,  in Canada over 8% inflation is happening. 

Women who have young children will love VM economy to stay home longer and control how much they work.
VME  Will have more time for innovation with cash travelling at lightning speed with more stake holders in the economy made possible rather than slow innovation with money sitting in stocks old model and less stakeholders in old economic model.

Several politicians shook from looking at VME, we suggest this exercise to help you see the bigger picture without fear, sit write out what you like about the current economy and what you dislike strongly.  Then look at VME model again and remember it is a global effort not by yourselves.  This may help you to be open to discussions about surplus economy models with other world governments, we wish you success in this or the next government may do it we'll see.

What would you do with VME economy surplus on a new planet? i was asked,  I would give them unlimited money to build anything they wanted in its glory of whoever goes there first.

Where is money already privatized? Federal reserve so when we have it we are like a license for privatization of money we share to the public also that we don't give to governments to use they have their own also, so for them it is more sovereign then in USA than now to have VME model if they go for it one day.  Other countries if you have money organizations you will understand this if not it is how it works most easily to implement the reform globally.   

New law they may need governments you cannot emulate government programs with your money competing with it independent of them eg buying up all the houses in a few blocks so people have to rent 
? you running pseudo housing like program as private sector etc etc. or step on feet of governments over taking a portion of society such as hospitals schools etc they build and work with privatization also with them not without them, as you independently running over them with your money for example would be illegal defined under virtue money like surplus economic model.

Other planets are not eager to meet earthlings who heard about our culture for if reason diseases they don't have advertised as our causes. not enough money funding healthy people who contribute in science the disease companies with executive were not wanted to be met for potential DNA pirates not welcome on other planets same those who grab author for DNA they wouldn't invite them anywhere near them obviously. WHY THEY WON'T SAVE YOU IF THE SUN GOES RED YOU HAVE TO BUILD YOURSELVES.  

Now for all the people going public it is a pseudo vme economy like this way generating money with crypto currency and stocks they own also as the company they sell you their money really created by them as those stocks value.  The moment you buy and keep them it is money captured sitting you cannot spend at all till the socks are the desirable price to sell usually. Brokers can work their portfolio numbers more than community their own stocks.  So, they can move things a bit faster in certain circumstances.  Most agree the savings and term deposits are way down the as earnings than stocks or mutual funds. Now with VME there's no making money off money you generate what you need and spend and build galore so it still not the same brilliant economy with stocks instead every one going public and competing for scarce customers who cash in so that is why the society was a little ah over guided to when to shop and trade by those tired of it with little growth of consciousness afforded too busy with all this usually and were became a threat to this new system if you know too much you'd push for VME surplus economy not doll and for guaranteed sales and stock investment gains. This has affected rights and laws with crime surging in this climate we notice some of us in business.   What I would register for example only would be my Golden Humanity Centers featuring my work to walk through as a part of Golden City as it is a series of public museums built from the endeavor, I retain control in my films and creative expression for example. Then the stock money goes to build something really spectacular for the public I may do this one day while filming etc to have the tax shelter if I can have it a tax shelters one of my own I have to look into it. Depends on the country I live in.  I have GH consulting how to build them and info for profit, the centers are not for profit. Idea was other could also build them as tax shelters if they want one. I thought of it because the is a large amount of churches on the planet new generations are growing bored with if you put more science oriented centers up that makes tax shelters possible and can convert to VME easily. I don't throw ideas away, I keep them to build on. The rich could also buy a franchise or set up a Golden Humanity Center as tax shelter who trade with me then if they're looking for a good one that educates the public.  My presence and light will be very busy with film making so this cannot take my day up the brokers would handle this one best.  In order not to have this problem, "you say too much in your films, that is controversial! my stocks may fall!" For example, which is not true generally for my writing, but in case, I would not go public for that reason on my film making content I like the freedom to say what I want. 


 GLOBAL WARMING IS THIS STAR AGEING AND BEGINNING TO GET SERIOUSLY WEAK PRIOR TO RED GIANT STAGES SO USE THE TIME WE HAVE WISELY.  Since this video the sun healed the hole somewhat, but it is old and will continue to flux.

