Age always 30.
Height 1.66
Weight 50 Kilo
34-24-7 34 Reg.
Shoe 8
Hat small 



Underground life you would find lower blood levels nearly, slightly sucked out with low D and other vitamin's like A, C etc and possibly calcium levels if not supplemented. So the reasons for this is several, sunlight engages nitrogen production in or bodies, helium that expands liquids  

in warm blood to increase blood volume, through firing of nerves, brain and mitochondrial cellular action. Vitamins form in the blood stream also from this activity. Our biology is in bit of a vacuum internally, also we have dark matter of anti atoms that when the nerves and brain fire in gamma waves, there is expansion from this internally and new nitrogen replenishment, helium and other gasses that form our biological state of blood also. Why cant you sit in  it all day and feel good? You lose fluids and intense heat from increased metabolic processes in direct sunlight and begin to dry out, you need to replenish biological fluids and give your skin a rest from it. How can you prove increased metabolic processes?  Presence of vitamins we know about after sun exposure D etc. enhanced good mood as good a little sun exposure may provide also and lower activity of harmful microbes sunlight helps kill that may contribute to fatigue such as molds. - Marilyn Starlight from the knowingness of her ascension science theory contribution. All of thew writing is this that is not in traditional science those facts, and why science has called me like honorary science person from my attainment and observations. So from the experience I gave to humanity in my writings. Money for it is coming form somewhere for it I hear, well see. 

The brethren said the time after the ascension in life was to get me to Hollywood again to do films I wrote that won for mind to public excellence, others stuff was OT on ships and any more running off my light at all was taking my life away with organs shutting down, that is how sucked out I was with big light gone a lot,  nearly a litter and four quarters worst of blood one morning with spine injured.  So that is why its hard ball on the interference that is crime and refusers to back off on money grabs and that healthy glow wrong way.  BME is still there but the marshall of for other things for now. There's tons in the books and some in movies and TV show BME and Golden City advanced stuff. I want to work as long as Hollywood is standing, like I said to get the work done. - Marilyn sTarlight 

Andromedans shared a story about a planets in the area I was pointing to with the galaxy I named on here, they said flying over it, the beach sand was so bright it shone light diamonds from newer genetic platforms there.  - Marilyn Starlight

Meanwhile on Earth it appears the Hypergiant La Superba above the North Pole area may be on its last legs due to tons of northern lights so this is not our local star only going through solar storms that hyper giant is there raging also. Here is the information on the northern lights. 

If someone makes you give up up your attainment of BME that is a threat to life, as its a new hard wiring in the brain that took the whole biology through to hyperspace and back down in star spin stopped ageing, and illness, so you have to fight for you life, self defense. Simply see in your le petite cafe they're missing from your reality, gone. Every day. Till it happens if they're still bending the law who are usually dead NDE not to help you. Make friends with those who do this if they cross your path and I don't authorize scrimmage on them pulling ETs know. Never did.  If some let it go and acquiesced to be run let them go they're dangerous to you who don't want to, they aged horribly some put on old and porno and tied to do same to me every day nearly different ones. They are a raging horror who soothe themselves with stocks now back peddling who want on with the red star information not sure what to do after harming me to doe  with the others running it. I said this either apologize and drop it forever or stay away from me to those.  Write the big studios if you want the films they're reading to buy but people give others a hard time some times so it helps them feel good about the support of the films. Don't be vocal among the collective outnumbered they have a way of cornering people write good letters if you want  if you have gatherings together its safer to talk. 

Golden City Sanctuary focus. Sit in a naturally lit area like in front of a window or out doors with enough shade not to sunburn facing light coming at you. Close your eyes and sit straight, breathe more and more relaxed;  relax your shoulders neck and arms surrender all to the light shining on you as if it is cleansing thoughts worries, you are metaphorically going into light in life not an NDE. Let this bring you more and more inner calm and relaxation yet there is an invigoration also to the cells and benefit forming vitamin D.  Sit for as long as you like then go about your day refreshed.  This is pre BME Starspin work for those in severe stress who need to let go of self judgement and allow inner healing and clearing of the mind and those who are exhausted working hard and need to refresh the self on a little break. There is information all around us travelling on light if you happen to get impressions once you're very clear from this focus, that is all it is, your receiver is no longer clogged with worry etc you are functioning better as this type of observer also in a higher frequency. It is from Golden City, a living doorway within the observer opens to let you out of suffering. For those practicing Le Petite Cafe you may do this before you begin the process. Do not up top this one Andros the star is it. Most people amplify the sunlight coming at them a lot and don't need the ships beam or it is too much. We are crystalline in the carbon make up of us with other minerals is how, and with brain firing high such as in this type of focus, we can amplify light both inner and outer coming at us and its effects.  Not recommended during strong drug use or alcohol.  -Marilyn Starlight 

Plutonium proper burial of thick containers so far has shown after 40 - 70 years crystals growing around it traces of platinum and some gold.  Some precious jewels also may come forth from it in the ground. In ancient Egypt area, this author solved that where beneath the sphinx has dead bulls they called them in sarcophagus buried under it, which was plutonium, their gold mines were right next to it that they put into the pyramids at Giza and shared it amongst the cities in the area from all the royal families.   Now how did it do this?  It is seeping a little into earth's natural filtration system safely evaporating from the containers to grow all this over many years, not near water supply, and why oceans are not good to drop it into and banned. So the alchemist original one, till we came to human form was the star and it's Earth mother nature it works with. In old alchemy texts they had to remember this to remember where we all came from how to make gold from some other substance they thought was mercury. So good govern ship and industry is rewarded with gold and jewels when it disposes of plutonium correctly.  If Fort Knox has a power plant or nuclear product around it and plutonium buried, it could self generate the way the Sphynx and Giza mines did.  Also on ascendency by an Earth human they cannot alter us or our work is the laws of engagement with visitors to humanity. Authors work awakens society is why also we need no nursing to off topics and why msp is not always best designated party funded in error if it ever occurs or personal assets stocks on some illegal public war to down her work to trade on old nursing joke. This is why some accounts may have been seized and author was hurt on jerk city. You may trade unlined to it any time.

What awake is is this: me freaking less after my ascension in life, about society looking at stuff for subconscious mind only they think is for selected mapping of it and not saying anything. Pretending they don't know.  Most young and middle aged can stop editing info out and pretending then you have those wise people before you who can say anything and not forget. Doing it pretending, is from the heart push to age off the parent roved during child hood growth most do. Most baby boom and older need it to finish up and reincarnate. Its fine we know this. younger can study the work and not pretend any more they don't know to the cortex children do this our society is a little late in blooming compared to more enlightened planets and some likely behind us. It snot engineered that forces it beating the heart too fast, its experience and study. Around me its OK edit what you need to out if you're in a different place and some love it young mostly and middle age who are deep in study of the work. What is Luna like? Has both brilliance and comedy to lighten the mind. If you are in mental health care edit anything out, kids do this all the time about grown up world they over hear, keep your map for our healing and you may simply know its there for you at later time in this life or the next. Yes its true you don't NDE and forget any more some info, or age much if you do your focus practice, have an elevated day and remember everything more and more often. That is why BME was always safe the inner editor protects you from too much of something at one time there has never been any harm from it recorded your observer controls your results not us.   Also reason I had to stop ageing was to ascend and later write like I do and to sit on Luna while its filming I have to have the same mind old does not allow the same effect spits the consciousness.  Every time someone tried to force ageing on me I could not do the work. they had to repair my DNA to its normal replication age 30 then I had the same mind for the work. Yes fat same no go sloth brain occurred on fat. -Marilyn Starlight

If you fly to the cosmos, you don't have to shop antiques at the second hand store in the sky with Saturn and Mars in it as money spent on so much time, it has new stuff to discover also. 
-Marilyn Starlight 

The cerebellum loads the observer's biology correctly for it with the program there it carries that is self love that is each person's biological property. 

In the other we saw what looked like a graph from sound waves on the surface of a solar flare close up. The sound waves coming from of the star can be heard here recorded in space.
Sound reminiscent of water and sea creatures swimming whales beginning this reminds me of and a stoned rocker on a bad night. It sounds like words where I out coincidental or not, watch the video its interesting.  Nitrogen in it is part of the spirit of all things origin as in my books I describe, in addition it has uranium which records sound andromedans agreed (their ships can play it recorded off it), and likely gets streams from satellite radio, films, news, music, from time to time bits space mission transmissions, language. So without brain mass it is possible sound from it from the uranium recording technology it has inside it, carbon silicone metals and more. What's playing? It gets some of it I'm quite certain from earth and may have a way to make sound of what it is doing, possibly.  - Marilyn Starlight

Nitrogen how does it replicate itself?  We had some answers, one when you garden it is in the soil so you add a little seed and it grows, adding a plant life carrying it on.  Second if you put essential oil into rubbing alcohol even 70 proof, nitrogen expands in this, more than previously in either ingredient so there's something about this mix that causes this reaction, and if you put it in the air it doubles at home such as from an ice cube atomizer or cooler kept very clean only, spray it on ice cubes or in the water area turn it on.  Cleans air like crazy also for natural air conditioning on ice cubes used in some places.  Hot does not mix as well we found, lower nitrogen content. 

Did I write a movie about this? My work on the star is in Luna season four. It is riveting.

Andromedans have said this to me, "I believe with your training and ascension you could fly and scout a planet with a triad or any of our ships built for your  specifications, not grey they're too slow, you have to worm hole thousands of miles ahead with them. Some in government said sure. go for it one day. Now what is getting in the way is two things those who say,  I can do it themselves inviting themselves, without andromedans inviting any of them, without any clue of how fast it is, freaking out shown, then jealously  ripping at my brain spine or rudely popooing when they fail, turfing damaging valuable DNA to me mine.  Second she does not want to be killed for the effort by stupidity.  Third, she said, I'm unafraid of the ships I went very fast into ball gamma state in my ascension in life whole biology went to that state.    So it is this public,  if you kill her, you'll fry they said, they won't work with others if you destroy their most advanced Earth friend the same way you'll get slow ship support maybe if you re kind to us they said but have to find your own planet which will take longer, will you make it? Hmmm you need the fast ships, or you're not doing as well needing years of exploration and tons of food supplies to stay alive to do it, then when you finally find a planet, how long do you have to lift them off? The rest who can train to go? Not as much. Ask any andromedan on off time only who can fly one day from earth?" He said, my andromedan friend today and five years ago same. May 2 2024 for the record you may write it down congress and commons and others. PS others DNA non very good match meiotic or poor meiotic even with stolen DNA is thrown off those ships you have to have your own skills and DNA developed through study and practice, that is why people train for it first. My BME are half way there they have to train and do gamma ball state first to fly successfully also. Most focused Starspin possible does this with momentum happening ideally.  Go to a park sit do the BME Starspin, then run teleport forward off all ships meching, in privacy and safety, no spying on them permitted for this reason, scum bags ripping off DNA cutting corners costing lives of adepts, one of mine died in Ontario from this. I wrote something for you in Luna, BME students, season four is dedicated to you all. 
File share on all day for those with links only for work.  Would I do it?  Why do you think I'm studying space so much as well and what's happening? Yeah I'd go, its a test for me I want, to see how home is in the cosmos, how much I believe I'm a part of the mind all over it to navigate anything and anywhere,  I want to do it one day, I'm unafraid, it's proven to me since I ascended above the ionosphere and back with no ship only a hidden one followed me maybe two actually, for real, it is friendly and I'm unafraid for this reason having that experience whether you believe or not does not matter at all because it happened to me, I know its real, I fear nothing any more for this reason. I wrote the science of it revealed to me no one else anywhere taught me and some say it proves I attained what I said I did for no one else had this information on Earth and I did not attend school in andromeda.  
Today May 5, 2024  they answered yes, to a ship for me created, fast and to go in about 3-4 years possibly to train and fly all I'll say for now for real to scout for you know what.   I'm beyond thrilled and so relieved, you have no idea, things will happen for us good things humanity I'm sure of it because of this excellent pledge to go forward. Like I said, live your best every day, for this life or next, we'll be alright -Marilyn A. Starlight. 

Solar flares we large today several of them went off in a star pattern of flash big twice.   
I sleep in the BME Starspin it's true. So may other BME adepts, if you are anti gravity in sleep weighting less and glowing that is what I mean. You cannot hear their autonomic in that state it is glowed up and you should not use those for heart start or when it comes back down the tissue it is entangled with another person simply leave them alone re spacecraft and questions about this. When we wake up were solid we beat if someone ahs not pulled you're hearts out needing reforming glowing up thinking they're a new being with new DNA. Then our lives have to be saved the following way the DNA put back into us. It is very frustrating to try to present the information to you with such stupid mistakes made I would like to encourage ships not to allow them when andromedans sleep and they grab smaller craft to experiment some who needed this message quit your day job as this thanks. No shoer rotations on it someone's meditation right? Yikes! Or glisten up people ff you so you come back from it not healed drained. Why bother doing it? No on will learn to fly space craft if they have to gloss up someone complaining, I have less light not fair! You fly it then and burn because your not trained. It was given you can do your own glossing yourself up, then it is not pretentious you wearing others, never go for this its corruption. See Cocooning for it Marilyn Straight's articles there's a link there to it. We don't tool well don't tool off us. BME Quantum Mind Tech tools are mind technology of the observer to move the DNA through hyperspace and back down it is not DNA tooling someone else's that came after our teaching not same. Golden City is new advanced BME work for golden humanity who is like what I describe as what happened to them from the work. Sleeping in Starspin my observer did in autonomic without initiating it, or performing it in awake time cleans the cells and energizes the biology it is good for my health I found.  Anyone can do the BME Starspin I posted links to it in Marilyn Starlight's articles. Its like meditation but very active, don't touch people in it. If you bring your partner coffee during it, they may not be visible, which happens a lot. When I work writing I'm in it also and people have seen me partly transparent. To know more read the book Angel of Starlight it is my ascension story in life and why I gave the angel properly defined back to science it was originally from not stuck in religion for better understanding of early science information about our observer and its DNA function abilities in the early builders of technologies written in the other book series What Humanity Never Knew. 
  • That I can't disclose this information, I was told to because my money had not arrived everyone else got paid three times over.
  • Dogma about us untrue:  we cannot have sex you have to put us int others bodies nope that's BS totally that harms us like I said above, we're drained missing DNA! 
  • That we died, nope were simply glowing the entire biology alive in adept state working the DNA in hyperspace like andromedans flying who are also not dead on space craft doing same. Both of us come back solid whole biology you can tough us. 
  • That cemetery roves help us no they slaughter we glow higher to save our lives not slower and are missing parts of our biology needing our lives to be saved from it.
  • That Ayushan is enemy as Satan to us in BME. Nope he's one of the  andromedans good at understanding BME and what we accomplished since its beginning, worked with the author in Hollywood last life time, did not murder her people did, should not be pulled during my work for old duty on spoofs so they take over ships making errors described looking stupid.  
  • That the author was not Marilyn Monroe last life or Hathor, Inanna,  and others mentioned in her books was and describes science of reincarnation in her books not new age.  Author wrote things about Monroe no one else knows Hollywood is aware of government some are also and the other woman claiming to be her look about 8 pages down in Youtube with many names you'll see her schizophrenia that later settled down fed my light and brain roves of others. They created her regretting it some ETs because I would not talk about the life. This was finally accepted in BC also till crime ruined it for a while they corrected again some of it. I was finding if someone was lied to they still grabbed cemetery roves on me makes it difficult for the work to go ahead. uneducated some psyche care who do this in the area have no fear not sane people who are high functioning their words, "take your whore out of our institutions and give her her money" their affection to me was expressed thusly about my time in temporary housing after crime tossed me out for calling cops on strange activity threatening management to comply and BC housing to comply some in government also. Please do not give ships to their violence on me thanks ET's. 
  • That we are goody two shoes, nope as you can see this is not always the case. We are like this the religion angel confusion, witness in awake state that does not remap the brain not to remember some things. The dead ride hyperspace with their recorder and spirit leaving the biology behind we take our whole biology nothing remains on earth till we reappear unless we bilocate instead of NDE doing remote work and should not be grabbed.
  • That news is evil if they got any DNA by ships some times by accident, nope they're welcome to do a story on me any time or my work they're not evil. Enjoy Luna when it comes out its finished now, is about journalists investigating the unknown and becoming adept for real. Please don't joke spraying any of them with adept DNA ET's ruining their experience to study making fun of the work some did  jealous people only. They may be working on some content to do with my work I heard for real. 
  • That the work is unproven and may be not real. Andromedans have offered this tome , "we flew to your students tested them for all your teachings found all to be true thank you lady, they said the public may have them all lied about by govern ship of Surrey. BC played by a lay person, not even government at first who died recently, unnamed at this time. In addition some hospitals have found their patients had results reading the book Angel of Starlight. If there's clinical trials I gave permission for doctors to do without me on my work, leave them they cannot do the  work bothered in the brain by those wanting to know what it is they said."  
  • That I need to be dragged places, no that harms and I don't go. I go invited by call or letter or in person, or planning my day only. Do not drag anyone on me same happens I asked ETs.
  • That I run stocks nope someone copied my ID to do that they we're looking for. The votes are in if they cheat they need to borrow ID which I did not authorize I said stock yourselves without my ID not grabbing space ships by yourselves. Why not because it hauls on my light and ID! Is why not,  by those who say vaguely lying, "I don't know her or her work," and told people to ignore me. We're trying to encourage off schizophrenia induced this way, you know me, for trading you don't on and on. Do proper trading please if you trade. without this. They do this, nearly offer to buy me lunch, pulling another to do it who may not know me, then bash and ball me for trading time. Yikes!  Also known as the house liars, saying properties decorated for me to find and buy are being bought for me and then lining stocks property after property around them to trade on using my time and harassing me this way and if caught claiming the moneys for a home for me that I never get! Then they say, its for my own home! 
  • That the art or writings done by the me are not mine or copied, nope they have not been able to find those I supposedly copied from, it is all my work and andromedans vouched for me also as authentic.
  • That I aged and am fake, nope andromedans can vouch for me and my students who will remain nameless to protect identity at this time, I stopped ageing at age 30 and had real phenomenon occur to me many times from the work, so did my students. Andromedans said, "we had this situation back home Ayu, take ageing off the author." Ageing and the face body is run by autonomic, shreds cerebellum on us if its imposed and there's a program whirling in it self imposed by the observer of immortal youth BME people have who studied and are adepts were sick of the question how is it possible study you'll find out read the books to begin. 
  • That I'm in Hollywood now, nope in in Vancouver BC waiting to be called to go film when they buy. I'm not there. Just like they're not here.
  • That I hate andromedans govt and Hollywood news, kids, animals and others. Nope I'm friendly with them all. Andromedans, I've spoken my truth to even against their mind and they apologized not wanting to force any belief on me that may or may not be theirs and adjusted how they did things for my work. They don't generally go to lengths that palpitate a person against their own mind. A note if people grab my light and palpitate not used to it, that's not us doing it to them. Let the light go it comes back to me.

