OCTOBER 17, 2024

Age always 30.
Height 1.66
Weight 50 Kilo
Eyes hazel
Hair blond
34-24-7 34 Reg.
Shoe 8
Hat small 


Jess is no on decoy as me to be hacked please ended by govt request. 

Verdict on milk it is from a cow the molecule is larger that is why at best it is digested alone not bad or with cereal one other food or cookies. At dinner the biology gets a bit whacked undenounced to some because of too many foods together and large molecule item and may form painful gas in intestines for this reason. If you want our dairy at dinner time try yogurt it digestion and is milk with broken down molecule from all the bacterium healthy for digestion. see if you notice huge difference. Milk guzzlers who want to soothe  the stomach end up with pain in gut from gas frustrated cheese is fine too also broken down instead. How much yogurt? One third cup is enough with meals.

If you have a degree in something such as anthropology or archeology and you are given material that has information you have not realized about artifacts in your career seemingly from no where, solving the whole time line and longer I will tell you this, you are wise took as the explanation for why and how and where it came from is also provided, enjoy the work scholars also, of Marilyn Starlight  and this will aid new discoveries like Pompei new artifacts and any others unearthed recently and prior for better understanding. and presented as science.

Working on three projects public yelling when I'm going to film down south ha ha not me asking quite popular question..

Planning involvement is not Ayu who is used to occupied territory. RE my new book cannot decide over it.


Physics of radioactive component of creation inside the starsand the earth, same principals are used in the industry building anti-gravity and new power sources that are newish again on earth this timeline preceding it was burning uranium for nuclear power plants.  Physics therefore has to get up to speed quickly on cool spin and radiation and understand the component of super strings the ancients painted on their tablets its radiation strong force component more thoroughly without application of heat, how it runs to below zero degrees as in space for technologies to be built correctly that have limitless power to run technologies not to explode from heat risks  we ae so used to running gnow stuck in it all.

 .Marilyn Starlight 

SOLAR REPORT    Now look at the huge picture its taking interference pattern is two slits that forms the vesica pices that begins to stir mass into forming like rabbit out of a hat so the stars.may engage information this way if receiving from one another in ight conditions such light how the creation is caried you all over the universe is possible this way. you are creators this way also designed two eyes on your face that compress the vacuum in the dark off your pupils.  I am not supportive of engineering reality and tell ets to leave our earth if hey do so its against sovereignty ours only those who respect this I work with .

UPDATE ON HURRICANE AND FLOODS HERE   AND FLORIDA ALSO. followed strong m and x flare activity solar.
The M flares appear to do this, undulate with near sensuality of, do me Earth this way, some little change, the X rays crack the grid previous one playing, for a metaphor of what appears to be going on between the earth and our local sun with the earth changes and species possibly of flora fauna.. Watch them you may see it painting different light projections to us down here that affect the planetary grid also along lay lines maybe study it so its proven some are studying this very science the two mysterious lovers in the sky earth and our local sun interactions in radiation information. - Marilyn Starlight. 

Enjoy this work and may the reader never forget his own evolution from the work to always find the path shown from within to any challenge from the keys attained from the study of this work.

Soul correction not on with adepts because it causes artificial induction of discomfort in the biology that suggests a split between it and observer they no longer have is misconduct a service by ets not permitted on me or BME people voted so by them.

Forbes article featured screaming fuchsia aurora borealis with an article that they occur after X- Ray flares, a new color of auroras  most have not seen before this decade that means serious energy was moved around within that approaching old star all the way to earth.


With remapping of the brain for the future, if anyone needs help remember this, when the solar deity our local sun is flipping out with more M and X rays, changing things down here as well, toss out anything old rearrange your reality with new concepts and you will be in line with how tht star works with us now on Earth and the quantum field. Never be stuck in old mind state if you are not elderly, rebuild and go forward, you will find your empowerment there.

Planning for industry and business therefore with that aforementioned in mind, would be this which technologies are really obsolete to haul to a new planet and what is the best of what we’ are taking? Are we going to drag old construction tools or build small spaceship anti-gravity laser ones?  Why not put that on the agenda for anti-gravity program that is with space agency plans for the future? We can and should along with anything we don’t want to haul that is inefficient and stagnant technology we may even use till the end here in some stubborn circles but not haul to planet 2. But wait, we don’t have planet 2 is not on, we need it are contemplating it is given if we use the power of the changing quantum field to make it happen. If you are certain, it is there, so is the cosmic observer all the way to the universe and it is made for us thusly on order, bashed with stars exploding. continents forming (and it is waiting with information of species from extra galactic influence from us observing it that is why it is wise to observer a galaxy or two on a regular basis, it will receive information about what is observing it), that is the only reality, nothing else we insist there fore and find it. what if is not a quantum field its sitting waiting for instructions from observation to a degree to make it happen everything is a program of grand design we participate in daily since will find more proof as we move forward of this.  Andromedans said we have some creatures here they had on their home planet also and in blue color information travels.

Quiet normal focus is fine no NDE:)  just BME Star Spin yes original Merkaba or Le Petite Cafe .


On archeologists work they dig stuff up and it goes to museums and other archives there's others that collaborate historians, anthropologists, that have to fill in the gaps so that is why there's a wide range of commentary on artifacts and my information is new, the last few years so its missing and they may use it citing me to update their archives any of my books referenced and or quoted.- Marilyn Starlight 

On Hollywood I have one question about movies and marketing romance categories that have slasher themes ah when we are with a new person watching a film developing a relationship do we want the heroine murdered?  Or horror on?  We're getting to know the person so we want some sense of supporting a safe environment that may give some the creeps if that is the subject matter offered to new romance we don't even know this person yet.. Interesting ideas. So on cable romance without killing the girl please or categorize it as horror or thriller.

Update to curative section in Angel of Starlight the anger that produces serious illness or even a virus like a cold you may have some fun and use the bad foul mood it puts you in where instead of abusing family or a friend you abuse the virus use the worst insults you want on it how are you accost my tissue and go at it then when the anger bumps it you simply rest and get well. If you do it well it will gamma fie cool cure after and your friends and family are spared. For inflammation like allergy you need cool powerful focus like bathing ana rea in cool soothing energy like rashes hives etc. Don't use for inflammation caused by allergy. If you feel worse at first, it could be big viral shedding toxifying you a bit as its leaving the body its genetic presence dead, rest drink fluids you'll feel better. Follow with your favorite of the flower or plant remedies from the book to enhance the healing.

If you don't understand what it would be not to spank your kid if its 'bad,' well its like the adults who use BME Quantum Mind Management and take them selves out of a yelling match into a room alone and wait for the anger to pass then write down what upset them calm to tell the partner later not yelling it in the face and that he's a asshole. .It's the same the kids go for 2 minutes into a room door cacked to have it out alone a tantrum..It creates kids who will grow up and use this and know what it is, a  self time out is correct, one of my students noted somewhere.

On the move cuneiform triangles appeared in the fire of the star so it is doing something again internally which effects outward conditions.
No I don't need fat for anything not California either wrecks fitness type bodies in waist shape never. Simply don't grab eyes crossing in slender person and sit on them it won't bother their biology or brain causing pain.

What is causing increased solar anomalies?  When you have maroon aurora borealis and so much activity of weather changes and radiation increase it is simply due to an older star. Most of the big giants went red in our galaxy so will others stars eventually. We have time, likely decades, before ours goes red but we have to be aware and care for our health during this time with information. Options are being examined by some governments also for viability of human life and what is possible so don't gloom out love your lives the author suggests and be proactive about protecting your health and rights nothings hit us yet to kill us and ets fly in and out of here like its nothing get it?. Maybe so can we one day. It is not impossible. Government is a little bashed around don't pull them  so am I. Don't destroy potentials with violence we ask or you will have no one left to work for alternative measures possible . If you don't believe it is possible that is OK but don't decide for others please who may not agree. - Marilyn A Starlight

Why does the Australian flag have cuneiform stars?  An odd beginning that country had nearly 900 prisoners then the inventor of kindergarten  sits before five year olds and teaches them freemasonry symbols some from Mesopotamian beginnings. Do you know who he is? Find him look at the pictures form the schools what did they learn?  The stocks are not the lesson what's the next building we need to do? My money is still owed and my work is not black market dna and money. I'm not a convict I'm a builder where's my rights to what he taught those in 1700 s colony? No more crime taking starlight's money were not Australian colon of crime in Canada from 1700s running things still in it not learning to be builders shame shame.. Lets pick the reality up correctly women's rights to their earnings a good future for all.   Marilyn Aryana Starlight
YOU CAN READ, there's 51,000,000 books sold mine there's likely 80,000,000 in circulation some not paid yet on my authors copies we allow you to sample and pay after if you want. Yes it was trading.  Some people need to be arrested to save me where I'm compromised was said. Those in private sectors please be advised the crooks ae small time they don't spend a lot on themselves but the have huge egos some of them that like the idea of staged events and we don't want our money going to fund wars we want to avoid WWIII and governments have been warned about this already so my money any stolen is safe with me I will be on films for the next 30 years that wee voted beneficial mind to helping society heal  the mind from the stress of the last 20 years. Its safe my income with me. These people have international connections who phished us so be careful what you agree to with your money and who you talk to. They play authorities bankers etc be careful check all people out who you do business with. PS when they have me checked out as or other business, and are playing fake authority they are usually on the move doing other activity. The reason for this is the mind for big wealth and power lived openly are those who do so to be crime they have to hide to minimize their importance these types wield with excessive violence to compensate for the imbalance do not run from them to catch them it incriminates immediately and they infiltrate contacts peoples people were killed that way don't give them any power. Tranny from here will have hyped and sometimes incorrect banter if they grab it crime, that ends up on EFA if I'm not here happens any way if they pull people slight on it VIPS that is the problem with the area were trying to contain and why I
stay a lot to see what is said to help end the defamation on several VIPs and me.  Int lines are through stocks they access  warn your brokers to not take weirdo requests . My light in me means yours in you means regular society not us down for them to use it.  On hats they had people seeing what stuff is to fail because they're crime with many impersonations they would accidentally run given a 'ship's helm and therefore had the ship taken away and had owing that way some who did stocks that way for a long time recruited to run and fail run and fail. I have one Marilyn Aryana Starlight my work is under. - Marilyn A Starlight.

ANDROMEDANS TODAY TO YOU PUBLIC FROM MY DESK, We're very sorry we did this allowed all the poor to get it for nothing but it s not going well for author they don't have the building experience. And we need to move on to other areas where they can study and learn to work with the author in her project arenas let us go from tugging war for neurology inappropriately placed in not trained, trained don't need them from author in A and E and sciences and may work with her any she agrees in person to d so or by contractual agreement please, andromedans to you all balling her down.  Poor built Marshall and stocks to rip her off only 2 sales a day. She's told to get out of shelter they put her in doing this rudely, also so we're leaving when we're paid.
Where do electrons go and the elements of an atom when radiation is higher? Into an energy wave. Why don't you die from this if it happens to you say in a space ship,, BME, star spin or MRI machine working it? You are trained you accept it is why you don't die from it,  MRI technicians get loads of radiation in fact they appear transparent in some photos. We know our cells can handle this type of radiation the DNA to high bandwidth. Bombs atomic are made to not work with double helix but to destroy it and also use radiation of nuclear energy, that is our fear humanity to understand to get rid of, fear of all radiation as we use a lot of it down here, even the earth's uranium to clean water and spin the planet.

When can drugs study this?  When they are sick of it and on a beak from it for a week or longer less after it makes people sensitive to big doses. 