What if they outlaw crime provoking financial activity worldwide?  Then they could sneak in a surplus economic model and have something standing by to vote in like what we gave as VME concept to work from and develop if they liked it.  They can commit to say a 6-month plan to have a model built to implement and launch simultaneously with others all over at any hour globally.  Any global address topic can be used to include this reform as another topic. They can even keep current money names and different exchange rates simply switch over to the surplus model no one would notice except they'd be in surplus money generating only the money is now eg. euro electronic card with special holograph for bonded by govt to issue such and such amount yearly from person as money is now globally run by citizens with governments with permissions giving them more control not less and riches; We've seen this after crime and reserve running money they cannot control as easily against rate change and corruption protecting value. Laws they implement may afford this to get control of money back and to run a real surplus economy you have no pension form government or unemployment plan money given you have a surplus card with unassigned amount you pay yourself yearly for all services you pay is why and there rich and top of the line affordable now to give and to buy with surplus economy. Build it change the laws to run it it's your earth governments for you and your people you serve is an option at global topic meetings to build this model.  

Governments may give you self-insurance if a citizen is ripped off which is unlikely since everyone has wealth now, he may generate more money to replace the loss. flexibility in the model for each country is still there it is not monetary socialism you may build it however you like in your country with more socialist or individualist free enterprise model of capitalism.  As long as you pass money the same currency global highway it will work. If people from socialist states where they're old communist countries give less to citizens to generate, they may emigrate out that is the only risk to where they don't do this and give more. Instead of debt or govt subsidy you have surplus all of people and governments also, same society nothing else changes, but it is better built with top quality you can afford. GOVERNMENTS MAY BUILD THEIR DREAM SURPLUS GENERATING ECONOMIES WITH RICHES BUILT IN FOR NOT A FEW FOR MOST TO ENJOY SOEM MODICUM OF WEALTH AND THEIR OWN SERVICE BUDGETS. Citizens are not costly, walking surplus generators empowered by them and so are the actual governments.

How is surplus economy enacted as example? You are told you have a yearly bond you cash immediately from government for say 3 million dollars as a working person to input to your surplus account or VME account you read the bond passcode you are sent yearly and input the numbers it gives you permission for the deposit all at once for say 3 million dollars in your VME account on line it is really self-generated money they give you permission that looks as if there giving you the money. with permission then you go spend. One government somewhere suggested something like it in obvious brilliance about this topic agreed some laws may need to be changed to facilitate surplus economy model that replaces deficit products with his everywhere. 

This is sovereign by economists with brilliance cresting a surplus economy from some examples we gave as a challenge to overhaul the current failed model with too much crime over money and deficit weaknesses that economists worldwide in governments may create models they like to vote in. 

If government makes the deposits the money is very centralized if there's any terrorism on it to control money no one can help them from public if the public is given self-generating bond numbers they can help in case of attacks on their government in small countries this may be important. They may be given an emergency number to keep for example in case government is disabled so the money goes in and oust crime. You need hidden maintenance people in each country that maintain the internet monetary access network for the money. in case government is attacked taken over and ana action plan kept quiet public knows. Society is no longer a cattle call but proactive citizens who help keep security and are rich together in free enterprise market. We predict communist countries would want to put the money in for others let them if they want this, but we suggest this is a better plan here mentioned. Laws would stay same for human rights. 

Entrepreneurs need unlimited bond cash generating permission each hear for this reason, "I don't want to work for this shitty salary, I want more money I have this card." So they have to pay higher salaries that means to survive adjustments they need unpredictable amounts of money for payroll and higher quality production.

If something odd happened and all computers were down manual passbooks like checking can be used for manual transactions to impute later by stores or organizations to carry with the card. On the card you may have a brilliant holograph embedded permission of issue number each year and each year a new card is sent with a new number with correct designation non-working working and entrepreneur to go load and spend.  People agreed if you give it to the public to self-administer they'd save such leaders in crisis of takeover or something smaller countries re more vulnerable to. 

One design I gave of the surplus card is royal blue to various shades of blue with gold tree with a personal number on it in holograph. An example is VMS Country of origin and or name and the Holograph. 

We will need our own ships Andromedans DNA is not same as ours theyre gentler DNA in X ray we burn them a bit if flying on  same ships so they and we know to build our own one day and will need the money to do it for global warming project save humanity to a new planet when the sun is affirmed leaving our lives before this for our safety one day in the next decades to however long it lasts to hundred or so years we hope. 