- Marilyn Starlight

Dear readers and fans of Marilyn Starlight's work, its true the galaxy and stars went berserk a bit with what's been happening in the skies and our planet.  I will tell you this. if we put our best humanity forward, the best effort, we can do every day, we will be on the list of up and coming  people to make it to the next life opportunity in the cosmos whatever that may be.  The all that is will put us in it's book to promote us to somewhere maybe we can even order the new planet and succeed, we may need with our focused intent to be such. This is a good place to start.  Also to live the best Earth experience in courage and good fortune to preserve life, and reincarnate for some with success to help in the next timeline, is of high importance. So remember what I said. when it is coming down the chaos. make it know what it is that its coming down upon, to fly meteorites at your feet so you're unscathed. to know your worth. that is then surplus economy you may earn one day. to know the cosmic observer you are part of are on in your worth and you dance through any catastrophes. I dare you to do it, I dare you. no stocks on it but your worth, that is it more than any stocks company, it's you what you believe about yourself. You that daring and brave observer clad in biology and some passed on till they reincarnate and can do it. I dare you to be this every day and forgive the chaotic ones to get more than you may have thought you'd create. You can still rest and be well, that's part of it isn't it? Self care. Science I encourage to continue to learn about everything hurled on our planet and in the skies and cosmos. to know our turf thoroughly when we travel anti gravity one day like old hat.- Marilyn Starlight  

What may Hollywood do?  Aggressively take forward some of these projects to educate and entertain millions to be known as this in a new era of film making never before done in history to such a degree of astounding projects. Mine will affect other writers for better quality work money won't be a problem if they go for it. Yes Hollywood has financial struggles that kill projects if they invest in big budget projects that flop, it is not largely know but some of this change this may ease this also with more cash flow.

It is untrue that I marked parts of my biology to carry causes I said no to such fanaticism, I have better things to do if you read above this .

In then the minerals in the cosmos high pressured together its this andromedans said agreeing with me its diamond like carbon through extreme heat from the stars that blew spew out traces of platinum gold through it silicate trace not mainly it or it breaks apart too easily and diamond like the lady said  is through it carrying multifidous levels of radiation out wards from the nitrogen based compound solidified like a chip resin of its conscious spinning state they said. Marilyn Starlight quoting andromedans for her organization work.


IM NOT RETIRED,  IM WAITING TO BE CALLED FOR FILM TV WORK IN LA ON MY SHOWS.  LUNA IS FINISHED  all 80 episodes for four seasons of riveting content.  I did other work too today. -Marilyn Starlight  

Re info from space craft flying through, those pulling for it are lied to and those looking for RSE or New Age WT to get it are in the wrong place, the new info has been for 12 years this author's Marilyn Aryana Starlight. Blue Matrix Enterprises (Who runs Blue Matrix Energetics not obsolete ever, Andromeda for well being uses its info for some of the healing liking the results and there's notes for you to be able to read to heal faster, things in the books count. We disclose more then old WT also new age and are permitted to do so)  and  Golden City Enterprises. Go on the Marilyn Starlight books read any, you'll be on with space ship info if it pertains to you correctly. If you go to old new age WT to get on, you may be given wrong information about the author or her work go on with us to avoid this. There is not trading with this group as us, go to a broker or investment advisor or yourself if you trade, lunch time mornings don't work for deals announced on stocks greys try to line to announce not their job to line ships not built for it nor them you can't be jane doe on the NDE they cause bumping off to get info out, then lining to keep it going harms author they grab for my light to line on to me after. Ascension in life is not engineered therefore other races who balled for DNA thinking they'd war it lied to are in error any from them who tried to do this you have to study to attain it only. To fly this big ships hyperspace you have to have this ability and the information is passed by those who have done it usually and trained adepts. This may be relevant in the future because of ageing galaxy cataclysmic and our own star, if opportunities arise from our own space craft engineering in several decades predicted possible. This author is going to film and TV work for the next several decades likely in USA and to also stay informed of any progress with anti gravity technologies she contributed to information in her books and the status of our local star and galaxy info posted by space agencies we all share who report info on it news and other contributors in A and E and sciences. Andromedans do work with me because of the science theory of authors contribution, nothing postponed, you don't have to go to yelm on andromedan mention to RSE.

Do this exercise, you're in a flooded town, the car mess killed the insurance company with so many claims but you have a surplus card you top up from your money tree, your own name for your own expenses and financial life, to buy a new car accessory too, and company name also may, to bail itself out empowered to do so by your government say in the future. What would prevent this from being a success, bailing yourself out the company paying more insurance to customers, they buy new cars if needed? You have no debt! Only surplus! Where are the losses or affront? I dare you to find it, if the economy runs on such where's the failure? What does too much money do? Excite spending so spend. But follow hoarding laws. Spend be in surplus where is it ? In the future governments that want to vote it in that go to college to be elected to do this I predict, if youre too chicken current governments to change a few laws to let everyone who loses an outdated business or investment pay themselves out  from their own name money tree and go to it. Stars going one day why not have some fun and fund getting out of here hmmm? Beurocracy current one looks  very badly like a bad suit hung on to. If they bent rules to throw me out reporting murders, why not do better vote this in ?? This was an affront how? Spotless no damage in 3 years. No money owed no laws broken. Good tenant. Then I'll be impressed with your new rebel selves this is not it so far to impress anyone, goodnight. Globally it has to commence all at once something like Virtue Money economy cards and money highway where debt is illegal asking to reload your card if you have not enough money is not from your name money tree permitted by your local government to do so who no longer is your social worker paying for all your services. You're all rich is why. 

I and those who study my work heal with andromedan for well being which includes you able to study my work to understand how your consciousness works in the biology from science info and new theory from me they have used successfully for 14 years on the space craft to those on it and they heal faster understanding. I don't wish to receive other others methodology to me thanks.   -Marilyn Aryana Starlight 

What is next for Marilyn Starlight?  While I wait for work in Hollywood to commence I will be planning my next book on these times were in and consolidating some of the info in Virtuous technologies with planning off world opportunities information in addition to a follow up book on the first trilogy I wrote. I am no where near retirement. I balance A and E and science I love in my work, which is written from the attainment of what I accomplished in super natural DNA hyperspace, that I translated into English human language down here knowledge from, read all the tablets can read any tablet anywhere from ancient history and tell you what it says its visual story, gave it to you in my books to know. ETs warned if you want to get off this planet one day before the star ends don't tug me the wrong way or any way. Read about the ascension in life in Angel of Starlight by author Marilyn Starlight.

This is excellent look at this video slow it down after the light bulb technology look shot in the star that Hathor depicted in temple of Dendera had there light bulb wiring technology from the sun we  knew also really cool. Was light bulb wiring technology they know from the sun where they had come from as spirit into mass in our archives of observers I found out. Also there are tringle lights again with a graph of energy discharge very important info find it there in the video. That is information firing of some kind. Very good analysis by the young man in the video excellent work on auroras. - Marilyn Starlight 
This solar storm period is not finished there's still X rays M- 9 flares predicted. Take precaution in areas where its hitting.  This will likley happen for several years on and off in the next few years while we have some time to consider options if it worsens. Some of those have been presented  some of those people have more to do than suck DNA out of the authors making her sick mornings while she presented some of that information  or balling registry housing letters down so she's stuck in shelter for stocks. If you erred against me in the last 3 years you have opportunity to write the appropriate people apologize and make things right thankyou including stealing money from books. Appreciation for the work is more appropriate in thanks.

It is interesting it is part of what runs space time slower and faster as objects swallowed up like old stellar stuff cleaned up. it may not necessarily bother sentient life much for this reason if we're fortunate.

Yes its true Siberia also had a huge flood . All under solar storm activity .

Thank you world governments federal who contributed information  to my work to what is being looked at as possibilities to solve economic and geographical hardships for the future to be better for all!  For those who don't believe I have this to say, if you have ulterior motive to have me ignored not there, to make money off me or to get light and are learning not to pull tigers by the tail that may bite you, finally! I have had connections to the most important minds whole time since 2005. They were not a money grab they were people to share info with. Many things we worked on for betterment of the world with different administrations not war zone for profits. We were about progress and peace not war for profits or how to get charity up with foreign aid being up from war. Never go to leaders this way, puts us back and then we can't be there to save your ass for the future if this star keeps blowing too much on our land were delayed by your financial desperation holding us hostage with zeal on ships grabs misconduct . 

Please note we in BME and Golden City are respectful of others appearance and body type without forced alteration of weight age or any other feature. Please do not solicit us for information if you are not same as respect to us thank you.

Re phishing update don't loan your phone to anyone if you are approached for this offer to dial for emergency police or ambulance only if you like for person if seeming in distress or call husband for ride say, never hand your phone over to anyone they got bank accounts this way. 

What would be a good focus? Love of our good health we accomplished and refuse to forget to keep, for those sick, ageing, dying maybe to get out of it to reincarnate to good health is ok too some mentioned they want without judgement from others if they want to plan an eventual departure from their observer enacting it.  Either way no one has the right to decide for us to run us as what health we have were not running as a program already.

Solar flares forming triangles in unison on suns surface occurred to day.  Some M9 the big ones. The triangle was on the surface of the star at each point tiny triangle white hot flares were discharged simultaneously.  Huge light flashed as if it was creating some effect in big momentum maybe clearing some stuff maybe initiating some well see.

According to cuneiform language water is a symbol of ether that in strong force we navigate through in physics. Interesting lesson in these floods.   Too much energy, like in those early stages of strong solar flares beginning, so down here it is showing what happens to it coincidentally or...? Using cuneiform language of builders it knows because its ancestors came down to be humanity writing it through whatever you want to call our arrival from the cosmos to human state population planets yet remembering where we came from so the language is of awake beings and the symbols from it and hyperspace rotations are shown in some nature feats and even the stars activity ageing over our planet earth because it is a simple language of early science it is a part of.  It makes the triangles on its firing sequences of in momentum on its surface from the very white hot flares and on Atlantic puffin's eyes. Believe it or not!  It's OK if you thought coincidence, while science may skip new age labels and look into it. Artifact is the fishermen with tails swimming in the water that built the ships that floated in the ether.  
Someone thought ascended work in NDE only? No we ban it as stupid and work only with real living people not in light who then don't remember if they chicken out what they agreed to I don't have time for that.  My stuff I work on is not in the light it is real.  

It was like this writing about Planet Radiance in Luna teleplay as if the mother nature species are suggestive about it advertising stuff for the future for a new planet. It has these and other species in hilarious garb like the little cub below.

The creatures that advertise new fashion because of morphogenic DNA are these guys also as a DNA instruction to keep in mind is possible for the species 'morph it.'  For the new progeny of itself. Frogs. This one is heading for planet Radiance fashion for sure advertising what's possible for a new planet from Earth's stuff. Nice eyes. 

This is supreme building of DNA this cosmic observer we are part of has perhaps its a challenge it is space, age are you? Where's the ship to go with these babies humanity? Your future babies will build I have BME HL text in Marilyn Starlight's articles for that you can call a spirit to be a great space engineer of anything from it by yourselves. Andromedans said as good babies as their seeding program came from it. Privacy only no sales pitches. Voted educational content by those flying.

Red Panda anomaly.

Binary stars, the white scanner stuff of aware star leaves with a puff of smoke then it circles the red giant left, appearing to blast it in one video. This makes sense as they become white dwarves later much, a moon when its glow dies down, the star remnants like our local moon, a galactic core, worm hole without a galaxy and also comets if it blows itself really hard and does not core it appears. Quasars are blow galactic cores they toss a comet in the end to jam and block it from going full on into a worm hole. I believe it proves also that when the largest star went supernova very close to our core and did not blow the galactic core it was right beside there something conscious directing all this the cosmic observer we are part of that is aware of us, the solar systems and we read it.

Coincidentally, this is concurring with my writing the last episodes of Luna teleplay that deals with the solar challenges.  It is very educational, meant to empower, it is not an apocalyptic show with no solutions that may simply scare. This has been going on for years now with the sun and Earth changes escalating of late, thanks for posting more on news about it and creating better equipment to study the sun and earth, it is of high importance for humans safety and to predict things like volcanoes, storms, tidal waves, flooding, that may be in fact illustrated on the solar surface through a firing sequence of solar storms to read that should be studied for this reason and mapped where the events are occurring in relation to solar activity. If Dubai had orange flares and nature is changing, new species also appearing painted with orange red markings and other info they should look into it that these new photos provide such opportunity as well as other technology we use. -Marilyn Starlight

I disagree the universe is going to end, what they are seeing is worm hole action sucking in some planets and stars occasionally and new galactic spin doing same with a few white dwarves activity.

Check on this if you like, if the lightning bolt like flares on the sun traveling across a surface like creating a map for something that resemble a storm pattern cause weather disruption below on earth  today or within a few days in correlating areas affected. 

There's new Milky Way photos its till there but smaller and loser than before I had posted this about the largest star in the galaxy the big kahuna of red giants who's back ground is he comes from a large cluster of stars near the galactic core now I was not expecting my site wiped of the info missing today the link, I had asked post any news on this smoking star by the core I suspected it was there, was a photo of prior white hot scanners left, black smoke left behind hitting up against the core there was a giant doing this. If its missing in new photos of milky, way perhaps its the galactic worm hole other one they're talking about to day the heading is the earth in a worm hole? Gee that is poor news continuity, maybe say what happened to this one please we're still here, so we don't need to fear the news do we? New milky way photos are different from the original tight spiral also re presented on news today why? This is funny its way scarier than the red giant info I posted that got taken from my site mysteriously so maybe we can have a follow up from a space agency to see what happened to the red one b the core that went off.  I wondered if this was what happened to the biggest red giant.  Whirlwind life on our planet and were still, alive wow!
The andromedan who heals me is very kind, we hold hands and look at the stars while I heal anything else anyone's doing is not what we're doing.  He carries some of my tissue in light state to bring back so he can't go on others in ways that put it in the wrong place.
Made the Science Angel shape with grace. Not same as lightning bolts one.

Reason the timeline of stars is bogus, is because of the presence of black holes that come from huge stars hypergiants that went super nova without creating a galactic core. They suck space time and move things around, even chunks of the universe, that affects how fast even galaxies breaking down disappear and star remnants.  They pull things in like a metaphorical NDE of the star where it once shone, now it appears examining what it shone on pulling it in! There is a very large black hole, after andromedan galaxy pulling it to dissipate the areas where stars went off, and nearby galaxies appear tugged on also a bit thought the big piggy thing is not going to get a whole viable galaxy, that worm hole! 

It is true, the top ETs visiting tested my work for several years before voting for it to be supported as recommended work for evolution of human consciousness and deprogramming from the past. They said to tell you, "it does reduce incidence of illness and slows ageing to stoppage in some, is also why we don't put ageing roves on the author or illness."

Good things are happening, I may be going to work  on one of my film TV projects in a little while.

If it is science not telling on freemasonry that also harbored the last of Alexandria library's notes lost, less than 1 percent in its work, as ancient alchemy, we're modern, non antiquated and bizarre. Andromedans said I decoded about 75 percent of what's lost there and gave it back to science category rightfully.  Freemasonry is secret society still its one weakness except on some books printed for general public from it also, better. and why in Luna magazine my teleplay, we gave lots to public on not understood facts about their own planet and origins to help them find the advanced group of golden humanity's private playground and innovation network, Golden City as an attainment available with new science about the observer learned and experienced, empowering it. What freemasons missed out doing was telling public its alchemy texts riddles are based on ancient physics and our observer amping up its DNA to build like the ancient advanced builders of civilizations again fully awake, humanity. 

Hot off of the internet press by this author, decoding of ancient technologies depicted in the the newly discovered Pompei art collection hidden in the city areas never previously discovered only a few prior in the news April 12, 2024.
This link is interesting.  Such phenomenon may be proof of the earths alchemy power to convert plutonium, a waste by product of uranium that is also below the earth's crust, to gold in entropy over time.  It also brings to mind what the alchemist students in papers written all over Europe wanted to know, how to make gold from mercury what the power of the alchemist was to produce gold.  If it is a thread to remember where we came from that occurs that was mistaken for the mercury wielding alchemist, the information is profound.

What can the BME people do to promote BME?  Be yourselves together and brilliant people will ask , "wow! How are you like this?' You may tell them what you learned and they take the training if they want.

Andromedans revealed inside comets they found the following five things: concentrated aqua like hydrogen, snow flake like radiated diamond carbon, gold containing yellowish filaments like spine mass may contain in humans, diamond mass  nitrogen crystalline around it and platinum traces, .   Monatomic gold is in human spine mass.

If you want shiny DNA it is from doing the BME in sovereign biology only. Wait till you're there if anything is impeding you from rotating your bandwidth sovereign.
If you sit and hear a story from a person who avoided disaster, you were able to get side advice on what is possible to do. Luna is like this, it gives good information to know our world better and the cosmos opens to us in season four.

Adepts when they focus on their work in high band like during practice of BME QMTtools and Golden City we are like a laser like in Starspin that affects our life and also public gets the nice energy not pulling for it it simply is and find things they focus on also the work without compromise of misdirecting them.
New science theory contribution more below where the big fish art logo is. 