How the sun fires loops shows how we build with strings with high band radiation or light that carries it if you see the shapes they are contained in cells atoms subatomic particles with radiation we fire our brains with gamma radiation for example, like the star loops and have two slits in our faces the pupils as my books tell you, that cause the interference pattern of circles also from your observer focusing and firing its brain in high band width like double slit experiment (look it up if you like).   This produces compression of the ether to produce the observed in the future to happen according to science described here arriving in the quantum field we live in. - Marilyn Starlight.  

In space if something a hull of a ship is sitting  silver haze forms this is not unlike our anchor to negative space to for hertz biology itis in space sticking to vacuum which is how everything is created the hull optimizes it as shedding mass as anti gravity that is as if examined or sticking to the vacuum appearing as a haze. In the cosmos anything anti gravity which is all things are exchanging info with the presence of radiation beginning.  So when you gamma fire you are down here in a microcosm of creation as creator why science according to Marilyn Starlight thusly calls the observer creator thusly which may explain god to some who wonder about it out of context of religion back to science where it belongs where there is nothing to pray to but to be the action of this and to know all this described as not separate from us as we came from there all of us. If you transmit a pastry spiking to aa pastry you're very hungry on your break and cant get away you keep doing it someone will bring it to you eventually they pick up the message like stars in the sky in big slow quantum field share a field of information. In adepts who do BME star spin very powerfully, it appears on the table because its too high band for their safety humans ae off you not to have their brains squished to bring it, compressed, it its built in safety in any focusing human and the community in very advanced star spin it appears on the table from what I wrote sped up in higher compression for the gamma ball you would be filmed becoming not herz biology nor UV glow around you nor X ray in a  split second like the athlete who goes shadowy in the video (not mirror matter from UV blue adjustment hyperspace jump for his skills in autonomic use) is in lower band width the gamma ball speeds u what I wrote above to instant manifestation. Slowest is in cosmos but non linear can speed up has pockets of space time continuum different speeds where creation is taking place it manipulates non linearly big mechanics and cosmic observers all over in big mechanics galactic handle the ancients described using the mechanics of it down on  Earth and other planets if they wrote about this, there also and are advanced. Andromedans did this as well in their home language or they would not have space ship science nor be here visiting us. In BME Starspin we encode an object therefore to appear to us and when it comes down the mirror matter shows it glued coming won to anti atom and Herz  ghosts by the way are stuck to mirror vibration and can't come down to Herz they pulled out of and left their body behind already, they can look at themselves in review but are not solid any more till they reincarnate. Ascended in life go to dematerialize, then can come back down is the difference stated in Angel of Starlight book.  Ships don't safely do this for us is without training, the misunderstanding by some that drives me nuts, they don't do it for you if you ride one a space ship, you build you have a program that knows what you can do, it also does the worm hole ship, you ride together, you have to focus to go with it or it would blow you running to a higher hyperspace with you scared pulling down to be solid while it is going up to X ray. If you study to the advanced with me a slower space ship will be a nothing to understand. Do the Starspin it will allow you to understand from experience those healthy and fit to participate for best results. If you are healing with ETs you can do this eventually un engaged from others only. When this info disappears look for it in the follow up book. You may share the tittle with our friends you want to know this info with I'll post it later. - Marilyn Starlight

If you look inside a star even planets have some of this  the white chips grid of squares if you spin this as the planet then you get the cross lines of math and the container forms the basic shape in cuneiform building we worked with that the spin creates the volume square through the intersecting lines that hold a container and into that is put the paradoxical  vacuum again so it holds whatever you want to build. That is the rabbit out of the hat secret inside the stars and planets. It has a little ether the nitrogen and other gas there that freezes and carbon from nitrogen spinning begins. So when uranium inside this grows, it is like the vacuum that compresses things but it pushes you away from it if spinning with a force nearly like an opposite effect, because it is  now the manifested stuff of the vacuum technology that if it spins in a space ship gear it repels energy out, and can fold space time in those gears with strong force like the stars have coming from same place now as a metal used in anti gravity technology. So if it squeezes you as vacuum it pushes you away as its technology now revealed tangible uranium spinning. In  a basic sense if the earth spins fast and uranium is repelling things in there how can viruses anchor in water from a mountain glacier?  They cannot they're gone yet there's no radiation in the water its far below the uranium. That is about how dangerous uranium is used in anti gravity it pushes things all over away and you may have clen water its plutonium its by product that needs a good burial you learned to turn into gold one day.. Very efficient system we come from in the cosmos. Seeds push up and trees grow it all aids growth t the light of the star shining above. Gravity we stick to this planet nicely from the iron an the earth also for we have this in our hemoglobin and this occurs from the planetary spin. We had this in first civilization and after this that long ago the science of the stars technology and planets it still holds and all planets have this science from all around them so ew can go anywhere and find ourselves again and why it is not scary to look for more planets at all that  are inhabitable if you know the science of out there to you down here and then one day when a being flies out its all the same with different views of variable galaxies.  So are you spinning?  Yes our electrons are spinning and you have a high firing area where you camera eye that runs gamma to do it bursts of wavelengths that means its high activity in a vacuum also holding you together behind our pupils it looks like this dark empty space with spin happening so we are quite comfortable in the cosmos living on a planet gravitationally pulled there and can lift off to focus so lofty so high in our work we go transparent and weigh a fraction of our body weight. Adepts in BME do this all the time and some highly creative people who meditate.  

I learned about inner strong force and what it can produce in a statement when I stopped ageing at age 30 with all the power of my will in mind I stated I would never age again and would celebrate the same birth day from that day forth, .this is in Angel of Starlight on how to stop ageing for the young and middle aged and next life for there's wearing the wear of it ideally not to be stuck in such a state indefinitely in this life.  After engagement with ETs bumps some will do it some won't no matter it is possible and you should know about it. If you are ill chronically cross incarnate or old you'll like you'll contemplate next life to do this for example. However is it not  helpful to know you can later? Sure it is no more fear of death something to look forward to in the future in a new life. I taught this in BME and they all did it even the older one stopped at older age students who became BME Instructors stopped it and stayed 69 looking for another 20 years we simply did not promise them youth look without cosmetic surgery if this occurs. People claimed to be lookin for the fountain of youth and unlimited money we presented this with my work from my ascension in life causing me to fine tune something in sciences about the observer and this plane of creation. Surplus economy I wrote about its there financial freedom also without stocks as only way to get it.  Always ask yourself are you in coherence with creation in your biology by our 
observer as a being on this planet today?  If not maybe look at the day and redo somethings. So we have it all,  the society has to understand what it has however does it not? It does not unless it reads the work that tells it what it is. I am still observing the stars, earth and red giants for the science information about creation hanging there some call the God technology, I call the supernatural observer technology. Oh by the way the strong force gamma fired proclamation came true and came back when some tired to destroy it saying it is unnatural deciding for me (they are not god over me that was narcissism)and taking some good looks with them skulking off  it came back because I wired the mind very powerfully into neurology that spits that human out itself as 30 years of age perpetually in its cell replication programming, a perfect observational computation new observable I gave myself to be as the being living in biological form 30 years of age only. How it works is in the book Angel of Starlight .  - Marilyn Starlight

This will help clean the planet of some problems if you find another's past life archive or suspect it, give it to the person never play its inversion as meaning to gain this is the chaos of all the kings down for lesser fare those lives are for the entity to work on not to game with it. This time line and its builders have been slowed by such for about 100 years we would have had things we needed to do dome further along by now if this had not occurred. 

We are missing 50,000,000 in books sales money about 680 million dollars he author is destitute any tips give to the police in Vancouver BC thanks. We know who took it also and reported it. Lower floor is closed to day there I'm out. 

I am the person who the andromedans took notes for andromeda for well being to keep you wall from skies to ground in case of any problems we don't wreck looks or age people on the ship (their observer regulates their own age in a day or so) nor fakery youthify them it is what your attained respected as your health and looks. Cosmetic surgery we respect also without judgement or pulls for it nor make up or fashion. It is not a good idea to do me down either if you got all that from us. -Marilyn A Starlight
At BME we do not like the idea of making someone's genetics lesser to opportunism off them.  As attractive people area taught to accept everyone and be kind to them, its time for others to do same for us . - Marilyn Starlight

It is true someone s comment that the cuneiform language  trains you in the building to ride hyperspace in the helix and children they couples would have before the were golden humanity too highly advances or it provides birth control you cant carry a child any more as easily you'd have to sit and do thing for a few months first .You need our own nerves brain healed to do it  our hair provides to the ships not surrogates or to replace them with others some fanaticism we had to deal with in some communities. . 
My relationship to God is if it means supernatural observer, we are on the same page, if not I don't use the term among those societies that attribute different meanings to it. Maybe look at tablet decoding page above the gold ankh.
To the middle age and past it a bit who read my work I heard about some of you that are on in your lives also and if you sway to old ways you begin to age very quickly our observer does this then if you re on with the new realizations you stop or slow ageing also this arduous challenge for ourselves I am humbled you took it, thank you, I wish you success with it. you will find it without my light strengthening our own and then we meet more realistically as power house to power house of realization I don't doll people generally. I leave it to big ETs on dangerous offenders on occasion away from me- Marilyn Starlight

I am non engineered for ascension non my ascension in life I did from Blue Matrix Energetics, the best system in the world for it so I owe no one anything from any teachings or engineering, I also wrote of thins no one else has taught prior and added to science theory where it had missing gaps of information about us the observer and its action on our DNA to hyperspace published in my books.- Marilyn Starlight

Starlight's pic for documentaries Wild Isles interesting revelation about the Atlantic puffin that tells a story of an adept beaked bird glowing like hyperspace and a white bird with brown face adversary in episode one. Reminds me of old stool scum by nature. Waters right there why not hunt and harass the puffins no more? Its not engineering tis gene selection in nature. I told if you're unafraid there's genetic strength in the activity of the red giants and our own star for stronger DNA if you are not its victims. Not just  animals you don't need to kill adepts to engineer them into yourselves like some fanatics try to do we gave work to help.  We have to reveal if we're harmed by it a lot. I gave you a key in the books use it don't bother me for DNA or light. 

Really did ascend in life some in government know and people who read my work and witnessed seeing things about me that were extraordinary, so that is why the attainment of the brain was decided not to access neurologically to pilfer in any way or to borrow for it palpitates others who cannot handle hyperspace DNA climbs like I can, that is fair it is also my attainment I earned through my work. -Marilyn Starlight

Are you crashing in our energy levels? Added blood care at end of the article. 



If  there is an ascended master in life who hides and does work for the understanding of humanity their higher inherited potentials in the DNA code they may not know about and there fore is putting it into science theory, and not running around showing off superhuman ability then it is best not to chase her saying, "she's nothing, I can be it instead," the work interfered with totally, is why we go after this and stop it.    - Marilyn Starlight

Space is not heaven to die in itis our home we float in on this planet to explore. - Marilyn Starlight

Andromedans revealed to me they live 30 to 50 years longer than non immortal humans, non immortal andromedans who did not ascend in life yet like the ones did who fly the worm hole ships. So look at this why history has dating problems.  If a small rodent lives 2 years with a very small heart  or a small bird, we who are smaller today than the 100 plus skeletons live max about 100 years very aged at that from high stress life now. The average life span then would have been possibly 750 ears to 1000 so the eras would have lasted much longer and the dates shortened later when the humanity shrank to 12 feet finally then our height today. What caused the change in height? Read my books What Humanity Never Knew series for the answer. Some argue they had no medicine they died young No they had very little ageing except for sun exposure those who were a lot and the sun was weaker once the star small one died in Hathor's time. They had a clean environment used uranium that keeps things clean vibrating high  like water and buried their plutonium away from water supply and human life had very few pollutants, no cars and pollutants we have thousands of today very clean pure food and water so there was little illness. People afraid of this info are elderly workers who's brains are hardening and their map is for taking some info with them in ageing and death they are not visionaries anymore make way for those whose neurology can handle it perhaps instead of heckling it.  It is not scary to do a calculation to look at history correctly matching height to life span.