Why will crime be replaced by benevolence like surplus replacing debt? Because  all came from the same place the cosmos big quantum mechanics of the universal place of the observer the vacuum later the stars and planets and creation this when given the money tree as the card will empower great merchandize innovation and success in our society instead of crime governments know this as the free mason as all mankind understood in their terminology of secret symbols in their parliaments. Their dreams coming true also. no need for ets to run anything with this everyone is rich.  Brain healthy society can finally be supported we do not need ets telling us what merchandise to create  we needed help with ships safety and uranium load fuel cells technology advice to lessen accidents not what chair to design or dress if the money is there without charity needed after. 

People are asking what to do with furniture creations? You can go with ultra modern and also new antiques modernized designed from older designs with a modern look also eg queen anne updated etc good quality like the old stuff but made in modern times. Regular antiques will still be around but getting worn out.

For the space station bill the surplus economy is the answer we can build slowly over the next decades and the government will have a way to transport families should we have an earth emergency looming closer and some of the supplies needed like space suits and equipment  for the trip food we will pay for ourselves and any extra craft needed.

If one of the alliances wanted surplus economy and not other how would it work?  We were asked.  It is not supposed to, its global however like this you travel with it spend it they have to be given an exchange rate of conversion to their dollars where really it disappears as Virtue Money stops functioning as it is now their money however they cannot travel to you and spend their currency. They would have to have so much as tourism from you  businesses save it up and travel to them to spend in a special account totally unrealistic or they want to trade it halting spending we said don't build it with money making money off money it will fail minimizes goods spending and you can have losses not intended for this monetary system it is surplus wealth to spend only no funny stuff like this begins to do. Our current financial system has loads of funny stuff creating crime so it failed as far as some of us are concerned were shot of it have deficits and crime it failed people carry to much debt it failed again cannot spend we have to much cheap goods failure. Handfuls of conglomerates run financial worlds with stocks failure leaving true capitalism out hiding socialism of control over money hidden  with corporate ship structure of cheap wages and products to often dispensed to society in a society capitalism that is false FAILURE. Proving to be against human rights also with interesting legal cases growing on that front. Children's well being on it moms women and stressed out men FAILURE  you can get anyone to vote it in use all that. Communism failure this way low wages and products quality unless built by government people from their money low education per capita for innovation prowess FAILURE some of them said failure also about their own and others no communist same. agreeing. Last can't build the space program we need with star ending from the money we have now without deficit FAILURE. stocks people built older tiny space capsules and or technologies with older goals of mars colonization with less on it than earth has FAILURE. IM NOT MOVING TO MARS IF THE SUN COOKS. ARE YOU? Other galaxies are 15 minutes away  with new planets on hyperspace ships in phase 2 building. huge commercial boom will happen if we have surplus money and build them later to sell with government approved building and training to fly any able bodied healthy person can do of reasonable age these ships buy them with surplus money take themselves out of here on a navigated course to a chosen planet we find with same on scheduled trips following a squadron leader organized over a period of time. That takes money were stuck now cant do it for enough people without gun fights likely if it was this bad over stocks never mind  space craft our analysis of the situations as it stands today with elite hiding money in Zurich fantasizing bout this with jeffs old space ship is all they had and space X seats secretly ogled. If they put it on a  fleet with other stuff they build later to a real planet that may be a better solution with not only stocks investors on it.  

"We played government, Melissa said from RSE school during the earlier years  you can have whatever you want for your work or life sovereign according to your choices and their vote, just ask the boys in skies were going off threatening you forever." 

I opted out of  my light to him to save mankind single handed two to own they voted for my work is why instead this here and the books innovation.  They took my body apart to run stocks for it ignoring the real work to take you to mars his plan I nearly died. That is not how to you use an ascension wasting the master . Likely why they tired to move me to Australia  if UA supports human rights violations for space X Elon. They said they do not and like my work work together not against her they said stop using so much light for stocks through cranium so she can't have a life that is inhuman stand down elon musk .He burns uranium we don't advise either for fuel in space. If you dont you have 100 times the fuel cell to travel with hardly any plutonium that can do this explode your ship if non monitored 24/7 coming in contact with the burning uranium for that is how you build an atomic bomb of nuclear force put plutonium with uranium and it blows up as physics books tell you. My stocks run that way, I'll take it off. " he said. I hold him to it and thank him.I have to  go to Hollywood to film it is important part of education of masses to remember higher cognitive function for the future of their brains the films and to usher  progress not despair about the global warming truths. In addition there is training info for flight I will be happy to contribute they already asked me to do this prior. 