My art piece this is how I know also besides the small star experience in Angel of Starlight I had that we come from the stars and vacuum of space long ago. The big fish grid I painted is what I found today as the atomic structure of diamonds so if my theory is correct and the frozen white chips inside of the star that blows are like a program chip for creation with comets we call came from this my observer gave me this image to paint long before I found this I said this is the big fish grid for creation. Like the big kahuna. Remember the puffins they recatching big fish so are the things inside stars filled with oceans of creation get it? This is a logo I created from it for big projects may of them with lots of people working together on higher consciousness projects like film TV mine even anti gravity info I added to this . Look at this link for diamond atoms. If I'm correct the laser like program of radiation and diamond frozen stuff carries the geometry you need for the creation of atomic mass like rocks we have pictures of square crystals, triangles, tetrahedra structures delivered through the radiation this substance or chip like part of the core of the red giant gone super nova carries.  Comets also carry radiation and things in them like a test tube, that run programs but but even more active are able to impact much larger land mass. Carbon comes after nitrogen and high vibration metals it grows with other freezing gasses however in the core of the star diamond carbon end sup the delivery like laser combined with the gasses frozen that forms the program especially in the planet that contains uranium  and helium to soften it with heat and hydrogen once its flowing. Pi R and square root radiation laser beam like may be applicable here as math for measuring areas of the red star chip program and how it may affect  containment of matter. Theory contribution by - Marilyn Starlight

This fruit dove has a story of a progression of genetic patterns that is in Luna teleplay. This bird evolved with different areas of its body covered with the red star colors. Notice in this one it has tiles on its chest. In the end it gets a new head like the photo below with the other new species patterns then no red star markings. Its precursor has red orange legs with a gamma burst on its forehead like getting an idea fired no tiles yet. The little bird observer with a gamma burst in his head painted on its fore head by nature genetically if it has a realization about the star red above and is in an area where there's some of this radioactive stuff also possibly arriving from a nearby cosmic explosion it would play it like a laser his recorder to make that cool new out fit.  That is why I said in nature where you have flares or red giants over it watch for messages from nature about this.

When you do your Le Petite Cafe and or spin the BME Starspin, you are also playing your recorder with its focus to change and make more powerful the ability of your DNA to work through higher vibrations and to attract what you focus on and observe. We are carbon based and so our own inner laser of our mineral make up works on the focused light we generate through the Starspin to manifest what is coming through our frontal cortex in the exercise to focus.  That is why it is called the Starspin it works like the stars to the planet does with the observer down here humanity using it. (BME or Golden City Starspin is the same as the BME Merkaba new name).  

This is next guys so in the area of the star geographically protect yourselves go indoors till its done as much as you can. Wear hat, sunglasses, sunscreen during its appearance long sleeves, no shorts advised these events raise UV index by a lot. We'll see if it leaves the white dwarf as a moon artifact later, or if it blows it. It may be the scanner stuff inside that left radioactive glowing still yes that forms comets or white dwarfs that are lunar objects long after with craters allover them.  The craters are from its archive forming the story of its burning prior with what we see as coronal holes and striation lines like the star has under the fire. It glows the moons with eerie burned radioactive metals and left over pyrite gold etc even platinum to make the pretty surface soft light. Planets that die often have stripes or a ring around them orbiting.  White dwarfs do not shine forever they dull to moons what science may update one day Marilyn Starlight's contribution from looking at proof of such in their own photos. Sirius a and b are younger than our moon by a lot and were hotter stars. Small ones like Mercury also went out fast look like moons today very pretty ones they were on fire for years prior some of these little one s maybe star remnants that flew off the big star and shone have a simpler inner system. We don't know how old our moon is or if it came from a star blowing or forming or how long white dwarfs shine.  If it came from a star it is a mini mi like program shingling then goes out has a few craters you know what I'm saying? This stuff may be useful to consider and all the info that helps to see what life span our star has.  In andromedan one moon had same number of craters when the star blew with same number of coronal holes andromedans report whether coincidence or helpful, its information.  The inner white nitrogen chips from the core left after the comets leave and possibly diamond carbon in them, if the comets are used for stellar nurseries and arrive fast fast fast stars forming in new galaxies, then the white chips would produce more hydrogen when the stars are near or formed say in a galaxy and burning in the spin, form water covered planets, and maybe why they have a ring when they fry also from the compounds of the building blocks of atomic matter like minerals, that uses carbon sheeting they found in it, that irradiated diamond stuff with frozen nitrogen highly radioactive would be able to facilitate the inner growth of a new planet.  The carbon and nitrogen radioactive combination produces a laser like light tool for formation of atomic mass where they land and even impacting biological life.  While comets have test tube look, are having stars as babies:) and affect new planets also if they bash them to form continents.) Oh we build those technologies, lasers flash cameras etc. so that proves we came from the vacuum and stars knowing how they work building the stuff, our spirit to man maybe map it all to be non separate from the all that is guys sheesh! That is wakey wakey awakening from science not new age with missing information, its mainly for relaxation and to feel good about life their good stuff.   Cuneiform language now look again at it readers of my books, it has the flowers squares triangles and the nails that ae he flowers that are more energy some in momentum it is a language of early science of the builders of civilizations. 
-Marilyn A. Starlight

According to the science theory of Marilyn Starlight, this sequence of Betelgeuse photos shows this interesting phenomenon :    Her analysis is that after the scanning nitrogen filled intelligence leaves the star after puff of black smoke what continues to hold it together is the white square chips of frozen nitrogen that may continue to project the star like a program recording in the fuzzy photo. It's  program setting thusly does finish blowing the star eventually. Photos courtesy of NASA.

Payment links will go up shortly on my sites I'm settling first. Thank you for your patience I will announce when they're up here and on the sites. For now you may shop on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for my books and come back to Golden City books to pay later.. 

IMPORTANT: The andromedans said explicitly you're sovereign humanity to go back to normal lives as much as possible normal meaning not to maim in its name abusing to wish the control some of you who are corrupt seek very few who used it corruptly pulling everything . For the rest it is fine to call anyone to talk to buy anything to live your lives normally enjoying yourselves also without guilt trips laid on you. They will go after anyone who says or does otherwise to normal community and business people who are not terrorists on others or defamers to ball out of business innocents and crime. There was some et sarcasm if people asked if they cold do this or that too much so do not.

Cosmic plug-in stars have fleeting moments, seconds then loss of contact with one little family aware of rest of some of Earth say, then when it blows it becomes a family if spirit came from it,  knows loneliness amplified also in humans that was seconds to know itself as us before as huge star possibly. Humans struggle over power is about this possibly, have angst and then power trips, swinging.  As humans awake you still can tune into people, groups at a time for psychic info not lost totally as human from star all that is state, basic awareness in pictures. Awakening helps to get rid of omnipotence narcissism power abuse, to control others, does not cause it being more skilled at taking the helix through hyperspace. Cures it. That should abate fear some have about adepts who have mastered this or are working towards it.

This is the likely correlation of the program of where we came from the cosmos and oceans to earth. Look at both mitosis and meiosis video that follows first one.  The sharp tube like light is also providing the genetic material that forms spines in babies. For this occur from the cosmos to us it must be alive; living and aware. 

Watch this video for triangular formation from solar flares Same as on VT page. Geometries found are also reminiscent of zygote cell formation.

This is close up of it.    It's also reminiscent of cell division meiotic and conception.  Remember according to our first language (which is why it is wise to learn some of it and study my books) the triangle means on the move to higher vibration space time activity, there is a leaving of the core light that is active and moving out of a red giant when it is ending its cycle as a star.  This carries the program for life forming in strings encoded with geometries as well packed in there that may be the comets flying out once it hits the  cold of the vacuum encapsulated travelling with high radiation. What is left as mentioned is the square structures piled together of whit e very cold also radioactive chip like substance that also appears to affect atomic mass like the square rock formations and minerals growing for example. Otherwise new planets sit water covered with not much happening. When red giants hit them things begin to happen for the program the planet responds to in its own make up begins to form life from some of these elements striking and falling into the planets covered with water, what science calls primordial soup begins to form. More in my books.  This science theory contribution is by Marilyn Starlight's published in her books.

Comets may be what is coming out of the stars when they smoke black and then are icy frozen mixture of stuff that warms when it approaches the sun releases gasses and radiation they look like pins like what's stuck in a comet stuck to a peacocks head both female and male. The geometries of the feathers on the chest of females are reminiscent of the ships in the red stars core that are frozen left over from the star's comet load that left which appear to look like squares growing in minerals or container meaning for space time genetic content DNA. Some comets are big enough to impact the ocean and form a continent if they are up to15 times wider than a planet. When the stars flare is looked at up close that loops and strings form downwards pulled in that resembles the golden harp that the human instrument is equated to in ancient tablets played to be higher frequency and why they said angels play harps it is not deceased people in heaven, its attained people adept masters who know how to move their DNA through higher vibrations that some thought was heaven for dead only.  That is why no space craft was built to carry us from here that is fast and can worm hole with those erroneous beliefs in the psyche. The square formations frozen nitrogen and possibly other gasses and diamond hard carbon suspected, with the round atomic shape of uranium growing they are there for creation when the stars break open in red giant cycles completing likely. -Marilyn Starlight

Hair is like those comets of the stars that look like its hair, ours is similar this way, holds encoding to highest vibration our genetic pattern of our brain and spine in the growth phase hair that is alive. 

Here is my red hair look to commemorate red giant information:):)

It may be quasars where a galactic core forming form a super nova are a way to wreck it to prevent taking out other local galaxies too near by, two comets look like they're jamming it at both ends or one.  Like picking up jax game.- Marilyn Starlight

There will be  a follow up book with science only Q and A and some of this information some time in the future don't worry most scholars had notes all over the place like this, for now the new stuff is published here on Google.  -Marilyn Aryana Starlight or Marilyn Starlight

My comments on our local sun, not bad, some coronal healing still happening. The galactic red giants going off were more likely to destroy things than the sun at this junction in local space time over the last few years. We're still here, so we'll continue to keep an eye on things over the next few decades. People have posted new genetic markings in flora and fauna that appear to have a correlation to all the activity some on this page. Enjoy the information, we thank sources of photos and videos from space agencies and natural world sciences. 

Your light review saying don't do this, runs it as andromedans run mind real time so thanks if you tired to help but its wrecking ships, write down for andromedans what it is is better what you don't want done, leave sheet by window in office or other room indicated by a sign, for those on craft service only.  

Look at these excellent photos wow! Courtesy of NASA. On our local star learn about it if youre not afraid you get a different reality going. The burst is a powerful star shape, what is it saying I wonder where did the flash go? Interfered with communication lower band width ours. Watch for occurrences in the area where it flashed, usually something happens. Its the big quantum field model in the sky with slow observer like activity that though slow its torque is enormous and it compresses space time very powerfully to happen. Look for an changes in flora fauna in area also if you like. Little flowers with crosses or stars etc may appear or whatever it did. It sends messages to Earth that way, its planet we learned.  

My position on religion in general is this: If we have the information we need in science about the observer what it is, where it came from, what it is able to do, then you find the information in an easy place to access, science defined correctly. This expedites moving forward in many ways. To find all of the early missing science information scattered in so many religions would take too long and they all have this in common, a stumbling block to continuity of information needed for a result, something missing. That I why I said if it is important to you, study yours to see what they got, what's missing after you read the new science info put out by some of us out there and updated history. Or simply enjoy those and move faster in understanding. 

Andromedans reported the following about the late history of their star going red giant to the end over their planet inhabited by their race. First phase nova burst that when they went underground to hide uv index through the roof they got sunburned down there. They came up all the petrol like gasses fuels were burning in air around things would ignite if you lit anything by them, space craft engineering became impossible nearly. Second burst burned people badly no ship building possible at all and third destroyed the surface of the planet underground was suffocation no oxygen and very hot. 

Latest info from Andromedans, they had four red giants around their core area.  We have one big one only and there near the outer past center area. Our core might be OK after it goes off, it smoked already so the next blasts are usually the big ones like Betelgeuse was at the end. 

The square packets of icy nitrogen etc from center of stars that went super nova clumped together in squares then blown apart may be producing the anomalies of this type of thing mirroring them. This picture from Scotland and square crystal growth formations if they come in contact with Earth.

On Polaris the North Star going off the video.  Watch third video down also from the first one shows laser like firing from those very hot spots in our sun.

Note on our moon is an old white dwarf that collapsed in on itself, author believes to form the moon today far less bright. See Hathor temple of Dendera red star sailing away in boat with deceased and missing dinosaurs occurring with finally one local big sun no more satellite ones that turn to moons creating hotter climate for them we no longer have. More in the books by Marilyn Starlight.

Payment links will be updated shortly. 

We learned that too much DNA of others non meiotic and meiotic wrong type may lead to cancer I cannot write with others blood or brain types imposed and have my own type b pos easy to track there's not much of it. In consideration of my life and work get proper stem and health support not wrong blood from me either thanks anyone this pertains to. I don't want a pos or neg or other either. Also there is no ships AI available for sale as me I did not permit it as owner of the DNA and light brain mass and associated biology of  the observer who is author here who wrote this, not others. File share is could file sharing not light that studios respect. 

As to how long do things last in the cosmos? It appears less time than originally said billions of years, advanced races said, "not quite that is off  by a lot, look at our galaxy where is it in new photos please? How long did you observe it prior?" When it cleans up it really does not take long if life is finished off somewhere, that may help answer the question. 

Yes its true, I gave governments federally technologies to build for drought prevention, forest fire help possible application, for food crops supported an invention for phase two of rain creation, replacing container of hot cold front space agency built, NASA in writing to the government, two towers one cold one hot to clash to produce rain that is said to work in 15 minutes and very easy to build. Anti-gravity propulsion info from our original earths technologies anti gravity and energy generation I gave also, stay tuned to hear more on that later. We need know drought never again on this planet! I donated those to help fund their space programs that are very expensive. It was given to world governments also on Virtuous Technologies page. They have to implement their own patent designs to each place that builds and may sell to those who don't want to build them would rather buy as it may be cheaper than setting up manufacture. Like toasters, each one is patent usually and unique each company but they all make them. -Marilyn Aryana Starlight or Marilyn Starlight. (yes the original Aryana who wrote of this). BTW a very powerful leader said, "yes if we can't stay here for long I'd want every citizen in our country to have a space ship to fly out if possible and they passed health test and trained to fly." For real so for other leaders to know.

The red poppy may be proof of 'hot pictures; discussed in Marilyn Starlight's books reaching our vacuum and star area. If you look at them, they have black in the center and white pollen that resembles the center of a red giant' s little radioactive white squares that blast out all over also like 'pollen' as metaphor of radioactivity. Information packets. If this picture reaches our solar system from other red giant activity, the flowers grown coincidentally from our planetary surface. The poppy looks as if made of paper like a letter written of a stepped down hot picture coming into form to tell us something as if from torn out pages of a holographic analogy of book of life type of very early recording from a star itself. That is how alive the cosmos is. - Marilyn Starlight

It is an observable in our history that we built anti gravity ships, therefore any working theory based on original model built through history of engine, with results if built from that is presented in this time line has support of those facts why the author wrote her books Marilyn Starlight. The author is slamming any book or documentary that it is ET's technology all over our walls and tablets, it is not, it is of human origin we can revive the anti gravity industry we've had for thousands of years written there of on those walls all through history, any time. Please leave our science archives on the ancient walls out of new age and UFO ET groups who profess incorrect information about our history having been extraterrestrial technologies. 

There may be new information about the lamb in the art piece, (Jesus the Christ was identified as griming crops from plutonium in ship building information that is in Alchemy and Mysticism German Hermetic text illustrations ) for it has the crusades symbol above it the cross of crusades who marched on sciences killed them who worked with anti gravity most and created church roman Catholicism from medieval Spain. Lady of Elche was a space ship electrical wiring builder who was killed a very modern woman then in nearby Iberia.  Here is what's left of the 8 pointed star of higher consciousness and technologies in the art work here.   The green angels are symbolic of the tree of the builder of hyperspace technology with the wheel of the flower below the feet symbolizing uranium atom. The lamb was called the Christ here it ahs a crusade cross. All this symbolism diapered after this era for bland colors of faded red and brown missing pieces of symbolism in the early churches was found in Spain. The new city of Valencia arts and sciences is welcome a gods end after this mess in our history persecuting progress to sit in the pews pious. A large collection of lotus flowers that the cuneiform language is written in is in the middle of the art piece. The being on the bottom dark horse that is the color of mastery of negative space first ship building attainment the Christ had in hermetic mystical alchemy of the raven beneath his feet from the accidental lesson of plutonium spew described in the illustrations. To decode them read Marilyn Starlight books has the keys to the language revealed.  Shows presence of art work of Mesopotamian builders reincarnated in this time and possibly wiped out in the crusade war.  Iberian culture of space craft builders is gone you cannot find much about it was wiped out near Spain the crusades got also. Idea is in modern times to move past this and innovate without condemnation. You will understand the film inferno if you see the same face through history from the cross in hermetic German alchemy  texts  to the religious crusades to this man writing of it, the symbolism in the film.  If you condemn find other life times, that face that were contributory he had them. Shroud of Turin is Jesus burial he tried to glow off the cross turned golden shining didn't make it was buried in the cave. In X - Ray death you can appear before people as apparition of big light also the resurrection they called it at easter may come to mind. If you don't agree person who's story it is write the information please yourself.  I was Antony a celibate woman hiding as teacher when women lost status, my memory of it is in the books. The same face man was Marco Polo and Bach had interesting lives away from religion. WT and classical music ahem, who also did the goddess Innana taught of her, to them it's old your school let us fly without religion please for your stocks thanks. Politicians may entertain voting virtue money or surplus economy. Gets you freemasons out of church duty forever. 

The same face of this man resurfaces in Judaism creating the menorah, and then Greek orthodoxy even Russian in Africa St Mary's orthodox has the face went back to Christianity when Israelites built anti gravity to have people at the pews.  They have a star shaped ship above it a shape in red they have red halos also with templar knight cross in some of their art in the church that is lower vibration infra red to sit at pews to be uplifted that much.