For 20 years I had the same goals never changed, to write for Hollywood very good cinema  to sell and go work there and to prove consciousness origins and manifestation in biological form to science in new theory addition.  I have worked on both for 20 years and am not changing my work. It is needed to go forward with some technologies identified also. So those borrowing light you should not be OT, I'm not you you're not me on it, don't try to run any of it with ships. Keeping me homeless for a year and four months does not mean I'm housing instead either please be advised don't do that to me mornings in sleep any longer.

Where is Luna at?  Someone somewhere in Canada said, "I realized reading it you know how to plan like government," when I asked how they liked season four about anti gravity had shared when hey asked what I was up to with m work. It had  VME anti gravity and a new planet. He said it threatened him that I could plan..He did not like it.  I hope others in govern ship love it and protect the future, a lot of it is in VT page the highlights of the planning, its tenuous they're old system we'll see what happens for now its out a sci fi show soon as its acquired and produced they said they're nearly done reading and some new people ma be on it also in big studio as its expensive to shoot sci fi and his needs to be good quality as the best of humanity's best shown  . Also I asked them not to try spool the one playing had me and my soulmate son and stem donor nearly dead again. NO SPOOLING US PLEASE PEOPLE AND ETS. Don't rust Marshall if he says he's healing and then sits does opposite also. I need more support for the work as m health not attacked in this area I'm furious about this its for the good of mankind they'll love it why am I brutalized? I will leave 8 million he claim 4 was stolen in book sales from me we did not get back here trapping me here. Be careful here they speak in support and pull light some in the area. Now the technologies in Luna are based on a true story in season four including the taps and showers from the vacuum based on my concept hot colds fronts in a mechanism to pour water was also used in m concept rain maker NASA made as you know I wore to Obama he was kind enough to pass on to them several years ago nice man. Now the will be made smaller for starships later in the show I added them also author retains copyright usually others can use inventions of mine if I give permission to develop such and did. Same with cool spin space ship anti gravity wheel mine and craft concepts design etc.I gave it its real to them to fund the space agency and an in he world that patten their own off it., in he show the whole worlds building. Did I leave Canada out no I offered the waned nothing yet of it. BC bashed about uranium freaking yet they sand on it spins the planet keeps clean our water is not radio active how hmmmm maybe study it.  So I made  quiet friend in NASA long ago I usually hung up if he tied to marry us stupidly as Hutchison's work assuming I was stupid and respooled summing plutonium experiments, people over hearing meanwhile I did all this planning but with blond hair haha another complaint they're stupid blonds or women don't know science that spool right I fry on. Don't lewd me I won't lewd you most of you run meiotic for ourselves its not lewd a work the zap everything get real, how sexual is it?. People need to grow up around that topic. So the show is going ahead but the balling on me is bad if all the grays run stocks or people blow them and ask for my light I don't have, barely enough to say alive. We can't run stuff like before to many traders needy adding that one more person. Prices show it. So that is where the 'show; Luna is its also that reality being worked on for real against a raging star spewing x rays at us on a regular basis. If people were put in ail and removed they were terrorizing efforts of anything but old stuff  thank you keep going on it if you can authorities and some brethren I'm sorry but Marshall isn't trying to help it why was he violent on people or himself or on mort with my light they should clean it first ets also some ahem out of them. not fill it and kill them.   Have you sent a defamatory letter to wreck someone's life today as them?   Aha those doing it may cease any time ruining reputations they hope right? Maybe some know them as not what you portray in your writings those doing it. BTW other countries said, "were not saving your asses, you have to participate and build any complaining about this." If the can but they'll be lucky but likely a franchise of  building it due to population big of possible suitable travelers to another second planet over the next decades to say 2300 if he star lasts that long. I'm a little concerned about frequency of X auroras all over and increase in each changes so rapidly what the hell will 2300 be like?? ASAP my advice do the torque load charts and build the mini models  space ship equipment for photos wheel replacing rockets on e day I wrote about also we'll see, starships for later transport and to have some fun testing out to go up close to other planets we wondered about.  That was some basic planning I suggested some like in govern ship in the world. Those ready first et to go to scout for new planets and when found pick first cities land first stake holders in new turf building civilization ultra refined and efficient even more stunning than here is possible. You know what to do, protect it don't ball it to go to old to slow anyone down competing please. Public too may help protect it if you see the ball on it you know to turn away from it say no..  

I'm on the ships for the reason of my ascension  in life, the other things and life times before I did are extra goodies people love and may pick and chose from. 

Hi is your number being call forwarded to another person to log in for trading for tax evasion and identity theft? Call your phone company tell them you don't allow call forwarding for you to others by others, you may catch them, they may report attempts like this to the police if you like. Don't forward your number to me either, or another's to me to incriminate them, I already called my company not to forward mine as well. For bank phish on scams this has been used also to hide by crime behind others using family call forwarded to strangers to make it appear the person stolen from was guilty or his family you may tell authorities, in some instances. Persons also some times claim to be authority doing it this should be verified.


The reason it is not good to want ascended in life masters poor to renounce wreath is they already learned this to ascend and could enjoy it again mine was spending time in study and practice for days not going to malls all the time I educated myself to do this. If you want them poor who are naturally rich and attract it, you will see andromedans bouncing from bed to bed lining roses nookie dragging society to give, is that what you want voted OT now? Or can we move on. I say to those stuck in the mind. Stop using me at shelter city for light for it you greedy bumpkins doing it, also threatening my life to kill me or get rid of me to have perma roses. I would not serve you in the light, stop phishing my income let me go to my work on my films and be paid for my books . - Marilyn Starlight 

Decoding and andromedan information 

Get organized with my work take it to yours to build better we are up against the warring still of immature people in old failing economy who wont vote surplus in they fight its immature I gave them this 5 years ago or 6 they are like molasses they are serving stocks still as if its god and fighting if they lose investment money crime is through the roof on it I'm shocked at how bad the economy is from all this as unsafe for the public with children at risk of pedophilias trends the USA was battling recently. He businesses who are seeking answers for what gimmick can we use are also stagnant I can't do anything with them.  So take the work because in the future we need different government action hat is awake that is not there now to replace all he old dinos pumping the old economy. Try not to be their big catch of the day the users caught up in more immaturity. ETs I trust only if I'm unharmed by their ships or other people they ae behind and my work and money flowing supported and good health. We cannot have mother ship of new mind and off with me liked and hatred its more immaturity for gimmicks. There are economists governments have used before other scholars authors that is all they do, is apply some of he writings if they like also to any policy or changes like economic reform for safety for public and rich society. It's sitting there to change few laws and get it in like surplus economy. If you went to a new planet would you drag all the old banks and rebuild their antiquity Or do this: Bring a cell tower computers, new debit surplus cards set up food water to be able to work to build the infrastructure then surplus economy: they all have a card they have the money allotted amount to themselves and their company as permitted by new govern ship laws to do to generate it as if it is like crypto currency but it is regular money you no longer trade you spend as much as you need then there's too much money on the market in surplus not needed to be counted because its all electronic, no paper bills and you begin on building he civilization on the new planet this way, rich with very little cheaply made poor quality products as you can afford production of the best. What is wrong with this place? Can you not implement it for every citizen all across the globe at once and change it overnight ? I gave you the example, why don't you look again while you have to deal with war and you have expenses and problems from natural disaster not going away any time soon due to acting out ageing star power stop arguing over your faces age its a distraction form this to be immature provided by some ET's.. Federal levels it is voted at. There is real money though it is mostly electronic you may still have commemorative style each country's coins and bond like certificates any time to show yourself he value he money you have. I dare you guys to do it or your losing this concept to get us all rich and out of debt to test it and refine it before we take it to a new planetary home. Andromedans a few only are asked not to assume people wont vote it, some slower conservative types thinking for us or not want to pay me or hire me for the films or whatever it is objections they smell get them out also he mind off my work some progressive in skies we like. Fix your example on Marshall taking before off my income.  

What does too much money circulating do? Threatens stocks  only you can't make cheap runners to let it sit and mature a profit.  Their evil with murder after murder. Most of them said get me out of it I have he public servitude hey said it to do surplus also many of he owners. This is a stupid planet I'm embarrassed to live on if you don't do this its so easy you will not find a flaw with it it pays out all your debt no one loses a penny.  If you neurology can't handle your to locked didn't the old drool get out of powers on please and people run to vote it in all the parties he same to get this in don try to wea my brain you failed all of you so far.. Don't  respect it  dogs society. Economics and Poli science grads gab it please form he net governments these guys brains cannot handle it hey failed and we have disastrous crime. You disagree Try to work with it you own brain can it handle being rich with surplus without murders smelling all over or hidden brothels to run stocks? I'm telling you if they can handle it get on it .Save your children and brains also. When the star is out of its usual function storming more often that is when humanity must be at its highest innovation to get through the comin ages toss out anything stagnant build new, well take it to planet two some day. The current economy has suicidal tendencies down go down with it eg stocks loss self gun infliction hat also happened more. Other countries now warring said they waned it  also not for stocks to drag cheap goods for their investors to buy during maturation of stocks poverty.- Marilyn Starlight from no The Boys show but her own visionary civilization predictions possible what the show did not tell you about her. PLEASE NOTE WE DONT PULL MUCH TO HARASS WITH MY WORK WE OFFER SOLUTIONS AND DO IT OURSELVES IF NECCESARY IF IT IS NOT WELCOME BY THOSE IN POWER NOW ANYTHING SUGGESTED, SO RUN IF YOU HAVE TO, THOSE QUALIFIED, FIND OUT WHAT IT IS, FILL ELECTIONS OR WRITE LETTERS NON VIOLENCE IS BEST IF YOU SUPPORT SURPLUS ECONOMIC EFORM AND WOULD LIK YOUR LOCAL COUNTRY FEDRAL GOVERNMENT TO WORK ON THIS.  WE ALL HAVE BRAINS TO PRESERVE THAT WAY. - Marilyn Starlight 

Yes their brains heal, normal society, to normal function some told me in humanity from reading my books. Cuneiform is how he brain fires through its path ways to slow then faster brain, we use it in spatial dimensions. The autonomic seems to do this when they read the books also using it as you guys know.  We are also reconnected to our earlier first civilization archive where we were awake and connected to the large quantum mechanics in the sky not separate from where we came from in our own past life archives in the brain this means we reclaim our own great power once again.   An exercise put your observer in a square that contains his brain the size of a room to see this perspective it is very freaky for some but they remember the time of larger biology over 100 feet tall.  Neurons were larger is why it is hard to remember a first.

My favorite photo of true motive. I'm for real, are you?  We see don't we. Let's get on with it. This stays for those who need it reminder to be up front with me. 