Now to get to earth from andromedan the cylindrical construct took 40 years of carefully navigating obstacles like huge space time rifts the space station big fish would burrow through and blast with lasers and keep going they predicted encouraging it some of the blue men andromedans. He said you go through something that enfolds round yo that is black huge wont let go blast it it will loosen and let you go or you get stuck begin examined and put back for fifty nine days like we did with that round ball never gain they said. The last day it spun it out to release it.  He flies like this now blasting in the triangular craft space time rifts till they get it to let go of me and I'm out of there black space! We thanked him for his story. 

"Greys we don't grow from cadavers we NDE them once after  growth to stop it to be infant yet grown man drone andromedans said you don't need them  they don't grow off humans right they're too small were huge compared to you still they said grows off our DNA . Just build ships to get out when the sun is hot as pink looking and you'll make it," an andromedan said.  The hyperspace scout ships should be built before then to find the planet in a new galaxy as this one will begin to collapse when the worm holes from 50 exploded hyperspace red giants loosen like andromeda is. 

Space X they recommend as luxury trip around the planet not to deep space where it will be crushed in the first bad space time rift in your local solar system only they said, "maybe it will make it away from mars the burning flue cell may explode if burning near hot surface you cannot land that way you have to hover take pictures and leave Elon," they said also.

"Three their big fish space ship diamond shaped for transport of science teams builders and later families with children to a new second planet for humans we find, build like she designed on uranium cool spin technology only to conserve your fuel cells also with 97 percent no risk flight of any accidental problems, wiring simple one main generator for whole ship localized to the star ship large space station style that can sit floating or be flown with slow rotary spinning cool wheels underneath it. 7 feet each floor only cool light inside she designed not glaring white uv with white bulbs or day light in some of it for plants they like that, not white they said broad spectrum like the suns rays.  

Surplus economy affords all this with SUCCESS not FAILURE for humanity to thrive here and the next planet where this is a voided:  How to take our finances there?? Night mare we begin fresh loading our cards our savings amounts back home and new balance there SUCCESS. You need this to build and innovate with and we say this,  it is an absolute nightmare to move all that financial real estate to a new planet with old system where to create surplus economy in comparison is a breeze with 0 losses its paid out in virtue money dollars. It is your earth time table for all this to be richer you need a few laws changed a vote globally for it and you are ready for any financial cost on earth and off.

Professions that will be very important in the future are  space engineering for anti gravity that needs to be available for public sales of space craft and training. Training centers may be held at existing colleges. Ship platforms with boarding tubes may be built they look artistic like sculpture. Virtue Economy may fund this more easily than stocks or government monies.  Government jobs a new generation of people who will build this are on the way if were crawling now in older brains set firth in the old world except for the few that understood their own Freemasonry texts and are building a craft or two without burning uranium. Never reinvent the wheel was about cool uranium spin technology earths since our first civilization written of in my books. Therefore science space engineering will be huge for many vessels will be needed. There is no other course of action at this time identified by anyone be cause when you look at the largest stars in the galaxy you get a chart of fifty of them red giant. These are creating wormholes like failed galactic cores churning not all in same direction making it hell to fly through the galaxy Andromeda's reported. Later they'll lose their spin and open and leave the galaxy it may me like the end of pictures put into a negative the vacuum that is part of the eye formation answer when a galaxy dies and is an eye formation hanging there I saw it all took pictures I'm gone the creation from here will be refined and formed elsewhere. That is why when we travel well likely find our stuff made better from this galaxy in addition to new life constructs. That is how the program evolvers. 

Old systems spin their wheels all evolves if old brains cannot see it they reincarnate so they can. That is why new people who read this work and other advanced information will build the future the current people only dream of and have begun to explore it without hitting space without fuel engine lift of mostly.  This all has to go for quantum mechanics to fly ships not relativity by the linear brain.  Hyperspace quantum leaps is how the cosmos works and the best ships are built to navigate worm holds  space time rifts that even greys have trouble with so don't worship them they're basic cloned staff off Andromeda's only without hyperspace ships slower disks. Their biology can handle UV light hyperspace for their fast frequency sufficient for their work meiotic stem repair and other tasks.