This is not what my work is for mother ships to be built to advance anti gravity on earth for space exploration. New Russian church in Burlingame CA. It means religion here is grounding it sending you to he pews like during the crusades of templar knights cross. Catholics originally then diversified into orthodox church after crusades 3 wars that back logged technology a thousand years on this planet. Some religious activity driven by stock  controls through stocks financial world that is why they're on old mostly technologies.  Also church people cannot build anti gravity well, they tired  engineered their hearts palpitate they get angry and want it to slow down they can't build the hyperspace stuff slowing down so it goes nowhere to find a new galaxy like andromedans can all the time flying to it in their ships they built without religion saying it s palpitating me. What are they going to do  when ours is going?     Andromedas nearly dissipated not in 1.5 billion years in 16. Irresponsible dating of events saying the sun will last 1.5 billion years. That group no mater what symbols it borrows is not gong anywhere with palpitation from high band energy doused on it, having Jesus on the monstrance dying glowing golden dying in the end die in X - Ray level body was in shroud of Turin. if it's funding mars mission that is why. That stock group blows my light slaughtering. They said key hole teaching of Hathor is lewd, no its procreation info the kids came from who have keys to the space craft! You don't need to put it on a church to supposedly clean it up to wreck the teaching. Its encoded to hide it from untaught you have to decode it correctly all the tablets. I did it in my books where is everyone else? Maybe read them to know how this Earth works, how its run what you don't know they manipulated the reality easily because you don't know the true history.  Only a Golden Humanity Center would have those stars if its to do with my work, taken from it I'm science and A and E person not religion. If they say people are compromised I'm taking too long to post no when I close off its trading they're finding hiding. I don't EFA its a scam you can read if they try to efa remote they hide trading more slaughter happened to me light out to others me frying also severely. We discovered upon mentioning this or that place south in small town that causes sharing of the light OT, that deflating either, the nuclear vessels were mentioned in news. Seemed to cause it we found it.   This sci fi film Deus; The Dark Sphere has this theme of genetic religious symbolism and fear with violence. This link is the new Pompei material.  It shows according to my reading of it the mans face again as the child at the end his soul mate a ship electrical wiring endowed medusa statue possibly his mother, because the man who incarnated to be crucified as a toddler held a snake by the neck unafraid.  He may have forgotten the faces around the tree fuel cell depiction if he was a child that were scary to remember later that Antony not present at the Pompei teachings of him used cows heads for fuel cell changes that were interchanged with human. Thus the being spent too much time according to the Alchemy and Mysticism Hermetic text illustrations in negative space inquiry as likely his observer was prodding him to remember scary faces from childhood of needing to change the fuel cell leading to grimed crops playing some how the extreme negative as conduct about this all unfolded with plutonium spew on crops. In that era my past life was not teaching this, closest was Helen of Troy, a quiet woman who spent time in the gardens contemplating the meaning of flowers we know as technology symbols of uranium atoms. for space craft building till she was dragged to be in another kind of adventure which crossed paths with the man  with similar face again in another time if he was Paris with Athena from Grecian lineage

Marilyn Starlight has stated it is early science written on the walls of the temples of ancient times that we no longer have as widely built technologies, we had then, documented in the writings and art work, she decoded in her books. It was documented in code of symbols that had specific meanings to do with technologies hidden for their security at the time towards untrained people who did not build or study it.  It is therefore incorrect to say we don't know if it will work unproven it is read the history right, anyone can build it if they train hyperspace and DNA some of us have and incorporate it into space programs some are doing who follow my work things like the BME Starspin. Good for you, people should know it was our technology ETs have their own and their own archives about it off our planet. The Starspin get use accustomed to UV Blue in level II training X- Ray in level III Gamma in the correspondence material. This is on virtuous technologies and community for if young study in college to run for government you'll need this understanding. You will know what it so you are building later in technologies from experience. We don't ball or demand govt to build anything we come at society with encouragement to form better ones in the future if ours don't or if they do to continue the work they have and thank them again. Take over all the parties if you can as future candidates run for them all with the mandate to vote it in:) Federal level it has to be in the future and any anti nuke areas to allow cool spin clean energy craft not same as nuclear power plants that burn uranium this does not it spins it cool like our planet spins with it. .If people have genetic challenges continue to try to get rid of things making it worse. We've all suffered this in big cities and some smaller towns also.

For those who wanted to take my life and run my work with greys, it would not work for the following reason:  they greys only work to low band uv blue or they blow, so in order to train right as stated below or to even accommodate your observer to get back in its biology right if it is NDE (we don't recommend for healing NDE, too many can cause brain damage that if we say it they were coming for my DNA for telling on it, was giving them cancer for wrong blood type then angrily cemeterying the authors DNA not giving it back so there's mental illness suspected by author. Govt person of prominence said it is possible to share info with Starspin with another without any NDE), in BME, we train people to do it in higher vibration in life, for the ones with healthy hearts  normally not engaged to not be by others errors in reasonable age and good health are good candidates for us as students and to fly in anti gravity if its built to deal with global problem of ageing star for future right to live options for us, available for governments and industry in collaboration authorized with nuclear physicists to do so later when they're ready. Otherwise you would be left to float around a dead planet disincarnate.  The ideal situation is to explore to find something before this occurs with lots of time to build a second home or to get it started without freaking over the star just knowing fine science says its old will go ahs coronal holes problems and brighter explosions scanning surface why not find something and build a second home its not just for andromedans to fly craft we can build. 

They are not air lifting us out with ships  built for nearly 8 feet tall blue skinned different genetic platform features that are hyperspace and stretch dna for largest size they are not suitable for transport of us at this time. They are asked not to steal brain mas from me to fly as memory of my dad  blue men  he died. The guys. 

To ride Starship its neg space so the biology is in anti gravity partly in anti atom state lighter, those need training on hyperspace ship info and their dna also for this reason if there's an emergency the observer knows without ets how to raise vibration higher than neg space to save your life. If you are used to NDE it may stay stuck outside a neg body state on ship condictiones in anti gravity first level, like a starship would use, that is the first level  to hurl it out they need therefore retraining how to stay in and come down like in Starspin practice not nde or they may die stuck out .This is why I was so angry about WHAT SOCIETY WAS BECOMING TRAINED WRONG AGAISNT ITS OWN HEALING IF IN ANTI - MATTER ENVIRONMENT OF ANTI GRAVITY WHY NOT THAT STUFF PULLED FOR .

My experience with crime was this: I left my house doors unlocked on occasion car, purse in the middle of busy mall with cash, nothing got stolen not one thing because the energy around the stuff was of high consciousness person no one would touch, not even crime would not see it, would not see the home, the car the purse would walk by. Crime was sent to me by corrupt brethren that is how it came and that is the only way it comes to me so I'm a wake and aware of this 100 percent. Why did they send it? For  me to be insecure about my inner authority to have public condemnation on gossip they did,  to have control, corrupt brethren do this. They are not welcome on our planet wielding their corrupt humans or in my life get out I told them. Thew writing some are trying to delay has inner authority of humanity highlighted awake. People ae relaxed and work together there's no control freak wheel of momentum in it to set a picture of fanatic society. Its about personal power used for creation a lot of these films and teleplay mine not to abuse and its not goody two shoes content necessarily there's challenges in the story lines. People follow my work I don't have to bully a single person and that bothers some of them.

If anyone is farthing around with cards for crimes evidence was cleaned up from by such, brethren flying andromedans said, "don't bother we're not into it, we're into authors work setting it up and other things. You betrayed her you are off our ships.

On writing of Luna and local audience some who heard it written who are emotional about me finishing thew writing of it, wondering where it went then hearing it was still on, loving the show they realize, thank you it will be the best show ever produced about humanity's best of everything put forward like an archive of some of our our achievements and the best presentation featured in the show and future envisioned and set up for the  intent  for humanity to continue against challenges we have face and continue to do so as a race on this planet.  

Will be sadly missed Zbigniew Kupczynski died recently see Wikipedia.

When we wake up, we can know, it's our right, anything we observe or entertain that we hear.

Very good footage here for study it has the core going with the chips of icy high band gas left over energy and also phenomenon of triangular formation from the scanner white light that leaves the core of the star before it blows like the andromedan triad ships it flashes turning on the surface of the red giant if you look this footage shows. What do triangles mean in cuneiform language? These light scan points flash triangular turn and disappear like a triad ships folding space time in appearance maybe showing a future trip for this middle part leaves the star! Read What Humanity Never Knew: We Were Born With Spaceships. The light begins to form shapes like genetic material of the red giant activity and an eye that captures it all simulation. There's a good picture of rose like formations that the galaxies program spin like inherent in stars some who make it to one some who simply discharge their energy and carry radio active light info all over. Uranium records info is partly how and high bandwidth light nuclear force activity. There's formations in the video like jellyfish with lights in them we have in the oceans also you may see. 

What are greys? Hyper accelerated clones from andromedan race engineering work drones that harvest and run some of the meiotic stem procedures in the skies. They are simple and do simple duties only and cannot speak well due to the nature of the biology that is like an accelerated infant with heightened receptor sites for information from the engineer of them only.  

Proof of non local observer see how the light is appearing from seemingly no where inside the biology to highlight mitosis non reproductive cell division. Watch the clip it is not unlike the light surfacing moving across stars scanning something before it leaves totally when red!

Andromedans commentary on the part of the star that leaves conscious mind like, they may fly like our ships to areas irradiating information into life or cosmic pictures it holds in the vacuum of space that brings forth stars from seeming nothing of itself but a memory perhaps embedded. The author Marilyn Starlight  adds: when I learned advanced alchemy I call it, I recalled orange juice then drank water during a star spin and it formed to my memory of orange juice for real into it. Perhaps it begins out there in the cosmos such memory in the vacuum like rabbits out of a hat. The science clues to how this works may be in the red giant to explosion information some caught in videos . Thanks to NASA for excellence in providing footage very useful for educational uses for those of us who study the phenomenon in scholarly circles.  

The author states there may be evidence that our spirit came from the stars and vacuum like everything else alive, and that because of such, the DNA in our biology of humanity and other races (like andromedan people who visit us in triangular ships with round ones also used), can fold space time all the way from solid form to gamma ball state. That humans like andromedans have DNA created for this ability to build and fly such technology and be with it, somewhat  new to earth's people this time line, however in use for a long time by andromedans and round ships humanity also had through history. Humanity's early ships  did fold space time due to large size accommodating first civilizations people where the torque was incredible, even on a slow moving ship handling tons of weight of very tall beings, humans were prior according to archeological records we have photos of today, people over 100 feet tall and taller.  Read What Humanity Never Knew We Were Born With Space Ships for more info on this topic. 
It is possible red giants close enough to hit earth when the inner scanner light surfaces and moves across the surface and at the end a bunch of it leaves leaving black smoke, it has hottest pictures of locations of nearby cosmic activity. This has begun in our local sun, the inner brightest light scan flashing as if taking photos to bring back to itself and in the vacuum. This may contain UV blue information also which shows this DNA activity, say on Earth to it. How did the Atlantic puffin form  and the other birds I posted?  Anomalies are they not?  Someone's taking photos it looks like its our local star. Possibly the other one Betelgeuse had data from Earth or cosmic activity as well. Stars are alive as is all life. 
Andromedans are afraid of this some of them, some told me at home they foddered at their local star going reddish and it fired back right at them destroying the fleet in X rays. One said it got them really bad so don't toy with it ever with missiles etc. like those of our people did with ships fodder angry it was going off. Usually andromedans are known and revered for telling truth and good communication. Where does the middle go that leaves smoke behind? It could be it shines its hottest deposit into the vacuum of information that can replicate it anywhere like manifesting a rabbit out of a hat intimates. Why we find similar life all over but updated genetically. It happens here with species disappearing being replaced with more modern designs, often conserved old ones like old leopards black look nearly prehistoric like bears. New ones exist much more streamlined and faster DNA as agility, for example. That is likely galaxy creation also newer models with more astounding genetics. 

Can we go there? Yes awake and more astounding as higher vibrating DNA attainment in space craft never engineered off others flesh  fails on ships mostly liars on line on this are warned youre sabotaging humanity to be lazy and not do the work it must do to accomplish this, go off bothering us lying. Some of these scanner conscious shiny balls that are bunched up and have a head and a tail on them  when they separate may fly as huge comets later all over leaving their highly radioactive information carrying presence that ahs impregnated the vacuum and or even oceans in exploding stars creating continents on water covered planets for new inhabitable planets  to form, in that game of marbles in the sky some of us call it.    We are created similar, with hair that grows from a conscious being's biology that contains a picture of our neurology in the root of it, that andromedans big ets. use to heal brain mass our own hair only. A stars inner nitrogen and very high band gasses with super strings are like a mechanism of its alive state that also in a huge quantum mechanics environment has a way of moving information around. Thus is living and active the big part of the observer in the vacuum of space. Information is moved around  and created from it is part of the creator we come from and also act from our own wiring biological down here connected to it all.  Now science has the observer as what religion says your describing god yeah its up dated info from new science theory about the observer from Marilyn Starlight andromedans also have similar at home prior, enjoy it. If its similar to meaning behind some other beliefs advanced not given in science we give it to all for equal opportunity to learn. There sonly a little work for grad courses not shared with public in fact.

What is a position in Freemasonry to do with you? Someone asked.  Brethren flying said I know as advanced in knowledge from my work put forth enough to be with the head government on matters of the mind for freemasonry, which is higher consciousness in building of civilizations, it so its information sharing only I provide. I go on with my work past that. I'm known for visionary stuff on ships from the writings people like. I provided anti gravity action plan for earth, as an example of what is possible in the future, a component of advanced civilization included as new industry for space craft building of our own and new energy sources that are eco harmonious and safe.  - Marilyn Starlight

Bringing Carl back to science out of new age symbolism some had him in without mention of the man. Another builder. Carl Jung's Red Book has his drawings.  One of the most creative and brilliant psychiatrists who was also the founder of analytical psychology. In his drawings are builders symbols of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt that is common for other builders of civilizations who came back in or near our local time in this incarnation to use in their work.

How did genetic fear from religious wars manifest?  Well if a frog is killed by a bird or land animal then it sometimes comes back wearing the predators coloring and patterns. If religious crusades murdered those who did not bow down to the Catholic church so the human may inherit a predisposition to following such religion. In fact such may harbor aggression to protecting the church and its teachings. I found those who are bored there, evolve with new information despite genetic propensity anyone may over come if they work on it consciously. Their succeeding generations were less zealot on the topic if not raised in it say as orthodox. I was murdered last life time, to my surprise I can look at violence without hysteria about it and massive fear and look for solutions calmly. That is what it did to my genetics this life time for I had passed through being murdered already, now knowing what it was, the fear was gone. I do have however a precognitive sense that keeps me away from danger in my environment this life also from the experience.

On rumors I reincarnated some where?  No, kids have borrowed light from me the most in emergency and then healed and left it behind, that is what people may have seen and misinterpreted. Like grown ups who may have borrowed some, they are not me either I'm right here alive. It is for emergency only, like heart restarts on the street same, they don't stay on you is the idea.

With pressing issues facing human kind more of us are sharing more information so people can educate themselves and prepare for action to save our race over the next few decades or however long our local star lasts. How many cars did we build?  What percentage of humans are healthy would pass a health check?? You know what I'm getting at. It is possible to have the biggest success ever recorded as finding another planet in addition to Earth, to inhabit newly populated by us organized and to go there during end times as well. This would be information for other planets that would be caried you know how for more successful translocation of races threatened this way who are more awake and able to do it. What do you think would happen to you as a person if you make that a goal?  People in the right places may want to examine this and take the challenge. Healthy public also, you may end up there in some life time. If you are scared of it, simply get out of the ways of control over others and allow others to accomplish it,  nothing more is required of you about this topic.

Can boat  engaged participate?  Why not I was boat engaged as a little child for my mom and dads tiny art ship that went for 3 years when they had emigrating to Canada yes light used from me a little, I healed and ascended by myself later only 3 percent andromedan light engaged me. Stop the wars over money let us heal please. You can usually heal if you love being yourself only and participate in anything passing a health test then it is fine for your hert to go hyperspace and back. Most can do it even engaged to about age 60, next life for others to stop ageing is possible read Angel of Starlight on it. BME and others who stopped ageing without using others over 60, its possible for you also. They appear around late 30's early 40's some of them. Don't let the ones that can go ahead boat engaged be relegated to ageing on porno and shopping please if they studies BME prior especially. 

Foreign countries gave permission to photo Antares and La Superba and any others in the future if you continue to collaborate, this allows space agencies to issue warnings when star will blow to go inside etc. to their regions for maximums safety in working together world governments affected. USA space agency had Betelgeuse timed to the day for supernova for video info that was released to act on for safety.   Author does write letters and gives information to governments in North America to help prevent disasters, they are kind every time and have appreciated the information. 

Cuneiform stars they are not unlike zipping big info up from simpler sequences of information written on the tablets, that is how the language  works, like the awake brain fires in pictures curled up that's in a higher vibration during long focus,  why its used in describing technology of spaceships they are higher vibration technology. In Marilyn Starlight's books more on cuneiform and human consciousness then through the ages and now.  

I never worked NDE in my life, look up bilocation, how we work remote after awakening. BME people work in bilocation not NDE also. Neck and brain stay strong to teleport whole biology for other skills, not a body lying there with brain partly flying, NDE.  Too many NDEs can cause brain damage. We don't advise it. 

BME Quantum Mind Tech tools are not engineering, it is the observer's technology of its abilities in a little higher vibration, such as creativity time or BME Starspin. 
Regarding really good writing, if it maps then you begin to cut and create it to build it one day if it stick as something you want to experience from it that inspired you, that is the builder in all men. 

I never defamed Hollywood I'm friendly, nor made calls or emails I'm not showing up. Was hacked prior another tired to ruin my career.

Greys look for m stem chip in local triad you are around. 

I had no surgery to remove any organs.


From andromedans if you hear instructions one of us to another remote, it is not for you it's for each other us, ignore if it's about healing someone especially, don't try to do it with greys it's no  for you the message, it isn't their ships skill they  don't do the things needed correctly they stem meiotic only and leave. They asked me to put this here because some of you are screwing each other up this way and to leave ships alone. It is not to type instructions either to greys that you're hearing ships do to screw up. Author said don't wear my dna if you screw up others through rotted type.

Good news about the North Pole, the arctic sea ice growth is still good so whatever is lost to La Superba red giant presence seems to be coming back.  If it does not blast a huge chunk of it well be ok even then some area flooding may occur and re growth is likley.
The author Marilyn Aryana Starlight is also known for her special technique of hand painted hologram art  that makes the art stand out in different lighting. it even looks amazing under moonlight.  The gift came after the ascension I had of the whole biology through to gamma star state and back down in life not NDE, during BME Starspin practice several times of the new perspective of art also. So with the writing. The book Angel of Starlight is written about this experience and what I learned from it about our human genetics and more.