Time lapse of 7 days of our local sun. Shows how it blasts its sun spots. Usually healed them after.  Now in first civilization Mesopotamia language of the flowers, there are strikes hat build in the tablets. Flowers form in the solar blasts also big ones if you look at the base. So what is it building with the blasts as flowers?  Interesting it is like negative of first level hyperspace we learned in our quantum mechanics in the sky before that we remembered awake in Mesopotamia to build anti gravity. So we have dark holes forming the star negating its surface a bit. What is it doing on the move where is that scanner inner very bright one going? What is it doing?  Good study.  Follow it there at the level of the star to earth affected in the study we suggest. If it is unanchoring itself rom itself like when a binary star occurs and black smoke comes out that proves the language and tablet diagrams we science of space ship engineering in Mesopotamia all through ancient Egypt and beyond. Its pieces of a puzzle it is forming where are they going? What are they doing in the mysterious dark matter shifting and above this the orchestration of he design? You study if you like here with sciences and others and other work I wrote be bright shining guiding your own lives. Sciences read the decoded tablets for the new book follow up page you'll see it all more in my books- Marilyn Starlight  

Word I was given was that there ae a bunch of super children andromedans informed me who wee born not seeded by them these ones readers of my work kids who  were moved to safety out of cities  crowded and more violent most because they had high IQ and abilities to disappear and reappear out of danger or in play time. They are very aware psychically they were born in the last few years I was told. I'm thrilled about this.  I do not wish to see them till I'm safe in another location any way, so it's fine if we cross paths later when it's safe and I'll meet more of my people world wide who study and are brilliant. Someone asked if they're like Atlantic puffins genetically enhanced by the star activity.  Good question, not sure but resilience to illness appers higher in most young healthy people in our world I noticed already anyway. I thanked the andromedans for the information. 

Author is a huge surfing fan so join me for this presentation leads to something good.  ETS ON HOLIDAYS ON THIS ONE PLEASE NO WORKIG IT. IM ON TIME OFF ALSO. Here is the Olympics info check Amazon live TV they have east and west airings. No bargain shopping on us please requested time at author's to go for surplus economy reform soon not more cheap goods better quality ones we want at full price with unlimited wealth possible no red stockings pumped wrong.

How do we see body mind? Self consciousness that may cause accidents or walking into a wall. Not taking time to do self grooming.

Solar Activity see the flower form in close up. Speaking same language sun and down here some studying the work was happening so this is an interesting phenomenon.

Many people upon discussing it have seen if they look at the timeline of our local solar system being viable most saw to about the year 2300. I agree with that actually that it is  possible. If this is the consensus, then I would say the escalation of Earth changes weather phenomenon anomalies of that some were heightened by the extra hyper giants finishing their cycles, some from our local star increasing its solar storm activity to M and X-rays and this will be watched over the next few years to see the effects and what is happening exactly. These types of Earth changes that if they accelerate make it life on our planet a little more difficult and certainly we have other things that we're looking at in order to keep a good quality of life going far into our humanities future perhaps even choice of another planet to stay longer or to slowly migrate if we find something really good in a new Galaxy with younger stars the loftiest possibility that would position us for many many thousands of years forward alive and well, those brave adventures who would migrate. I think the more time we have the more likely it is to happen actually if you look at the floods and volcano increases in hurricanes anybody who puts up a home in those places and then it's devastated would welcome such a change in the future if it opportunity is there on Earth changes continue to accelerate. A lot of people would stay and that's excellent as well because then you would have a balanced society and everything would get done that needs to get done. Some people said it's so irritating I have to even look at this topic that's fine don't look at it others are gung ho all over it maybe they will do it and you will stay, or even going to another lifetime if there's a second one, does it matter?-Marilyn Starlight

Pregnant women are advised to watch out during long M flare storms and X stay indoors mostly if possible. Be careful if gardening or doing yard work anyone. 

This maybe the confusion with those studying my work there's no doll land no one waiting to type you where to go what to do about the future in fact if you look for that this is where they ended up away from it, those who stole from me are still running doll land and don't like you there not run. So read the info on this page  to be informed to be in your power not feeling powerless its just earth changes and solar problems it hurls stuff at us to learn to progress to live if we use it right. Stay awake heal re read if you have to if you come across doll makers and then go back on track and keep going. I do this daily but you if you lay low just study and live you are not as prominent they may not get you try not to take bribes to go back in to doll land if you were ever there and protect your personal financial info and your contact info so they are powerless to control you if you're in the cities where there's any crime happening around you if it is. If they type you in the head what to do its not my people. Person typing its time to go to the book and a stocks paying himself my book money s missing .If they run doll land and stocks of my light I'm OT doing anything tis corrupt. If they have all this stuff running why do they need my light?  They don't its stolen. In The Boys tv show there ae people dressed as super heroes one woman injects cadaver rot into herself . That happened with my dna in marshall saving him with also antibiotics when he was infected with cadaver fluids taken from dead harbored in st James I was also entangled with cadavers and lived so did others so this sick shit we fought the show has in it ita bused my a ascension in life  finally andromedan said don't resurrect them past two hours dead it wastes her meaning me and others in society if your not careful let me deal with all this you guys study and lay low i f you file any charges an complaints go to a place out of big city phishing to keep it private to trusted law only..Some discrepancies I did not split of like the show character Starlight is shown that is people using my dna .

Anne January hmm my film January onward the year is late filming there some one did a stupid spool replacing me with other shit I wanted off I'm not dead its abuse of the ascension to run stocks and shove tickets up their ass.  It shows starlight as wife altered then battling the altered self that they tied to do to me for real about 60 times. That gory little grungy show is satire about something that really happened for real. In the show its film making fakery wink wink like how here we had fake smoke and mirrors stuff then out the back alley real deaths dragged out. In the show butchered characters return. My books and decoding of ancient tablets have information to explain what the special effects that are scary creatures like mean in sub conscious minds of writers and you will be astounded.

MYSTERY ON BOUVET ISLAND THANKING INDIVIDUAL FOR CONTRIBUTION EXCELLENT WORK! Looks like signs of space ship building a stargate again and more.

PLEASE NOTE: In the last few years I did my work as always and spied on no one. Some paranoid I was spying on them, spied on me and when I had problems related to this and reported them, they demanded stocks or threatened my income for telling, only it was legal telling on land after intimidation was officially finished not to allow for creative thinking against laws re peoples conduct any more. They caused this with paranoia telling on themselves this way when I was disinterested in their activities, had my own life. This continued till today, maybe let me do my work don't assume I'm into you, I'm busy those who need this message. Yes I have work to complete still I'm busy. I'm not sitting with head phones and long cords guys.

My findings in my cessation of ageing information used with good results by young and middle aged even some a bit older but not youthify pausing, it which disturbs no one for engineering off young, discovered a group to our shock who did this wanted to destroy the work, to take it down, to age me saying we supposed to age who all said we need to see psychiatry finally. Cessation of ageing was sought after fore decades by science and others if we finally have it this group of about one third of humanity we must watch out for and protect the work and me from and some others who did it stopped it offending them who have not realized yet they may need to have help understanding the mind not processing new information to acceptance to allow it to be in the world. Some were pulling to youthify through engineering, the genetic war. They did not want the work it threatened engineering of others for youth underground not permitted as the ETs said its for life saving not looks made better for most our ships. Also in illness some person expected me to wear their illness to heal them why cant they do it they created it not me not my program it is removed from me they run the program for being sick not me i cant nor want to cure it its their responsibility not mine to cure it why would I where attitudes that form the ideas I owned to be able to ascend no thanks it makes me ill right away imposing it on me an ahs to be removed not my attitude engineered in their results it is unlawful abuse of me. When authors like me provide a book called Angel of Starlight with curative pages on illness and cessation of ageing said to have been affective also observed recent years by some unnamed for their privacy at this time in medicine to be effective in under age 60 group why would you show up to be in my room to maim me with experimentation? If you show up to where I stay please note I am Caucasian and slender no menopause non aids if you have to  induct to my light the cells hold to save yourself in emergency of some sort some do.

So far we had a a battle of ones like them showing up when they took too much of my light. Gee so there was hardly anyone my height weight white showing up needing temp housing. Don't ask for my room to stay in for cures engineering me out of my body or if youre old or fat to feel better sick from this given your symptoms, A distention put on me to bring them was also putting me in pain physically. I had to say to some having gone through this for a year in temporary housing again because of the building problem prior.  I do not send ageing to those studying and achieving results to stop theirs or to be well off my work. ETs may reverse stolen DNA results only, black market DNA has been discussed in news previously. - Marilyn A Starlight. 

Andromedan said to me, "you have rights to talk about anything you go through lady don't listen to those claiming they can keep a pull on you or engineer up off you if you do so well go after them not to do this nor take your money away if you talk to authorities about crime. 

Tropical zone vacations what is the prognosis with stronger rays coming from our local star and others red giant? You can still enjoy them use umbrellas, cabanas lose shirts, long sarongs, drawstring pants on your swim suits, go swim then come back dry off reapply clothing hats sunglasses loads of sunscreen sit in shade is they key with protection you will have younger looking skin as tans age the skin breaking down elastin and collagen that sags faster. You can read in the shade watch the surf its very relaxing. Not advised during high solar storm activity unless you retreat to the hotel and do indoor activities. Watch for the daily solar reports to see if you are safe at the beach out doors if X rays are flashing be careful you may burn shield eyes to prevent damage on those days it is best to be indoors. 

What is the importance to finding the secrets of inside the red giants?  If it is impacting genes it may help with medical advances of all kinds, of things if you pull me you go to prison if you study your on the right track. Remember it is program for life in there in high radiation. We have our own that changes us during BME Starspin we have spontaneous healings from our own higher radiation from gamma brain wave firing our strong force in our biology observed by many BME Instructors and clients all over who also stopped ageing for a time pre 2005 after many years of practice and no longer got sick.  Furthermore demanding technologies they have on the ships nor to hand over our cells to see who we did it betraying us ETs if you're grabbed that is a cop out war on us if you didn't build their stuff you built your own you have no rights to their stuff at all if you dint study BME you have no rights to our cells study change your own. If you are old stick with medical care or CAM your choice. Next life you have no rights to our cells if we stopped it and you did not. Thanks to those who agree who are old and geriatric you are definitely sane.  So how to build their stuff? Study the stars and your own BME star spin results, you'll get there.    ETs who did not hand my and my adept students cells over youre amazing. I'm adept and never grabbed your stuff in my life, it's yours to run correctly, not mine. you know how they run it? Your observers truth about your biology to heal you, not neighbors taken. if people died they let them go, if they are young enough and resurrect able with their their own hair and meiotic stem, throwing their own body out, not well,  we can't be them we need our own cells. 