Humanity is wise to understand the science if extraterrestrial because it is not dissimilar to themselves  flying in the future  nothing to cover up or you cannot learn. If the program is accepted to buy a space craft in the future with a car pool group to get out if here the public must study this.  In fact you will be ETs to others in the future away from earth. Fleets of hyperspace ships will be needed to leave our old galaxy. It is coming apart also because of the red giant largest stars in it. To haul that much space time change you need these and have to train to ride them. Therefore uranium is. friend not evil radiation people go transparent who work around it it helps you to match frequency of any gravity to fly ships powered by it in the future those in good health who pass physical tests to go. That is why health is important for the future of families. Elderly and I'll will not withstand higher pressure of space if there's a heart ailment. Prevention of such is in the authors book Angel of Starlight and the engineering What Humanity did not know series by Marilyn Starlight.

The teleplay Luna has Golden City information it is like advanced society evolving to golden humanity. When people apply themselves and study the new biological science of energy as the observer where it came from how its wired into the biology and what  it can do in the advanced stages people if good health glow golden light. This is produced by x ray and gamma wave firing in the nervous system and brain ascension is from firing it through the whole nervous system  no one can do for you you must do it in good health very old age excess fat and illness prevents it to NDE at best. Practicing the BME Star spin helps. UV is the highest those may glow till they improve in some way. Golden humanity you need to attain to fly hyperspace yourselves without harm to anyone for other DNA which does this causes burn up of uneven whole being wearing it others with theirs non meiotic. Meiotic repair may work with the observer and eventually the cells grow like cranial information of the original incarnate being. We have to get rid of I'm you embezzlement of life genetic crimes to accomplish this successfully or they will burn up on earth left behind.

To a new galaxy is in hours not days in hyperspace ships. The trade off for not dying of starvation in slower ones that are too small to carry enough except big starships well have to build to transport families is you have to put yourself into BME Star spin states of hyperspace. This is the best training to be unafraid of ships you must be unhooked from ships visiting to do and to one another not to pull light misconduct on our ship. People are transparent after and week to a month in good health with more elastic DNA simply practice this till training for hyperspace ships becomes available one day. How will it? You all want it not to burn here haunting a dead charred planet when our star runs out of time  science warms about. It is getting colder less heat over the years with burning cosmic wave emissions confusion spurts when its going it will red giant. So if you want what is presented here build it you will have it. That is why it will happen all the new engineers scientists business people governments coming who want it a solution to to annihilation by local star and earth changes. Many jobs will open in those industries And education centers will also have to be ready for them.

Science dies not lie nor dies subconscious mind of those writing Armageddon films seeing the time of the destruction. Therefore information is given here for all even governments have read and thanked me for many. Virtuous Technologies page has more to add to my books on engineering basics nuclear physicists and space engineers will add to in their designs.

Luna teleplay will take the audience through the mind of the cosmic citizen to be unafraid to dream to build to prepare society with proactive planning not waiting to blow up to be in light to nowhere but some holographic program light review you cannot build here or mars to contain us its hot would burn up. Watch for it in the next few years sooner than later. Sensible people build and find new real estate in our vast universe filled with new planets forming.

Finally, this must be looked at in financial global planning, once we are close to a time of expiry of our local star slowly approaching according to science with increased activity indicating ageing star reported, in order to facilitate commercial availability of space craft to families who have trained and are able to fly out of here if the governments plan this far with business (they'll need to facilitate this) the following must occur:  As people will abandon businesses likely and grab money to buy the craft to get out of here in those months services may collapse the economy will likely collapse and the solution we presented here to consider is surplus economic reform where we won't run out of money and services if they begin to shut down any may be maintained more easily if money is not withdrawn abandoning them to buy a ship to carpool to a new location. With money there, abandonment of business or home costs to buy a ship may not be necessary. This will provide the way to do this offer a way out for humanity off the planet near destruction at such a time when it arrives, from the star going red giant before this we have to leave, implementing surplus economic reform before such a time occurs sow we have success and are organized not in chaos over money. Andromedans were kind enough to share with me what happened back home a little, this failure to have enough money caused warring to get out of the planet, disastrous consequences from it a rash of ships taken and abandonment of half the race occurred unorganized that were able bodied able to fly out young enough. They said any help you get from good information perhaps consider to avoid what happened on our planet. Explosions took lives when they took off to late a portion of them as ships technology cooked under too much solar radiation.  