No you may not fly me to you stop trying to roll me up to fly I'm writing and file sharing baby sitting. Not our technology theirs blue skin taller.  We have to build our own those spit you out.

What to do with planet Radiance as fiction? Well if you want to order a new planet from the all that is universe to discover for us one day in your focus time, you may do so. 

The radiation of the uranium atom in the star as in the planet has a function of carrying information so it is thus strong force and also works with our genetics to go to high bandwidth when we are ready.  

I predict Luna will be watched over and over on DVD as a tool for putting people back on their best during any lulls or challenges, that is what the show is about, humanity's best put forward, about 15 years in the future in highly entertaining, sci fi drama format. It is 15 years in the future guys lots of time if you are visionary with it and love it as if it was real life to make plans of our own in our own lives for whatever we do.

Luna teleplay near completion also has a story of sci fi that you may like later it is about human triumph not failure.  Do not talk about your plans it still unsafe a little.  You'll know when to talk, when you are elected in droves and take it over the machine of established mediocrity and change it.with new laws.. 20 percent of population still want me to die for stocks and revive my spine and cerebellum can't handle it. Some trying to take it off me, if you voted it down thanks, you I'll live. There has been inversion of truth above the building I'm around to public on efa saying opposite to command announcements that confused govts and people being sorted out also. There was balling not to write also 3 days now. Feb 17 2024.

In our beginnings we would cheer if a star went off and we lived and learned from it science, it is why the gods and goddesses some times wore red star headress. Today it's Betelgeuse and other, you can make  T shirts for surviving and learning science if you do and dare so you can put the star name on the shirt "it left" or something like it. and science on the back as triumphant if you want pop culture stuff. Fight fear with it, were going to make it. A a lot of us I predict andromedans if you disempower balling those working for it more me and others. 

What Humanity Never Knew series by Marilyn Starlight is the new science theory of the author who does not lie. It is there please ignore old jokes and lies not mine. Zip file like past life theory add on to it  is added in Luna teleplay and will be in a follow up book later. If you hear on tranny work mine written it is not new age people or other science its mine.

Our policy you can talk about anything but don't disturb choose your time wisely. Ideally ETs who are there work unseen forgotten about so you and I can work on occasion we may discuss ETs. its all ok. Mistakes we try to get through fast and keep going not one off wars.


In season four, there is advanced stuff for audiences, we deal with the blowing stars red giants that have been going off for real down here around us, and look to global warming as our own ending one day predicted, and what to do. Mars is not an option, understanding ourselves who we are and were prior civilizations on earth, with space craft not ET's ours, is there in the show very riveting, over three seasons and touching to find the truth about ourselves. Surplus economy got voted in in season three and in four they are building space ships like crazy and scout a planet for real that they build starships to go to so we have cape Canaveral sci fi stuff  sets, new technologies and I did this tired to simulate something possible for real they may really build in the show with some technologies. We do get  to see the new planet while Earth is still going.  I'm on episode 13 Back to Earth. The Luna crew have content for their magazine issue on Planet Radiance with other science and space engineering people returning home as well. -Marilyn A Starlight's TV show writing.
Antares star is close to Middle East and Asia, and looks like another large hypergiant star that will explode within the next one to a few years possibly, so those countries are wise to watch updates on it for time line that points to the end of the star's life cycle. Some space agencies were able to predict Betelgeuse's going supernova exact date nearly and did, which allows people to leave the areas directly under it on earth, to under ground shelter for protection.  Betelgeuse videos, some show in Latin America, it struck some of the public that was outdoors, its blow that ended very quickly. Damage did not look huge, but the population would have done better under ground not staying above ground during the explosion or even inside their homes. So perhaps for Middle East and Asian areas affected. Betelgeuse exploded several times and so may Antares, with the last one culminating in unearthly force that ended the star. Usually if you take your nuclear fuel to underground safety, you'll be fine same with any explosives. What about our sun?  Someone asked, well we are an eye on it with space agencies info, and after the preview of these babies going off, likely they will agree to anti gravity technology and more aggressive space exploration I suspect, beyond mars guys like andromedans fly anywhere to any galaxy in minutes to hours. Oh  for people in east near north pole , La Superba is red giant over the North Pole, if you notice upped UVC, wear sunglasses uv shield, and cover your skin and face if possible out doors, or sunblock 60 SPF they have now on face.   If it blows the plutonium underground it will make this putty that runs gold forming but it may dirty the water so near water take it out re areas where Antares will hit and la superba Andros said. Note: "be careful trying to make gold with plutonium blown underground it can explode and dirty environment, we don't recommend it it may be lower quality with man made blasts we found, they said. It forms naturally around cataclysms look for it there quakes volcanoes and other like author said in her books. "

Marilyn Aryana Starlight, the author who fought for her life  from crime to protect herself and her work is finishing Luna her teleplay that will astound you at the richness of information about the world around us we never knew about the future, the observer, how to turn on all of its power over the DNA. What will shock you is the total ending illness many have experienced for over a decade using her information and stopping of ageing in most young and middle age of good health, the gift of anti gravity secrets that are ours not ETs. and more that will put you forward a hundred years with new science information and more..  Till her films and TV show comes out enjoy her non  fiction books, 

NOTE:  I have not modelled full length for a while my photos went missing from it in my travels I had one left only the black dress on Halloween with red splotches, its not to indicate zombie I was fine in it was just used for Halloween for mild costume. Some lied I was fat so I needed it up to prove not.  My work out routine in Marilyn Starlight articles has it.  

What are the chances of a plan happening to grow anti gravity to have options for places to live with ageing planet star? When you look around you and most older middle aged to  much older say it's unlikely to happen, all you do is look around at you all who are young who want it, get degrees and or run for government, vote it in, is all you do, replacing the its never going to happen crew, it is that simple all of this will happen if you want it sweeties don't let them ball you down to serve. Maybe don't even mention it to them just go do it. Even surplus economy, you can have it all. Get educated to run later don't tell the nay Sayers a thing. Means those not usually interested in voting or government take it over with profuse numbers of candidates running each election out of ignorance and fear we can't. Thank blessings for what the current ones in government did if they get some things started you'll need later don't ball I hate those they' re primitive assholes battling stubbornness why bother do it later in greater numbers.  Maybe it can be a secret mission of the young dejected freaking in the world to get organized and do such one day who knows . You can also meet some of you who study my work share stories don't sell anything there just check in to have a group of friends who hang out once in a while  to do whatever you like.  I'd do it in person off the internet that is possible too draw a gold 8 point star if they know it talk to them. You can keep your innocence but watch out for liars who use terrorism to scare you lying you cant do things tis not true who want the old world you're freaking about.  

The learning is incremental  you learn to be adept to write like me if they steal it to put in another they palpitate, its not their attainment. It is my gift from the ascension that is why usually it has been protected.  These lunatics were interfering with me writing Luna trying to take content out of my head to read how I write to give to other authors also that was stopped today in cheese land. Enjoy reading the work reputable people I sent it to.

Quantum Slim from BME tip I'll give you is when you walk or sit you focus on being your muscle not your fat and it raises your metabolic rate improves your posture takes about a week to wire it in the brain it's your own muscle and no one elses that you focus on there's no engineering. If you want to keep thoughts on your breasts just sit once a day focus on liking your fat in your breast area or face etc. 

If you feel queasy from reading my work and or practicing the BME tools given its because the observer may be rewiring you and your biology is changing for the better. Take breaks and go back to it I don't advise heavy drug or porno use it wrecks results. Some become more sensitive to hard drugs as your natural production of favorable substances that give euphoric feeling  in brain and increases trance ability goes up working with the material, so it may feel like OD if you have too much drug use such as narcotics during the work as you already are producing something. Biological improvements noted by many are better health and less fatigue ageing look in their own biology and light. 

Please note those practicing teleportation after BME Starspin, do not do feats too difficult suggested by others small steps where you feel safe to learn first. Maybe keep it private out of others expectations. NOTE IT IS NOT OFF OTHERS DNA, IT IS THEIR OWN. 
BME is safe practiced correctly people have saved their lives. 

If you are glowing up through your BME Starspin practice, you are becoming adept. This is enough to stop ageing and illness, good for you. Celebrate same birthday each year is what we do to stop it also to dislodge linear time and chronological age from the brain cells program I found was not beyond change possible at all, you can if you catch it middle age latest the best and young.  The BME students I taught in 2000 forward did this. Did not age any more. We saw them ten years later and they were same.  You must be free of mec to another to do Starspin as well.  If you are scared by the momentum of DNA through hyperspace don't do it this life time, you'll age die and come back through reincarnation. Note, this is without others DNA that gets kicked out of your biology non meiotic off if a ships roves you hyperspace, non greys only and you had some usually returned to others if your life is saved re patterned by ships to be run by them. Genetic wars some of us fought not to be forced to rove old or old to sit on us or fat to ruin our results those complained the DNA palpitated them because of hyperspace we sit in slightly they're not used to and should not cemetery us pull or grime us or cadaver rove, what I'm fighting in Strathcona real time still and want shut off for my rights to good health my own. If you are young and healthy you will do fin around me aged and sick may want to stay with their own groups not flock here for me to heal them which I do not, they're old too long and have chronic health their mind program holds together to learn what it is why not to do it next life and see their health care practitioners already. 

At would be the best way for news to work with me? They may do an interview with me about the ascension and read the book Angel of Starlight in which I took the angel back into science where it is revealed as an ancient symbol that describes what DNA can do in hyperspace.   Second, there's a book series three books What Humanity Never Knew... that updates several sciences and ancient history, there's many articles that can be done on this as well with reference to the books.

I have been writing Luna in darkness  and a butterfly landed of such splendor as if from Golden City. Thank you VC&A for your inspiration. VC&A link

Comets read on them it's  where some of red giants remnants went. They contain the frozen nitrogen and stuff of its core flying. This video shows how the eye like formation occurs during the explosion. Wild! There are many cosmic events happening all the time all around us. The bunched up spirit if it is of the star Betelgeuse that scanned across the surface and left the inside of the star leaving a black smoke trail, it that would be pure strings the question is if the comets and remnant archive have any as well that may form life of any kind.

What is love? The vacuum squeezes around every object that comes through it to see what it is, in its endless examinations of life happening that is normal and our given right to love. We examine each other for understanding and even form bonding with things we like a lot as mass forming new creations the massive observer in all its faculties moving through creation. Here in nature does the cosmic observer that runs nature know cuneiform (of the great builders of civilizations who wrote about it on the walls, early man) how to write?  Well when some species go extinct new ones arrive.  In cuneiform the first strike of writing is the lotus flower on a stalk. So the builder of nature here is indicating on this bird would you say? There's a flower petal on its formation. The Atlantic puffin ahs pollen emulated by its nose. Another with hyperspace markings on the beak. We ae part of this observer also can tune into it the all that is here. Its building something our all that is here.  This is as if a water melon was swallowed its quite an aerodynamic frigate bird for flight but with this decor quite wild as new species also.  This one also is unique.   And when vultures become candy like we should keep an eye to the future creating it.   A dino joke?  Vulture is also collecting DNA info on what is causing death of species etc. Nature does that usually.  And this fruit dove is something else!   Maybe its writing a story for us to find in our natural world in cuneiform our first language when we were not separate from it but awake and knew science. As if it is saying, these are my seeds now here telling it in nature.  Read books by Marilyn Starlight, it is all on this the non fiction work.  I have art in a locker locked up that is similar to these birds hmm. * If you take a sprinkle of red giant star dust from the core left after explosion, this has expansion information and red giant gas from nitrogen to helium, is left to study we have seen in the videos, the seven levels of vibration encoded for all life DNA to pass through. This is how DNA is likely encoded through the spread of this light encoded radioactive substance that travels through space and imbues oceans of planets. Injector of info is radiation. Expansion happens in cell replication DNA, RNA copy expands out to another cell and telomeres carry frequency variables to gamma state navigation of energy we have built in genetically the observer dictates through its neurology with things like mitochondrial energy delivery also to boost the biology to a higher vibration to go up the frequencies. Believe it or not our biology is also fuled by an inner strong force occurring in high vibration state using these principals and origins described here.   It is the authors belief that the Atlantic puffin may have gotten a sprinkle of this star dust from a red star to alter its DNA to current look, it did not have prior possibly due to three factors, Betelgeuse blowing, LA Superba red giant above the North Pole activity and our own sun's belly large coronal holes may have seeped some red star radiation and particulates near their habitat. How do you radiate yourself to get your DNA more refined? BME STARSPIN. Runs your own inner strong biological force!

Someone asked what I did with Christhood? I went to supreme court if Canada to litigate it off me as religious fanaticism of an illegal nature playing church not state. 

Study of stars as cold firing in very core helps to explain nuclear physics of ship building cool spin anti gravity uranium fuel cells. 

How do you take back control of your life? Well you do not have to do things staged to ease inducted  fear. That is the mind control to pump you with fear to want certain things to take its effects away. Look around see who creates it to feed to society and how did they work it?  You don't have to participate there are other information and offerings that can help people move out of fear-based society to normal life again.

Why is it important to study red giants for a future home to be found for humanity if ours also goes from age? Because of information that goes through the galaxy and is injected into water planets from such activity from red giants to be understood better in terms of sub quantum activity to the quantum effects achieved. Like the puffin there's red star and sun spot activity around him in the atlantic, he changed drastically in appearance so this affects all life to know more about how and why is science's challenge I contributed to in my published work also.  Oh significance when you awaken and have engaged sleeping giant earth with stars as a part of our observers observation,  you are being shown a new level of teachings  to yourself that is very profound and good to experience before we inhabit any future planet s what that is like. Marilyn Starlight .

What was the scorpion the stinger in ship building the awake builders knew knowing sub quantum superstring theory all they way thousands of years ago? Was when you have red giants exploding hitting water planets to create a sentient planet like Earth, there is injection of super cold string packets that come from the center of the core of stars like Betelgeuse photos showed. These fly off like frozen white shapes into the vacuum of space. The injection into the planet oceans occurs from the flying stuff and how the red giants create life hitting the water planets burning off some of it to have land mass and information from hot pictures they carry from shining stars history embedded into the packets as life forming becomes more intricate and advanced in some systems I theorized as well about the archive of life embedded into the vacuum that affects the organic molecules forming when they do. So the ancient builders of ships knew the sub quantum origins of life and used the scorpion as injector of great power to power a ship that was the same as nuclear source of life force that now was built as a nuclear uranium fuel cell that is how they understood ship building and why the title of my books is What Humanity Never Knew; We were born with space ships its in our DNA to find inherited to do this Happy New Year 2024. Written by Marilyn Starlight, superstring theory and the observer contribution. 

To my dismay this question came up again when I woke up from lying down for ten minutes. Can I have part of your writing for film and TV?  With cerebellum mass gouged.  No you cannot it is important for me to remember how I write and what I wrote as memories of being a person with that skill and for any works hops I teach on the topic.  It is important for me to have proper autonomic function. Also my skin is luminous and smooth not old and faded I don't want to trade so I'm getting tired of people wanting wanting someone else's gifts being losers not appreciating their own developments or ability to do so please leave me alone and seek therapy for your ailment it is a mental problem. I need my health and brain for my work it is not OK to take anything out of me thank you good day. Andromedans said my youth I kept my self,  no one did it for me, so they have no right to pilfer it like my writing talent, no one engineered it, it's mine nor my art or any other gifts. Same with being slender not engineered I don't want engineered other body type for health especially to be good.  Nothing is engineered in as skill, I have nothing to give out its all autonomic cerebellum skill map that injures the health if you mangle it to get it. I also have schooling I paid for in total about 50,000 dollars all together for all my courses related to my work. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy New Year 2024! 

All humanity needs this from science of physics and biology and authors theory spoken of here observed to be true by andromedans visiting I cannot speak for other organizations you do yourselves. You are solid in hertz, you are losing mass to anti gravity, in anti atom state, in visible light you are transparent, in uv blue you are ultraviolet spikey orb, in X' ray you are golden orb in gamma a pink ball of light the whole biology. You known this from NDE.with the biology left behind in ascension and adept practice to it the whole biology goes there its how you may fly very fast ships only that move thorough hyperspace like andromedans do and we used to in ancient history by virtue of their gargantuan size  they folded space time also the tablets revealed because of enormous torque they had to carry very tall beings we were who flew who were in government. The ones who did not pull and argue with me and should be disallowed on ship grab to me. In hertz as the vibration of you increases in visible light the observer say reviewing something so intensely in 'light walking carrying a plate of crackers,  you will look fainter in photos. Elderly live there this way they kick the light out of cells so much doing it they age and form agreements with the living to come back to re do something better playing around I don't agree to meet them. and with it and them. I don't make such agreements you have to verbally talk to me. I agree they may study my work only. In UV blue level your biology in hertz will wink in and out of view you will have a lavender halo around you and have very clear bright skin face youthful looking during intense healing work or inner change, for example. In X- Ray you will appear usually after very vigorous BME Star spin havening done this for a while, to glow with a golden halo that is attaining through work not harming adepts stealing DNA goldens humanity the other is fraud that is taking intellectual genetic property and should be in prison.

In gamma you are in Hertz likely typing in your office invisible people will not be able to find you you will be transparent. You will come down off it in a state of high vibration where sound seems higher up and everything's is brighter. Highly creative do this. Waves of energy are action happening in the glow state like in BME Star spin.  You can accomplish all this with study and practice of BME Quantum Mind tech tools  to do it yourselves with your own DNA unhooked from others as the ones who don't mostly health support if bumped on ships I cannot stand sometime hanging on too hard. You only heal if you let go of it and I don't want to be hooked up to others all day not my purpose .No ones supposed to hide us embarrassed its happenings andromedans I'll only work with if they don't offer try some of her DNA. 