The poppy In Flanders Fields poems may not be fully realized in meaning  to some only symbolizing the drug of war and blood shed and yet the first civilization calls us flowers new life flowers growing like the markings on some birds pollen yellow appears, we with eyes like stars looking to the heavens where we came from also and the red succumbing a person all around of that flower can herald an end to a program like when red stars come down blow and new program chips fall causing some times earth or genetic changes for a stronger species perhaps that is to end war not to memorialize it into the future only with monuments.  The poem only has the stop and the cross only. We need to go beyond this to keep civilizations going or its martyr recruits and defeatists all over my projects and me if you think I'm paranoid take a look at this guys stuff the site mine for my films they nick named peaches its in the back ground peaches look at Alfonzo Jimenez video collection still play8ng after six years as ball on my work emulated by some actually beating me up with emulation of it null - YouTube  anyone who is contesting it is helpful to go ahead without martydom recruiting center taking over we are contesting it.    Oh by the way here's my film site.  There's very prominent people reading its not red dress death of it  they need time to choose projects they change the brain people are crawling reading  like you will be coming out of theaters, new, awake more and changed, stronger humanity not martyrdom club either. You don't believe it read the books without crawling  try it:) - Marilyn Starlight

One thing I learned is adepts golden humanity people are so inner fulfilled that if they have a relationship it is a blessing but if its ever not good for either you let  them go and still are as fulfilled as before and the other gets a chance to do that also even in friendship you may stay but they never cling. If they cling they betray their observer who knows how to fill itself and satisfy itself better than any partner then then they're  a whole person to another partner not a broken person hiding wounds they wish they could heal, they did not tend to and are not the best to have a relationship with in that state. If they have such a relationship they offer what made them grow in mind each day if they like to share so they are not with a stagnant lump but a god or goddess.  Usually they are with other adepts to understand one another there's no manipulation that way to get anyone to do anything. So it is not safe to harm them for they were balanced and did not need any lessons from the wounded. - Marilyn Starlight

New theory if people pray in religion to god out there they appear to be reaching something gone their beginnings red stars and the vacuum at that time holding it together then the program that brought them for the to earth they are a remnant spirit incarnate in modern DNA, and the beginning formations now gone, if prayed to may be why also they may be ageing the churches feel old for this reason. Lost then is the origins as superimposition to any new star or galaxy to contemplate it as observe not pray to it for the of observer is housed in biology to manifest on earth a life. 
In the books I wrote, there is brain reorganization of normal basic function of brilliance wiring that the observer appears to do to all the readers who say, "my head cleared totally of debris of unimportant clutter and I'm sane looking at the world again." This I did not know for sure would happen but it is being reported. - Marilyn Starlight.

So far because I reveal my truth I'm hard to strategize down I don't live a dual life much, The only strategy that got me was defamation lies scare tactics we wreck that way if they're liars, what does that tell you? Are they normal citizens or chess pawn strategists? Know that about all you come in touch with you'll have more insight into your own power over your life. Chess ones can't consider how you feel or they're weak and blow their own strategy we mentioned, their fear therefore the core of their decisions are all fear. That is why they're stupid people and also alienate themselves away from real friends in the end they are alone. If it's running things lying to divert you from your normal life, or using terror of manipulation it s security blanket see what it is please and take it out of the way spin a good tale to keep them busy with fake money bait they way they do with real to make it fake. 

If any one harasses you about what you read, ask them what they have as credentials to offer better from their own mind than what you are enjoying.

Have Golden Humanity in you this way, you're sure you want to do something on a high of energy that usually climbs in the helix frequency, write it down on a small invitation card or journal book, call it golden humanity even, use a gold gel pen make, it magical if you want, anything doodle in it. Put it away if you find you're drawing into situations of liking you in lower standing in the mind, so you doubt again what you wanted to do, find them, sit, come back to the place you were in the mind focus remember the moment put it back together you'll stay on track as it is your mind no one else's.  Mark the page or card done when finished and move on. Keep it or toss out doe not matter no dogma.  Remember insecurity is usually mom or dads approval  or other authority over you  or bully  who finds that side of you developing to be ahead of where they area t and criticize to get the energy down because of age or simply less development. Remember you're not them. You are your own person and feel the heart ease up as well, yours. - Marilyn A Starlight

I am not typing stocks its imposters if they use my name.

What if the books mine revealed the brain mapping for the last few hundred of  years we have till today  and why we were stuck in current progress? That helps build better. What Humanity Never Knew series. - Marilyn Starlight  

Some times the huge quantum model looks like our first biology strewn across the universe. Sound makes pictures that are almost solid just above hertz, form the stars know this and cosmos. Imagine something is coming at you from a super string it causes a huge flash of gamma light you don't see then descends to golden pink then UV and white transparent then anti atom then sound begins to arrive travelling on sound waves one hertz equals one sound wave so standing here in hertz vibration supposedly, solid is our biology if you touch it, yet it exists in a harmony of many levels of the light spectrum led from firing brain waves.  Remember this now contemplate the octopus magical skin changes and eyes from the video below on it.  Perhaps this is part of primordial soup creatures our brains and  abilities of working the double helix in frequency ascension is derived from roved by early pre man observer as well that may answer one of the questions about early civilization that appears advanced accessible by our genetic inheritance.  - Marilyn Starlight

Science is not furthered hiding, I'm public.

How do you build a home for someone that does this, you walk though a corridor, it pulls you into a craft, you teleport in without freaking out saying, "it is to fast, I cant!" Let alone fly the craft say to a new destination in case of emergency set up for it?  It is like a car to us with training in the future but you want to slow down people's frequency so you can sit on them without getting sick aha poor baby what do we do with you? These people put me on sick things to vomit to slow down. I'm not that fast normally, young and middle age have no problem around me who are healthy, only hurt I'm very fast, don't hurt me or I spike to heal.  If you can't go to the corridor in the future, get out of the way of those who can and will build it.  Get out of the way, don't sit on us bleeding our organs leave us alone. Keep studying you'll advance if you're healthy, young to middle age to say about 65 or 70 can attain something from the work. If you're older and did study,  you may be fine, if you did not simply allow the others to innovate never try to run them or their work, nor those who did not study and are younger.  Where are we at?  Studying the stars, science, new information and aeronautics industry all over has new technology it may be updating again to rid itself of jet fuel that is very costly and dangerous, all over the planet.  This is from old government stuff the elephants are there, how quaint. 

We have no use for new Christs, if you want to suffer go somewhere else, if you pull people to create them get help it is the singe word that destroys organizations and makes them look like fanatics if they use it like zealots. 

On the real group of violent ones, they appear to go after one another with regular human powers. then stage fake deaths lie and are together the victims are innocents. Andromedans appear to have a rule no death by powers or ships human tools only for killing or they bring them back.   They don't want the liability or from their people. I'm actually very nonviolent and ask for government on any terrorism to remove it. I addressed only. Engineered off me too much usually are enemy to me they attack they want to keep the DNA and have the life some of them, not good and some in crime defame like in the show violent adepts it's a fabrication which is frustrating because it hits on real topics that are valid that happened. I don't use stone ship lasers like the eyes. It is as if someone tired to do some of us up the bum to be fanatic zealots we're not, minimizing any causes, the violent group attacking us does the violence for real. I'm tired of crime trying to blame me me for their acts if they have any of my DNA it is not me in there it some borrowed light, like as if they took anyone's, is the other person in there?  Not usually if they're in their own biology like I am, the borrower is running things then in their own biology and they run in ways I would not at all for violence on innocents if it occurred. I believe they are secret suicide pact to go shopping dining and rich when the sun bows without a solution and they can't squash the solution because others of us want to live like andromedans flying anywhere in seconds. No suicides. Their planet one of them was exterminated by their star.  On Luna, what it has is this:
  • The science of superhero shown and that it is possible.
  • Unlocking the observer like the books I wrote to know the self, what it is, where it came from what it can do.
  • Facing what the pure observer is, in its action that cracks open the double helix for supernatural ability. 
  • Solving this planet really knowing what this pace was and is today.
  • What is possible for the different groups on Earth.
  • Entertaining story that is dedicated to solving mysteries of life unanswered previously and season four dedicated to the galaxy stars and our local earth challenges and how we faced it in the show.
  • Humanity's best of everything shown in the four season episodic sci fi show about 15 later at the end many years forward with some unaged characters the heroes of the show who explained in science how its possible in the show. 
  • Bonus real teachings from the author on how to crack the DNA code for phenomenon from basic improved healing to abilities prorated in the TV show to put to the test to build golden humanity for those who take the challenge in real life where anything can happen.
The show Luna took twelve years to write with breaks in between for other films I wrote. It is being read in Hollywood with other films for acquisition consideration. I will announce when its bought, as may the production who buy.
 - Marilyn Starlight 

In addition to update on curative pages this is added now on schizophrenia from the author's experience dealing with those who have it for this follow up that will be published. Usually there is a trauma where a child is abused physically or sexually to passing out or NDE. The violence is such the child is too young to map as experience so it may do this, I cant map this right over and over then stops and splits off in the brain from the black out not healing its effects on the brain fully but enough to come back to life. As the child grows up this may occur, an altered side to the person who has narcissism about good behavior since anything other the being was severely punished for to fainting or near death, and a side that is hidden from full awareness without therapy that may go off in violent or abusive tirades including blaming others for what they have done. usually they are given therapy and or medication for this people with schizophrenia that may be also fraught with paranoia.  What is needed is a mapping of what happened in child hood to examine the event if they can remember it and map it knowing they are now grown the perpetrator is usually gone and they move on.  If they understand childlike emotions emerging over this they may have hidden to be the supreme control in the life safe from harm are there, it is fine to go through them in that state then release them and map the emotions were stuck in child like state from lack of fully healing the mind upon returning from the NDE or fainting.  The second thing is anything upsetting in the future to stop breathe and prevent black out in rage and write down what it is to map and to use the mind management tool we have may be helpful in Marilyn Starlight's articles. That may be a challenge of a life time to be able tot catch this but if the emotions are released and the person gives up rage indignations sadness over some times severe abuse that can also cause criminal behavior  untreated this is immensely helpful. The perpetrators often went through this in childhood so this helps to forgive them, were stunted in development and may have abused later. Medication may help to calm and to rest then write down what it was and deal with it as upset over then why then mapping it to communicate better when calm. Quantum Mind Management has people remove themselves from another to calm then write down what is wrong to address people without abuse. This may help those with the disease as well with other treatment they maybe getting. Some BME clients with aner management problems found it helped for them to map being grown up in handling anger to problem solve better with that tool.

What is the mystery of the Stonehenge and other erected rock sites square blocks over and over asked about as mystery and new monolith like structures left in desert areas? It's the red stars doll effect on humans when the frozen chips are hitting earth even in tiny amounts from them with huge radiation changing the landscape unseen they make the observer create these in a compulsion is likely. See the Green leaf pages for more information. Look up the new monoliths you'll freak. More of the same I believe. What if you read the three What Humanity Never Knew books and we tie this together, compulsion to build the container with the uranium to fly. It's a loving program in the red stars to relocate us is possible for there were red satellite stars in our early civilizations also documented and though not our star sun yet smaller ones that may have also genetically triggered the program written about in the books to build anti gravity. See new page on ancient history more information decoded for follow up book. This inner chips of red stars may be part of our space ship building program realized through the ages to now.  If you were Hal spitting out information about what produced a monolith with a baby in it floating through space, what would be the message and why in the next run did they show a white residence with more floating babies? Humans have to read the program running to build correctly- Marilyn A. Starlight

This article is funny if you know plant kingdom loves uranium fuel sources under it and grows profusely .on to p of it andromedans shared. So the power source hey want to harness without a power plant built is same not burned they may not be aware of yet.

There is training of this nature to not care about people fully but to know they're pawns on a chess board that if you want your reality to come true you position others with strategy and never care or you'll lose it. Unfortunately they age fast some of them, so maybe read Angel of Starlight to see if you can understand why and what creation another way understanding what the observer is in higher function is, the creator not the fear based strategist. -Marilyn Starlight.