We cannot stress enough the economic costs we face daily are getting bigger not smaller with prices getting higher again for food shelter clothing all our needs and shopping likes. This era we are facing war again in Europe terrorism still lurking and new clever crimes of cyber hacking stealing billions. Young people who could not pay their drug dealer were taught to phish accounts in some instances to pay them back. That is how modernized hacking has gotten as ridiculously popular training for hacking due to another need. Finally a most morose topic the cadaver and the mysterious rise of disease. I will tell you this in crime ridden communities I have stayed in one are and watched the progression of death to  disease caused by harboring of bodies by neighbors where they balled off authorities to deal with it themselves trading on true or not they made up a few that were not and hid the crimes including kids molested true or not and murdered in some instances in communities.  Now that is signs of a failing economy degradation of humanity for money blooming  as weeds to pull instead of a profuse garden of success.
Andromedans informed me of the progression of disease in cadavers why we have laws to remove them in war time and in normal deaths. After fourth hour corruption ahs set in and vomitous gasses and wastes begin to consume the cadaver that are linked to diseases like SAARS left by water supplies in wars and even in buildings respiratory diseases may occur staph infections in lungs etc. that some in aids community have had also. All the human STD's have been lined by andromedans to cadavers same with respiratory like Aids Sars come from this they said after one month virulent beyond belief stored in closed quarters without preservation where it seeps from bowel and other organ rot, Pests all the common critters cock roaches bed bugs and head lice are found around deceased cadavers and anything else. This then with increase in laundering money off the dead or collecting money from them for extended weeks on this hiding bodies is part of the increase in our health out breaks like covid suspected they tested for this inside  a suite covid was present all three strains from cadaver rot in lungs bowel they found as some in science may have tested also over the years. Most people non science do not know this information so we don't need such a failing economy that its spreading more disease with cadaver abuse of buildings and communities from crime.     This will be eradicated with a surplus economy card program where money is not running out with oddities needed in business and community life any longer for profits of a bizarre kind. What would we take to a new a planetary home if we had to leave this one perhaps tis time to perfect that model on earth and go for it eradicating poverty globally. That is why we ask to help end the horrors we have lived as society governments to vote such in world wide. There are no for horsemen of the apocalypse there's legislature that can change things if we grow up as state not church fully.


I AM NOT USING PULLERS FOR THIS. THE UN EVEN HAS A RIGHT TO ASK FOR ECONOMIC REFORM FOR MOTHER AND CHILD VIOLENCE INCREASE OVER THE OLD MODEL FAILING MORE THAT GOVERNMENT MAY ADRESS IN MEETINGS ITSELF TO CHANGE THE LAWS TO IMPLIMENT IT. INTIMIDATION IS LARGELY FINISHEDM SO WE HAVE TO RESPECT THAT but have serious problems with OLD ECONOMY to address anything like war, flood, disease and we need more money immediately blowing budgets not so with surplus economy its time to vote surplus economy model in. 
CREDIT CARD COMPANIES MAY HELP THIS WAY: advertise prepayment credit card balances for unlimited spending and post credit  problem applications to rebuild credit this gets people used to using their own money before the surplus economy is created with more money for us all to generate together with special bond from govt authorized to do so yearly like crypto currency but not traded we are all like crypto production but for our own spending only on our regular money electronic highway. No more debt permitted anywhere.

Andromedans lost their home planet and are very deep blue skinned and hair with more nitrogen in their atmosphere than us. Now their genetic needs are different than ours for ideal planet so we have to do this ourselves for our race they are too few to save us with their ships made for their DNA to hyperspace up not human as well.  It spins for an 8 foot tall person also slower to torque to hyperspace so it would stretch out of synch with the genetic platform.

The best way to see VME is this" It is the country' money tree on which you all are a branch of it generating spending income to support the economy with surplus according to the instructions of each government for each given year. It is simpler than murders child maim and Marshall R time pulling people to trade blowing hearts and brains. Out of the box govt was supposed to support this surplus economy not that . Maybe if the communities ere embroiled in this, this is easier to trust them with.

If you want to hold a meeting and someone does not want to show but you are all united you may ignore them meet vote it in they can't trade without voting it in, also they have old money system. Or explain this in a letter briefly why they have to show up.