This is to dispel dogma and erroneous grabs on glowing stuff that stuff is dangerous to grab, from the super strings your subatomic particles then atoms then molecules and cells form the strong force of you is in superstrings that come out of stars blowing to be spirit structure that become life down on planets that has evolved in biological improvements thorough reincarnation eg higher foreheads more discernment for survival.  Some things we lost like height and fast knowingness connecting us to the cosmos where we came from which is why you need this written here to map it again.   The writing on the walls is gone from our life times we have books now and other media to educate. Remember the strongest force you are is superstring then gamma radiation subatomic realm then X-ray radiation subatomic realm like in physics described, then UV Blue subatomic realm, then visible light subatomic realm then anti atom realm then it is pulled into the anti atom level all the other layers of stronger force holding the biology together in giving the view of solid mass with a little glow in rest of the mind state. Now if you pull gold glow you are pulling that which holds cells together down in hertz injuring someone so don't stand there pulling light and shame on ships who allow it I don't respect you at all let them take their stem please and cranial hair healing. Nerves get dislodged people don't pull light. No excuses now info is here on how you're put together. You like this?  More in Marilyn Starlight books all about you, where you came from humanity, what you can do. PS  I had to write it here because of injury to me thorough ignorance and others, so we need this up for the public to be able to read to avoid this.

Many humans in the light after death fly to study nature and genetics. There are answers in my books for you also read, Marilyn Starlight books incarnate people if you flew this in spirit state, more answers await.
We use our own cerebellum for hyperspace jumps not others in real life and BME.

Some wanted to share with you from andromedams, Lyricus was originally a stem ship so they put vast amounts  of genetic information on it to study that would enlighten humans on the topic and art, music info that would take humans to a more high vibration to enliven the DNA to see how that worked on the divine instrument. Andromedans provided this info who brought for the ship loading information for humans to present they said, as one of their andromedan ships to humanity. They do use me to provide info on their ships from time to time even others ships not Golden City Enterprises and BME. Stem has run on the earth for a long time, centuries to lesser or greater degrees from andromedans and ET seeding of babies prior to optimum gene selection. They would like to say we put no one on it to study, they found it as a curtesy of ours to humanity while you had to wait for stem, 

In university you advance from first year to grad for acceptance of what you learn, so with my work, there is study to have acceptance of the work that is why what has harmed us is superhero, load me community members stupidly asking for try outs of master's DNA who palpitated died NDE and did note learn properly that is note what we do don't pull us thanks. So for cure me or de age me no you can't wear us it blows our cerebellums no, study next life and use your medical services please for your health or CAM. I'm not cam for you at this time, I have other things pressing to do.

Excellent Betelgeuse video to study possibly where we came from our iris looks like a supernova red giant blowing where the spirit of humanity and all living things comes from author Marilyn Starlight's our theory in science terms about the observer and superstrings coming from the vacuum of space and the stars.  THIS IS ALSO  very good video shows the white shorter going inward blasts that rove across the surface gathering its strings or  inner consciousness gathering its power.  The supernova red giants that don't form a galactic core can explode more than once.   The sharp points of the cold fire interior left at the core after a blow if it does not go galactic core it shoots out like space ships this is in the archive of our DNA and observer having come from it as what I said in my books What Humanity Never Knew We Were Born With Spaceships says, we have the imprint of the stars that work along the same principles as space craft where our spirit comes from for geometries and the science to be encoded into us that way.  This may prove my theory about the center of the stars being very freezing, and where the beginning energies that are formed in the vacuum that forms stars used to fuel the star producing uranium and why it is very high vibration middle o strong force. This is a programmed awareness from the program of stars and how they function like we have programmed to be human and functions like our cell division etc, that runs through the autonomic enacted by the observer.  White cold fire moves  through it that we saw across the surface greater and greater until it blows, gathering in a bunch shown in the first video about Betelgeuse exploding, not linked to here, I had trouble finding it THE CENTER OF THE STAR WITH TONS OF ICE AND COLD PROVING QUANTUM MECHANICS ETC Censor US NOT SCIENCE. Thanks for getting it back up when you can, I heard you. It did cause casualties in some part of Latin America however I walk outside here its fine. Radiation recedes very quickly not affecting us here much reports left out we need. Red giants may blow more than once is why. Maybe we got Atlantic puffins instead of disaster.  What if the stuff that came out of the star carries information after all here the jellyfish has a dark center as if it came from somewhere.  The DNA glowing in creatures and people may have come forth this way from the oceans and stars.

Yeah I'm totally safe to be around if you pull me my energy climbs and may palpitate you if you rove my brain with a ship only otherwise it wouldn't. We don't nde or energy crimes to save our biology and move it up through hyperspace and back down the whole thing which you need to be able to ride fast ships one day if the star goes red from your own genetics only trained it doesn't work it throws you off the ship if you have other peoples. Way people scare themselves is that they engage adepts too much pulling you know trying it things out that are too fast and they freak and to mortuary or cemetery or tissue we're fighting that battle it's illegal okay you're not well in the mind if you're doing that. Read the Andromeda note Big E t's  it's for you on your page. I raised my kids when they were little they were somehow fine around me they never pulled me or did anything to me maybe that's why as well they grew strong normal and then when people started pulling out me and I had to move a few times and they went to live with their dad to not have to change schools yeah this changed. They were bothered, I was bothered, the whole thing was a mess. There is a book called Angel of Starlight I put out help people understand what happens to us in advanced training that you should read if you are afraid of the phenomenon of people who are fully awake whose DNA vibrates higher and if you grab them with your brain your heart palpitates because they're in a higher spacetime of vibration than you and glow, so don't grab them that's all, just don't grab them with a ship there with your mind usually crossing your eyes,  that's what they're doing wrong. Also after ascension we control the heart beat some adepts also can slow even stop it at will to pass thorough stress awake then go back to normal rhythm. We're not ships run as heart at all for any reason usually.  If you NDE you need the heart erratic to leave that is why we no longer NDE. To try to NDE us is murder attempted or slaughter to undo the binding of the ascension so we cannot come back to the body destroyed to do it to get an NDE out of us. Never want this of us for this reason.

How much time does the star have? That's a tough question, probably at least, worst scenario 60 years, hopefully more, we need more time ideally.  I would be thrilled if we had 300 years, but it's spiraling its energy in a bit so did those concentrated hot spots that culminated in a big surface rove of huge bright white balled light its awareness roving all over the surface, in Betelgeuse if you watch the video before it blew so it's starting to do it and it's been getting cooler before it gets hotter for decades so we'll see. There's lots of information on this page it's very good and in my books. I need the ship turn of Julia off as censorship to the world asking stuff yeah about my work. For astrophysics in astronomy,  see if you see a pattern of white hot short curled spots, small on our star roving the surface appearing, what they're doing, it is the sun's awareness seems to be in those it roves with its topography then dipping away again hiding after blasting sometimes. It is obvious it is aware in the Betelgeuse supernova video before it blew really turning itself inside out ascending to leave its orbit as its spirit mass inside of it. A big core like a hypergiant may make creates a galactic core and spins a new galaxy these smaller ones create trillions of superstrings and embed their programs in the vacuum to make new stars and also travel to where there's planets to impact if they hit one to bring forth new life. 

Its like a game of marbles hitting water covered planets to have continents all over galaxies for earth like planets to be found. We came from stars our spirit substance originally and the vacuum of space so to train to ride hyperspace is natural to us.

People crying and saying, "I don't want to do it!" Then don't do it when it's time to leave if they don't build enough slow starships and you need to boogie on the fast ones, one day to another place you'll die and probably fly to join us in reincarnation what's the big deal? I told you people choose themselves for this no ones dragged doesn't work they freak. you have to want to train and want the experience you will choose yourselves you'll see. 

I live a very simple life I'm usually sitting writing my show and doing other things very low key people are very excited to know about me and what I did so they grab, that's a mistake they're making and they're causing all these problems. Just say hi to us over normal talking that's all you need to do if you're curious and in the area and pass us by. Everybody's on the switch implant  hooked up to us eat cheese no no  then everybody's grabbing it's crazy. We're not here to be people's genie to be used to get people  what they want there is a science to what happened to us and it's there in our books for you to learn. Usually people who are mentally challenged using heavy drugs or other problem edit the information out like children do hearing grown up stuff, they can be around it but big ets try not to engineer these people up it's too much vibration to fast it's temporary.

Whiplash my comments brethren on it is its rebelling and being your own person in the face of stogy old fashioned near violent instruction in music. It has that value at the end. I disagree its gratuitous on bad instruction even though that is there clearly the guys a fanatic.

Nature took over promenade, the Atlantic puffin, for example.

Please note if you mail or courier anything to me at temp housing make sure you address it with first and last name there's another Barbara H here.

Enjoy this Sunday. Be in it all day, the stars shining on you to heal sit in their light in the sky beaming to you  in your mind on Sun - day if you like. TURN AI OFF PLEASE ON SUNDAYS MY SUGGESTION.   Not fore read aloud EFA  be sane please. Good flick Music. Very good came out on cable TV and internet. Person has opposite of author communication problems. 

The other builders in our society are science theorists, some of whom have remembered sciences in part or whole we used since the first civilizations, as documented in ancient tablets the author wrote about in her books Marilyn A. Starlight, they may not be aware of this, but will find quantum mechanics and string theory and astronomy even early astrophysics spoken of in those tablets depicted as science not religion presented in her books.  That is all extraction of ancient missing Alexandria library texts through the quantum field of earth's and personal archives that is very meaningful also.  When you have phenomenal experience and your hands are transparent golden and youre alive your whole biology like what happed to the author and more you look at the science of how youre put together what happed to you and this author wrote about it what our DNA with study and practice by the observer can do engineered with others DNA. Andromedans big ets same, would like to add, "we encourage you to do the same from her work used properly, not slaughter her observer's biology trying it on offered by RSE school only in error we battle daily and cannot stand for this reason. They did not offer theirs but hers she has not been there to visit in 20 years." 

If I look at sciences they have journals and books some videos, quieter presentations of theory, if I look at movie making it is big loud with a bang feature films all over big screens. I contemplated this as, what is entertainment really is as this?  How does it affect us? Then I wrote my films, awake from the ascension I had. What did I learn?  I'll keep it simple, say you are exhausted after work it is summer, you sit to watch a summer light film filled with nice cars,  a few relationships, beaches, usually the observer will dump half the movie while mapping the brain in rest movie time, like watching TV tired,  but keep the euphoria causing cinematography in memory, for upliftment material to recall. That is why those films still sell. Each film is received differently depending how written and watched and sells for different reasons.  I will do a workshop on this for others in Hollywood later on the science of film making. I wrote with this in mind as well, what I described, so the film should be well received. Luna I surmised, will be watched intently by all types of viewers in all types of viewing minds and likely will do well on DVD to review episodes packed with info they want to make some notes on and review even. I predict people will watch each episode two to five times to understand completely the knowledge given as its still sci fi entertainment and moves faster than documentaries.  With so many shows with innuendos about 'problems' this one has information to go to the next level after this that will make sense to the observer. Most of the films I wrote are like this also. Canadian episode was written to reflect Canadian adepts hiding out alone and the thrill of building something for Golden City when some from LA travel to coax them out of hiding to join Golden City building. For those commenting Luna is erudite, I have this to say if you do too much junk you may think that wakey wakey, movie making most people are not junk burn out. are educated and want more from the product. Who do you produce for? Don't forget educated are looking for good shows and films from you. Injured in the brain? They heal from such not get stressed they're getting lumped with junk as brain loss of demise of good taste. I wrote things to help people who were normal function and want to stay that way to help them heal.
I asked the andromedans to be more diligent to suspend raids on my spine brain and creative work and for charity bribes to say nothing, they have no business to others did not pay for it s my income and health please desist giving to Julia Omar bothered for it and anyone on upper floor marshal and others in LA by them also to scum any of it I have film and tv for sale good quality people are looking at. Hi guys in Hollywood don't take from them they harm me and steal my income they phished also being investigated to get it back. Yes sometimes stocks related they were doing. They are cut throat crime some of the patrons and pull mid brain even to themselves breaking my recorder and say to incinerator yes shelter patrons so we need to move along with any monies to me to get out of danger, leave Hollywood, they said in new year they would contact me about Luna and some movies, they're reading, this is some in old washed up drug using doing this daily not caring at all who crime uses, sells drugs to them phishes bringing dealers. 
To my shock people who had high cholesterol and obese even some of them said that when they ate cholesterol it lowered their serum level and they said that the drug actually caused them to battle having enough cholesterol so the body kept trying to produce more which really surprised me. So what we found is that slender people who eat cholesterol when they're under severe stress do not produce it in excess and do not get high cholesterol and we're finding the same with heavier people. Why does it seem to be the case? Because when you are under severe stress the body glows up in hyperspace in a way that is on adrenaline and it is losing in the blood some of its red blood cells when that happens and people crash afterwards with lower level brain wave activity like similar to depression and their cholesterol levels can climb if this happens often enough, unless they eat it. If they eat it, what it does is it tends to give the nutrient that helps to restore the blood to its proper state and also repairs any organ linings brain lining is what it helps to do. No strokes. Those do not get elevated cholesterol who actually consume enough of it under stress we are finding from talking to people over the years who are tested for it also. What if a screaming person takes their blood to a thinner level. in hyperspace and then the body dumps cholesterol immediately into the bloodstream not to have brain bleeds? Would you not then need to eat some cholesterol to replenish the supply? This maybe in fact happening to thinning blood under any stress where your heart rate increases and you are getting lightheaded. That is something that they may test in medicine any of this. Signs of cholesterol deficiency and starting to store it maybe a little bit of stomach fat beginning even in skinny people that is weird sluggish fat that may accompany beginning elevated cholesterol in the blood serum. If you eat a little more it might go away, and with alcohol that causes loss of it.

Human gullibility for illusion, not what you think though, it is this: "I need this type of appliance to do this, or it just wont work," even thought there's a new one available.  That is the illusion we are stuck in by some of the population in slower progress.  People think its super her o type fraud nope if they don't get the new appliance they wont even look at super hero fraud stuff. Not much danger there. Those with the old appliance illusion won't look at more advanced work, they're afraid it is a scam. They have their sales demographic we have ours. Leave them or they become the engineered freaks who destroy our work I suggested to andromedans let them buy what they want. The problem with the global warming is they are very offended if they cant process the danger and get left behind the psyche care mental illness ones with some zealot community they ball for DNA the war in the skies is about this. Its EGO out of control.  I'm not stocks with those who do it for that reason don't grab me. It is unwise to bash sovereignty recognized in your right's to study my work without harassment to do anything with it.

Recommended topics to add to childhood development books to help avoid child abuse, Why little ones say, "I want to marry you mommy or daddy," they explain about what is happening in the kid during these statements from research. Rearing children without hitting and why it's important, why children appear to have short-term psychosis from very rapid brain changes and growth that it's temporary and what to do to help the child during this growth phase as well as hyperactive behavior associated with hyper growth phases of DNA needs to be addressed not to punish the child for needing physical exercises jumping around as irritating to the parents acting up. Those are at the top  that come up that have caused abuse in children according to parents who have done it. 

The reason they tried to get government a bit unconventional or out of the box was one reason, to vote in surplus economy world wide. 

This is for Blue Matrix Energetics people from Golden City. do not get confused and fly with the old ship and  NDE,  our training is not about that it's more advanced. 

I did not announce free books for community  from Golden City Enterprises Golden City Books, only school children grades 10 to 12 and their teachers.  Anyone announcing payment collecting for a charity from it is fraud. Just pay on the site normally thank you.

Our time is valuable it's worth money if we're in relationship with a partner and we give to one another of this time that usually we charge money for, this is our riches put into the relationship if you cherish it that way and that is how you would attract wealth together in appreciation for this from one another. There's lack of appreciation for the time given to one another perhaps it is not the same.

Laws upheld not to harm for information given was asked for we were told, to be enforced. Several parties were threatened physically and financially is why .

In adept there is a high pressure that happens to move the DNA into a higher hyperspace glow elderly have the opposite type of pressure on their heart to lower their frequency of the body to put it away in death that is why it does not work for them long trips through outer space. The biggest mistake that people have made about the author's heart she's wired this way and if they tried to put her on elderly because they couldn't hear her heartbeat it was in higher hyperspace sometimes it ended up entangling her like Siamese twins with these people and making a mess of her DNA.

Cuneiform is a language of  science of quantum mechanics very early rudimentary model the first civilization had. It is a language of spatial rotations of geometries of the quantum field forming also. therefore when you have an AI computer with a formula  that is different from this it will give a different interpretation of the language that is read better by humans than computers for meaning.  If you go through the momentum of building motions as the quantum field geometries form in various states of  the energy of the building coming  down kinesthetically (we do this well as observers for the symbols are of spatial rotations) you may have a program for deciphering the symbolism you may  be able to put into a computer program  if you read the work I published read this way first, please cite my work if you do this. A lotus flower the first strike represents a beam of sunlight hitting the water. What spatial dimension is it in if its floating and has a vibration all around the flower? We are already looking at deep subconscious language they communicated in about building from just that first symbol!  The others that build different shapes we have in measuring spatial dimensions also, meaning also there's some square root there.  Key milestones in the language are like this: I built this several times so now instead of a month its in a week, I'm flying like light building; after this the light bulb light moving fast illuminating is built. I built all this now I'm rotating so fast through it all then the space ship is built anti gravity; that is in the written language also. Seven technologies were built told of in the books I am Inanna reincarnated I remember the language from that life time the visiting ETS recognize this. My ship was called Inanna when they first came to see me to work with me after 2002. That is how I know I explain reincarnation in science theory in the books also maybe you should read them if you don't understand this some in ignorance. I'm not loaded from some other entity that is why cite me please as the correct person whom this work comes from.  So the spatial  rotations the strikes represent in the writing are read more in my books from Marilyn Starlight. you cannot fathom the importance of those books and the information not available anywhere else at  this time in October 30 2023 that will update 8 sciences and history and also modern day anti gravity technology based on cool spin not heating uranium making it eco harmonious clean energy. We were over 100 to 150 feet tall, skeletons were found this height, and had low rumbling voices like earthquakes beginning, communicated telepathically, Inana was quiet Dmuzi her soulmate loud laugh and voice would rumble things. More spoken in next era Hathor and Horus with the big gods Anubis Thoth, Maat etc. were slightly smaller in stature though Horus was quiet now Dmuzi reincarnated and would indicate with sounds, telepathy and symbols Hathor was louder spoke more this life Inanna reincarnated. Early string theory symbols we had are identified in the texts also and tablets was about creation and included the observer. Thusly I contributed to super string theory with my published theory with the other scientists listed. that is also in the books what those were like those eras with more told of till today from memory. I hope it awakens your own and you  find the gods you were looking for in history as ourselves and reclaim your heritage of our ancient advanced work and mind presented in the books.