A foreign charity you donate to gives 75 percent to you to write off minimum if I move everyone was worried about contemplating this not bothering to look defaming me for the money. I can still go to set to film the builders build it I simply meet with them i pay from your money I guess It talked about it, but you have to know how you were cheated if you are the few who donated and the rest to donate correctly and what you can still get as write offs that is fair. I disclose it prevents fraud.  This is what I can build anywhere for a tax shelter and so could others for one they cheated on so far. The ones defaming it as fraud took on the stocks also, built nothing. I registered it correctly  with my for profit other company names. You simply file a social enterprises tax return if you make money from it separately revenue Canada states. I know business don't need to be shown how to do things by others to owe them. In fact if you said to me, "I want you to make this movie take the money but some how I want a charity receipt can you do it?"  I'd say, really? Let's do this." Then what I'd have to do is make it  the film, make the profits put the donation back into the social enterprises account to fund it, then donate to it on your behalf with a receipt to you later deferring my tax break on it to you, but you'd have to wait a little, but it would arrive.  This is here only for those who waned receipt info is it possible for any funding. We are permitted to raise money in social enterprises for not for profit, that is key with those paying us money getting tax breaks.  

Meanwhile like negatives of photos carry a picture to develop, the white frozen chips in the red stars have what is hot pictures as an analogy for how they carry the platform program for life pattern in its simplicity. That is why when the eye remains in the sky it means I saw it all and took it with me. The highlights or more. - Marilyn Aryana Starlight

Our own mind back to us and how the biology is with it, is how they heal us, ET's our own real attainment they have on their ships archives of the humans they work on not others ideas of them as correct at all that was part of my training that understanding right away 20 years ago -  Marilyn A, Starlight.


Brilliant information below.

On the glass or transparent octopus, it looks like a lit up jelly that is taking pictures of everything in its ocean environment to evolve to this next like hot pictures the stars take is my theory on it. This has a radiation like sting that may inject new information to eggs from its picture taking roves of the oceans to form the next creation in the video. It morphs within the species unseen to form new ones I suspect imprinting the new genetic information. The deep ocean squid is in darkness and the creature in the water appers like stars in the sky some varieties with the inner lights shining within them. As they have less pressure in higher areas of the water they change in species like things coming from the skies that become life, as above so below occurs .-Marilyn Starlight 

On how the gold levels climb in the biology of adepts the spine has high gold content if you look at photos of autopsy spine it is golden inside like fine gold long filaments. So when you so a Starspin with no ship implants to glow you, its not fake in advanced people this sound begins to happen like a hum like a little engine for real, and this bright gold light turns on and when they said another angel turns on and got its wings, its very bright and forms an oblong sphere in Starspin that is advanced Golden humanity with higher gold content in the biology.  This is also quite funny when were a bit energy depleted we eat with good metabolism but also crave gold like 24 carat. No it does not fry the heart it goes into hyperspace gold with the whole biology which is run by mind of the observer developed from study of BME QMT tools, not tooling, not involuntary autonomic only,  that is the difference any more nor is it cadaver like which has no natural glow is inert. It has to be trained so you are safely used to higher vibrations over a time period to get advanced and it no loner ages this flesh its cleaned out any fere radicals when you do Starspin, What had depleted me was technology of ships with people all over my light it is frustrating the info is new this last few decades and people generally don't know what it is and like nice light from others they have to train to elevate their won with their own spines and brains. For more information read Angel of Starlight the story of the author Marilyn Starlight's real ascension in life and back to earth human golden humanity advanced. So the stars have technology in them, uranium and the high radiation chips that have a grid pattern and very high radiation that we discussed for the formation of the program of life so this makes sense we are 'wired' internally for our DNA when realized fully from awakening practicing begins, carries electrical like current through the biology that may be tested in a laboratory. it is why we attract wealth to us in the work it appers. It attracts similar things to itself such an observer with his biology working in a higher bandwidth others have also mentioned in alchemy teachings of our history and other philosophies. And if gold and precious gems are rewards of burying plutonium safely then the program of the cosmic observer to us from  the first creations to planetary life is a rich long healthy life when we unlock our gifts, build anti gravity and higher clean energy technologies and find the keys to the double helix abilities we inherited that may be developed in those who study and apply the work in practice of the new science theory of the observer in Blue Matrix Energetics and it's techniques to navigate through the frequencies the biology can handle.   Golden City,  will be understood thus when we have adept mastery happening more.. This is much easier to study when there's no mentioned huge challenges over ideology or disbelief less fighting, so we we'll look for ward to this hopefully not when those opposing us it have aged and died, but before some time in the near future because we have to be free of spine brain engagement to others for such tests to be accurate. Ships in skies are not schools of learning trying things off others adept, please read and learn to spare us injury of spine brain so we don't scare them off learning to be that for we need them for new technologies like anti gravity building, flight and more. No more hysterics will be celebrated. - Marilyn Starlight who brings this new science theory to you that also explains ancient tablets if you read them on a few topics and read What Humanity Never Knew book series. 

If you network through mass population forums companies, check who owns them and who owns the ones who own them, not to do this: sell out Canada as underground work force for foreigners because some use these to run things from groups that may have influence on our financial world, health and human rights.  Andromedans vote dogging down any kind of derogatory conduct using space craft some of these forums users dog humans has been witnessed. It is misconduct derogatory to human a beings.  What to do?  See note on Virtuous Technologies. Write them if you have a problem so they can go after the owners who may go after the members doing it. Ayu andromedan is  asked not to work for it not to allow dog dna or other derogatory dogging on me  for stocks demands lined off my light voted down he voted with by those sent here to run those to avoid fodder line on you also.  They said only joe not use we may have followed some of the trading. We thank you for telling us and hope you have better trading without dog and lining ended now for most stocks. Please do the work on the split brain I mentioned or these people work fears like crazy though human degradation more easily.

What is God in science? According to the theory of Marilyn Starlight, it is the all that is cosmic space vacuum with its many 'eyes' galactic centers, that have replicants of its program for life creation in the stars, with superimposition, that shine and combine this for genetic progeny on planets some, to where we arrive to become super aware observes as sentient beings now connected all the way from the place we came from to genetics to open and work in many vibrations as these observers or Gods. The formation of eyes on our faces to eyes in the cosmos shining on us from nebulas shows this to us.  - Marilyn  A. Starlight

To deprogram from interruptions to consciousness, remember you are observer looking out at the world, you have that memory leave out what happened re run any trauma you dealt with already and go forward in your day, I find helpful. Who are you?  You are being this, the person at the end of the day who did it.  

What is humanity's greatest challenge I noticed?  The brain split in awareness, this is partly from what we discussed in child rearing some have effects from at bottom of page, has some of this.  It is keeping things unrealized unworked out separate from total mapping, aware. It is where the betrayal comes from if humans are threatened by something they may go there for tactical strategy to take others down, not being fully awake mapped. Further more some get upset if we know this about them, like its none of our business maybe it is if it is strategy coming at us from it to take us down, if the being is threaten by new information or plans. Second part is we tend to see ETs like children see parents when young with high ideals and if they give us wrong info to test us and we fail and crumble then are confused about god, about our power, about this life, not really knowing what the observer is how it is its own life totally our laws which should not be destroyed try to ensure that. That is when to do the first part immediately and discern ask questions with any information that is out of the ordinary or asking you to do things you don't normally want to do. -Marilyn Starlight 

This is the sound of the earth here andromedans said it is uranium generated also from ley line travel in ionosphere of its own inhabitation in the vacuum. What does Earth sound like from space? - YouTube

BME Correspondence comes with class notes and my books series I-III copies for any more information contact me.  I said I would honor any time periods of income stolen from me from the site not seeing the sign up or receipt taken, no problem you paid, you'll get it. It's too easy to say Ima bad person taking your money I never got and sending nothing, gee pretty shitty,  not my style however. They wanted to demand other things from brethren with set up defamation lots prior. So call, please don't trade me in, if I was a victim of crime don't abed, any affected. 778-237 -7461 any time. 

This is an interesting study of how religion split up early science this is clearly about comets hitting the earth made into dogma now as Satan's bible they left stuff out of regular one about these topics called evil. Codex Gigas Devil's Bible: Weird Medieval Manuscript - Historic Mysteries. The  devil has a aqua blue face and the red horns its the red star info hidden.   - Marilyn Starlight 

Public who studies the books and practices the given tools and watches Luna later and some of the films I wrote, will be entering something called Golden City, which is advanced work in BME that produces awakened mind and society which usually tends to offer high culture creations the best of the best in its building of it and refinement for even possible another place to live when our star runs out is possible. 

Magnetars are the very dense left overs most dense of energy coming from a red giant that resemble the brightest star remnant emanation. They are made of this collapsed scanners some of them like a frozen observer aspect the star has inside it. They are cold fire remnant that X- Rays everything too much to vaporization they don't necessarily burn anything with fire and may in fact evaporate ocean areas not cause tidal waves. In andromeda one was near by it, X -Rayed seven powerful times people fell but were not vaporized 10 on the whole planet were vaporized they said. Then they went away and came back it was still very bright like a star shining but not hot you could walk through it if you were dept was gamma oscillation it put you into fast like riding their ships to high folding of space time mode they said also. They said it doe not try to kill life, it is simply expiring sharing its light left over too much to impart information that was too close unless some wondered about it to show them what it was. We are explaining it ending wonder. 

Imagine a new planet covered in water bombardment of this type from red giants near by would evaporate some oceans and form continents then the imprint for the program it shone for millions of years in the inside of those types of comets and chips landing or even a magnetar hitting would imprint the program for life using the ocean and land to being flora fauna. Remember comets and blue green algae connection the author found documented in science if they have nitrogenase forming from the nitrogen in it with blue green hue and argon possibly. - Marilyn Starlight

The red stars have a way of running doll land this way some of the white chips from their inside fall to earth areas even tiny pieces with huge radiation that spreads through the area, filtered by the earth then like the square caves people begin to build stone structures with squares possibly with a compulsion to do it as strong imagery of this grid pattern and mitochondrial action stoked combined drives them to do it.   Even the temples and pyramids. Mysteries are solved many about things around the world we did not know in Marilyn Starlight's books and Luna upcoming TV series.

Photo courtesy of Bing.
People who are trying to understand why there here, what they are tend to be more 'body mind' as the term is used at times by some. When they know, it goes away, that is why you should know there's very attractive people in high places even Hollywood who study my work are awake so they should not be prejudiced as this term either.
They're dispelling defamation which may sound at first be ware thanks if you hear any in your area.  Finish listening please before you judge. Someone asked why are you not all over the place with reality like super powerful people?  I said because they're brains fire right for their reality if you are humble and simply use the resources there correctly. In super hero movies they had no brain injury to fight from engagement.  

Its true the ancient builders hid the technology in symbolism for security reasons around the untrained same as how the gateways of neural transmitters works to allow certain biological processes  to take place allowing pathways to open for information to flow to new areas faster ones of the brain allowing new understanding at a higher processing speed information that stimulates this to occur usually high level. This takes study and practice to develop of higher consciousness materials and focus techniques in some cases. Higher consciousness materials have an integrative aspect of more than one area of science or other scholarly topic that may even explain how pathways develop in the brain for it to be that way during study of it and hyperspace phenomenon beginning to open as DNA acting in more than lower frequencies most of the time, higher jumps more frequency more fluidly. With soul observance roves of other people in fast area of the brain information is shared like how it flows through the cosmos in hot pictures for support and inspiration during evolution of consciousness and why any attempts at engineering their DNA into others or roving mechanically tearing tissue, are lesser and assault in court may be ruled if there's brain loss one day as precedent is sought. A successful society does not rob brain mass from one to another, it has evolving body of humanity. - Marilyn Starlight 
This information  about our Earth and cosmos changing around us is so radical from some people's brain mapping their observer tranced them out very deeply to shatter the old beliefs and remap them.  It takes a few days to accept some of the new information presented by science but then we are awake about it and fear is far less so we can be proactive in our lives. We're still alive and empowered. I wrote my books to help people through these times and learn incredible new science about the observer. - Marilyn Starlight


The look of water undulation look of some of the flares occasionally from inner scanner or eye of the star is from cold hot front like in weather deep within the star it is colder then as it rises it is hotter and there's weather lightning like happening and then there's hydrogen and water produced so it knows this water that is soothing it appears to the star inner observer.  Old thermometers were built like the inner eyes of the star that later may be the comets flying and some binary stars or white dwarves upon exiting the red giant as we have seen in the videos. It is spinning on the vacuum axis points and freezing energy gets in there like  waves also possibly. - Marilyn Starlight

Is this cross flare video a grid to go by bye in the future or some other meaning? Is this cross flare video a grid to go by bye in the future or some other meaning?  The whole star shakes as if exploding but not. It may be if its changing poles this occurs to shake it up dislodging its anchoring is the only other thing I can think of if its internally healing after which it ahs to do any away if its going one day and not ready.