On a new planet what money works best? Virtue Money economy it's one highway of money can operate without physical bank right away needs wireless computer line that can be set up immediately on a new planet. 
We are going new places in the future and will need a surplus economy to build it for here and the next planet.

Pinterest photo.

Meanwhile, this is more pressing more urgent than ever before to consider surplus economy because of covert over marketing of stocks to people. Money sitting to mature to sell in a stock has been a rollercoaster ride in the blue collar sector especially that needs it more due to lower salaries. This sector has proven very aggressive towards communities about trading, pushing stocks as if they're brokers some of it.  Foreign countries have watched this in North America a lot and a few other countries from G7 mostly, who wait and buy the results of all the push for stocks low when they sell, some have shared with others this info. Foreign aid help has not ceased being asked for either. So if you think the world would be out of control with a surplus card people buying whatever they want without money held back wrecking transactions needed to keep business going, maturing, and commerce flows without stoppage with more money for better quality goods, you're likely to check your sanity. They owe a vote for the surplus economy reform later if they cashed in on others countries trading surges may be true. 
Now if you take this forward to a time when we ae on another planet because this one s time ran out eventually then you have the power to introduce this to any society we may meet in the future eradicating interstellar war and on planetary surfaces over resources. Economic planning you know so you have value all over the cosmos as wise about money and wealth without any compromises made for a lesser economic model to be followed that may be failing to provide a world with less crime, less lack, no poverty and better quality goods and services.

How is it possible to get this through in government? First don't pull some of us are decoyed hurt goes no where I'm against violence to get things done, that is really called war and you have to be empowered legally to do it correctly public is not. That is why some public 'worked' no comment. They also worked us over on being worked for stocks interfering with my ships for my work like this also to help with it constructively that present these ideas how they lost them and they're sitting on the fence too long from this illegal war of manipulation for money grab being disrespectful to those on contributing mindfully appropriately like the author writing this information some times unwell from the grabs who is perfect health usually.  Second this may be worked on by politicians, the surplus economy model and presented in steps in a series of meeting with their federal legislative assemblies.   Then if agreed to hold the big G& and Brick meetings to share their ideas on the model built to share those to vote it in as this changing laws if not done yet to implement with ten another meeting if necessary to do it or remote. Small countries may get a package in mail with the meeting taped and any forms to sign to vote it in when appropriate. That is an example of working to vote the surplus economic reform in. Make huge complaints of its human rights violations, current economy its filled with problems of crime, hiding money, lack of money, stress producing factors lower quality building and products some affecting safety, etc. 

In the future this will be relevant. NOW IF WE KNOW PLUTONIUM BURIED PRODUCES MINERAL AND GOLD AND PLATINUM WEALTH AT TIMES LIKE SPHYNX AND GIZA DID and Fort Knox has, then when you have collection factories that change fuel cells the ships may fly to owned privately. The plutonium collected is technically property of the people who own ships also that is why you need surpluses economy for the named money tree to be paid right also for their mineral contribution of plutonium back to government contracted or run disposal. Also on ascendency by an Earth human they cannot alter us or our work is the laws of engagement with visitors to humanity. 

Someone asked me why don't you tell people how you would do your business differently?
Good question, I would open my own film production company in the USA to produce some of the 64 films I wrote and Luna teleplay, in addition to any major motion picture studios who will acquire and produce some, I would also fund very good graphics animated films for Blue Matrix Energetics correspondence work highlighting all the new science theory from my work, for immediate action. Advertising I would buy in good quality magazines and news.  I would also get more security on my internet sales that means private investigation for prevention of any future theft of on line sales.  I would also do magical things with my art work not traditional gallery showings, something spectacular A and E style. Butterfly Gravity Personal home office droid I'd fund also  for profit my own and make it A and E magical for children etc. eg read book shown or project movie, then tuck in with mom or dad and light show five minutes say stars or cosmos floating around room or fire works, nature etc holographs played then goodnight sweetie for child hood magic in the home to be restored to some sane world we may have once more for families. Home work help holographic encyclopedia that can project on the wall or fill the room with live learning holograms, check home alarm outside while you sleep, and your car it can unlock for you and gazillions  more functions.   That I'd like to get rich off also. Also any anti gravity technology I'd need for  in the future if it expands to business partnering with government for private sales with training in some future time.   Internet theft is on the rise unfortunately. Top of the line security I would have installed and good business travel for example.  STARLIGHT STUFF IS NOT FREE THEY HAVE TO PAY LIKE ALL BUSINESS WAS MESSAGE TO ETS TODAY A REMINDER. BUTRERFLY BALL IS NTO GATES IT SMY INVENTION CONCEPT. I approached him he did not respond to it so I kept it to develop ETS MISINFORMING. ET's said this type of technology is good to be around to get used to it for space craft flights later. It ahs a real blue morpho membrane like skin that looks like its breathing on stand by in the design patent pending like.