Inside the star our sun there is its spirit substance or inner observer which does this, lurks and takes photos moving across the underneath of the flaming surface and pops up, taking hot pictures with the lightbulb like short tight bursts not the ones that look like angel wings or flowers, the brightest ones that though tiny take huge flashes all around it. It is like the inner guardian of itself, its progress and illuminates the cosmos around it to earth as flashed on. Look at daily NASA photos of our star you'll see stuff. In a forget me not flower we have powerful pollens that kept people well from catching raspatory virus used in places where there was a lot of outbreaks. So this tiny flash is huge photo taking in the vacuum of space. If you look a whole space time hyperjump it makes on occasion this is evident in the NASA stream video of a decade of our sun time lapsed. More about this is in my books. In the andromedans triangles they have lights that move across a plane bright white that remind me of those lightbulb like firings of the star. They can flash at you also out of the seemingly vacuum look of the black hull. Inside are the andromedans the star men from andromeda So they know this science also. They are like the consciousness of the star in side their ships that can also fire lasers like the sun flares and shoot asteroids down. When the star is healed more the spots like bulbs hide and come up  travelling from underneath when the star is really showing dark spots a lot they are there near the surface already going off.  Less war is good also for pictures of what is happening on surface of our planet. Because land destruction it has a record of also in hot pictures when looking at itself its effect on life. We are smaller from nuclear war as we saw skeletons through history found. it heals itself not ready to destroy this place if they fire those it is a dichotomy. If asteroids don't hit cities but fields and desert what do you think it is doing?? It's sentient and conscious our local star. Maybe when it goes red giant it has all its picture taking and superimposition planned for some cosmic plan or effect one day.  Meanwhile the star Betelgeuse has surprising photos. look what happened to its picture taking self. That star larger than ours, has a history also of photos that may be studied to see its progression through the years.  It went supernova Sept 3 2023. Bing has a very good archive of it forming into a galaxy program that never happened but is in every stars program it's spelled Betelgeuse. Rose shape it blew in.

In the books content if it does not cite another its author's theories described. Author cites others work with on line links and book names. I disagree about location of soul in biology with some at RSE. They are describing lungs in hyperspace glow in recording mechanism of brain processing good bad feeling hits and higher inspiration or damage like abused kids also.  Therefore I take some offence to say my work is anyone else's, it is not.

What is an example of basic preparation anyone can do for global warming extreme measures option if they do this later govt? Athletics if you continue to encourage you have strong, well balanced society that can learn to space travel much more easily. Not for balling for good health and stamina to train for anti gravity flight. Most planets do this when their star ages, they don't sit to  get cooked.

Is there a science theory presented to explain God?  Yes, though the author is not religious it explains this for those looking for the answer in her books Marilyn Starlight.

For those who learned and loved my book Angel of Starlight you found the bonus chapter on how to stop ageing usually within years you are not hardening and drying in flesh yet. I will tell you this the star has helium and is similar to our soul recorder this way they way we feel very joyous firing the brain, the star is thousands fold same but more powerful in feeling in itself that is why it is life sustaining also as far as nurturance of how love feels. It's the explosive nuclear spin fire and helium we express also in our bodies with how our body temperature after firring gamma waves in cold of our nitrogen negative space forms this is explained in the book how temperature is formed in our bodies and hydrogen forms like inner quiet storm cold hot fronts how were built. This is very high band cold fire.  Big ET's who are on board hyperspace ships fly this way also but on the ships.  So  for those who read Angel of Starlight .The star is the super nuclear state of joy  that when you  fire in your self appreciation of you life and exuberance daily not apathy it keeps you young won't age you when you have apathy and want out of the life it begins to remove its light from the biology ageing it to get out of here. It's that simple.

For Los Angeles film TV people, USA Golden City Enterprises publicity division for acquisitions from authors Marilyn Starlight's firm as outlined acceptable on WGA West .

Please buy and read Marilyn Starlight books young people who like economics and political silences to consider being next governments federal to vote in the ageing star solutions space program presented in the authors work some in governmentlike already have said so, to continue whatever our current governments may have begun to support to save the human race from possible extinction by red giant. Keep up on latest solar reports, we have decades to do this  not billions of years,  negligent reporting most science agrees its old going with bigger ozone holes forming etc. lots of evidence we could get hit and in as little as 60 years we hope we have more time than this however. die  if we do  nothing and ignore  the science evidence.  Andromedans watch seeing same wear and have a  time line from their stars  demise in similar  fashion, shred it with  author and others and said to say so in my writing, not billions of  years agreeing its  incorrect data to you through faulty news on Bing recently again.  We forgive lets move on. Also young who want to learn new cool spin technology engineering for space craft and industry once they implement this in colleges for clean power where permissible once presented cleaner than current technologies nothing is heated. Space agencies do work with my published theories for years now and some technologies donated authors charity not poor, technology and my books to curriculum for high school history update. Do not bother me for other charities thank you. VIRTUOUS technologies page here and more coming from film and tv writing by author for sale in Hollywood also for later.  Science may cite my name and any quotes of my work. Do not listen to anyone who says otherwise its wrong info even ets.

This is an interesting creature a puffin. Has important message for us about recent cosmic events. Here the cosmic observer we are part  of it's star dripped as if a bit of its yolk onto the check of the snow covered land to cast a little super string of a new variety of puffer. It's living  art work nature and why humans have art skills also and much more from their origins.

What do you think he's saying about superstrings hyperspace triangles, containers and red stars remnants?  When you read my books you may decode nature also. Different from penguins. This is a recent design, prior they had round eyes no super string on the beak. What this means to me is this: Thank you cosmic observer that I'm a part of also, if you are following the work answering that big fish will arrive to help build anti gravity for humanity tor prevail. Paint more if you like. I love the divine observer that we are when we awaken and it all comes together.  

Red giants blow and emit trillions of superstrings these hit water planets to form primordial soup of life the author Marilyn Starlight's science theory of how planets like earth are created with continents and life. Each string has a program in it of all the hot pictures the sun took of the local planetary life embedded in the super strings of  it, just like our past lives area like zip files in our strings in our brains our archives. Mass grows on a string it is the strongest vibration at the center holding mass together deep inside it is  what  the DNA unfolds on indifferent frequencies say solid to say uv when you disappear for a second in spontaneous healing.  You change your quantum state to pervious  well ness also stored  in your archives. This is a non synthetic matrix you are connected to the answers of new understanding written about in Marilynn starlight's books and movies. Self programming and totally sovereign and awake you become with more study and practice of the things you are learning I love you, work together to create better harmony, golden humanity coming forth this life or your next one.

There is an owl that looks like an apple cut in half to eat to consume.  Read in my books what the owl represented to see what the part of us big cosmic observer affecting nature with us maybe saying is important to consider as like the apple does not fall far from the tree what is he?

No I don't play on line games with people I avoid them. There's a hack that is a gamer stalking people hacking their accounts to hide appearing as gaming profile to get friends to make stocks lists suspected and to tell on you lying if you tell.  If it happens to you tell any way, reason is cases building of embezzlement, money laundry, bank theft etc off email abuse of others you may not want in your name by those who do the hacking. Be careful joining gaming check out all profiles who ask you if its a friend's email send them a note if they invited you not fraud on their account. I invited no one to any games. 

The biology is a miracle that the great observer cosmic big observer that became down here reveres as its child to do not harm a hair on its head is ideal. With money give because you love something to go forward then we have the genuineness of our original civilization once more. 

How does the brain protect itself for  what  its not ready to know? Mid brain areas have yes or no pathways that if you have say too much recreational drug use with some types of drugs it wont let you open a past life time because you've lowered the vibration to a place where it wont let you so you don't think you have psychosis. higher vibration hours of work for example would allow it to fire to the frontal cortex. you edit out anything you see or read thusly as well. Be careful not to call others crazy who are awake and get  the info however. If you do so it may  appears as narcissism. they have to go off the drugs first and let their brains recover for a awhile not to raise vibration too fast and get sick. 

Yes technology I gave from Luna SIV from 'Canada' set episode in season four, is plastic menu with electronic  lit up check marks or menu selection if you touch it you give back to waitress who no longer has to write all the orders on a tiny pad. where they don't have electronic order pads she punches in this is an alternative. We need these. They work with current software and electronics. For menu rings in Golden City we need quantum computing likely they're fast it's for later. 
Clues from Dendera temple may be the most important in our history about how the time line of the star our sun unfolds. The sun ours has new flares that are beginning to hog energy inwards and they look like strong light bulb emanations of electrostatic like voltage held in a pattern of a controlled surge. Once the star goes red if it explode supernova and is now a galactic core of seeming endless power source ands pin this is like current to power we built long ago as using the large quantum mechanics model of the cosmos to describe smaller mechanics down here on earth they used as early science later termed alchemy in hidden texts of freemasons etc. after Alexandria library burned down during religious crusades beginning. Now the secret is in the  teaching because the red star is taught as the science of lightbulb wiring in Dendera temple of Hathor as science they had one of them if you examine the artifacts. Once the star is covered with these crackle pop emissions that are tight er very bright energy different from normal flares that would be a good time to predict the next phase of the star approaching red giant activity beginning like Beetlejuice star is in.

I would say boys and girls get anti gravity building in gear sooner rather than later  if science agrees with what I'm saying here. If not god help us if you miss it and it blows shortly after this, please study the information and lets get to it. In Andromedan they said they are called entropic solar flares that begins to self consume. From the time of seeing strong ones like we have now on our sun they had 68 years till it went red and some of their people got out before it blew an andromedan shared with  me tonight. Time to give up Satan and embrace science again please. The andromedan who played it has other things to do, is sick of it, loves science and all I'm doing with others and humans.  Movies may get better also. I will add this info to my teleplay Luna SIV all about this and finding other planets after they build ships while ours is still here. 

There  is a lady, who tells a story about her experience with hospital stay on line who rode horses that is not  me please do not confuse us thank you it is not me. I did not ask her for funding she is not wealthy

Virtuous Technologies page has good info  today about planets.

Again this morning arguments that we'll find another planet in our galaxy if the star goes out one day, our sun.  Aha. Look at science please. Our major stars fifty of the biggest went red giant. It appears to be cleaning up wormholes they left that usually form a galactic core from very large stars, in our galaxy. There's mostly yellow stars left, not many blue, so unlikely there's more planets we'd last very long in our local galaxy guys, look here at the report. We need a new galaxy by the look of it.  On the up side there's plenty of younger galaxies with big  new blue  stars and planets form there also when a few of them go red and hit water covered planets forming continents. If you have a better explanation anyone in astrophysics and astronomy science, we're looking for it if some disagree with this one, otherwise it explains why planets are water covered and how continents form, thanks. - Marilyn Starlight.

Angel of Starlight the book by Marilyn Starlight has the info on how we are constructed in subquantum.  Who are you selling to letting people have it from the books parties doing it ,angling brains? 4 AM it begins here cease. READ MY SCIENCE THEORY SUPERSTRING S AND THE OBSERVER CONTRIBUTION PUBLISHED EXCERPT HERE.. More in my  books. To fanatics trying to isolate and split past lives to use for ship theft or body type for weight loss, changing my age or hook, I will use this to take you to court and sue you cease bothering me.  TO THOSE STANDING IN THE MIRROR MORNINGS ROBBING MY LIGHT SPEAKING FOR ME YOU ARE CRIME GET OFF OF ME GO  BY WHAT'S HERE NOT SPOKEN  BY THEM. I DID NOT SAY I WANT NOTHING BUT STOCKS IM NOT PUBLIC ITS CRIME. You may buy my books films art services and pay me other vendors and payment systems stop the phishing the crime does of money out if they got you only and robbed my payments to me. Yes keep buying I'll get paid. It's a ploy to stop my work lying it isn't to control masses not as awake about things I said here  for  example about consciousness and more.  Thee are the best liars I've ever seen this group who does it don't be fooled. If you hear this on EFA its them abusing my posts not me being obnoxious. We don't use soul correction in BME aches if someone thinks you err playing god over you. 

If you are looking at a model of a superstring and it is lit up  gamma pink its highest vibration or beyond what we can measure, that is the center of mass even our biology holding us together at the core. We have the UV and X- Ray and Gamma of golden humanity DNA hyperspace navigation. So, if someone were to say how do humans work through hyperspace? We would say the observer observes what it is being becoming this quantum state affecting its biology. So it is being UV blue level glow like our cells knit in healing and then in X-Ray we enact bigger vision for an action that takes us forward and we are compressing space time and glowing up. In gamma we are out of here actively in momentum if sitting some light will bilocate to where the mind travels to and back.  

The feed to the cells from the observer to glow them to those states is from the inner superstring the control power center relay of the biology in its core, subatomic structure. So, memory recalls, this life and others are held in a similar fashion. However, the old brain in the past life is no more, only a copy of it in the cerebellum may be held with all that other ones which is the ability to super compress in very high frequency of strong force massive amounts of information that is the superstrings of the observer capability within the DNA to  display even copies as memory of past brains we have had and archives of the life times. In fact biology facilitates the memory, lipids proteins, neurotransmitters, metals or minerals contribute to mirror matter activity to map it all in the brain mass cerebellum then whatever we examine in the cerebral cortexes and other areas in mid brain. Nerves use minerals heavily for firing strength carrying for navigating hyperspace and the cells carry electrical charge with the mineral s protecting them from frying.  That is why adepts actually have higher levels of gold in the blood than before used in neuro transmitting also, it does not oxidize and age like copper as people age same with silver and platinum does not we have in us also. It is not unlike alchemy in the earth metals refining arising jewels. 

So, we refine our biochemistry with higher consciousness that sets our DNA through hyperspace. When I sit and see a person small between our hands to send them healing energy, so the large observer made us a small version of itself for we have all the same elements but are organic and smaller, faster than anything out there. It is all in how the observer uses the superstrings to program the brain for a given lifetime and to read its archives of previous ones if it wants to. To get it out you have to loosen compression that means firing say a picture for a while those accesses compressed archives, not unlike zip files. Once you uncompress them a little stream opens of a clip that highlights what’s in the picture focused on. A past life vision streaming invisible light neurology hyperspace level and sometimes some mirror matter neurology. The brain is the most advanced organic processor ever created anywhere and can work in all the frequencies available to us holding huge archives by its own strong force. The brain is largely composed of lipids it both helps slip slide information and allows for slower vibration to map this hyperspace also to solid when you learn or experience and accept this as a beneficial experience you don’t block out. - Marilyn Starlight

I  have a large body of work my books and films and art work and I would like out of controversial other realities spun by others of child abductions murders and houses someone kept throwing me into, its not what I want for my life at all, am furious and want out of it. None of that is my creation. I should be in a stable safe home without bother to  visit shelters to solve murder mysteries  where crime lurks on its way to other places and sought to incriminate me for their crimes no thanks not my life thank you. I have no criminal record I'm an artistic and science person. Luna SIV is written in X ray and gamma frequency firing don't engage me during it thank you ET's it is a higher consciousness show. If you like my work send a link to  a friend instead thanks. I'm not on birkshyre I'm on lunch. No I'm fine I'm friendly with psyche no I use them occasionally for violations of my rights prevention. Let lines go ets all the time.
The high culture business people like me, don't be me pulling them we go to court that way on land thanks. For the I'm her fanatics non family, you're stupid, I get you things for better finances and you try to get it liking the idea pulling as me them when we talked to them  already its faster than your bloody phish.  

Read Angel of Starlight for curative pages all about disease what causes it new theory from the authors 20 years of experience seeing people working through health issues and personal challenges in her holistic wellness consulting work. 
Is it there any more, the original world with kind people?  Yes beyond fear, it is there when it has not destroyed some of it. Some have fear to be kind to others lest they're taken for a ride some others fear of being taken for one and if their kindness is real, if it shows up.

For medical school and science in general if you quote my work and name it may be attributed to Blue Matrix Energetics biological energy work by Marilyn A. Starlight only no other organizations or names needed.   

Body temperature is explained in Marilyn Starlight books what the sub quantum to molecular to cellular does as processes of the observer running it's biology and more. Science books some read movies and TV all watch this means millions will get the new science theories about the observer in the books spread out through many movies and TV show written into it all please write big studios only in Hollywood to acquire Marilyn Starlight screenplays if you like the sound of these projects. They have them they are reading. Executives may call before sending payment for instructions. See IMDb Pro for Marilyn Starlight's contact info or her websites. USA only thanks. We respect writers strike if they want to wait to buy when it is settled. 

Canada, having come from British colony status prior has a mystical style of enchantment in some circles of moss and lichen covered misty forests like green lace, artifacts people created new  things people know who have travelled it were known for it across the provinces. BC has a lot of first nations other provinces have more enchanting things also. Marilyn Starlight came from here also added a little of this mystical style for Luna modernized and some films she has written also for USA market richness of style that has European flair American tradition high tech, modern and more as looks of the films.  

What is magical about the movies and the show mine, written  is there's stuff in there that can come true people like it so it's like stepping off the screen into the real world that is why we're not killing any of it in order to plot and schema reality without it instead that may have lesser quality because of a lack of education of the public the movies in the show bring and free will see what's possible. Who will make it happen? The young will, who will be be the next government if our present ones are not ready they all love that work they love it. Some in govt are doing it bless you. The TV and film work will simply introduce ideas to people that are really happening. BTW people will be mad there's not enough tickets if you over promote these will be well received by public waiting for years for them. -Marilyn Starlight

I help with global warming info in my work also you may read lots of info on our local star and system is there and possible options we may have in the future in dealing with it ageing.

If you have students grades 10-12 you may download a pdf book donated by me for your curriculum this will update your biological science courses and ancient history on Greece Rome and Ancient Egypt courses and more. some of this is college level info some high school may use. Visit Golden City books here for the download complimentary for teachers of grades 10-12. No stocks with it we don't need Julia Lis were non public. 

When you are given new information, run with it and never look back at the old life without it. 

When I am a big success filming in Hollywood I will remember those who helped me during difficult times as significant people who did so  in my life. - Marilyn Starlight

I like to be my own person not cruel from what people tried to make of me. - Marilyn Starlight.