On the star notes for tomorrow the vacuum moves around an object to squeeze, it then the star hanging on a center pole of its invisible space also expands with its activity we have seen this in videos. So both happening together build the inner square radioactive chips as the star spins hanging on a huge hidden energy producing vacuum of space. The little comets inside they all have eye formation beginnings round globes on the ends of the scanners that come from inside with huge radiation they know points on their own inner grid the chips how it works itself from inside to do things with more powerful light. they form the lens of the vacuum like as the star stuff inside like a remnant when the star blows is seen in the night sky we know. If it flies out later and blows like we saw in news, its injecting eyes everywhere as biological pattern. That has the DNA info for nature like slithering snake like string information in the loops with an eye embedded that forms a creature human or a tree with formations like eyes, Marilyn Starlight's string theory contribution here expounded on.  See the link on ancient history above also regarding the squid cell creature and earlier tablets.
Spine mend is done with your hair usually in your sleep from ETs, no one else's is used or it rots out and original host loses spine mass not supposed to be donated or it rots in new person. A whole spine they can regrown in those who have no physical disability where the brain knows in autonomic it is fine according to sovereignty. All the healing done by ETS is to replace any mass lost during engagement of humanity only they have a rule to leave us the way they found us. Ageing and weight is controlled by us not others as god over us. So if you are 55 and look 45 they will heal you to that if you are 65 and look 70 from illness they give you that back its sovereign observers biology creation is why yours.  

This is a very good look at a comet up close. Comet lights up night sky.. Apparently very little radiation remains after it hits so it may have an injector effect where there's new planets for information it carries then not so much radiation, it entropy's new life. New life can thrive!  Something came down around the Atlantic puffins I suspect to change the species to that hyperspace golden glow around the beak look, but did not kill them.   There was a lot of red star activity there in the north La Superba hypergiant and our own stars underbelly of coronal hole. This proves to me hot pictures exist as they are put back into the vacuum of space that knows information then and expands with it.  Let's look at the blue color of the comets. In the vacuum under great pressure stares and water covered planets form so hydrogen and water form.  Now the scanners I call them those comets when in the stars moving around the surface wielding huge amounts of radiation, when they hit surface it is very hot compared to internal very freezing temperatures needed to grow uranium inside it. They move between environments to carry very powerful radiation from cold it comes from first.  So there is a gas forming upon heating up in the scanners that also goes into very cold states back and forth with the nitrogen and possibly argon that appears blue green.  Now nitrogenase is produced by some bacteria, blue green bacteria that blue green algae contain, like spirulina, according to what we know, so primordial soup is connected to this comet blueish green activity hitting oceans to create primordial soup or near them if it causes partial evaporation and some seepage to the waters left. So there may be a connection here for the creation in action of life from the stars that go red giant and blow from the author's own theory. TBC

It is possible the A and E collaboration with some who have non fiction venues also, who may acquire my work Luna which covers the hypergiants in season four, may do some work on my new theories that there is so much good information we have not had previously in science from what's happening to the stars in our galaxy, that is both frightening and highly educational about creation and its impact on that topic that may be answered with this work. Can I do it if I had the funding just in case?  Yes. I would hire a production team in a minute and go for it all. Luna is so educational nearly each episode deals with an unsolved mystery we solved based on true facts, 80 episodes there are more than enough topics for documentary spin offs.  The show my itself is likely the most educational and entertaining sci fi you will ever see and my most intense writing was this TV series of all my projects. 

- Marilyn Starlight 

Enjoy the work here, it will be in the follow up book later and a new messages page blank will replace it, like the first research chronicles became the books What Humanity Never Knew; We Were Born With Spaceships series.  

Look up close on the green in middle white on outside, nebula in space photos on sites has the square pattern of the white chips inside stars all around it.  It looks like a back ground radio active grid pattern for some form to grow on later.

On the cross star big flares, it could be pulling on its center pole of vacuum anchor to cross with its inner spinning nitrogen high band stuff to practice for galactic core flip later if it goes red giant and blows one day, that all stars have a program for we've seen some jam with comets top and bottom to stop it and create a pulsar.  Some science says the star changes its poles, that may be how if it pulls the current anchor and re forms it repositioned. It may be how it heals the corona holes doing this, to reorient a different positioned spin. If the center pole around top and bottom is where the coronal holes are biggest if it changes its spin creating a new anchor point like then new ones are created healed that eventually have introduced a lot of vacuum space inside the start hat may in fact begin to blow it. Evidence of this we have to watch for in photos and videos for how it wears itself out a star. So the cross flash may be indicating it needs a new pole setting, the holes are getting big, top and bottom hard to heal in this alignment. It stiches and waves stuff in there knows both directions and angled all around triangular from its chips carrying it square pattern and stars it flashes it may be turning stuff inside on the hidden built in grid pattern. Yes, it is like a built in, very large computer it can try things on its very high radiation inner platform mechanism those chips and its inner pointer like scanner I call it, that peeks out and does different things.  In the green nebula I mentioned it ahs super position little lights where the star was moving inward mapped like lights on that grid square pattern like how the eye of the observer manifests through superposition in quantum mechanics. So we see proof of the observer born in the cosmos as talked about in my books. It is proof of hot pictures also I spoke of. In Hathor's time the red headress was worn as expert royal family person who understood the grid of the inner star and its technologies in early engineering from quantum mechanics science one such was the light bulb formations that form seen up close in solar surface photos that are all recorded in the interior as high radiation and in fact the model for the cerebellum origins may have come those stacks from this origin also.  The cerebellum processes to gamma strong force that can turn the entire biology into a pink star and back down solid biology some adepts have done in BME. - Marilyn Starlight 

Here is a guide to the different classifications of solar flares to understand the forecasts reports better.  If you recall we used to get mostly UV index info A to C a being safest rays C burn level for high UVC days they said wear sun protection for sure.  Here we have solar flare measurements, from B to X  from solar storms that have rays much more powerful hitting all the way to our ionosphere during peak times of the 11 year cycles, causing the aurora borealis in the class M and X range especially. These rays go through clothing, eye wear and sunscreen so limit out door time when they are going off in your area do not look directly up at the sky where the star is if you can avoid it, do wear the sun protection sun glasses, hats, long sleeves, avoid jogging or suntanning when the solar storms are active and hitting your area. Usually auroras will be seen if they're in your local area. Last storm the auroras were seen in al 50 states and other areas of the world beware.  Covered play ground areas may be good to stay in at day care centers where little children with vulnerable skin play. Look in full screen mode on date of videos of the sun for avoidance of old posts, it is on the bottom near left side usually if taken off some news. Dailymotion I don't recommend gives me the creeps, looks like a spam site not solar info.  

Fingal's cave in Scotland, amazing place to look up. 

When I was writing about planet Radiance, we would find in Luna our planet II, there was this bound up white stuff holding together the creation like frozen forms and I realized it is in the stars playing marbles with the water covered planets that will open red giant, break and the imprinting goes into the new planet from the landing of hard hits on such to create continents. So it looked frosty like the inside of the stars that is very radio active those chips and comets and that is when I knew it would happen one day, like a dinner order but a planet. So there's stuff happening in other galaxies that we will find of this nature a second planet I predict one day in a new starlit galaxy with newer stars somewhere.  There are some who want to stay here here our biggest stars went red all of them science revealed so the rest re usually not far from following when galaxies end big ones also. I'm of the persuasion to find anew one with newer stars. Study BME if you like but Golden City will go off galaxy later I'm quite certain for andromedans built on a new one in same galaxy and it went red the star after completing half a planet ID rather learn from them not repeat same errors because of heavy attachment and ageing neurology that needs it. Their parents said to do it half the population\s who built there, "not safe out there," they said, "please build at home," they shared.  It blew, so even they said this may be better for you guys also,  a newer galaxy fresher stars. Just get the lead out build hyperspace space craft your young to middle age best to fly them others if your heart is very strong only and you don't pass out in space you may make the starship suggested by author to build to ride slower space time but longer with food and supplies to a designation found by the faster ones that skip space time. One third of them had ships in the population in andromeda hyperspace all of them.   - Marilyn Starlight  

In focusing on or lives, the star shines and we get a boost of energy for it our biology our brains the observer is bathed in light life sustaining. There is no judgement there, now if you self judge that is shone on also. So the day may have a different result. We use Pleiades here on Earth also to focus, if the sun our star is chaotic, it tends to boost plasma like feeling of energy, most agree about this. This appears to be a rove in some people of star cluster stars in Pleaides that may be studied. This is important for when stars go red giant not to perish in the mind with it freaking out even remote, as we rove the star in our day for mitochondrial action stoking and more.  Some andromedans have said when they left andromeda when their star was going near their local planet and were still focused on their star, they were in distress, had to focus on other stars leaving to be calm.

To wrap it up 50 states in USA reported they had aurora borealis  displays in more colors than normal and very hard firing beams shown in some places, from the strongest sun magnetic storm we've ever had from our local star.   

My favorite photo of our glorious sun. Credit to for picture and NASA.


This is amazing its the cross flare shown here from NASA footage.   If you look at the flame first it looks like hearts! Across from us is Pleiades so some think it could push our planet to there if it blows but wed be scalded somewhat so ahhh! That is a long shot.  Across from me here is a uranium pit and Fort Knox.  That is more likely if its ending a message go to there get some and spin it guys. If its "m coming down landing to life it is more likely beating yes little creatures snakes etc and more from the goodies it has inside it like the landing symbol red with a cross from ancient Egypt who knew what it meant. The cross in science is a container of measured volume. If it is so below as above that's coming down somewhere where it may project its stuff to fly there. If it's coming out its as this likely some quantum manifestation one day when its program is complete in the sky shining. What we should continue to see, is if the crosses have what effects down here as we're looking at Earth locally. Usually it is in local galaxy to seed new life. Unfortunately ours is going all over so we are fine to look at new places also when we build ships. We cannot drag that thing with us with a moving trailer, so our future should be interesting. Silver lining is this proves as far as I'm concerned with other evidence presented by this author Marilyn Starlight, the early civilization of humans were advanced and knew the cosmos almost intimately, built from early quantum physics and andromedans have stated yes, its not ETs its ours. For more information please enjoy What Humanity Never Knew; We Were Born With Spaceships series by same lady. For those who hate history, you need this information, you have a model of this place and the observer, missing a lot of important information is why it has science theory contribution in it on the observer of high importance.

Foreign news. Its very interesting if you look up the club world wide different countries Russian wolves are the soviet one.. This one have a look at and that application to watch out for crime prevention.