This is power, if you get studies as unnamed statistics from mental health how many people had serious issues over finances that caused mental break down in your countries this helps for the case why to reform the economy to surplus to support this globally.

If government say in Canada owns mortgage bonds that is deficit producing as well as minor profit for them only, surplus economy would give them much more money for their programs. Money circulating too much is not a bad thing if we have a surplus model for then its not needing trading partnerships nearly for  saving things like bank bucks traded not to crash as trading strategy.  This is why it is not always reliable as stable prices if loans are going wild at any given bank stocks strategies to protect our money where term deposits and savings give little profits from the savings interest. No matter how much you pump stocks the mortgages prevent big money for the cost of society even with investments surplus economy does not. Flipping homes that are repossessed also on any bad mortgages well the housing prices go down if they sell too fast.  On candy lane house and investment scams around them in Vancouver BC and repossessed homes the market fell 40 percent in Vancouver south so the housing market is also not stable with rise in crime in 2023.  On crime recently identified again as call forwarding phone numbers for someone to trade on another done by self or crime for them to tax evade pumping stocks causes the economic trouble because of the repo homes and defamation to run it causing no confidence nearly in some businesses and even government people defamed. Now if cover up by governments of this to prevent hardships, that would not really work any way, was suspected as defamation stated also, why did terrorist act prevail and have those doing it in crime taken down?  Where it is not for prolonged periods is suspicious only. I'm not pro or against government on this, it is simply the facts. I'm definitely not pro crime they cost too much money to our economy. I'm pro our sovereign rights to make money without a mess of scams in the way or dirty offers like, if you trade with me you'll get better services and balling for such by some.

On socialist order for money I had a fly by say to me, "your art if it sells for nothing on the street does it devalue it?" I said, "no it would still be worth a lot later." Party said, "OK then we'll leave it alone." I said, "you want to devalue it? So what can we invest in?"  He said, "stocks it is a lot of people sharing them money, your art is one piece."  So I said, "this is not me socialist order of wealth if I work at something my whole life and it is my company and I sell to another person it is my right." They said, "it is one on one, spread it around. I said, "then why not surplus economy voted up? You can still have the art sale everyone's rich right? Now they can't devalue it in fact handmade things are in demand again not assembly line cheap products outselling everything people can afford them and have a higher standard of living, they're a single person  and rich also."  He said, "I don't like that some how".  I said, I don't like your narcissistic control you're to anything like me, I'd invest in myself and sell not rely on others companies selling my art cheap to devalue it making money on stocks only." Gee, what werid advice I got from someone, it also made stocks socialist as if they were a cause. One day if we have to leave this planet and you have a small folder you can fit in some unframed art and jewelry that's about it, how to bring the stocks certificate with a stocks company and 25 factories to stock all its goods right away, it is not going to happen I predict there will be hue financial losses beginning again and the only way out of them is surplus economy where you pay yourself off any losses. So enjoy the stocks boom while you can, some have hard goods of quality and enjoyment of their investment item as well without trying to devalue it surplus economy affords.  So if you are in a country that builds anti gravity and new technologies enthusiastically they may not be slave to socialist money order of stocks created and judging how you use it and how many can have it and one day even have surplus where there's too much of it finally and its not invested you can spend it for higher quality of life they may actually build more and a better civilization.  Not hidden old communism.

VME economy is friendly to all types of political parties, most like the concept no tugs, premiers and governors could also write their federal government  if the think this would be a good economic reform concept to support a debt free rich society for all.  Those societies though few have less health problems and crime.

Where we are now with this is governments review for what laws need to be changed in order to implement this surplus reform if they do only this even  for now we are ahead. Some in government asked if we can mention this to invite people to work n it all over the world.

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