Wait to call people when things are posted not during ETs
 For the 'year' its all crime typists don't take it LA or anywhere. I'm going to work still when they call on films. 

Marilyn Starlight books, will far surpass expectations for unanswered questions.

Very important landmark for Google that will revolutionize quantum computing congratulations on new quantum computer they built not dissimilar to my advanced masonry post on Golden City Enterprises on cuneiform stones page. Welcome to Golden City stuff by other contributors from their own minds contribution in awakening society, Google inventors.

This fresco from Pompei shows the secret symbol some used for uranium which grows as crystals layered in a flower pattern means they had ship building and uranium supply to dine on. In My books What Humanity Never Knew series, there's hidden in the mountains on the way to Rome center and Pompeii secret temples with ship building evidence they stashed hiding it during the catholic crusades that virtually eradicated it and hid most of it.

How is BME Star spin different from NDE?  NDE spins other direction human bandwidth is unanchoring beginning reviewing backwards light begins.  Star spin you do not separate any part of the brain from biology even in bilocation, you stay whole and the entire biology goes transparent then sold upon completion of Starspin. Search bing for Marilyn Starlights articles.

Regarding VM surplus economic model if others chose it to ask for it please write your federal politician locally for respectfully presented ideas. We are holding no protests or anarchy around this discussion thanks.

We adepts of BME are that way from years of practice not engineering from others attainment which in lay people have none or very little and why it causes fanaticism if you do instead of proper study and application.

Life is put forth somewhere else giving us the. Some may fly  to find new galaxies and a planet if were very advanced. For others they can be put forth by it all and see where and as what they turn up but no one way may be forced on another. Its part of being put forth being proactive to build ships and fly there. If you sit and focus on any star if any planet you become the environment DNA. A wise man said the first language made of flowers you stake the ground with building is being proactive. We have seen a house is built this way if you don't build or rent buy one you sit without. So for the end of life here to another you must build.

Thank you sciences for using Marilyn Starlight reference books on new published theories for lectures at this important time.

The tenderness I found is an estrogen rove not a person. How to keep cholesterol down? Visit Marilyn Starlights Articles on line Starlights Fare.
Latest on the artifacts of Marilyn Starlight.  This magical room from my previous apartment has one piece for sale for best offer.   Offers accepted. New modern artifacts from Marilyn A. Starlight that will appear in the film The Blue Butterfly Effect one Golden Humanity Centers planned, see them in the book Angel of Starlight. Authors work was used for Academy award stages cosmic I in 2015. 

And others other years. Contact the author at Golden City Enterprises for more information. 778-237-7461 goldencityenterprises@ or blue

How to build for the future? Say you build a university big on science build to suggest anti gravity platforms for ships  architecture can be adapted for later where people can also attend training to fly from community. For now put a sculpture there that can be moved later.   

To find info on why mega dose vitamins may make people fat go to  Marilyn Starlight articles Starlight' s Fair.

What to do with slow pace of progress? Young feeling dejected look around for each other take political science and space engineering physics etc run for government later build all this anti gravity industry and don't run out of money for when we need it. Now governments are cleaning plants and updating technologies its OK well build lots later if young governments who may do some now in some countries happen good results.

Please put away prejudices. This life as blond woman I did science and scholarly writing. If you keep putting it down we have hardly any white people emigrating to North America be careful what you do.. To white academia also. We are not supposed to be extinct.

There's a part of your brain in autonomic that takes you to final death it also can heal you. in. 

Q How are you different from other writers as ascended adept what you went through?

A We use our autonomic to write and map it in slower brain areas like you do but totally so its not possible to remove without injury to our autonomic as it streams from there that which keeps us alive fast brain. I have a different space time orientation this is heavily reflected in the work and why it differs from other authors. I ascended through hyperspace without being on a ship to our origins in cosmos above earths ionosphere and back to solid form I wrote about in my books of new science of the observer from this experience. To my amazement the human DNA handled it that is why the books were written and to understand how visiting Andromeda's fly in hyperspace ships we will build one day also and fly like them who also ascended through training for hyperspace ships flight. 

Me relaxing in my seat in the photo  that is the person behind the work simply this lady who did all the writing art and movies for Hollywood for the next few decades she wrote over 60. Want to know what about? Ah that is Golden City stuff. Where is it?  We're waiting to go ahead with people in Hollywood choosing projects should not be long now. In the mean time if you are interested in Golden City a construct of the author see the sites Golden City Enterprises Google or Marilyn Starlight look those up.

It tamponed itself  this nuclear blast. 

The human biological  instrument is sacred like fine jewelry you don't toss out to buy more wasting it, you revere it for its brilliant function, you save every bit of it for as long as it will last into much longer than people knew in adepts if you don't abuse it.  Lack of appreciation for it results in extinction of a race from too much warring or genetic tampering  destroying the original template that is proven already in other galaxies and on other planets where people expired unknown to anyone from such, revere yourselves authentic and whole and respect the author also that way in these times of ageing sun we need all our own strength to get through it and a clean mind for reincarnated old new children.  

Children are in hypergrowth spurts usually when hyperactive behavior occurs, they may look bigger at the end of such growth spurts, they need activities to run and play as understanding of this not chastized for managing an overwhelmed brain in hypergrowth with intense activity,  remember this as good parents. parks, sports, pools, trampolines etc help.

Masons who hands make and machine stuff furniture homes jewels all over again for to haul your designer sofas and to leave a man behind is not ethical if you can take the man. Transport of goods may be very limited. Lots of good educational opportunities for your young over the next few generations in masonry and sciences, higher masonry are the ship builders and star ships engineers nuclear physicists new including anti gravity and more. So humanity may refine some designs down here then leave most of the goods and take the skills to a new planet.  We can have surplus economy also and never have debt again. That is why the books I wrote, thousands of years later when we began life on this planet as masons, the information is in there what we did what we knew still applicable to day with updates to the same technologies we had then. Invaluable guide to beginning civilization on a new planet missing from Alexandria library brought bac by the authors own memory through history decoding the ancient tablets all the writing on the walls to modernize and take with us awake like we were back then. In Marilyn Starlight's books, the series, What Humanity Never Knew: We Were Born With Spaceships. 

The answers re the business call are this no escort psyche internment or jail was there to stop it nice try. Sales same not once in 20 years. What if they confuse hospitalization with it normal hospitals?  Error. Anyone would get back to them.

This is what was missing from astronomy photos that show new galaxies andromedans said their home usually looks like this and the races are blue the first ones that live in systems that have very little red stars yet and are nearly hidden from sight.  The problem is planets there inhabitable are rare if red giants don't form continents to form a home so they need a few more red giants in this one to form a planet.   

Never make decisions from fear.

Maybe don't race ships light the wrong way guys OK its the people doing this that need to go away from ships contact.  Andromedans said it is during fights conflict a review happens like in hot pictures. Stresses system should not reveres so much. You can do retro styling and movies about the past but if you try to run reality to the past it's no good does weird things to geology also because it changed and you are siting on a new one.   

You cannot play it is rewarded after the earlier game is put away to know. 

For those who don't want others to know about the cuneiform page info well its text books in schools soon so grow up. I have one thing to say die off old dinos you're a has been  the children are learning about he work from my books.


On Golden City people let them go and grow in the world, not even out society, does not work, you kill everything that way, new innovation. They build or what else?   People will catch up when they can and participate more. 

Proof of the cessation of ageing written in my books from observing BME group of students for 10 pre ET engagement en masse then 20 years later is there and why the are to be left alone or suspicion of agenda to take ships from our work which reduced health care costs is there to litigate for those who stayed off porn and line up selling with ageing imposed with it I said no to, only regular sales with no ageing imposed also for too long on it especially. Keep your photos guys with year on back. No to engineering of author to keep it use meiotic stem if you're bothered by anyone and cranial hair archive your own only. on telling ther all kinds of books on ets that told stuff the no telling are crime discovered as activity who took  DNA and money we found out only.  They got to embezzle telling you you can't tell pulling for ships to take customer lists that is the problem with it was if you owed according to them, it was total BS and illegal.   More authority is going after it now to stop it.   ETs said, "if you experienced it you may tell about it good or bad no one stops you from us about engagement with us."
I don't have BME sessions at this time, we have correspondence on the BME site and there is healing information, tons in my books. I'm gearing up for LA to film and have lots of work for this. 

If you want a coffee table book collectors item, order any of Marilyn Starlight's books for stores from B and N books they have original art covers by the author. 

Re alien chronicles documentary on bing news today f  for failure it gives credence to our early civilizations brilliance to us supposedly molded by ets not true it was all our  technologies. I tell about in my books don't bother with this one lame. 
Fact the info in the books is real no bull for stocks that is defamation if you hear it.

Science new age and other lecturers you may retail the tablet books by Marilyn Starlight for your events!  See Golden City Enterprises Golden City Books page for more details.

I have one thing to say to the world VME or like it solves our financial crashes and ends war of the worlds we don't need anything.

This time line is near completion so I miss terribly and will return to Hollywood to do final work before the time line is complete. There is nothing more important to me than this at this time, you will see why later. For Canada I'm still here for now for a short time enjoy my work.  Do you want to participate?  Find all the new artifacts I made, read the books, decode them see my sites Marilyn Starlight .

What is the importance of working with the decoded info in my books? That when you have worked with any BME QMT tools and have the effects on automatic you will need for any space flight like driving a car, you will have a handle in advanced work on the comic handle this way, like soul observance roving it like a person. Your building work is a mechanism that is part of the brilliance of the cosmic observer's hot pictures star to star all over the galaxy illuminating information that you also rove and fire down here to out here back answering it so this information highway should be perfected before we go to a new planet that is why you need the books for your advanced key to it. Should be a collective that fires to a greater or lesser degree to it from what type of work they have.   You can't say I don't want that or you'll get war instead. When the sun is at the endo of its cycle approaching the collective needs to know the fist language and then the second one for its awakening to understanding about the observer to get out of here if it burns.   No it works when they are out of fear if you are in fear it wont work you all create war and illness that is the apocalypse comes from your observer. We've seen that in community fighting.  Science supports the information. It is caused by earth ageing and star extinction from earth changes from this happening loosely called global warming.

Smaller is higher vibration, bigger is slower in quantum states of the same item or object or person. A person is projecting UV or golden field as part of the biology shimmering in higher hyperspace that is a part of their biology here they don't look smaller but the particles are smaller and emanate a bigger field you cannot remove a part of this field to others without missing a part of your body not correct you must all learn to do the glow up with techniques like stars spin from BME to do this yourselves any injury the meiotic ships replace don't pull each others DNA please mostly in cities it leaves a part of their body missing when they comes down to hertz.  

On Angel of Starlight Bonus Chapter content, heart push info and crime, role model parent if it was crime to get the push is interesting as authority over kid grown older wears to age. It appears to happen to abused kids when they grow up if they abuse if not getting therapy or some self work. The way BME trained drop the heart push I discovered is usually their parents did not use quantum mind management they did so it falls away as inner authority over the person. If parents are awake there will be no push if they are youthful and healthy the inner authority is still the kids own however.
Of all my films Post Apocalyptic observer is my introductory movie to all the rest, it is a comedy about what the hell is going on regarding strange incidents all over and what do we need from Hollywood to change something the future in our deep subconscious the big question lurking?

Yes it is true some in a federal government asked me to participate in space program flight of hyperspace capable ships phase two or three of ship building usually when they are ready to fly them. There is no more information at this time but this leaves her spine and brain alone don't ruin chances of success if she flew out of my chair in ascension and came back for real.  Internet has what they're building anti-gravity program.

Smoky star leaking ether that looked like blood was not our sun in news today was another star. 

Do not use them for sexual practices those who stupidly did lowered their frequency to plebian have your intimate time away from high vibration symbols used for building civilizations. 

Why do you say this?  I love you till the cows come home? Who are the cows? What did you used to do when they came home?  Wakey wakey. Where did you go? On what? Why is it in our language? There was no barnyard referred to. Read my books the cows are in there.

Like the ascension we sit and work or walk around in our lives without rushing around in light all the time like freaks in NDE. So, if we run we teleport about a block instead of being in mad dash like mode all the time.

The new military ship looks like an anti-gravity white dove from the USA government bless you for the coming year 2023 for your innovation may you keep building for the future of mankind to have hope and evolution .
Do I need religion to protect my work?  No science likes it. My work is not religious in nature. It is automatically protected when any education uses it or science eg my books by Marilyn Starlight.

Q How does the sun talk to us?

Hot picture watch this video in green phase to see the big flash going off that hits humans to know where it is at that hits us down here. Usually the info hitting us from sun light info hot pictures is pure bursts of starlight it is as joyfulness chiming in our cells basic happiness comes from the sun shining all its might as exuding strong force energy that is picked up by the observer as joyous sun filled energy into us from the sky. Why some without enough sun light exposure in the day have depression. Solar flares have loops that loop back into itself usually if they hit outward breaking it it a stress point it heals growing over sunspots from within for as long as it can if it has 6 or more very big ones andromeans said it begins to red giant usually.  As small and main stars age the apocalyptic movies have increased and hyper giants in our galaxy close by caused this going off as info to the writers that come in waves of solar activity of hot flaring. 

It is inclusive of the ascended masters adept characters, Luna in order to write it you need someone who has done it like the author or it will play cheese without the science included of what they know, like in my books that is there, that is why this author is important to the project and all she knows in her for it. Marilyn Starlight. That is personal and my own corporate secrets also and in my presentation of my work including the science of it the brain is my property other therefore not others mine that accomplished it.

A The core has it form hot pictures of life then it hooks once through the vacuum and spins the record correctly of it all.  It had other stars and planets pictures of around it now that were embedded into the vacuum of space all around it now coming forth like rabbit out of a hat. When it wobbles the core of a new super nova it flips through vacuum like when it enfolds to feel up an object, it's only 'observation' ability as the vacuum of space, it emulates this holding it in that position a point of it that is how it works like a mirror flipped created with mirror matter magically formed now becoming the recording it is experiencing and being. In the vacuum it is dark out here so you have anti matter forming the realization of this sparked to visible light forms mirror matter the silvery subatomic mass. The dark is reflecting back the core of highest energy nuclear force containing all the hyperspace levels of information together it forms hertz to superstring 7 levels in the reality and the record of it in mirror matter also is there shown how its impregnated into the vacuum and creation has it so there record is there like who the brain records it's the same but a huge model in the cosmos of our observer we carry into biological sentient beings with a recorder in our brains. 

The solar systems and other objects systems are the supreme big models of atoms to look at to study how they work in huge quantum land to examine itself showing that by the time you land on a planet, there's mind affecting its activity by builders, so it proves the mind creates all around it its quantum field of experience recorded since our first civilization in Mesopotamia to ancient Egypt and to today that also are made of biologically a microcosm of cells and subatomic particles against a vacuum of inner space like the cosmos. The eye is like the cosmic observer the iris forms around the pupil smaller when you grab an object with your vision to examine it (not unlike the grab of the vacuum on an object that say falls out of a spaceship surrounded by the vacuum all of a sudden) then the ahh that is what it is, the pupil dilates in realization of the observer.  So the vacuum in space information is carried, and when a galaxy is finished, an eye formation forms in the cosmic landscape to look back at us that it was observing from there to down here all along born in us as well itself made solid man with hyperspace navigation capability built into the DNA to go home without death. one day when you fly on a ship out of here to another galactic home you will have experienced this in your education to awaken this within you. if you are looking for information on God from this author, it is now back in science as this presentation. as the awakened observer and where it came from.  That is Golden City and Blue Matrix Energetics from the author in her offerings the authors to train in this in our correspondence courses - Science theory by Marilyn Starlight from memory of the beginning of creation from her ascension experience, opening her holographic record for her to read only from her observer using her DNA by law, to bring to humanity by her free will through her writings.  Enjoy any book by Marilyn Starlight if you liked this information for more of her work. 

So, the continents are spouting new volcanoes and comets are hitting, where do we hide? We don't, we live, it will hit you if you hide, if you're interesting it may hit around you that's the big aspect of our observer out there to here during global warming, the planet and star ageing. Live, live fully and allow others the same.  -Marilyn Starlight

The battle of opinion should starlight live in LA or BC?  One has fault troubles one this its not really a battle we make our own future.

News about San Andrea's fault from andromedans it had sulfur emittance one are far away from men what it is andromedans said is volcanic like activity in one area far way from LA in southern California heating fish and whales if it surfaces to water levels, that they have to keep an eye on. It bubbles in the water.  So it would release the pressure from a volcano like spew that may not detach the continent, but one area would be fired if it goes off the earthquake activity may lessen with pressure release we said they reiterated. Some damage may occur but not whole state are gone.

The Boys series has loosely based content on things that happened for real to the author again in mega cheese.

Wowza what else???  The rays hitting us cosmic may also have had this effect.

I'm here if you love my films and see the vision.  I plan to move to USA to film later as there are so many the work will be on going, I will not even have time to visit Canada much so this makes sense.  They will however have my work here and the people may enjoy the Golden City books art and Golden City offerings here too.

PLEASE NOTE for colleges, medical and other colleges may download my reference books from Golden City Enterprises Golden City books page for tablet and order hard copies. Your copy is complimentary for scholarly review. 

The mysteries of the ages are solved in my books read them today Marilyn Starlight.

You have super strings as observer it is like my invention in my TV show Luna, the quantum computing scroll or menu ring in modern restaurants, you scroll across the ring fast and see icons then stop it opens one, it is same for your information codex it is in the super strings you have to be awake to access your own same way including past lives. Ships cannot do this or you are blown in cerebellum and we war with ets. You have to focus on a picture or symbol and open it yourselves. New science theory on observer by Marilyn Starlight.  See funding author page for Luna sneak peek of what's coming the teachings of BME new science theory about the observer. 

Greys are cloned from andromedan dna and hyper accelerated from fetus of infant to near toddler as grown up type of genetic presentation with long arm rove of gorillas possibly in some. Meiotic stem from humans is used for human DNA cloning repairs of tissue only. Animals are healed from animal stem only. ETs said present this material again some erred thinking we were going to grow you to be grey ets .

All premium ink and paper high quality photos and art reproduction in the pages with the original text by author, 9 by 12 size.  Soft covers, premium ink and paper, glossy soft cover, 8.5 by 11. New 6 x 9 books are there also for the actor's hand book for set listed below.


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