Yes its true some in science and govt was angry if I was aged sat on old people not even my family, as they had proof of cessation of it in my books if me and my students were not which happened for real they said to me some.

Meanwhile this is a featured pic of the day for futuristic architecture I love. May the talented builders rule forever into the future to planet II we find one day. PS I ordered it in Luna sci fi prime time episodic I wrote being read in Hollywood for acquisitions and shortly after production, in season four is all the anti gravity technology humans build and new planet story line. I hope you guys like it when you see the show you may add anything you like to it in your dreams may it manifest for humanity one day for real with new healthy stars all around us in a new galaxy.  This is possible the andromedans travel intergalactically all the time. In the show the humanity solves itself, the planet Earth mysteries and anti gravity mystery and therefore earns and finds a new planet called Radiance in a starlit galaxy not far away. Want help? Read my books, study and watch the show when it comes out to help evolve yourselves voted superior mind by those guys in skies and on Earth those who have seen my work.  Bashed only by the ignorant who like control and you in ignorance so they can try to do it.

A cross flare huge one that formed across the star our sun brings to mind a symbol in ancient times, a circle on a red surface with cross on it that meant, stop. Meant no ascent, as per space craft activity descend and stop. Fuel cell likely needed changing. Star has areas to regrow uranium usually after those huge flares and does so as long as it can. Aurora areas in them feel grimy, the red purple ones haze off them they said that ET's, recognize as a tiny bit of plutonium waste usually burned off the star, no longer radio active,  cleared by the clean burning rays then harmless to humans. Golden light comes after this in some regions for a few hours with little particles suspended high up, watch for this afterward if you like, they also said. It's seen as shimmer in the air then gone ET's fly by info.

The observer loads itself through the cerebellum all day perfectly as itself that is self love. We all have our own.  

This is the strongest UV I've ever seen in my life in these auroras. I don't know if sunscreen would have helped this this is when you hide indoors in your basement. Comets were flying through this also.  Here you can see the intense big flash rays and discharge all the way to the ionosphere.  This flash is not usually seen in aurora borealis more solar anomalies shown here.  If you see this head for basements or parades to avoid sunburn till its over if it is burning your skin.  ETs are there its hot in the face they said don't watch these go under if they turn fuchsia even purplish. Really area they flash is the burn zone but it is close to others who see them. The storms do pass and we have more normal solar activity. This will periodically continue over the next few decades with increasing activity till a first nova occurs so we have lots of time to create some solutions. My advice curb war build anti gravity and scout for a second planet while we have time the governments are aware of this option and looking at it also.  May 11 and evening the auroras continued and all over the northern hemisphere to southern regions they were seen, very colorful display. 

My experience of awakening was this, Andromedans who up topped me occasionally, did nothing for me for awakening enhancement as far as giving any gifts to me to my chagrin at the time, however when I developed my self as they usually make you or you get nothing, I was really brilliant from all the work I did and understood why.  So when humanity sits thinking some of them it's all engineered lay it on me baby and pull my light for it also, I'm horrified for this reason, they did not read study and develop themselves and to please not  injure adepts any more, thank you for your attention to this matter irresponsible people in public who do this and by the way, I'm not loaded nor is it too much information for one person, to then give away my brain contents, not proper conduct on ships, so they don't want to do this, or by anyone to debilitate us that way, who did work to be that way and earned it and why my creations are a big deal.   

My you tube video commentary, I deleted over half they keep reappearing. They are on cam cord to show how badly I needed a professional director and producer to be rescued from this situation.  They have very interesting information. The past life ones were also grabbed to another person wrecking my light a bit like some of the other ones, so they were not as good. I'm usually very photogenic if there's anything wrong with the picture or video its interfered with nine out of ten. Nothing is fed in my videos, I'm not a doll.

Your arm and index finger is connected to how you 'see' if you do this exercise, hold it to your face close and look at it, that is cerebral cortex you observer is looking from through the visual, hold it farther away  and look at it, it's in the mid brain, hold it a straight arms length away and look at it, you will be in cerebellum area that also gives you this it is in psychic mind to prove it, wink your eye to take a snapshot of your home you are in doing this or office, you will then close your eyes to get pictures coming to you. They float in of the picture you took with your camera eye. That is non local mind.  Use it to be safe walking to the car at night alone snapshot your car. Do not use more than once every few minutes to prevent nausea, as it raises your vibration very fast to take the picture you own only. You can check on your kids watching TV take a break and snap shot them in their room.  Highly psychic people do this all the time, adepts.  They see all around them with eyes open or closed with their eyes or brain as observer. All it takes is practice and your own DNA only used after healing is fine. It is against our policy to try to mangle people so they are not psychic and can't spy on you its their right to see all that is if they want to. Don't walk around nude if you're worried about it:) they don't usually spy its used for their lives and safety.

My light was used for emergencies only for kids to save them living near me only and a few moms they'd stem them after releasing the light back to me unharmed. I cannot do this sat on old or fat or men pulls everything instead no help for kids in emergency why not to ask for me the wrong way if you live around me remote pulls too much.

Cadavers carry all the STDS known to man and al the fatal diseases and attract parasites in buildings known to man andromedans reported and science learned. No we don't resurrect them we call morgue for pick up. Messing with them can spread SARS or aids  ETs said also. 

Notes on narcissism: its root may be in the child who was hit as punishment by parents then put pressure on the self as adult to be a perfectionist.  This may lead to judgment on others as well or severe judgement on the self sparing others. In the crime of S and M the adult may not have owned this in any kind of therapy or self realization if they are into being hit and shamed as bad, turned on by it and into extreme subservience. This is a very severe form of narcissism from some for m of abuse usually that may crave S and M experiences. Now the person is stuck in childhood feelings possibly about some abuse therefore the partner who gets off on doing this to another in the bedroom may not realize it is not unlike pedophilia involving getting off on subduing a person to shame and dominion in a child like stuck emotion who will then obey the partner like a child but yet acting it out as grown up.  S and M is illegal in our country and most of  those who practice harm during intimacy may get treatment for likely several budding mental illnesses, including possible pedophilia.

If they had a camera that far back?? Where's the records?  Was it secret society? It its fake its a  good one. I think it's real and like Golden City in Luna, they had advanced technologies hidden. Its public domain pre 1951 you may use it, we don't have to have added headers we may not be sure are real info.  The Mona Lisa was painted in 1500's. First cameras mentioned in 1700's. 

To put this away, its true no one has he authorization to murder me because according to the ascension in life I had, I understand the science of the hyperspace we need to know to build space craft or move into our DNA genetically to be able to understand it fully, or build correctly for out there the cosmos. So they said andromedans that is the case with you till they ascend in life only, or  they are subordinate to what you know and fully aware not split to forget things because you can handle all information in the brain you experience also is why. People trying to engineer themselves and to change this all demise back to normal without power over me for that is misconduct on space craft to VIPS. Confirmed by those who serve us in skies many times once and for all for the public not to believe bull shit about this topic and defamation. I am friendly to government and others in the community also. How do you serve me those asking? Do the best every day from your own observer, serve your work and yourself and show respect to me, is all I ask. If I have protection for my life that is fair. If anything else is asked of anyone, I write anyone or talk to those I may need something from. 

If you are healing the inner child and like my work give it this work even a sentence then go contemplate that you are alright in the mind. Be aware of those who bring candy to a baby, too much tempting you away like little kids, do it for yourselves once in a while nice dinner, holiday, whatever it is or T shirt, no conditions are on it it is you.  

Help with hormone balance nicer skin men and women may be in phytoestrogens in plants and legumes, nuts. Cashews and pistachios are high in phytoestrogens in particular roasted may digest better in some, you can add them to cooking for stir fry's or eat handfuls as snack. You may make milks from nuts in a blender grind first like in a coffee  or small grinder add to smoothies if you like two to three tbs enough for a day, 
Do not over eat, high in fat. Oils are also good for those losing their moisture avocado oil I voted best for this, gentle on digestion also, grapeseed and olive.

RE who was Marilyn Monroe not Sherry L Laird was schizophrenic had wrong memories of suicide on bruised body black on shoulders face down. Here a video of larid before blond hair in earlier videos pre the Monroe claims.  Photos were stolen from my desk top of Monroe many and first movie nudes  that someone was putting stocks on pulling that zip file out of me of past life and lewding.  Now I have a similar cortex as it was an unfinished life that was mine not hers that is why I write for film and TV and will act in my own cameos only this life. Primarily. Those who hacked my cloud and stole them are not to use them for anything else to grab me in the brain or to put stock on them.
I ascended in life in 2005 doing BME Starspin some ETs interfered with me I shook my head kept going and did lift off very powerfully to dark space where there were stars 55,000 feet away from ionosphere.   A man who saw thi anyone speaking for me it's not trues an arch enemy these days waned to understand this what the hell he saw what it was, Wondered for a long time. So here it is. When you gamma ball in the vacuum of space something happens to you these huge busting energy like needing to laugh intense joyfulness so powerful like the sun shining archive we carry of where we came from made manifest as this  flight in no oxygen vacuum a human in gamma ball state we are very bright and glowing light pink and gold . You are so filled with it travelling you have to create something or it feels like you'll burst with too much energy so in  this state I had to create something, so I poured not DNA mine curled up, but separate items a plane of bright deep blue earth  and red earth primary colors, fiery flowers I made like the star makes but made of smoke and this earth then a pool turquoise light blue with decorated edges also some genetic platform as andromedans were we the best like so we had red skin primary lobster red and  orange on a man up there like a sample person he it all imploded when I went down pulled back to the chair in the house glowing like a Christmas tree like I had said in Angel of Starlight like diamond covered skin sheen and have ben battling insane engineering freaks since then genetic experimenting on me still I nearly died from it all. Do you know what it is like to write about this 20 years and they do that instead of having to lift a book up to read? Scary monsters. Yes that DNA resists ageing and sickness so you don't send them to shelter to force 96 yeas old woman on it and lung infection from cancer lung and smoking into such being s they did to me here 14 of them those people must be insane who would want to destroy it if I wrote what it can do in the books and people can do the star spin to create it themselves?  Here the attack my hear to slow the DNA down so they can wear it it for me to wear only no them psychotic women who grab some. Its insane. It resist ageing and death and illness totally should have encouraged them to study not stock on jane doing it ! I'm still shocked over it.

There it is the explanation what you saw in NDE state you and anyone chasing it or seeing it from earth.  

Why would I come back?  Because it comes back when you slow the DNA down  you land back down here where you began something I was surprised bout also thought we were supposed to leave to go somewhen  else nope its a hyperspace vibration change only to do that most build a space craft to explore out there. Andromedans did . So you have to know your DNA in hyperspace and down to hers to know this in yourselves.  Truth not fabrication.  Oh I forgot, when I watch the stars ours and red giants there is something happening slowly that I did in the ascension quickly that I'm studying. Oh most will do Starspin and have a nice glow and good health not do this full-on flight like I did its small percent of us who do it. I know why it happened for science info I needed. 

I did not choose to go after government leadership this life time because in order to govern correctly I'd need an all hyperspace capable senate or commons to lead correctly there is too much lead weight still in current government and that will change likely in the next generation. 

Fan mail is fine you may send it to me, I never asked for mail held back that would be fraud again. Not me. You may send it if you like writing people 

If you paid or your BME correspondence course and did not get your notes please contact me at any email on the sites. Anything further may be copied to me also. Please provide receipt or what arrived with payment to you.

Marilyn Starlight I'm at this address for now till I move they give me my mail. 412 Cordova East  Van BC V6A 1L5

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